package node import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" "sync" "time" ethCommon "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" dbUtils "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Mode sets the working mode of the node (synchronizer or coordinator) type Mode string const ( // ModeCoordinator defines the mode of the HermezNode as Coordinator, which // means that the node is set to forge (which also will be synchronizing with // the L1 blockchain state) ModeCoordinator Mode = "coordinator" // ModeSynchronizer defines the mode of the HermezNode as Synchronizer, which // means that the node is set to only synchronize with the L1 blockchain state // and will not forge ModeSynchronizer Mode = "synchronizer" ) // Node is the Hermez Node type Node struct { nodeAPI *NodeAPI debugAPI *debugapi.DebugAPI // Coordinator coord *coordinator.Coordinator // Synchronizer sync *synchronizer.Synchronizer // General cfg *config.Node mode Mode sqlConn *sqlx.DB ctx context.Context wg sync.WaitGroup cancel context.CancelFunc } // NewNode creates a Node func NewNode(mode Mode, cfg *config.Node) (*Node, error) { // Stablish DB connection db, err := dbUtils.InitSQLDB( cfg.PostgreSQL.Port, cfg.PostgreSQL.Host, cfg.PostgreSQL.User, cfg.PostgreSQL.Password, cfg.PostgreSQL.Name, ) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } historyDB := historydb.NewHistoryDB(db) stateDB, err := statedb.NewStateDB(cfg.StateDB.Path, statedb.TypeSynchronizer, 32) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } ethClient, err := ethclient.Dial(cfg.Web3.URL) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } var ethCfg eth.EthereumConfig if mode == ModeCoordinator { ethCfg = eth.EthereumConfig{ CallGasLimit: cfg.Coordinator.EthClient.CallGasLimit, DeployGasLimit: cfg.Coordinator.EthClient.DeployGasLimit, GasPriceDiv: cfg.Coordinator.EthClient.GasPriceDiv, ReceiptTimeout: cfg.Coordinator.EthClient.ReceiptTimeout.Duration, IntervalReceiptLoop: cfg.Coordinator.EthClient.ReceiptLoopInterval.Duration, } } client, err := eth.NewClient(ethClient, nil, nil, ð.ClientConfig{ Ethereum: ethCfg, Rollup: eth.RollupConfig{ Address: cfg.SmartContracts.Rollup, }, Auction: eth.AuctionConfig{ Address: cfg.SmartContracts.Auction, TokenHEZ: eth.TokenConfig{ Address: cfg.SmartContracts.TokenHEZ, Name: cfg.SmartContracts.TokenHEZName, }, }, WDelayer: eth.WDelayerConfig{ Address: cfg.SmartContracts.WDelayer, }, }) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } sync, err := synchronizer.NewSynchronizer(client, historyDB, stateDB, synchronizer.Config{ StartBlockNum: cfg.Synchronizer.StartBlockNum, InitialVariables: cfg.Synchronizer.InitialVariables, StatsRefreshPeriod: cfg.Synchronizer.StatsRefreshPeriod.Duration, }) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } initSCVars := sync.SCVars() scConsts := synchronizer.SCConsts{ Rollup: *sync.RollupConstants(), Auction: *sync.AuctionConstants(), WDelayer: *sync.WDelayerConstants(), } var coord *coordinator.Coordinator var l2DB *l2db.L2DB if mode == ModeCoordinator { l2DB = l2db.NewL2DB( db, cfg.Coordinator.L2DB.SafetyPeriod, cfg.Coordinator.L2DB.MaxTxs, cfg.Coordinator.L2DB.TTL.Duration, ) // TODO: Get (maxL1UserTxs, maxL1OperatorTxs, maxTxs) from the smart contract coordAccount := &txselector.CoordAccount{ // TODO TMP Addr: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc58d29fA6e86E4FAe04DDcEd660d45BCf3Cb2370"), BJJ: nil, AccountCreationAuth: nil, } txSelector, err := txselector.NewTxSelector(coordAccount, cfg.Coordinator.TxSelector.Path, stateDB, l2DB) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } // TODO: Get (configCircuits []ConfigCircuit, batchNum common.BatchNum, nLevels uint64) from smart contract nLevels := uint64(32) //nolint:gomnd batchBuilder, err := batchbuilder.NewBatchBuilder(cfg.Coordinator.BatchBuilder.Path, stateDB, nil, 0, nLevels) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } serverProofs := make([]prover.Client, len(cfg.Coordinator.ServerProofs)) for i, serverProofCfg := range cfg.Coordinator.ServerProofs { serverProofs[i] = prover.NewProofServerClient(serverProofCfg.URL, cfg.Coordinator.ProofServerPollInterval.Duration) } coord, err = coordinator.NewCoordinator( coordinator.Config{ ForgerAddress: cfg.Coordinator.ForgerAddress, ConfirmBlocks: cfg.Coordinator.ConfirmBlocks, L1BatchTimeoutPerc: cfg.Coordinator.L1BatchTimeoutPerc, SyncRetryInterval: cfg.Coordinator.SyncRetryInterval.Duration, EthClientAttempts: cfg.Coordinator.EthClient.Attempts, EthClientAttemptsDelay: cfg.Coordinator.EthClient.AttemptsDelay.Duration, TxManagerCheckInterval: cfg.Coordinator.EthClient.CheckLoopInterval.Duration, DebugBatchPath: cfg.Coordinator.Debug.BatchPath, Purger: coordinator.PurgerCfg{ PurgeBatchDelay: cfg.Coordinator.L2DB.PurgeBatchDelay, InvalidateBatchDelay: cfg.Coordinator.L2DB.InvalidateBatchDelay, PurgeBlockDelay: cfg.Coordinator.L2DB.PurgeBlockDelay, InvalidateBlockDelay: cfg.Coordinator.L2DB.InvalidateBlockDelay, }, }, historyDB, l2DB, txSelector, batchBuilder, serverProofs, client, &scConsts, &synchronizer.SCVariables{ Rollup: *initSCVars.Rollup, Auction: *initSCVars.Auction, WDelayer: *initSCVars.WDelayer, }, ) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } } var nodeAPI *NodeAPI if cfg.API.Address != "" { if cfg.API.UpdateMetricsInterval.Duration == 0 { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("invalid cfg.API.UpdateMetricsInterval: %v", cfg.API.UpdateMetricsInterval.Duration)) } if cfg.API.UpdateRecommendedFeeInterval.Duration == 0 { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("invalid cfg.API.UpdateRecommendedFeeInterval: %v", cfg.API.UpdateRecommendedFeeInterval.Duration)) } server := gin.Default() coord := false if mode == ModeCoordinator { coord = cfg.Coordinator.API.Coordinator } var err error nodeAPI, err = NewNodeAPI( cfg.API.Address, coord, cfg.API.Explorer, server, historyDB, stateDB, l2DB, &api.Config{ RollupConstants: scConsts.Rollup, AuctionConstants: scConsts.Auction, WDelayerConstants: scConsts.WDelayer, }, ) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } nodeAPI.api.SetRollupVariables(*initSCVars.Rollup) nodeAPI.api.SetAuctionVariables(*initSCVars.Auction) nodeAPI.api.SetWDelayerVariables(*initSCVars.WDelayer) } var debugAPI *debugapi.DebugAPI if cfg.Debug.APIAddress != "" { debugAPI = debugapi.NewDebugAPI(cfg.Debug.APIAddress, stateDB, sync) } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) return &Node{ nodeAPI: nodeAPI, debugAPI: debugAPI, coord: coord, sync: sync, cfg: cfg, mode: mode, sqlConn: db, ctx: ctx, cancel: cancel, }, nil } // NodeAPI holds the node http API type NodeAPI struct { //nolint:golint api *api.API engine *gin.Engine addr string } func handleNoRoute(c *gin.Context) { c.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{ "error": "404 page not found", }) } // NewNodeAPI creates a new NodeAPI (which internally calls api.NewAPI) func NewNodeAPI( addr string, coordinatorEndpoints, explorerEndpoints bool, server *gin.Engine, hdb *historydb.HistoryDB, sdb *statedb.StateDB, l2db *l2db.L2DB, config *api.Config, ) (*NodeAPI, error) { engine := gin.Default() engine.NoRoute(handleNoRoute) engine.Use(cors.Default()) _api, err := api.NewAPI( coordinatorEndpoints, explorerEndpoints, engine, hdb, sdb, l2db, config, ) if err != nil { return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err) } return &NodeAPI{ addr: addr, api: _api, engine: engine, }, nil } // Run starts the http server of the NodeAPI. To stop it, pass a context with // cancelation. func (a *NodeAPI) Run(ctx context.Context) error { server := &http.Server{ Addr: a.addr, Handler: a.engine, // TODO: Figure out best parameters for production ReadTimeout: 30 * time.Second, //nolint:gomnd WriteTimeout: 30 * time.Second, //nolint:gomnd MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20, //nolint:gomnd } go func() { log.Infof("NodeAPI is ready at %v", a.addr) if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != http.ErrServerClosed { log.Fatalf("Listen: %s\n", err) } }() <-ctx.Done() log.Info("Stopping NodeAPI...") ctxTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second) //nolint:gomnd defer cancel() if err := server.Shutdown(ctxTimeout); err != nil { return tracerr.Wrap(err) } log.Info("NodeAPI done") return nil } func (n *Node) handleNewBlock(stats *synchronizer.Stats, vars synchronizer.SCVariablesPtr, batches []common.BatchData) { if n.mode == ModeCoordinator { n.coord.SendMsg(coordinator.MsgSyncBlock{ Stats: *stats, Batches: batches, Vars: synchronizer.SCVariablesPtr{ Rollup: vars.Rollup, Auction: vars.Auction, WDelayer: vars.WDelayer, }, }) } if n.nodeAPI != nil { if vars.Rollup != nil { n.nodeAPI.api.SetRollupVariables(*vars.Rollup) } if vars.Auction != nil { n.nodeAPI.api.SetAuctionVariables(*vars.Auction) } if vars.WDelayer != nil { n.nodeAPI.api.SetWDelayerVariables(*vars.WDelayer) } if stats.Synced() { if err := n.nodeAPI.api.UpdateNetworkInfo( stats.Eth.LastBlock, stats.Sync.LastBlock, common.BatchNum(stats.Eth.LastBatch), stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.SlotNum, ); err != nil { log.Errorw("API.UpdateNetworkInfo", "err", err) } } } } func (n *Node) handleReorg(stats *synchronizer.Stats) { if n.mode == ModeCoordinator { n.coord.SendMsg(coordinator.MsgSyncReorg{ Stats: *stats, }) } if n.nodeAPI != nil { vars := n.sync.SCVars() n.nodeAPI.api.SetRollupVariables(*vars.Rollup) n.nodeAPI.api.SetAuctionVariables(*vars.Auction) n.nodeAPI.api.SetWDelayerVariables(*vars.WDelayer) n.nodeAPI.api.UpdateNetworkInfoBlock( stats.Eth.LastBlock, stats.Sync.LastBlock, ) } } // TODO(Edu): Consider keeping the `lastBlock` inside synchronizer so that we // don't have to pass it around. func (n *Node) syncLoopFn(lastBlock *common.Block) (*common.Block, time.Duration) { blockData, discarded, err := n.sync.Sync2(n.ctx, lastBlock) stats := n.sync.Stats() if err != nil { // case: error log.Errorw("Synchronizer.Sync", "err", err) return nil, n.cfg.Synchronizer.SyncLoopInterval.Duration } else if discarded != nil { // case: reorg log.Infow("Synchronizer.Sync reorg", "discarded", *discarded) n.handleReorg(stats) return nil, time.Duration(0) } else if blockData != nil { // case: new block n.handleNewBlock(stats, synchronizer.SCVariablesPtr{ Rollup: blockData.Rollup.Vars, Auction: blockData.Auction.Vars, WDelayer: blockData.WDelayer.Vars, }, blockData.Rollup.Batches) return &blockData.Block, time.Duration(0) } else { // case: no block return lastBlock, n.cfg.Synchronizer.SyncLoopInterval.Duration } } // StartSynchronizer starts the synchronizer func (n *Node) StartSynchronizer() { log.Info("Starting Synchronizer...") // Trigger a manual call to handleNewBlock with the loaded state of the // synchronizer in order to quickly activate the API and Coordinator // and avoid waiting for the next block. Without this, the API and // Coordinator will not react until the following block (starting from // the last synced one) is synchronized stats := n.sync.Stats() vars := n.sync.SCVars() n.handleNewBlock(stats, vars, []common.BatchData{}) n.wg.Add(1) go func() { var lastBlock *common.Block waitDuration := time.Duration(0) for { select { case <-n.ctx.Done(): log.Info("Synchronizer done") n.wg.Done() return case <-time.After(waitDuration): lastBlock, waitDuration = n.syncLoopFn(lastBlock) } } }() // TODO: Run price updater. This is required by the API and the TxSelector } // StartDebugAPI starts the DebugAPI func (n *Node) StartDebugAPI() { log.Info("Starting DebugAPI...") n.wg.Add(1) go func() { defer func() { log.Info("DebugAPI routine stopped") n.wg.Done() }() if err := n.debugAPI.Run(n.ctx); err != nil { log.Fatalw("DebugAPI.Run", "err", err) } }() } // StartNodeAPI starts the NodeAPI func (n *Node) StartNodeAPI() { log.Info("Starting NodeAPI...") n.wg.Add(1) go func() { defer func() { log.Info("NodeAPI routine stopped") n.wg.Done() }() if err := n.nodeAPI.Run(n.ctx); err != nil { log.Fatalw("NodeAPI.Run", "err", err) } }() n.wg.Add(1) go func() { for { select { case <-n.ctx.Done(): log.Info("API.UpdateMetrics loop done") n.wg.Done() return case <-time.After(n.cfg.API.UpdateMetricsInterval.Duration): if err := n.nodeAPI.api.UpdateMetrics(); err != nil { log.Errorw("API.UpdateMetrics", "err", err) } } } }() n.wg.Add(1) go func() { for { select { case <-n.ctx.Done(): log.Info("API.UpdateRecommendedFee loop done") n.wg.Done() return case <-time.After(n.cfg.API.UpdateRecommendedFeeInterval.Duration): if err := n.nodeAPI.api.UpdateRecommendedFee(); err != nil { log.Errorw("API.UpdateRecommendedFee", "err", err) } } } }() } // Start the node func (n *Node) Start() { log.Infow("Starting node...", "mode", n.mode) if n.debugAPI != nil { n.StartDebugAPI() } if n.nodeAPI != nil { n.StartNodeAPI() } if n.mode == ModeCoordinator { log.Info("Starting Coordinator...") n.coord.Start() } n.StartSynchronizer() } // Stop the node func (n *Node) Stop() { log.Infow("Stopping node...") n.cancel() if n.mode == ModeCoordinator { log.Info("Stopping Coordinator...") n.coord.Stop() } n.wg.Wait() }