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Add til api test first commit

laisolizq 3 years ago
committed by Arnau B
6 changed files with 344 additions and 17 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +280
  3. +45
  4. +2
  5. +12
  6. +4

+ 1
- 1

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func TestGetAccounts(t *testing.T) {
assert.LessOrEqual(t, len(fetchedAccounts), len(tc.accounts))
fetchedAccounts = []testAccount{}
// Token Ids + bjj
path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?tokenIds=%s&BJJ=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, stringIds, tc.accounts[0].PublicKey, limit)
path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?tokenIds=%s&BJJ=%s&limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, stringIds, tc.accounts[10].PublicKey, limit)
err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &testAccountsResponse{}, appendIter)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Greater(t, len(fetchedAccounts), 0)

+ 280
- 4

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import (
@ -38,6 +39,126 @@ type Pendinger interface {
const apiPort = ":4010"
const apiURL = "http://localhost" + apiPort + "/"
var SetBlockchain = `
Type: Blockchain
// Coordinator accounts, Idxs: 256, 257
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) Coord
CreateAccountCoordinator(1) Coord
// close Block:0, Batch:0
> batch
CreateAccountDeposit(0) A: 500
CreateAccountDeposit(1) C: 0
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) C
// close Block:0, Batch:1
> batchL1
// Expected balances:
// Coord(0): 0, Coord(1): 0
// C(0): 0
CreateAccountDeposit(1) A: 500
// close Block:0, Batch:2
> batchL1
// close Block:0, Batch:3
> batchL1
CreateAccountDepositTransfer(0) B-A: 500, 100
// close Block:0, Batch:4
> batchL1
CreateAccountDeposit(0) D: 800
// close Block:0, Batch:5
> batchL1
CreateAccountCoordinator(1) B
Transfer(1) A-B: 200 (126)
Transfer(0) B-C: 100 (126)
// close Block:0, Batch:6
> batchL1 // forge L1User{1}, forge L1Coord{2}, forge L2{2}
Deposit(0) C: 500
DepositTransfer(0) C-D: 400, 100
Transfer(0) A-B: 100 (126)
Transfer(0) C-A: 50 (126)
Transfer(1) B-C: 100 (126)
Exit(0) A: 100 (126)
ForceTransfer(0) D-B: 200
ForceExit(0) B: 100
// close Block:0, Batch:7
> batchL1
> block
Transfer(0) D-A: 300 (126)
Transfer(0) B-D: 100 (126)
// close Block:1, Batch:0
> batchL1
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) F
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) G
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) H
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) I
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) J
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) K
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) L
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) M
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) N
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) O
CreateAccountCoordinator(0) P
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) G
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) H
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) I
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) J
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) K
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) L
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) M
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) N
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) O
CreateAccountCoordinator(5) P
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) G
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) H
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) I
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) J
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) K
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) L
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) M
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) N
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) O
CreateAccountCoordinator(2) P
> batch
> block
> batch
> block
> batch
> block
type testCommon struct {
blocks []common.Block
tokens []historydb.TokenWithUSD
@ -203,11 +324,14 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(accs); i++ {
// api.s.CreateAccount called in new part with til
/* for i := 0; i < len(accs); i++ {
if _, err := api.s.CreateAccount(accs[i].Idx, &accs[i]); err != nil {
} */
// helper to vinculate user related resources
usrIdxs := []string{}
for _, acc := range accs {
@ -335,8 +459,160 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
usrTxs, allTxs := genTestTxs(sortedTxs, usrIdxs, accs, tokensUSD, blocks)
poolTxsToSend, poolTxsToReceive := genTestPoolTx(accs, []babyjub.PrivateKey{privK}, tokensUSD) // NOTE: pool txs are not inserted to the DB here. In the test they will be posted and getted.
testBatches, fullBatches := genTestBatches(blocks, batches, allTxs)
usrExits, allExits := genTestExits(exits, tokensUSD, accs, usrIdxs)
/* usrExits, allExits*/ _, _ = genTestExits(exits, tokensUSD, accs, usrIdxs)
// Reset DB
tcc := til.NewContext(common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
BootCoordAddr: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xE39fEc6224708f0772D2A74fd3f9055A90E0A9f2"),
CoordUser: "A",
blocksData, err := tcc.GenerateBlocks(SetBlockchain)
if err != nil {
err = tcc.FillBlocksExtra(blocksData, &tilCfgExtra)
if err != nil {
// poolL2Txs, err := tcc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(til.SetPoolL2MinimumFlow0)
var blocksTc []common.Block
var batchesTc []common.Batch
var tokensTc []common.Token
var accountsTc []common.Account
var exitTreeTc []common.ExitInfo
var allL1TxsTc []common.L1Tx
var allL2TxsTc []common.L2Tx
for _, block := range blocksData {
// Insert block
err := api.h.AddBlockSCData(&block)
if err != nil {
blocksTc = append(blocksTc, block.Block)
tokensTc = append(tokensTc, block.Rollup.AddedTokens...)
allL1TxsTc = append(allL1TxsTc, block.Rollup.L1UserTxs...)
for _, batch := range block.Rollup.Batches {
allL2TxsTc = append(allL2TxsTc, batch.L2Txs...)
accountsTc = append(accountsTc, batch.CreatedAccounts...)
batchesTc = append(batchesTc, batch.Batch)
exitTreeTc = append(exitTreeTc, batch.ExitTree...)
allL1TxsTc = append(allL1TxsTc, batch.L1CoordinatorTxs...)
// lastBlockNum2 := blocksData[len(blocksData)-1].Block.EthBlockNum
tokensTc = append([]common.Token{ethToken}, tokensTc...)
tokensUSDTc := []historydb.TokenWithUSD{}
for i, tkn := range tokensTc {
token := historydb.TokenWithUSD{
TokenID: tkn.TokenID,
EthBlockNum: tkn.EthBlockNum,
EthAddr: tkn.EthAddr,
Name: tkn.Name,
Symbol: tkn.Symbol,
Decimals: tkn.Decimals,
// Set value of 50% of the tokens
if i%2 != 0 {
value := float64(i) * 1.234567
now := time.Now().UTC()
token.USD = &value
token.USDUpdate = &now
err = api.h.UpdateTokenValue(token.Symbol, value)
if err != nil {
tokensUSDTc = append(tokensUSDTc, token)
for i := 0; i < len(accountsTc); i++ {
if _, err := api.s.CreateAccount(accountsTc[i].Idx, &accountsTc[i]); err != nil {
usrIdxsTc := []string{}
for _, acc := range accountsTc {
for _, token := range tokensTc {
if token.TokenID == acc.TokenID {
usrIdxsTc = append(usrIdxsTc, idxToHez(acc.Idx, token.Symbol))
// Sort txs
sortedTxsTc := []txSortFielder{}
for i := 0; i < len(allL1TxsTc); i++ {
wL1 := wrappedL1(allL1TxsTc[i])
sortedTxsTc = append(sortedTxsTc, &wL1)
for i := 0; i < len(allL2TxsTc); i++ {
wL2 := wrappedL2(allL2TxsTc[i])
sortedTxsTc = append(sortedTxsTc, &wL2)
// Coordinators
const nCoordsTc = 10
coordsTc := test.GenCoordinators(nCoordsTc, blocksTc)
err = api.h.AddCoordinators(coordsTc)
if err != nil {
coordinatorsTc, _, err := api.h.GetCoordinatorsAPI(&fromItem, &limit, historydb.OrderAsc)
if err != nil {
// Bids
const nBidsTc = 20
bidsTc := test.GenBids(nBidsTc, blocksTc, coordsTc)
err = api.h.AddBids(bidsTc)
if err != nil {
testBidsTc := genTestBids(blocksTc, coordinatorsTc, bidsTc)
usrExitsTc, allExitsTc := genTestExits(exitTreeTc, tokensUSDTc, accountsTc, usrIdxsTc)
_, allTxsTc := genTestTxs(sortedTxsTc, usrIdxsTc, accountsTc, tokensUSDTc, blocksTc)
// allTxsTc == allTxs
// testBatchesTc, fullBatchesTc := genTestBatches(blocksTc, batchesTc, allTxsTc)
tc = testCommon{
blocks: blocksTc,
tokens: tokensUSDTc,
batches: testBatches,
fullBatches: fullBatches,
coordinators: coordinatorsTc,
accounts: genTestAccounts(accountsTc, tokensUSDTc),
usrAddr: ethAddrToHez(usrAddr),
usrBjj: bjjToString(usrBjj),
accs: accountsTc,
usrTxs: usrTxs,
allTxs: allTxs,
exits: allExitsTc,
usrExits: usrExitsTc,
poolTxsToSend: poolTxsToSend,
poolTxsToReceive: poolTxsToReceive,
auths: genTestAuths(test.GenAuths(5)),
router: router,
bids: testBidsTc,
slots: api.genTestSlots(nSlots, lastBlockNum, testBids, auctionVars),
auctionVars: auctionVars,
rollupVars: rollupVars,
wdelayerVars: wdelayerVars,
/* tc = testCommon{
blocks: blocks,
tokens: tokensUSD,
batches: testBatches,
@ -359,7 +635,7 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
auctionVars: auctionVars,
rollupVars: rollupVars,
wdelayerVars: wdelayerVars,
} */
// Fake server
if os.Getenv("FAKE_SERVER") == "yes" {

+ 45
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package api
import (
ethCommon ""
func AddAditionalInformation(blocks []common.BlockData) {
for i := range blocks {
blocks[i].Block.Timestamp = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 13).UTC()
blocks[i].Block.Hash = ethCommon.BigToHash(big.NewInt(blocks[i].Block.EthBlockNum))
for j := range blocks[i].Rollup.AddedTokens {
blocks[i].Rollup.AddedTokens[j].Name = "NAME" + strconv.Itoa(int(blocks[i].Rollup.AddedTokens[j].TokenID))
blocks[i].Rollup.AddedTokens[j].Symbol = strconv.Itoa(int(blocks[i].Rollup.AddedTokens[j].TokenID))
blocks[i].Rollup.AddedTokens[j].Decimals = uint64(blocks[i].Rollup.AddedTokens[j].TokenID + 1)
for x := range blocks[i].Rollup.Batches {
for q := range blocks[i].Rollup.Batches[x].CreatedAccounts {
blocks[i].Rollup.Batches[x].CreatedAccounts[q].Balance =
big.NewInt(int64(blocks[i].Rollup.Batches[x].CreatedAccounts[q].Idx * 10000000))
for y := range blocks[i].Rollup.Batches[x].ExitTree {
blocks[i].Rollup.Batches[x].ExitTree[y].MerkleProof =
Root: &merkletree.Hash{byte(y), byte(y + 1)},
Siblings: []*merkletree.Hash{
merkletree.NewHashFromBigInt(big.NewInt(int64(y) * 10)),
merkletree.NewHashFromBigInt(big.NewInt(int64(y)*100 + 1)),
merkletree.NewHashFromBigInt(big.NewInt(int64(y)*1000 + 2))},
OldKey: &merkletree.Hash{byte(y * 1), byte(y*1 + 1)},
OldValue: &merkletree.Hash{byte(y * 2), byte(y*2 + 1)},
IsOld0: y%2 == 0,
Key: &merkletree.Hash{byte(y * 3), byte(y*3 + 1)},
Value: &merkletree.Hash{byte(y * 4), byte(y*4 + 1)},
Fnc: y % 2,

+ 2
- 2

@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ func TestGetBids(t *testing.T) {
// Mixed filters
fetchedBids = []testBid{}
bidderAddress = tc.bids[9].Bidder
slotNum = tc.bids[4].SlotNum
bidderAddress = tc.bids[1].Bidder
slotNum = tc.bids[5].SlotNum
path = fmt.Sprintf("%s?bidderAddr=%s&slotNum=%d&limit=%d&fromItem=", endpoint, bidderAddress.String(), slotNum, limit)
err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &testBidsResponse{}, appendIter)
assert.NoError(t, err)

+ 12
- 4

@ -116,23 +116,31 @@ func TestGetExits(t *testing.T) {
// Get by ethAddr
fetchedExits = []testExit{}
limit = 7
account := tc.accounts[3]
path = fmt.Sprintf(
endpoint, tc.usrAddr, limit,
endpoint, account.EthAddr, limit,
err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &testExitsResponse{}, appendIter)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertExitAPIs(t, tc.usrExits, fetchedExits)
accountIdx := fetchedExits[0].AccountIdx
var hermezEthExits []testExit
for i := range tc.usrExits {
if tc.usrExits[i].AccountIdx == accountIdx {
hermezEthExits = append(hermezEthExits, tc.usrExits[i])
assertExitAPIs(t, hermezEthExits, fetchedExits)
// Get by bjj
fetchedExits = []testExit{}
limit = 6
path = fmt.Sprintf(
endpoint, tc.usrBjj, limit,
endpoint, account.PublicKey, limit,
err = doGoodReqPaginated(path, historydb.OrderAsc, &testExitsResponse{}, appendIter)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertExitAPIs(t, tc.usrExits, fetchedExits)
assertExitAPIs(t, hermezEthExits, fetchedExits)
// Get by tokenID
fetchedExits = []testExit{}
limit = 5

+ 4
- 6

@ -1318,12 +1318,10 @@ func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBlockSCData(blockData *common.BlockData) (err error) {
return err
// Add unforged l1 Txs
if batch.L1Batch {
if len(batch.L1CoordinatorTxs) > 0 {
if err := hdb.addL1Txs(txn, batch.L1CoordinatorTxs); err != nil {
return err
// Add forged l1 coordinator Txs
if len(batch.L1CoordinatorTxs) > 0 {
if err := hdb.addL1Txs(txn, batch.L1CoordinatorTxs); err != nil {
return err
