## Contracts The go code of the contracts has been generated with the following command: ``` abigen --abi=WithdrawalDelayer.abi --bin=WithdrawalDelayer.bin --pkg=WithdrawalDelayer --out=WithdrawalDelayer.go abigen --abi=Hermez.abi --bin=Hermez.bin --pkg=Hermez --out=Hermez.go abigen --abi=HermezAuctionProtocol.abi --bin=HermezAuctionProtocol.bin --pkg=HermezAuctionProtocol --out=HermezAuctionProtocol.go abigen --abi=HEZ.abi --bin=HEZ.bin --pkg=HEZ --out=HEZ.go ``` You must compile the contracts to get the `.bin` and `.abi` files. The contracts used are in the repo: https://github.com/hermeznetwork/contracts Branch: `feature/newDeploymentScript-eth-edu` at the commit with hash: `e6c5b7db8da2de1b9cc55e281c8d1dfa524b06f0` Alternatively, you can run the `update.sh` script like this: ``` ./update.sh CONTRACT_REPO_PATH ``` Versions: ``` solidity version 0.6.12 ``` ``` $ abigen --version abigen version 1.9.25-stable-e7872729 ```