Test Ethclient - Contracts ## Contracts The first step is to clone the github repository where the contracts are located: `git clone https://github.com/hermeznetwork/contracts.git` While the prepared deployment is not found to master, branch in repository must be changed: `git checkout feature/ethclient-test-deployment` Now, install the dependencies: ``` cd contracts/ yarn install ``` Go to where the deployment scripts for the test are found: `cd scripts/ethclient-deployment/` Now, a bash script (which uses gnome-terminal) has to be run to do the deployment: `./test-deploy.sh` This bash file follows these steps: - `npx builder node`: a local blockchain to do our tests - `npx buidler run --network localhost test-deployment.js`: run the deployment on the local blockchain Alternatively you can run the two previous commands manually in different terminals. An output file necessary for the next step is obtained: `deploy-output`. > The files that appear in `hermez-node/eth/contracts` must be generated from the same contract that we deploy in this step ## Ethclient Test Different environment variables are necessary to run this test. They must be taken from the output file of the previous step. They can be provided by file called `.env`: ``` GENESIS_BLOCK=97 AUCTION="0x038B86d9d8FAFdd0a02ebd1A476432877b0107C8" AUCTION_TEST="0xEcc0a6dbC0bb4D51E4F84A315a9e5B0438cAD4f0" TOKENHEZ="0xf4e77E5Da47AC3125140c470c71cBca77B5c638c" HERMEZ="0xD6C850aeBFDC46D7F4c207e445cC0d6B0919BDBe" WDELAYER="0x500D1d6A4c7D8Ae28240b47c8FCde034D827fD5e" WDELAYER_TEST="0x1d80315fac6aBd3EfeEbE97dEc44461ba7556160" ``` > An example is found in `hermez-node/eth/.env.example` And then run test from `hermez-node/eth/`: `INTEGRATION=1 go test` Or they can be provided as a parameter in the command that runs the test: `INTEGRATION=1 GENESIS_BLOCK=97 AUCTION="0x038B86d9d8FAFdd0a02ebd1A476432877b0107C8" AUCTION_TEST="0xEcc0a6dbC0bb4D51E4F84A315a9e5B0438cAD4f0" TOKENHEZ="0xf4e77E5Da47AC3125140c470c71cBca77B5c638c" HERMEZ="0xD6C850aeBFDC46D7F4c207e445cC0d6B0919BDBe" WDELAYER="0x500D1d6A4c7D8Ae28240b47c8FCde034D827fD5e" WDELAYER_TEST="0x1d80315fac6aBd3EfeEbE97dEc44461ba7556160" go test`