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1184 lines
35 KiB

  1. package api
  2. import (
  3. "context"
  4. "encoding/json"
  5. "errors"
  6. "fmt"
  7. "io"
  8. "io/ioutil"
  9. "math"
  10. "math/big"
  11. "net/http"
  12. "os"
  13. "sort"
  14. "strconv"
  15. "testing"
  16. "time"
  17. ethCommon ""
  18. swagger ""
  19. ""
  20. ""
  21. ""
  22. ""
  23. ""
  24. ""
  25. ""
  26. ""
  27. ""
  28. ""
  29. ""
  30. ""
  31. ""
  32. )
  33. const apiPort = ":4010"
  34. const apiURL = "http://localhost" + apiPort + "/"
  35. type testCommon struct {
  36. blocks []common.Block
  37. tokens []tokenAPI
  38. batches []common.Batch
  39. usrAddr string
  40. usrBjj string
  41. accs []common.Account
  42. usrTxs []historyTxAPI
  43. allTxs []historyTxAPI
  44. exits []exitAPI
  45. usrExits []exitAPI
  46. router *swagger.Router
  47. }
  48. // TxSortFields represents the fields needed to sort L1 and L2 transactions
  49. type txSortFields struct {
  50. BatchNum *common.BatchNum
  51. Position int
  52. }
  53. // TxSortFielder is a interface that allows sorting L1 and L2 transactions in a combined way
  54. type txSortFielder interface {
  55. SortFields() txSortFields
  56. L1() *common.L1Tx
  57. L2() *common.L2Tx
  58. }
  59. // TxsSort array of TxSortFielder
  60. type txsSort []txSortFielder
  61. func (t txsSort) Len() int { return len(t) }
  62. func (t txsSort) Swap(i, j int) { t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] }
  63. func (t txsSort) Less(i, j int) bool {
  64. // i not forged yet
  65. isf := t[i].SortFields()
  66. jsf := t[j].SortFields()
  67. if isf.BatchNum == nil {
  68. if jsf.BatchNum != nil { // j is already forged
  69. return false
  70. }
  71. // Both aren't forged, is i in a smaller position?
  72. return isf.Position < jsf.Position
  73. }
  74. // i is forged
  75. if jsf.BatchNum == nil {
  76. return false // j is not forged
  77. }
  78. // Both are forged
  79. if *isf.BatchNum == *jsf.BatchNum {
  80. // At the same batch, is i in a smaller position?
  81. return isf.Position < jsf.Position
  82. }
  83. // At different batches, is i in a smaller batch?
  84. return *isf.BatchNum < *jsf.BatchNum
  85. }
  86. type wrappedL1 common.L1Tx
  87. // SortFields implements TxSortFielder
  88. func (tx *wrappedL1) SortFields() txSortFields {
  89. return txSortFields{
  90. BatchNum: tx.BatchNum,
  91. Position: tx.Position,
  92. }
  93. }
  94. // L1 implements TxSortFielder
  95. func (tx *wrappedL1) L1() *common.L1Tx {
  96. l1tx := common.L1Tx(*tx)
  97. return &l1tx
  98. }
  99. // L2 implements TxSortFielder
  100. func (tx *wrappedL1) L2() *common.L2Tx { return nil }
  101. type wrappedL2 common.L2Tx
  102. // SortFields implements TxSortFielder
  103. func (tx *wrappedL2) SortFields() txSortFields {
  104. return txSortFields{
  105. BatchNum: &tx.BatchNum,
  106. Position: tx.Position,
  107. }
  108. }
  109. // L1 implements TxSortFielder
  110. func (tx *wrappedL2) L1() *common.L1Tx { return nil }
  111. // L2 implements TxSortFielder
  112. func (tx *wrappedL2) L2() *common.L2Tx {
  113. l2tx := common.L2Tx(*tx)
  114. return &l2tx
  115. }
  116. var tc testCommon
  117. var config configAPI
  118. func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
  119. // Init swagger
  120. router := swagger.NewRouter().WithSwaggerFromFile("./swagger.yml")
  121. // Init DBs
  122. // HistoryDB
  123. pass := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASS")
  124. database, err := db.InitSQLDB(5432, "localhost", "hermez", pass, "hermez")
  125. if err != nil {
  126. panic(err)
  127. }
  128. hdb := historydb.NewHistoryDB(database)
  129. err = hdb.Reorg(-1)
  130. if err != nil {
  131. panic(err)
  132. }
  133. // StateDB
  134. dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpdb")
  135. if err != nil {
  136. panic(err)
  137. }
  138. defer func() {
  139. if err := os.RemoveAll(dir); err != nil {
  140. panic(err)
  141. }
  142. }()
  143. sdb, err := statedb.NewStateDB(dir, statedb.TypeTxSelector, 0)
  144. if err != nil {
  145. panic(err)
  146. }
  147. // L2DB
  148. l2DB := l2db.NewL2DB(database, 10, 100, 24*time.Hour)
  149. test.CleanL2DB(l2DB.DB())
  150. config.RollupConstants.ExchangeMultiplier = eth.RollupConstExchangeMultiplier
  151. config.RollupConstants.ExitIdx = eth.RollupConstExitIDx
  152. config.RollupConstants.ReservedIdx = eth.RollupConstReservedIDx
  153. config.RollupConstants.LimitLoadAmount, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("340282366920938463463374607431768211456", 10)
  154. config.RollupConstants.LimitL2TransferAmount, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("6277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444464034512896", 10)
  155. config.RollupConstants.LimitTokens = eth.RollupConstLimitTokens
  156. config.RollupConstants.L1CoordinatorTotalBytes = eth.RollupConstL1CoordinatorTotalBytes
  157. config.RollupConstants.L1UserTotalBytes = eth.RollupConstL1UserTotalBytes
  158. config.RollupConstants.MaxL1UserTx = eth.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx
  159. config.RollupConstants.MaxL1Tx = eth.RollupConstMaxL1Tx
  160. config.RollupConstants.InputSHAConstantBytes = eth.RollupConstInputSHAConstantBytes
  161. config.RollupConstants.NumBuckets = eth.RollupConstNumBuckets
  162. config.RollupConstants.MaxWithdrawalDelay = eth.RollupConstMaxWithdrawalDelay
  163. var rollupPublicConstants eth.RollupPublicConstants
  164. rollupPublicConstants.AbsoluteMaxL1L2BatchTimeout = 240
  165. rollupPublicConstants.HermezAuctionContract = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0x500D1d6A4c7D8Ae28240b47c8FCde034D827fD5e")
  166. rollupPublicConstants.HermezGovernanceDAOAddress = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xeAD9C93b79Ae7C1591b1FB5323BD777E86e150d4")
  167. rollupPublicConstants.SafetyAddress = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xE5904695748fe4A84b40b3fc79De2277660BD1D3")
  168. rollupPublicConstants.TokenHEZ = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xf784709d2317D872237C4bC22f867d1BAe2913AB")
  169. rollupPublicConstants.WithdrawDelayerContract = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xD6C850aeBFDC46D7F4c207e445cC0d6B0919BDBe")
  170. var verifier eth.RollupVerifierStruct
  171. verifier.MaxTx = 512
  172. verifier.NLevels = 32
  173. rollupPublicConstants.Verifiers = append(rollupPublicConstants.Verifiers, verifier)
  174. var auctionConstants eth.AuctionConstants
  175. auctionConstants.BlocksPerSlot = 40
  176. auctionConstants.GenesisBlockNum = 100
  177. auctionConstants.GovernanceAddress = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xeAD9C93b79Ae7C1591b1FB5323BD777E86e150d4")
  178. auctionConstants.InitialMinimalBidding, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("10000000000000000000", 10)
  179. auctionConstants.HermezRollup = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xEa960515F8b4C237730F028cBAcF0a28E7F45dE0")
  180. auctionConstants.TokenHEZ = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xf784709d2317D872237C4bC22f867d1BAe2913AB")
  181. var wdelayerConstants eth.WDelayerConstants
  182. wdelayerConstants.HermezRollup = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xEa960515F8b4C237730F028cBAcF0a28E7F45dE0")
  183. wdelayerConstants.MaxEmergencyModeTime = uint64(1000000)
  184. wdelayerConstants.MaxWithdrawalDelay = uint64(10000000)
  185. config.RollupConstants.PublicConstants = rollupPublicConstants
  186. config.AuctionConstants = auctionConstants
  187. config.WDelayerConstants = wdelayerConstants
  188. // Init API
  189. api := gin.Default()
  190. if err := SetAPIEndpoints(
  191. true,
  192. true,
  193. api,
  194. hdb,
  195. sdb,
  196. l2DB,
  197. &config,
  198. ); err != nil {
  199. panic(err)
  200. }
  201. // Start server
  202. server := &http.Server{Addr: apiPort, Handler: api}
  203. go func() {
  204. if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil &&
  205. err != http.ErrServerClosed {
  206. panic(err)
  207. }
  208. }()
  209. // Populate DBs
  210. // Clean DB
  211. err = h.Reorg(0)
  212. if err != nil {
  213. panic(err)
  214. }
  215. // Gen blocks and add them to DB
  216. const nBlocks = 5
  217. blocks := test.GenBlocks(1, nBlocks+1)
  218. err = h.AddBlocks(blocks)
  219. if err != nil {
  220. panic(err)
  221. }
  222. // Gen tokens and add them to DB
  223. const nTokens = 10
  224. tokens := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks)
  225. err = h.AddTokens(tokens)
  226. if err != nil {
  227. panic(err)
  228. }
  229. // Set token value
  230. tokensUSD := []tokenAPI{}
  231. for i, tkn := range tokens {
  232. token := tokenAPI{
  233. TokenID: tkn.TokenID,
  234. EthBlockNum: tkn.EthBlockNum,
  235. EthAddr: tkn.EthAddr,
  236. Name: tkn.Name,
  237. Symbol: tkn.Symbol,
  238. Decimals: tkn.Decimals,
  239. }
  240. // Set value of 50% of the tokens
  241. if i%2 != 0 {
  242. value := float64(i) * 1.234567
  243. now := time.Now().UTC()
  244. token.USD = &value
  245. token.USDUpdate = &now
  246. err = h.UpdateTokenValue(token.Symbol, value)
  247. if err != nil {
  248. panic(err)
  249. }
  250. }
  251. tokensUSD = append(tokensUSD, token)
  252. }
  253. // Gen batches and add them to DB
  254. const nBatches = 10
  255. batches := test.GenBatches(nBatches, blocks)
  256. err = h.AddBatches(batches)
  257. if err != nil {
  258. panic(err)
  259. }
  260. // Gen accounts and add them to DB
  261. const totalAccounts = 40
  262. const userAccounts = 4
  263. usrAddr := ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(4896847))
  264. privK := babyjub.NewRandPrivKey()
  265. usrBjj := privK.Public()
  266. accs := test.GenAccounts(totalAccounts, userAccounts, tokens, &usrAddr, usrBjj, batches)
  267. err = h.AddAccounts(accs)
  268. if err != nil {
  269. panic(err)
  270. }
  271. // Gen exits and add them to DB
  272. const totalExits = 40
  273. exits := test.GenExitTree(totalExits, batches, accs)
  274. err = h.AddExitTree(exits)
  275. if err != nil {
  276. panic(err)
  277. }
  278. // Gen L1Txs and add them to DB
  279. const totalL1Txs = 40
  280. const userL1Txs = 4
  281. usrL1Txs, othrL1Txs := test.GenL1Txs(256, totalL1Txs, userL1Txs, &usrAddr, accs, tokens, blocks, batches)
  282. // Gen L2Txs and add them to DB
  283. const totalL2Txs = 20
  284. const userL2Txs = 4
  285. usrL2Txs, othrL2Txs := test.GenL2Txs(256+totalL1Txs, totalL2Txs, userL2Txs, &usrAddr, accs, tokens, blocks, batches)
  286. // Order txs
  287. sortedTxs := []txSortFielder{}
  288. for i := 0; i < len(usrL1Txs); i++ {
  289. wL1 := wrappedL1(usrL1Txs[i])
  290. sortedTxs = append(sortedTxs, &wL1)
  291. }
  292. for i := 0; i < len(othrL1Txs); i++ {
  293. wL1 := wrappedL1(othrL1Txs[i])
  294. sortedTxs = append(sortedTxs, &wL1)
  295. }
  296. for i := 0; i < len(usrL2Txs); i++ {
  297. wL2 := wrappedL2(usrL2Txs[i])
  298. sortedTxs = append(sortedTxs, &wL2)
  299. }
  300. for i := 0; i < len(othrL2Txs); i++ {
  301. wL2 := wrappedL2(othrL2Txs[i])
  302. sortedTxs = append(sortedTxs, &wL2)
  303. }
  304. sort.Sort(txsSort(sortedTxs))
  305. // Add txs to DB and prepare them for test commons
  306. usrTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  307. allTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  308. getTimestamp := func(blockNum int64) time.Time {
  309. for i := 0; i < len(blocks); i++ {
  310. if blocks[i].EthBlockNum == blockNum {
  311. return blocks[i].Timestamp
  312. }
  313. }
  314. panic("timesamp not found")
  315. }
  316. getToken := func(id common.TokenID) tokenAPI {
  317. for i := 0; i < len(tokensUSD); i++ {
  318. if tokensUSD[i].TokenID == id {
  319. return tokensUSD[i]
  320. }
  321. }
  322. panic("token not found")
  323. }
  324. getTokenByIdx := func(idx common.Idx) tokenAPI {
  325. for _, acc := range accs {
  326. if idx == acc.Idx {
  327. return getToken(acc.TokenID)
  328. }
  329. }
  330. panic("token not found")
  331. }
  332. usrIdxs := []string{}
  333. for _, acc := range accs {
  334. if acc.EthAddr == usrAddr || acc.PublicKey == usrBjj {
  335. for _, token := range tokens {
  336. if token.TokenID == acc.TokenID {
  337. usrIdxs = append(usrIdxs, idxToHez(acc.Idx, token.Symbol))
  338. }
  339. }
  340. }
  341. }
  342. isUsrTx := func(tx historyTxAPI) bool {
  343. for _, idx := range usrIdxs {
  344. if tx.FromIdx != nil && *tx.FromIdx == idx {
  345. return true
  346. }
  347. if tx.ToIdx == idx {
  348. return true
  349. }
  350. }
  351. return false
  352. }
  353. for _, genericTx := range sortedTxs {
  354. l1 := genericTx.L1()
  355. l2 := genericTx.L2()
  356. if l1 != nil {
  357. // Add L1 tx to DB
  358. err = h.AddL1Txs([]common.L1Tx{*l1})
  359. if err != nil {
  360. panic(err)
  361. }
  362. // L1Tx ==> historyTxAPI
  363. token := getToken(l1.TokenID)
  364. tx := historyTxAPI{
  365. IsL1: "L1",
  366. TxID: l1.TxID.String(),
  367. Type: l1.Type,
  368. Position: l1.Position,
  369. ToIdx: idxToHez(l1.ToIdx, token.Symbol),
  370. Amount: l1.Amount.String(),
  371. BatchNum: l1.BatchNum,
  372. Timestamp: getTimestamp(l1.EthBlockNum),
  373. L1Info: &l1Info{
  374. ToForgeL1TxsNum: l1.ToForgeL1TxsNum,
  375. UserOrigin: l1.UserOrigin,
  376. FromEthAddr: ethAddrToHez(l1.FromEthAddr),
  377. FromBJJ: bjjToString(l1.FromBJJ),
  378. LoadAmount: l1.LoadAmount.String(),
  379. EthBlockNum: l1.EthBlockNum,
  380. },
  381. Token: token,
  382. }
  383. if l1.FromIdx != 0 {
  384. idxStr := idxToHez(l1.FromIdx, token.Symbol)
  385. tx.FromIdx = &idxStr
  386. }
  387. if token.USD != nil {
  388. af := new(big.Float).SetInt(l1.Amount)
  389. amountFloat, _ := af.Float64()
  390. usd := *token.USD * amountFloat / math.Pow(10, float64(token.Decimals))
  391. tx.HistoricUSD = &usd
  392. laf := new(big.Float).SetInt(l1.LoadAmount)
  393. loadAmountFloat, _ := laf.Float64()
  394. loadUSD := *token.USD * loadAmountFloat / math.Pow(10, float64(token.Decimals))
  395. tx.L1Info.HistoricLoadAmountUSD = &loadUSD
  396. }
  397. allTxs = append(allTxs, tx)
  398. if isUsrTx(tx) {
  399. usrTxs = append(usrTxs, tx)
  400. }
  401. } else {
  402. // Add L2 tx to DB
  403. err = h.AddL2Txs([]common.L2Tx{*l2})
  404. if err != nil {
  405. panic(err)
  406. }
  407. // L2Tx ==> historyTxAPI
  408. var tokenID common.TokenID
  409. found := false
  410. for _, acc := range accs {
  411. if acc.Idx == l2.FromIdx {
  412. found = true
  413. tokenID = acc.TokenID
  414. break
  415. }
  416. }
  417. if !found {
  418. panic("tokenID not found")
  419. }
  420. token := getToken(tokenID)
  421. tx := historyTxAPI{
  422. IsL1: "L2",
  423. TxID: l2.TxID.String(),
  424. Type: l2.Type,
  425. Position: l2.Position,
  426. ToIdx: idxToHez(l2.ToIdx, token.Symbol),
  427. Amount: l2.Amount.String(),
  428. BatchNum: &l2.BatchNum,
  429. Timestamp: getTimestamp(l2.EthBlockNum),
  430. L2Info: &l2Info{
  431. Nonce: l2.Nonce,
  432. Fee: l2.Fee,
  433. },
  434. Token: token,
  435. }
  436. if l2.FromIdx != 0 {
  437. idxStr := idxToHez(l2.FromIdx, token.Symbol)
  438. tx.FromIdx = &idxStr
  439. }
  440. if token.USD != nil {
  441. af := new(big.Float).SetInt(l2.Amount)
  442. amountFloat, _ := af.Float64()
  443. usd := *token.USD * amountFloat / math.Pow(10, float64(token.Decimals))
  444. tx.HistoricUSD = &usd
  445. feeUSD := usd * l2.Fee.Percentage()
  446. tx.HistoricUSD = &usd
  447. tx.L2Info.HistoricFeeUSD = &feeUSD
  448. }
  449. allTxs = append(allTxs, tx)
  450. if isUsrTx(tx) {
  451. usrTxs = append(usrTxs, tx)
  452. }
  453. }
  454. }
  455. // Transform exits to API
  456. exitsToAPIExits := func(exits []common.ExitInfo, accs []common.Account, tokens []common.Token) []exitAPI {
  457. historyExits := []historydb.HistoryExit{}
  458. for _, exit := range exits {
  459. token := getTokenByIdx(exit.AccountIdx)
  460. historyExits = append(historyExits, historydb.HistoryExit{
  461. BatchNum: exit.BatchNum,
  462. AccountIdx: exit.AccountIdx,
  463. MerkleProof: exit.MerkleProof,
  464. Balance: exit.Balance,
  465. InstantWithdrawn: exit.InstantWithdrawn,
  466. DelayedWithdrawRequest: exit.DelayedWithdrawRequest,
  467. DelayedWithdrawn: exit.DelayedWithdrawn,
  468. TokenID: token.TokenID,
  469. TokenEthBlockNum: token.EthBlockNum,
  470. TokenEthAddr: token.EthAddr,
  471. TokenName: token.Name,
  472. TokenSymbol: token.Symbol,
  473. TokenDecimals: token.Decimals,
  474. TokenUSD: token.USD,
  475. TokenUSDUpdate: token.USDUpdate,
  476. })
  477. }
  478. return historyExitsToAPI(historyExits)
  479. }
  480. apiExits := exitsToAPIExits(exits, accs, tokens)
  481. // sort.Sort(apiExits)
  482. usrExits := []exitAPI{}
  483. for _, exit := range apiExits {
  484. for _, idx := range usrIdxs {
  485. if idx == exit.AccountIdx {
  486. usrExits = append(usrExits, exit)
  487. }
  488. }
  489. }
  490. tc = testCommon{
  491. blocks: blocks,
  492. tokens: tokensUSD,
  493. batches: batches,
  494. usrAddr: ethAddrToHez(usrAddr),
  495. usrBjj: bjjToString(usrBjj),
  496. accs: accs,
  497. usrTxs: usrTxs,
  498. allTxs: allTxs,
  499. exits: apiExits,
  500. usrExits: usrExits,
  501. router: router,
  502. }
  503. // Run tests
  504. result := m.Run()
  505. // Stop server
  506. if err := server.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
  507. panic(err)
  508. }
  509. if err := database.Close(); err != nil {
  510. panic(err)
  511. }
  512. os.Exit(result)
  513. }
  514. func TestGetHistoryTxs(t *testing.T) {
  515. endpoint := apiURL + "transactions-history"
  516. fetchedTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  517. appendIter := func(intr interface{}) {
  518. for i := 0; i < len(intr.(*historyTxsAPI).Txs); i++ {
  519. tmp, err := copystructure.Copy(intr.(*historyTxsAPI).Txs[i])
  520. if err != nil {
  521. panic(err)
  522. }
  523. fetchedTxs = append(fetchedTxs, tmp.(historyTxAPI))
  524. }
  525. }
  526. // Get all (no filters)
  527. limit := 8
  528. path := fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, limit)
  529. err := doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  530. assert.NoError(t, err)
  531. assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, tc.allTxs, fetchedTxs)
  532. // Uncomment once tx generation for tests is fixed
  533. // // Get by ethAddr
  534. // fetchedTxs = []historyTxAPI{}
  535. // limit = 7
  536. // path = fmt.Sprintf(
  537. // "%s?hermezEthereumAddress=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  538. // endpoint, tc.usrAddr, limit,
  539. // )
  540. // err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  541. // assert.NoError(t, err)
  542. // assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, tc.usrTxs, fetchedTxs)
  543. // // Get by bjj
  544. // fetchedTxs = []historyTxAPI{}
  545. // limit = 6
  546. // path = fmt.Sprintf(
  547. // "%s?BJJ=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  548. // endpoint, tc.usrBjj, limit,
  549. // )
  550. // err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  551. // assert.NoError(t, err)
  552. // assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, tc.usrTxs, fetchedTxs)
  553. // Get by tokenID
  554. fetchedTxs = []historyTxAPI{}
  555. limit = 5
  556. tokenID := tc.allTxs[0].Token.TokenID
  557. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  558. "%s?tokenId=%d&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  559. endpoint, tokenID, limit,
  560. )
  561. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  562. assert.NoError(t, err)
  563. tokenIDTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  564. for i := 0; i < len(tc.allTxs); i++ {
  565. if tc.allTxs[i].Token.TokenID == tokenID {
  566. tokenIDTxs = append(tokenIDTxs, tc.allTxs[i])
  567. }
  568. }
  569. assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, tokenIDTxs, fetchedTxs)
  570. // idx
  571. fetchedTxs = []historyTxAPI{}
  572. limit = 4
  573. idx := tc.allTxs[0].ToIdx
  574. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  575. "%s?accountIndex=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  576. endpoint, idx, limit,
  577. )
  578. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  579. assert.NoError(t, err)
  580. idxTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  581. for i := 0; i < len(tc.allTxs); i++ {
  582. if (tc.allTxs[i].FromIdx != nil && (*tc.allTxs[i].FromIdx)[6:] == idx[6:]) ||
  583. tc.allTxs[i].ToIdx[6:] == idx[6:] {
  584. idxTxs = append(idxTxs, tc.allTxs[i])
  585. }
  586. }
  587. assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, idxTxs, fetchedTxs)
  588. // batchNum
  589. fetchedTxs = []historyTxAPI{}
  590. limit = 3
  591. batchNum := tc.allTxs[0].BatchNum
  592. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  593. "%s?batchNum=%d&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  594. endpoint, *batchNum, limit,
  595. )
  596. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  597. assert.NoError(t, err)
  598. batchNumTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  599. for i := 0; i < len(tc.allTxs); i++ {
  600. if tc.allTxs[i].BatchNum != nil &&
  601. *tc.allTxs[i].BatchNum == *batchNum {
  602. batchNumTxs = append(batchNumTxs, tc.allTxs[i])
  603. }
  604. }
  605. assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, batchNumTxs, fetchedTxs)
  606. // type
  607. txTypes := []common.TxType{
  608. // Uncomment once test gen is fixed
  609. // common.TxTypeExit,
  610. // common.TxTypeTransfer,
  611. // common.TxTypeDeposit,
  612. common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit,
  613. // common.TxTypeCreateAccountDepositTransfer,
  614. // common.TxTypeDepositTransfer,
  615. common.TxTypeForceTransfer,
  616. // common.TxTypeForceExit,
  617. // common.TxTypeTransferToEthAddr,
  618. // common.TxTypeTransferToBJJ,
  619. }
  620. for _, txType := range txTypes {
  621. fetchedTxs = []historyTxAPI{}
  622. limit = 2
  623. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  624. "%s?type=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  625. endpoint, txType, limit,
  626. )
  627. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  628. assert.NoError(t, err)
  629. txTypeTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  630. for i := 0; i < len(tc.allTxs); i++ {
  631. if tc.allTxs[i].Type == txType {
  632. txTypeTxs = append(txTypeTxs, tc.allTxs[i])
  633. }
  634. }
  635. assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, txTypeTxs, fetchedTxs)
  636. }
  637. // Multiple filters
  638. fetchedTxs = []historyTxAPI{}
  639. limit = 1
  640. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  641. "%s?batchNum=%d&tokenId=%d&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  642. endpoint, *batchNum, tokenID, limit,
  643. )
  644. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  645. assert.NoError(t, err)
  646. mixedTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  647. for i := 0; i < len(tc.allTxs); i++ {
  648. if tc.allTxs[i].BatchNum != nil {
  649. if *tc.allTxs[i].BatchNum == *batchNum && tc.allTxs[i].Token.TokenID == tokenID {
  650. mixedTxs = append(mixedTxs, tc.allTxs[i])
  651. }
  652. }
  653. }
  654. assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, mixedTxs, fetchedTxs)
  655. // All, in reverse order
  656. fetchedTxs = []historyTxAPI{}
  657. limit = 5
  658. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, limit)
  659. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderDesc, &historyTxsAPI{}, appendIter)
  660. assert.NoError(t, err)
  661. flipedTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  662. for i := 0; i < len(tc.allTxs); i++ {
  663. flipedTxs = append(flipedTxs, tc.allTxs[len(tc.allTxs)-1-i])
  664. }
  665. assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, flipedTxs, fetchedTxs)
  666. // 400
  667. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  668. "%s?accountIndex=%s&hermezEthereumAddress=%s",
  669. endpoint, idx, tc.usrAddr,
  670. )
  671. err = doBadReq("GET", path, nil, 400)
  672. assert.NoError(t, err)
  673. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?tokenId=X", endpoint)
  674. err = doBadReq("GET", path, nil, 400)
  675. assert.NoError(t, err)
  676. // 404
  677. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?batchNum=999999", endpoint)
  678. err = doBadReq("GET", path, nil, 404)
  679. assert.NoError(t, err)
  680. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=1000&fromItem=999999", endpoint)
  681. err = doBadReq("GET", path, nil, 404)
  682. assert.NoError(t, err)
  683. }
  684. func TestGetHistoryTx(t *testing.T) {
  685. // Get all txs by their ID
  686. endpoint := apiURL + "transactions-history/"
  687. fetchedTxs := []historyTxAPI{}
  688. for _, tx := range tc.allTxs {
  689. fetchedTx := historyTxAPI{}
  690. assert.NoError(t, doGoodReq("GET", endpoint+tx.TxID, nil, &fetchedTx))
  691. fetchedTxs = append(fetchedTxs, fetchedTx)
  692. }
  693. assertHistoryTxAPIs(t, tc.allTxs, fetchedTxs)
  694. // 400
  695. err := doBadReq("GET", endpoint+"0x001", nil, 400)
  696. assert.NoError(t, err)
  697. // 404
  698. err = doBadReq("GET", endpoint+"0x00000000000001e240004700", nil, 404)
  699. assert.NoError(t, err)
  700. }
  701. func assertHistoryTxAPIs(t *testing.T, expected, actual []historyTxAPI) {
  702. require.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual))
  703. for i := 0; i < len(actual); i++ { //nolint len(actual) won't change within the loop
  704. actual[i].ItemID = 0
  705. assert.Equal(t, expected[i].Timestamp.Unix(), actual[i].Timestamp.Unix())
  706. expected[i].Timestamp = actual[i].Timestamp
  707. if expected[i].Token.USDUpdate == nil {
  708. assert.Equal(t, expected[i].Token.USDUpdate, actual[i].Token.USDUpdate)
  709. } else {
  710. assert.Equal(t, expected[i].Token.USDUpdate.Unix(), actual[i].Token.USDUpdate.Unix())
  711. expected[i].Token.USDUpdate = actual[i].Token.USDUpdate
  712. }
  713. test.AssertUSD(t, expected[i].HistoricUSD, actual[i].HistoricUSD)
  714. if expected[i].L2Info != nil {
  715. test.AssertUSD(t, expected[i].L2Info.HistoricFeeUSD, actual[i].L2Info.HistoricFeeUSD)
  716. } else {
  717. test.AssertUSD(t, expected[i].L1Info.HistoricLoadAmountUSD, actual[i].L1Info.HistoricLoadAmountUSD)
  718. }
  719. assert.Equal(t, expected[i], actual[i])
  720. }
  721. }
  722. func TestGetExits(t *testing.T) {
  723. endpoint := apiURL + "exits"
  724. fetchedExits := []exitAPI{}
  725. appendIter := func(intr interface{}) {
  726. for i := 0; i < len(intr.(*exitsAPI).Exits); i++ {
  727. tmp, err := copystructure.Copy(intr.(*exitsAPI).Exits[i])
  728. if err != nil {
  729. panic(err)
  730. }
  731. fetchedExits = append(fetchedExits, tmp.(exitAPI))
  732. }
  733. }
  734. // Get all (no filters)
  735. limit := 8
  736. path := fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, limit)
  737. err := doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &exitsAPI{}, appendIter)
  738. assert.NoError(t, err)
  739. assertExitAPIs(t, tc.exits, fetchedExits)
  740. // Get by ethAddr
  741. fetchedExits = []exitAPI{}
  742. limit = 7
  743. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  744. "%s?hermezEthereumAddress=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  745. endpoint, tc.usrAddr, limit,
  746. )
  747. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &exitsAPI{}, appendIter)
  748. assert.NoError(t, err)
  749. assertExitAPIs(t, tc.usrExits, fetchedExits)
  750. // Get by bjj
  751. fetchedExits = []exitAPI{}
  752. limit = 6
  753. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  754. "%s?BJJ=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  755. endpoint, tc.usrBjj, limit,
  756. )
  757. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &exitsAPI{}, appendIter)
  758. assert.NoError(t, err)
  759. assertExitAPIs(t, tc.usrExits, fetchedExits)
  760. // Get by tokenID
  761. fetchedExits = []exitAPI{}
  762. limit = 5
  763. tokenID := tc.exits[0].Token.TokenID
  764. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  765. "%s?tokenId=%d&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  766. endpoint, tokenID, limit,
  767. )
  768. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &exitsAPI{}, appendIter)
  769. assert.NoError(t, err)
  770. tokenIDExits := []exitAPI{}
  771. for i := 0; i < len(tc.exits); i++ {
  772. if tc.exits[i].Token.TokenID == tokenID {
  773. tokenIDExits = append(tokenIDExits, tc.exits[i])
  774. }
  775. }
  776. assertExitAPIs(t, tokenIDExits, fetchedExits)
  777. // idx
  778. fetchedExits = []exitAPI{}
  779. limit = 4
  780. idx := tc.exits[0].AccountIdx
  781. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  782. "%s?accountIndex=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  783. endpoint, idx, limit,
  784. )
  785. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &exitsAPI{}, appendIter)
  786. assert.NoError(t, err)
  787. idxExits := []exitAPI{}
  788. for i := 0; i < len(tc.exits); i++ {
  789. if tc.exits[i].AccountIdx[6:] == idx[6:] {
  790. idxExits = append(idxExits, tc.exits[i])
  791. }
  792. }
  793. assertExitAPIs(t, idxExits, fetchedExits)
  794. // batchNum
  795. fetchedExits = []exitAPI{}
  796. limit = 3
  797. batchNum := tc.exits[0].BatchNum
  798. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  799. "%s?batchNum=%d&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  800. endpoint, batchNum, limit,
  801. )
  802. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &exitsAPI{}, appendIter)
  803. assert.NoError(t, err)
  804. batchNumExits := []exitAPI{}
  805. for i := 0; i < len(tc.exits); i++ {
  806. if tc.exits[i].BatchNum == batchNum {
  807. batchNumExits = append(batchNumExits, tc.exits[i])
  808. }
  809. }
  810. assertExitAPIs(t, batchNumExits, fetchedExits)
  811. // Multiple filters
  812. fetchedExits = []exitAPI{}
  813. limit = 1
  814. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  815. "%s?batchNum=%d&tokeId=%d&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  816. endpoint, batchNum, tokenID, limit,
  817. )
  818. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &exitsAPI{}, appendIter)
  819. assert.NoError(t, err)
  820. mixedExits := []exitAPI{}
  821. flipedExits := []exitAPI{}
  822. for i := 0; i < len(tc.exits); i++ {
  823. if tc.exits[i].BatchNum == batchNum && tc.exits[i].Token.TokenID == tokenID {
  824. mixedExits = append(mixedExits, tc.exits[i])
  825. }
  826. flipedExits = append(flipedExits, tc.exits[len(tc.exits)-1-i])
  827. }
  828. assertExitAPIs(t, mixedExits, fetchedExits)
  829. // All, in reverse order
  830. fetchedExits = []exitAPI{}
  831. limit = 5
  832. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, limit)
  833. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderDesc, &exitsAPI{}, appendIter)
  834. assert.NoError(t, err)
  835. assertExitAPIs(t, flipedExits, fetchedExits)
  836. // 400
  837. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  838. "%s?accountIndex=%s&hermezEthereumAddress=%s",
  839. endpoint, idx, tc.usrAddr,
  840. )
  841. err = doBadReq("GET", path, nil, 400)
  842. assert.NoError(t, err)
  843. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?tokenId=X", endpoint)
  844. err = doBadReq("GET", path, nil, 400)
  845. assert.NoError(t, err)
  846. // 404
  847. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?batchNum=999999", endpoint)
  848. err = doBadReq("GET", path, nil, 404)
  849. assert.NoError(t, err)
  850. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=1000&fromItem=1000", endpoint)
  851. err = doBadReq("GET", path, nil, 404)
  852. assert.NoError(t, err)
  853. }
  854. func TestGetExit(t *testing.T) {
  855. // Get all txs by their ID
  856. endpoint := apiURL + "exits/"
  857. fetchedExits := []exitAPI{}
  858. for _, exit := range tc.exits {
  859. fetchedExit := exitAPI{}
  860. assert.NoError(
  861. t, doGoodReq(
  862. "GET",
  863. fmt.Sprintf("%s%d/%s", endpoint, exit.BatchNum, exit.AccountIdx),
  864. nil, &fetchedExit,
  865. ),
  866. )
  867. fetchedExits = append(fetchedExits, fetchedExit)
  868. }
  869. assertExitAPIs(t, tc.exits, fetchedExits)
  870. // 400
  871. err := doBadReq("GET", endpoint+"1/haz:BOOM:1", nil, 400)
  872. assert.NoError(t, err)
  873. err = doBadReq("GET", endpoint+"-1/hez:BOOM:1", nil, 400)
  874. assert.NoError(t, err)
  875. // 404
  876. err = doBadReq("GET", endpoint+"494/hez:XXX:1", nil, 404)
  877. assert.NoError(t, err)
  878. }
  879. func assertExitAPIs(t *testing.T, expected, actual []exitAPI) {
  880. require.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual))
  881. for i := 0; i < len(actual); i++ { //nolint len(actual) won't change within the loop
  882. actual[i].ItemID = 0
  883. if expected[i].Token.USDUpdate == nil {
  884. assert.Equal(t, expected[i].Token.USDUpdate, actual[i].Token.USDUpdate)
  885. } else {
  886. assert.Equal(t, expected[i].Token.USDUpdate.Unix(), actual[i].Token.USDUpdate.Unix())
  887. expected[i].Token.USDUpdate = actual[i].Token.USDUpdate
  888. }
  889. assert.Equal(t, expected[i], actual[i])
  890. }
  891. }
  892. func TestGetToken(t *testing.T) {
  893. // Get all txs by their ID
  894. endpoint := apiURL + "tokens/"
  895. fetchedTokens := []tokenAPI{}
  896. for _, token := range tc.tokens {
  897. fetchedToken := tokenAPI{}
  898. assert.NoError(t, doGoodReq("GET", endpoint+strconv.Itoa(int(token.TokenID)), nil, &fetchedToken))
  899. fetchedTokens = append(fetchedTokens, fetchedToken)
  900. }
  901. assertTokensAPIs(t, tc.tokens, fetchedTokens)
  902. }
  903. func TestGetTokens(t *testing.T) {
  904. endpoint := apiURL + "tokens"
  905. fetchedTokens := []tokenAPI{}
  906. appendIter := func(intr interface{}) {
  907. for i := 0; i < len(intr.(*tokensAPI).Tokens); i++ {
  908. tmp, err := copystructure.Copy(intr.(*tokensAPI).Tokens[i])
  909. if err != nil {
  910. panic(err)
  911. }
  912. fetchedTokens = append(fetchedTokens, tmp.(tokenAPI))
  913. }
  914. }
  915. // Get all (no filters)
  916. limit := 8
  917. path := fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, limit)
  918. err := doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &tokensAPI{}, appendIter)
  919. assert.NoError(t, err)
  920. assertTokensAPIs(t, tc.tokens, fetchedTokens)
  921. // Get by tokenIds
  922. fetchedTokens = []tokenAPI{}
  923. limit = 7
  924. stringIds := strconv.Itoa(int(tc.tokens[2].TokenID)) + "," + strconv.Itoa(int(tc.tokens[5].TokenID)) + "," + strconv.Itoa(int(tc.tokens[6].TokenID))
  925. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  926. "%s?ids=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  927. endpoint, stringIds, limit,
  928. )
  929. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &tokensAPI{}, appendIter)
  930. assert.NoError(t, err)
  931. var tokensFiltered []tokenAPI
  932. tokensFiltered = append(tokensFiltered, tc.tokens[2])
  933. tokensFiltered = append(tokensFiltered, tc.tokens[5])
  934. tokensFiltered = append(tokensFiltered, tc.tokens[6])
  935. assertTokensAPIs(t, tokensFiltered, fetchedTokens)
  936. // Get by symbols
  937. fetchedTokens = []tokenAPI{}
  938. limit = 7
  939. stringSymbols := tc.tokens[1].Symbol + "," + tc.tokens[3].Symbol
  940. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  941. "%s?symbols=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  942. endpoint, stringSymbols, limit,
  943. )
  944. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &tokensAPI{}, appendIter)
  945. assert.NoError(t, err)
  946. tokensFiltered = nil
  947. tokensFiltered = append(tokensFiltered, tc.tokens[1])
  948. tokensFiltered = append(tokensFiltered, tc.tokens[3])
  949. assertTokensAPIs(t, tokensFiltered, fetchedTokens)
  950. // Get by name
  951. fetchedTokens = []tokenAPI{}
  952. limit = 5
  953. stringName := tc.tokens[8].Name[4:5]
  954. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  955. "%s?name=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  956. endpoint, stringName, limit,
  957. )
  958. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &tokensAPI{}, appendIter)
  959. assert.NoError(t, err)
  960. tokensFiltered = nil
  961. tokensFiltered = append(tokensFiltered, tc.tokens[8])
  962. assertTokensAPIs(t, tokensFiltered, fetchedTokens)
  963. // Multiple filters
  964. fetchedTokens = []tokenAPI{}
  965. limit = 5
  966. stringSymbols = tc.tokens[2].Symbol + "," + tc.tokens[6].Symbol
  967. stringIds = strconv.Itoa(int(tc.tokens[2].TokenID)) + "," + strconv.Itoa(int(tc.tokens[5].TokenID)) + "," + strconv.Itoa(int(tc.tokens[6].TokenID))
  968. path = fmt.Sprintf(
  969. "%s?symbols=%s&ids=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=",
  970. endpoint, stringSymbols, stringIds, limit,
  971. )
  972. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &tokensAPI{}, appendIter)
  973. assert.NoError(t, err)
  974. tokensFiltered = nil
  975. tokensFiltered = append(tokensFiltered, tc.tokens[2])
  976. tokensFiltered = append(tokensFiltered, tc.tokens[6])
  977. assertTokensAPIs(t, tokensFiltered, fetchedTokens)
  978. // All, in reverse order
  979. fetchedTokens = []tokenAPI{}
  980. limit = 5
  981. path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, limit)
  982. err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderDesc, &tokensAPI{}, appendIter)
  983. assert.NoError(t, err)
  984. flipedTokens := []tokenAPI{}
  985. for i := 0; i < len(tc.tokens); i++ {
  986. flipedTokens = append(flipedTokens, tc.tokens[len(tc.tokens)-1-i])
  987. }
  988. assertTokensAPIs(t, flipedTokens, fetchedTokens)
  989. }
  990. func assertTokensAPIs(t *testing.T, expected, actual []tokenAPI) {
  991. require.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual))
  992. for i := 0; i < len(actual); i++ { //nolint len(actual) won't change within the loop
  993. actual[i].ItemID = 0
  994. if expected[i].USDUpdate == nil {
  995. assert.Equal(t, expected[i].USDUpdate, actual[i].USDUpdate)
  996. } else {
  997. assert.Equal(t, expected[i].USDUpdate.Unix(), actual[i].USDUpdate.Unix())
  998. expected[i].USDUpdate = actual[i].USDUpdate
  999. }
  1000. assert.Equal(t, expected[i], actual[i])
  1001. }
  1002. }
  1003. func TestGetConfig(t *testing.T) {
  1004. endpoint := apiURL + "config"
  1005. var configTest configAPI
  1006. assert.NoError(t, doGoodReq("GET", endpoint, nil, &configTest))
  1007. assert.Equal(t, config, configTest)
  1008. assert.Equal(t, cg, &configTest)
  1009. }
  1010. func doGoodReqPaginated(
  1011. path, order string,
  1012. iterStruct db.Paginationer,
  1013. appendIter func(res interface{}),
  1014. ) error {
  1015. next := 0
  1016. for {
  1017. // Call API to get this iteration items
  1018. iterPath := path
  1019. if next == 0 && order == historydb.OrderDesc {
  1020. // Fetch first item in reverse order
  1021. iterPath += "99999"
  1022. } else {
  1023. // Fetch from next item or 0 if it's ascending order
  1024. iterPath += strconv.Itoa(next)
  1025. }
  1026. if err := doGoodReq("GET", iterPath+"&order="+order, nil, iterStruct); err != nil {
  1027. return err
  1028. }
  1029. appendIter(iterStruct)
  1030. // Keep iterating?
  1031. pag := iterStruct.GetPagination()
  1032. if order == historydb.OrderAsc {
  1033. if pag.LastReturnedItem == pag.LastItem { // No
  1034. break
  1035. } else { // Yes
  1036. next = pag.LastReturnedItem + 1
  1037. }
  1038. } else {
  1039. if pag.FirstReturnedItem == pag.FirstItem { // No
  1040. break
  1041. } else { // Yes
  1042. next = pag.FirstReturnedItem - 1
  1043. }
  1044. }
  1045. }
  1046. return nil
  1047. }
  1048. func doGoodReq(method, path string, reqBody io.Reader, returnStruct interface{}) error {
  1049. ctx := context.Background()
  1050. client := &http.Client{}
  1051. httpReq, _ := http.NewRequest(method, path, reqBody)
  1052. route, pathParams, err := tc.router.FindRoute(httpReq.Method, httpReq.URL)
  1053. if err != nil {
  1054. return err
  1055. }
  1056. // Validate request against swagger spec
  1057. requestValidationInput := &swagger.RequestValidationInput{
  1058. Request: httpReq,
  1059. PathParams: pathParams,
  1060. Route: route,
  1061. }
  1062. if err := swagger.ValidateRequest(ctx, requestValidationInput); err != nil {
  1063. return err
  1064. }
  1065. // Do API call
  1066. resp, err := client.Do(httpReq)
  1067. if err != nil {
  1068. return err
  1069. }
  1070. if resp.Body == nil {
  1071. return errors.New("Nil body")
  1072. }
  1073. //nolint
  1074. defer resp.Body.Close()
  1075. body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
  1076. if err != nil {
  1077. return err
  1078. }
  1079. if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
  1080. return fmt.Errorf("%d response: %s", resp.StatusCode, string(body))
  1081. }
  1082. // Unmarshal body into return struct
  1083. if err := json.Unmarshal(body, returnStruct); err != nil {
  1084. return err
  1085. }
  1086. // Validate response against swagger spec
  1087. responseValidationInput := &swagger.ResponseValidationInput{
  1088. RequestValidationInput: requestValidationInput,
  1089. Status: resp.StatusCode,
  1090. Header: resp.Header,
  1091. }
  1092. responseValidationInput = responseValidationInput.SetBodyBytes(body)
  1093. return swagger.ValidateResponse(ctx, responseValidationInput)
  1094. }
  1095. func doBadReq(method, path string, reqBody io.Reader, expectedResponseCode int) error {
  1096. ctx := context.Background()
  1097. client := &http.Client{}
  1098. httpReq, _ := http.NewRequest(method, path, reqBody)
  1099. route, pathParams, err := tc.router.FindRoute(httpReq.Method, httpReq.URL)
  1100. if err != nil {
  1101. return err
  1102. }
  1103. // Validate request against swagger spec
  1104. requestValidationInput := &swagger.RequestValidationInput{
  1105. Request: httpReq,
  1106. PathParams: pathParams,
  1107. Route: route,
  1108. }
  1109. if err := swagger.ValidateRequest(ctx, requestValidationInput); err != nil {
  1110. if expectedResponseCode != 400 {
  1111. return err
  1112. }
  1113. log.Warn("The request does not match the API spec")
  1114. }
  1115. // Do API call
  1116. resp, err := client.Do(httpReq)
  1117. if err != nil {
  1118. return err
  1119. }
  1120. if resp.Body == nil {
  1121. return errors.New("Nil body")
  1122. }
  1123. //nolint
  1124. defer resp.Body.Close()
  1125. body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
  1126. if err != nil {
  1127. return err
  1128. }
  1129. if resp.StatusCode != expectedResponseCode {
  1130. return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected response code: %d", resp.StatusCode)
  1131. }
  1132. // Validate response against swagger spec
  1133. responseValidationInput := &swagger.ResponseValidationInput{
  1134. RequestValidationInput: requestValidationInput,
  1135. Status: resp.StatusCode,
  1136. Header: resp.Header,
  1137. }
  1138. responseValidationInput = responseValidationInput.SetBodyBytes(body)
  1139. return swagger.ValidateResponse(ctx, responseValidationInput)
  1140. }