package api import ( "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "math/big" "net/http" "os" "sort" "strconv" "testing" "time" ethCommon "" swagger "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Pendinger is an interface that allows getting last returned item ID and PendingItems to be used for building fromItem // when testing paginated endpoints. type Pendinger interface { GetPending() (pendingItems, lastItemID uint64) Len() int } const apiPort = ":4010" const apiURL = "http://localhost" + apiPort + "/" type testCommon struct { blocks []common.Block tokens []historydb.TokenWithUSD batches []testBatch fullBatches []testFullBatch coordinators []historydb.CoordinatorAPI accounts []testAccount usrAddr string usrBjj string accs []common.Account usrTxs []testTx allTxs []testTx exits []testExit usrExits []testExit poolTxsToSend []testPoolTxSend poolTxsToReceive []testPoolTxReceive auths []testAuth router *swagger.Router bids []testBid slots []testSlot auctionVars common.AuctionVariables rollupVars common.RollupVariables wdelayerVars common.WDelayerVariables } var tc testCommon var config configAPI var api *API // TestMain initializes the API server, and fill HistoryDB and StateDB with fake data, // emulating the task of the synchronizer in order to have data to be returned // by the API endpoints that will be tested func TestMain(m *testing.M) { /* til update considerations: 1. Two instructions sets should be enough (one for L2 another for historydb) 2. FillBlocksExtra function must be used, there is a coment on top of the function that explains which data is setted 3. Some data will not be generated by til nor FillBlocksExtra, test.GenXXX will still be required to cover this cases 4. Most of the historydb inserts should be replaced with nBlocks calls to AddBlockSCData 5. When defining til instructions, there is no need to have 100s of entries for each table, but it's interesting to cover all different cases (for instance all tx types) */ // Initializations // Swagger router := swagger.NewRouter().WithSwaggerFromFile("./swagger.yml") // HistoryDB pass := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASS") database, err := db.InitSQLDB(5432, "localhost", "hermez", pass, "hermez") if err != nil { panic(err) } hdb := historydb.NewHistoryDB(database) if err != nil { panic(err) } // StateDB dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpdb") if err != nil { panic(err) } defer func() { if err := os.RemoveAll(dir); err != nil { panic(err) } }() sdb, err := statedb.NewStateDB(dir, statedb.TypeTxSelector, 0) if err != nil { panic(err) } // L2DB l2DB := l2db.NewL2DB(database, 10, 100, 24*time.Hour) test.WipeDB(l2DB.DB()) // this will clean HistoryDB and L2DB // Config (smart contract constants) config = getConfigTest() // API apiGin := gin.Default() api, err = NewAPI( true, true, apiGin, hdb, sdb, l2DB, &config, ) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Start server server := &http.Server{Addr: apiPort, Handler: apiGin} go func() { if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed { panic(err) } }() // Fill HistoryDB and StateDB with fake data // Gen blocks and add them to DB const nBlocks = 5 // TODO: UPDATE with til blocks := test.GenBlocks(1, nBlocks+1) err = api.h.AddBlocks(blocks) if err != nil { panic(err) } lastBlockNum := blocks[nBlocks-1].EthBlockNum // Gen tokens and add them to DB const nTokens = 10 // TODO: UPDATE with til tokens, ethToken := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks) err = api.h.AddTokens(tokens) if err != nil { panic(err) } tokens = append([]common.Token{ethToken}, tokens...) // Set token value tokensUSD := []historydb.TokenWithUSD{} for i, tkn := range tokens { token := historydb.TokenWithUSD{ TokenID: tkn.TokenID, EthBlockNum: tkn.EthBlockNum, EthAddr: tkn.EthAddr, Name: tkn.Name, Symbol: tkn.Symbol, Decimals: tkn.Decimals, } // Set value of 50% of the tokens if i%2 != 0 { value := float64(i) * 1.234567 now := time.Now().UTC() token.USD = &value token.USDUpdate = &now err = api.h.UpdateTokenValue(token.Symbol, value) if err != nil { panic(err) } } tokensUSD = append(tokensUSD, token) } // Gen batches and add them to DB const nBatches = 10 // TODO: UPDATE with til batches := test.GenBatches(nBatches, blocks) err = api.h.AddBatches(batches) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Gen accounts and add them to HistoryDB and StateDB const totalAccounts = 40 const userAccounts = 4 usrAddr := ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(4896847)) privK := babyjub.NewRandPrivKey() usrBjj := privK.Public() // TODO: UPDATE with til accs := test.GenAccounts(totalAccounts, userAccounts, tokens, &usrAddr, usrBjj, batches) err = api.h.AddAccounts(accs) if err != nil { panic(err) } for i := 0; i < len(accs); i++ { if _, err := api.s.CreateAccount(accs[i].Idx, &accs[i]); err != nil { panic(err) } } // helper to vinculate user related resources usrIdxs := []string{} for _, acc := range accs { if acc.EthAddr == usrAddr || acc.PublicKey == usrBjj { for _, token := range tokens { if token.TokenID == acc.TokenID { usrIdxs = append(usrIdxs, idxToHez(acc.Idx, token.Symbol)) } } } } // Gen exits and add them to DB const totalExits = 40 // TODO: UPDATE with til exits := test.GenExitTree(totalExits, batches, accs) err = api.h.AddExitTree(exits) if err != nil { panic(err) } // L1 and L2 txs need to be sorted in a combined way // Gen L1Txs const totalL1Txs = 40 const userL1Txs = 4 // TODO: UPDATE with til usrL1Txs, othrL1Txs := test.GenL1Txs(256, totalL1Txs, userL1Txs, &usrAddr, accs, tokens, blocks, batches) // Gen L2Txs const totalL2Txs = 20 const userL2Txs = 4 // TODO: UPDATE with til usrL2Txs, othrL2Txs := test.GenL2Txs(256+totalL1Txs, totalL2Txs, userL2Txs, &usrAddr, accs, tokens, blocks, batches) // Sort txs sortedTxs := []txSortFielder{} for i := 0; i < len(usrL1Txs); i++ { wL1 := wrappedL1(usrL1Txs[i]) sortedTxs = append(sortedTxs, &wL1) } for i := 0; i < len(othrL1Txs); i++ { wL1 := wrappedL1(othrL1Txs[i]) sortedTxs = append(sortedTxs, &wL1) } for i := 0; i < len(usrL2Txs); i++ { wL2 := wrappedL2(usrL2Txs[i]) sortedTxs = append(sortedTxs, &wL2) } for i := 0; i < len(othrL2Txs); i++ { wL2 := wrappedL2(othrL2Txs[i]) sortedTxs = append(sortedTxs, &wL2) } sort.Sort(txsSort(sortedTxs)) // Store txs to DB for _, genericTx := range sortedTxs { l1 := genericTx.L1() l2 := genericTx.L2() if l1 != nil { err = api.h.AddL1Txs([]common.L1Tx{*l1}) if err != nil { panic(err) } } else if l2 != nil { err = api.h.AddL2Txs([]common.L2Tx{*l2}) if err != nil { panic(err) } } else { panic("should be l1 or l2") } } // Coordinators const nCoords = 10 coords := test.GenCoordinators(nCoords, blocks) err = api.h.AddCoordinators(coords) if err != nil { panic(err) } fromItem := uint(0) limit := uint(99999) coordinators, _, err := api.h.GetCoordinatorsAPI(&fromItem, &limit, historydb.OrderAsc) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Bids const nBids = 20 bids := test.GenBids(nBids, blocks, coords) err = api.h.AddBids(bids) if err != nil { panic(err) } testBids := genTestBids(blocks, coordinators, bids) // Vars var defaultSlotSetBid [6]*big.Int = [6]*big.Int{big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(10)} auctionVars := common.AuctionVariables{ EthBlockNum: int64(2), DonationAddress: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"), DefaultSlotSetBid: defaultSlotSetBid, Outbidding: uint16(1), SlotDeadline: uint8(20), BootCoordinator: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"), ClosedAuctionSlots: uint16(2), OpenAuctionSlots: uint16(5), } rollupVars := common.RollupVariables{ EthBlockNum: int64(3), FeeAddToken: big.NewInt(100), ForgeL1L2BatchTimeout: int64(44), WithdrawalDelay: uint64(3000), } wdelayerVars := common.WDelayerVariables{ WithdrawalDelay: uint64(3000), } err = api.h.AddAuctionVars(&auctionVars) if err != nil { panic(err) } const nSlots = 20 // Set testCommon usrTxs, allTxs := genTestTxs(sortedTxs, usrIdxs, accs, tokensUSD, blocks) poolTxsToSend, poolTxsToReceive := genTestPoolTx(accs, []babyjub.PrivateKey{privK}, tokensUSD) // NOTE: pool txs are not inserted to the DB here. In the test they will be posted and getted. testBatches, fullBatches := genTestBatches(blocks, batches, allTxs) usrExits, allExits := genTestExits(exits, tokensUSD, accs, usrIdxs) tc = testCommon{ blocks: blocks, tokens: tokensUSD, batches: testBatches, fullBatches: fullBatches, coordinators: coordinators, accounts: genTestAccounts(accs, tokensUSD), usrAddr: ethAddrToHez(usrAddr), usrBjj: bjjToString(usrBjj), accs: accs, usrTxs: usrTxs, allTxs: allTxs, exits: allExits, usrExits: usrExits, poolTxsToSend: poolTxsToSend, poolTxsToReceive: poolTxsToReceive, auths: genTestAuths(test.GenAuths(5)), router: router, bids: testBids, slots: api.genTestSlots(nSlots, lastBlockNum, testBids, auctionVars), auctionVars: auctionVars, rollupVars: rollupVars, wdelayerVars: wdelayerVars, } // Fake server if os.Getenv("FAKE_SERVER") == "yes" { for { log.Info("Running fake server at " + apiURL + " until ^C is received") time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) } } // Run tests result := m.Run() // Stop server if err := server.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil { panic(err) } if err := database.Close(); err != nil { panic(err) } if err := os.RemoveAll(dir); err != nil { panic(err) } os.Exit(result) } func doGoodReqPaginated( path, order string, iterStruct Pendinger, appendIter func(res interface{}), ) error { var next uint64 firstIte := true expectedTotal := 0 totalReceived := 0 for { // Calculate fromItem iterPath := path if firstIte { if order == historydb.OrderDesc { // Fetch first item in reverse order iterPath += "99999" // Asumption that for testing there won't be any itemID > 99999 } else { iterPath += "0" } } else { iterPath += strconv.Itoa(int(next)) } // Call API to get this iteration items if err := doGoodReq("GET", iterPath+"&order="+order, nil, iterStruct); err != nil { return err } appendIter(iterStruct) // Keep iterating? remaining, lastID := iterStruct.GetPending() if remaining == 0 { break } if order == historydb.OrderDesc { next = lastID - 1 } else { next = lastID + 1 } // Check that the expected amount of items is consistent across iterations totalReceived += iterStruct.Len() if firstIte { firstIte = false expectedTotal = totalReceived + int(remaining) } if expectedTotal != totalReceived+int(remaining) { panic(fmt.Sprintf( "pagination error, totalReceived + remaining should be %d, but is %d", expectedTotal, totalReceived+int(remaining), )) } } return nil } func doGoodReq(method, path string, reqBody io.Reader, returnStruct interface{}) error { ctx := context.Background() client := &http.Client{} httpReq, err := http.NewRequest(method, path, reqBody) if err != nil { return err } if reqBody != nil { httpReq.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json") } route, pathParams, err := tc.router.FindRoute(httpReq.Method, httpReq.URL) if err != nil { return err } // Validate request against swagger spec requestValidationInput := &swagger.RequestValidationInput{ Request: httpReq, PathParams: pathParams, Route: route, } if err := swagger.ValidateRequest(ctx, requestValidationInput); err != nil { return err } // Do API call resp, err := client.Do(httpReq) if err != nil { return err } if resp.Body == nil && returnStruct != nil { return errors.New("Nil body") } //nolint defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return err } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { return fmt.Errorf("%d response. Body: %s", resp.StatusCode, string(body)) } if returnStruct == nil { return nil } // Unmarshal body into return struct if err := json.Unmarshal(body, returnStruct); err != nil { log.Error("invalid json: " + string(body)) return err } // Validate response against swagger spec responseValidationInput := &swagger.ResponseValidationInput{ RequestValidationInput: requestValidationInput, Status: resp.StatusCode, Header: resp.Header, } responseValidationInput = responseValidationInput.SetBodyBytes(body) return swagger.ValidateResponse(ctx, responseValidationInput) } func doBadReq(method, path string, reqBody io.Reader, expectedResponseCode int) error { ctx := context.Background() client := &http.Client{} httpReq, _ := http.NewRequest(method, path, reqBody) route, pathParams, err := tc.router.FindRoute(httpReq.Method, httpReq.URL) if err != nil { return err } // Validate request against swagger spec requestValidationInput := &swagger.RequestValidationInput{ Request: httpReq, PathParams: pathParams, Route: route, } if err := swagger.ValidateRequest(ctx, requestValidationInput); err != nil { if expectedResponseCode != 400 { return err } log.Warn("The request does not match the API spec") } // Do API call resp, err := client.Do(httpReq) if err != nil { return err } if resp.Body == nil { return errors.New("Nil body") } //nolint defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return err } if resp.StatusCode != expectedResponseCode { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected response code: %d. Body: %s", resp.StatusCode, string(body)) } // Validate response against swagger spec responseValidationInput := &swagger.ResponseValidationInput{ RequestValidationInput: requestValidationInput, Status: resp.StatusCode, Header: resp.Header, } responseValidationInput = responseValidationInput.SetBodyBytes(body) return swagger.ValidateResponse(ctx, responseValidationInput) } // test helpers func getTimestamp(blockNum int64, blocks []common.Block) time.Time { for i := 0; i < len(blocks); i++ { if blocks[i].EthBlockNum == blockNum { return blocks[i].Timestamp } } panic("timesamp not found") } func getTokenByID(id common.TokenID, tokens []historydb.TokenWithUSD) historydb.TokenWithUSD { for i := 0; i < len(tokens); i++ { if tokens[i].TokenID == id { return tokens[i] } } panic("token not found") } func getTokenByIdx(idx common.Idx, tokens []historydb.TokenWithUSD, accs []common.Account) historydb.TokenWithUSD { for _, acc := range accs { if idx == acc.Idx { return getTokenByID(acc.TokenID, tokens) } } panic("token not found") } func getAccountByIdx(idx common.Idx, accs []common.Account) *common.Account { for _, acc := range accs { if acc.Idx == idx { return &acc } } panic("account not found") } func getBlockByNum(ethBlockNum int64, blocks []common.Block) common.Block { for _, b := range blocks { if b.EthBlockNum == ethBlockNum { return b } } panic("block not found") } func getCoordinatorByBidder(bidder ethCommon.Address, coordinators []historydb.CoordinatorAPI) historydb.CoordinatorAPI { for _, c := range coordinators { if c.Bidder == bidder { return c } } panic("coordinator not found") }