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package historydb
import (
ethCommon ""
dbUtils ""
var historyDB *HistoryDB
var historyDBWithACC *HistoryDB
// In order to run the test you need to run a Posgres DB with
// a database named "history" that is accessible by
// user: "hermez"
// pass: set it using the env var POSTGRES_PASS
// This can be achieved by running: POSTGRES_PASS=your_strong_pass && sudo docker run --rm --name hermez-db-test -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=history -e POSTGRES_USER=hermez -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASS -d postgres && sleep 2s && sudo docker exec -it hermez-db-test psql -a history -U hermez -c "CREATE DATABASE l2;"
// After running the test you can stop the container by running: sudo docker kill hermez-db-test
// If you already did that for the L2DB you don't have to do it again
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// init DB
pass := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASS")
db, err := dbUtils.InitSQLDB(5432, "localhost", "hermez", pass, "hermez")
if err != nil {
historyDB = NewHistoryDB(db, db, nil)
if err != nil {
apiConnCon := dbUtils.NewAPICnnectionController(1, time.Second)
historyDBWithACC = NewHistoryDB(db, db, apiConnCon)
// Run tests
result := m.Run()
// Close DB
if err := db.Close(); err != nil {
log.Error("Error closing the history DB:", err)
func TestBlocks(t *testing.T) {
var fromBlock, toBlock int64
fromBlock = 0
toBlock = 7
// Reset DB
// Generate blocks using til
set1 := `
Type: Blockchain
// block 0 is stored as default in the DB
// block 1 does not exist
> block // blockNum=2
> block // blockNum=3
> block // blockNum=4
> block // blockNum=5
> block // blockNum=6
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), 1)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set1)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Save timestamp of a block with UTC and change it without UTC
timestamp := time.Now().Add(time.Second * 13)
blocks[fromBlock].Block.Timestamp = timestamp
// Insert blocks into DB
for i := 0; i < len(blocks); i++ {
err := historyDB.AddBlock(&blocks[i].Block)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Add block 0 to the generated blocks
blocks = append(
[]common.BlockData{{Block: test.Block0}}, //nolint:gofmt
// Get all blocks from DB
fetchedBlocks, err := historyDB.getBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
assert.Equal(t, len(blocks), len(fetchedBlocks))
// Compare generated vs getted blocks
assert.NoError(t, err)
for i := range fetchedBlocks {
assertEqualBlock(t, &blocks[i].Block, &fetchedBlocks[i])
// Compare saved timestamp vs getted
nameZoneUTC, offsetUTC := timestamp.UTC().Zone()
zoneFetchedBlock, offsetFetchedBlock := fetchedBlocks[fromBlock].Timestamp.Zone()
assert.Equal(t, nameZoneUTC, zoneFetchedBlock)
assert.Equal(t, offsetUTC, offsetFetchedBlock)
// Get blocks from the DB one by one
for i := int64(2); i < toBlock; i++ { // avoid block 0 for simplicity
fetchedBlock, err := historyDB.GetBlock(i)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertEqualBlock(t, &blocks[i-1].Block, fetchedBlock)
// Get last block
lastBlock, err := historyDB.GetLastBlock()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertEqualBlock(t, &blocks[len(blocks)-1].Block, lastBlock)
func assertEqualBlock(t *testing.T, expected *common.Block, actual *common.Block) {
assert.Equal(t, expected.Num, actual.Num)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Hash, actual.Hash)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Timestamp.Unix(), actual.Timestamp.Unix())
func TestBatches(t *testing.T) {
// Reset DB
// Generate batches using til (and blocks for foreign key)
set := `
Type: Blockchain
AddToken(1) // Will have value in USD
AddToken(2) // Will NOT have value in USD
CreateAccountDeposit(1) A: 2000
CreateAccountDeposit(2) A: 2000
CreateAccountDeposit(1) B: 1000
CreateAccountDeposit(2) B: 1000
> batchL1
> batchL1
Transfer(1) A-B: 100 (5)
Transfer(2) B-A: 100 (199)
> batch // batchNum=2, L2 only batch, forges transfers (mixed case of with(out) USD value)
> block
Transfer(1) A-B: 100 (5)
> batch // batchNum=3, L2 only batch, forges transfer (with USD value)
Transfer(2) B-A: 100 (199)
> batch // batchNum=4, L2 only batch, forges transfer (without USD value)
> block
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
BootCoordAddr: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xE39fEc6224708f0772D2A74fd3f9055A90E0A9f2"),
CoordUser: "A",
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = tc.FillBlocksExtra(blocks, &tilCfgExtra)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Insert to DB
batches := []common.Batch{}
tokensValue := make(map[common.TokenID]float64)
lastL1TxsNum := new(int64)
lastL1BatchBlockNum := int64(0)
for _, block := range blocks {
// Insert block
assert.NoError(t, historyDB.AddBlock(&block.Block))
// Insert tokens
for i, token := range block.Rollup.AddedTokens {
assert.NoError(t, historyDB.AddToken(&token)) //nolint:gosec
if i%2 != 0 {
// Set value to the token
value := (float64(i) + 5) * 5.389329
assert.NoError(t, historyDB.UpdateTokenValue(token.Symbol, value))
tokensValue[token.TokenID] = value / math.Pow(10, float64(token.Decimals))
// Combine all generated batches into single array
for _, batch := range block.Rollup.Batches {
batches = append(batches, batch.Batch)
forgeTxsNum := batch.Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum
if forgeTxsNum != nil && (lastL1TxsNum == nil || *lastL1TxsNum < *forgeTxsNum) {
*lastL1TxsNum = *forgeTxsNum
lastL1BatchBlockNum = batch.Batch.EthBlockNum
// Insert batches
assert.NoError(t, historyDB.AddBatches(batches))
// Set expected total fee
for _, batch := range batches {
total := .0
for tokenID, amount := range batch.CollectedFees {
af := new(big.Float).SetInt(amount)
amountFloat, _ := af.Float64()
total += tokensValue[tokenID] * amountFloat
batch.TotalFeesUSD = &total
// Get batches from the DB
fetchedBatches, err := historyDB.GetBatches(0, common.BatchNum(len(batches)+1))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(batches), len(fetchedBatches))
for i, fetchedBatch := range fetchedBatches {
assert.Equal(t, batches[i], fetchedBatch)
// Test GetLastBatchNum
fetchedLastBatchNum, err := historyDB.GetLastBatchNum()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, batches[len(batches)-1].BatchNum, fetchedLastBatchNum)
// Test GetLastBatch
fetchedLastBatch, err := historyDB.GetLastBatch()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, &batches[len(batches)-1], fetchedLastBatch)
// Test GetLastL1TxsNum
fetchedLastL1TxsNum, err := historyDB.GetLastL1TxsNum()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, lastL1TxsNum, fetchedLastL1TxsNum)
// Test GetLastL1BatchBlockNum
fetchedLastL1BatchBlockNum, err := historyDB.GetLastL1BatchBlockNum()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, lastL1BatchBlockNum, fetchedLastL1BatchBlockNum)
// Test GetBatch
fetchedBatch, err := historyDB.GetBatch(1)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, &batches[0], fetchedBatch)
_, err = historyDB.GetBatch(common.BatchNum(len(batches) + 1))
assert.Equal(t, sql.ErrNoRows, tracerr.Unwrap(err))
func TestBids(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake coordinators
const nCoords = 5
coords := test.GenCoordinators(nCoords, blocks)
err := historyDB.AddCoordinators(coords)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Generate fake bids
const nBids = 20
bids := test.GenBids(nBids, blocks, coords)
err = historyDB.AddBids(bids)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Fetch bids
fetchedBids, err := historyDB.GetAllBids()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched bids vs generated bids
for i, bid := range fetchedBids {
assert.Equal(t, bids[i], bid)
func TestTokens(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake tokens
const nTokens = 5
tokens, ethToken := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks)
err := historyDB.AddTokens(tokens)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tokens = append([]common.Token{ethToken}, tokens...)
// Fetch tokens
fetchedTokens, err := historyDB.GetTokensTest()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched tokens vs generated tokens
// All the tokens should have USDUpdate setted by the DB trigger
for i, token := range fetchedTokens {
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].TokenID, token.TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].EthBlockNum, token.EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].EthAddr, token.EthAddr)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].Name, token.Name)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].Symbol, token.Symbol)
assert.Nil(t, token.USD)
assert.Nil(t, token.USDUpdate)
// Update token value
for i, token := range tokens {
value := 1.01 * float64(i)
assert.NoError(t, historyDB.UpdateTokenValue(token.Symbol, value))
// Fetch tokens
fetchedTokens, err = historyDB.GetTokensTest()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched tokens vs generated tokens
// All the tokens should have USDUpdate setted by the DB trigger
for i, token := range fetchedTokens {
value := 1.01 * float64(i)
assert.Equal(t, value, *token.USD)
nameZone, offset := token.USDUpdate.Zone()
assert.Equal(t, "UTC", nameZone)
assert.Equal(t, 0, offset)
func TestTokensUTF8(t *testing.T) {
// Reset DB
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake tokens
const nTokens = 5
tokens, ethToken := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks)
nonUTFTokens := make([]common.Token, len(tokens)+1)
// Force and token.symbol to be non UTF-8 Strings
for i, token := range tokens {
token.Name = fmt.Sprint("NON-UTF8-NAME-\xc5-", i)
token.Symbol = fmt.Sprint("S-\xc5-", i)
tokens[i] = token
nonUTFTokens[i] = token
err := historyDB.AddTokens(tokens)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Work with nonUTFTokens as tokens one gets updated and non UTF-8 characters are lost
nonUTFTokens = append([]common.Token{ethToken}, nonUTFTokens...)
// Fetch tokens
fetchedTokens, err := historyDB.GetTokensTest()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched tokens vs generated tokens
// All the tokens should have USDUpdate setted by the DB trigger
for i, token := range fetchedTokens {
assert.Equal(t, nonUTFTokens[i].TokenID, token.TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, nonUTFTokens[i].EthBlockNum, token.EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, nonUTFTokens[i].EthAddr, token.EthAddr)
assert.Equal(t, strings.ToValidUTF8(nonUTFTokens[i].Name, " "), token.Name)
assert.Equal(t, strings.ToValidUTF8(nonUTFTokens[i].Symbol, " "), token.Symbol)
assert.Nil(t, token.USD)
assert.Nil(t, token.USDUpdate)
// Update token value
for i, token := range nonUTFTokens {
value := 1.01 * float64(i)
assert.NoError(t, historyDB.UpdateTokenValue(token.Symbol, value))
// Fetch tokens
fetchedTokens, err = historyDB.GetTokensTest()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched tokens vs generated tokens
// All the tokens should have USDUpdate setted by the DB trigger
for i, token := range fetchedTokens {
value := 1.01 * float64(i)
assert.Equal(t, value, *token.USD)
nameZone, offset := token.USDUpdate.Zone()
assert.Equal(t, "UTC", nameZone)
assert.Equal(t, 0, offset)
func TestAccounts(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake tokens
const nTokens = 5
tokens, ethToken := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks)
err := historyDB.AddTokens(tokens)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tokens = append([]common.Token{ethToken}, tokens...)
// Generate fake batches
const nBatches = 10
batches := test.GenBatches(nBatches, blocks)
err = historyDB.AddBatches(batches)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Generate fake accounts
const nAccounts = 3
accs := test.GenAccounts(nAccounts, 0, tokens, nil, nil, batches)
err = historyDB.AddAccounts(accs)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Fetch accounts
fetchedAccs, err := historyDB.GetAllAccounts()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched accounts vs generated accounts
for i, acc := range fetchedAccs {
accs[i].Balance = nil
assert.Equal(t, accs[i], acc)
// Test AccountBalances
accUpdates := make([]common.AccountUpdate, len(accs))
for i, acc := range accs {
accUpdates[i] = common.AccountUpdate{
EthBlockNum: batches[acc.BatchNum-1].EthBlockNum,
BatchNum: acc.BatchNum,
Idx: acc.Idx,
Nonce: common.Nonce(i),
Balance: big.NewInt(int64(i)),
err = historyDB.AddAccountUpdates(accUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
fetchedAccBalances, err := historyDB.GetAllAccountUpdates()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, accUpdates, fetchedAccBalances)
func TestTxs(t *testing.T) {
// Reset DB
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(1) A: 10
CreateAccountDeposit(1) B: 10
> batchL1
> batchL1
> block
CreateAccountDepositTransfer(1) C-A: 20, 10
CreateAccountCoordinator(1) User0
> batchL1
> batchL1
> block
Deposit(1) B: 10
Deposit(1) C: 10
Transfer(1) C-A : 10 (1)
Transfer(1) B-C : 10 (1)
Transfer(1) A-B : 10 (1)
Exit(1) A: 10 (1)
> batch
> block
DepositTransfer(1) A-B: 10, 10
> batchL1
> block
ForceTransfer(1) A-B: 10
ForceExit(1) A: 5
> batchL1
> batchL1
> block
CreateAccountDeposit(2) D: 10
> batchL1
> block
CreateAccountDeposit(2) E: 10
> batchL1
> batchL1
> block
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
BootCoordAddr: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xE39fEc6224708f0772D2A74fd3f9055A90E0A9f2"),
CoordUser: "A",
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = tc.FillBlocksExtra(blocks, &tilCfgExtra)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Sanity check
require.Equal(t, 7, len(blocks))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(blocks[0].Rollup.L1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(blocks[1].Rollup.L1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(blocks[2].Rollup.L1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(blocks[3].Rollup.L1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(blocks[4].Rollup.L1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(blocks[5].Rollup.L1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(blocks[6].Rollup.L1UserTxs))
var null *common.BatchNum = nil
var txID common.TxID
// Insert blocks into DB
for i := range blocks {
if i == len(blocks)-1 {
blocks[i].Block.Timestamp = time.Now()
dbL1Txs, err := historyDB.GetAllL1UserTxs()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Check batch_num is nil before forging
assert.Equal(t, null, dbL1Txs[len(dbL1Txs)-1].BatchNum)
// Save this TxId
txID = dbL1Txs[len(dbL1Txs)-1].TxID
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[i])
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Check blocks
dbBlocks, err := historyDB.GetAllBlocks()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(blocks)+1, len(dbBlocks))
// Check batches
batches, err := historyDB.GetAllBatches()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 11, len(batches))
// Check L1 Transactions
dbL1Txs, err := historyDB.GetAllL1UserTxs()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 10, len(dbL1Txs))
// Tx Type
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit, dbL1Txs[0].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit, dbL1Txs[1].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeCreateAccountDepositTransfer, dbL1Txs[2].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeDeposit, dbL1Txs[3].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeDeposit, dbL1Txs[4].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeDepositTransfer, dbL1Txs[5].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeForceTransfer, dbL1Txs[6].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeForceExit, dbL1Txs[7].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit, dbL1Txs[8].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit, dbL1Txs[9].Type)
// Tx ID
assert.Equal(t, "0x00e979da4b80d60a17ce56fa19278c6f3a7e1b43359fb8a8ea46d0264de7d653ab", dbL1Txs[0].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x00af9bf96eb60f2d618519402a2f6b07057a034fa2baefd379fe8e1c969f1c5cf4", dbL1Txs[1].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x00a256ee191905243320ea830840fd666a73c7b4e6f89ce4bd47ddf998dfee627a", dbL1Txs[2].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x00930696d03ae0a1e6150b6ccb88043cb539a4e06a7f8baf213029ce9a0600197e", dbL1Txs[3].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x00de8e41d49f23832f66364e8702c4b78237eb0c95542a94d34188e51696e74fc8", dbL1Txs[4].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x007a44d6d60b15f3789d4ff49d62377a70255bf13a8d42e41ef49bf4c7b77d2c1b", dbL1Txs[5].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x00c33f316240f8d33a973db2d0e901e4ac1c96de30b185fcc6b63dac4d0e147bd4", dbL1Txs[6].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x00b55f0882c5229d1be3d9d3c1a076290f249cd0bae5ae6e609234606befb91233", dbL1Txs[7].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x009133d4c8a412ca45f50bccdbcfdb8393b0dd8efe953d0cc3bcc82796b7a581b6", dbL1Txs[8].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x00f5e8ab141ac16d673e654ba7747c2f12e93ea2c50ba6c05563752ca531968c62", dbL1Txs[9].TxID.String())
// Tx From IDx
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[0].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[1].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[2].FromIdx)
assert.NotEqual(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[3].FromIdx)
assert.NotEqual(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[4].FromIdx)
assert.NotEqual(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[5].FromIdx)
assert.NotEqual(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[6].FromIdx)
assert.NotEqual(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[7].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[8].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[9].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(0), dbL1Txs[9].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, dbL1Txs[5].FromIdx, dbL1Txs[6].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, dbL1Txs[5].FromIdx, dbL1Txs[7].FromIdx)
// Tx to IDx
assert.Equal(t, dbL1Txs[2].ToIdx, dbL1Txs[5].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, dbL1Txs[5].ToIdx, dbL1Txs[3].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, dbL1Txs[6].ToIdx, dbL1Txs[3].FromIdx)
// Token ID
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), dbL1Txs[0].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), dbL1Txs[1].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), dbL1Txs[2].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), dbL1Txs[3].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), dbL1Txs[4].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), dbL1Txs[5].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), dbL1Txs[6].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), dbL1Txs[7].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(2), dbL1Txs[8].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(2), dbL1Txs[9].TokenID)
// Batch Number
var bn common.BatchNum = common.BatchNum(2)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[0].BatchNum)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[1].BatchNum)
bn = common.BatchNum(4)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[2].BatchNum)
bn = common.BatchNum(7)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[3].BatchNum)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[4].BatchNum)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[5].BatchNum)
bn = common.BatchNum(8)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[6].BatchNum)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[7].BatchNum)
bn = common.BatchNum(10)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[8].BatchNum)
bn = common.BatchNum(11)
assert.Equal(t, &bn, dbL1Txs[9].BatchNum)
// eth_block_num
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), dbL1Txs[0].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), dbL1Txs[1].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), dbL1Txs[2].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(4), dbL1Txs[3].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(4), dbL1Txs[4].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(5), dbL1Txs[5].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(6), dbL1Txs[6].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(6), dbL1Txs[7].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(7), dbL1Txs[8].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(8), dbL1Txs[9].EthBlockNum)
// User Origin
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[0].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[1].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[2].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[3].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[4].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[5].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[6].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[7].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[8].UserOrigin)
assert.Equal(t, true, dbL1Txs[9].UserOrigin)
// Deposit Amount
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL1Txs[0].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL1Txs[1].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(20), dbL1Txs[2].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL1Txs[3].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL1Txs[4].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL1Txs[5].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(0), dbL1Txs[6].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(0), dbL1Txs[7].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL1Txs[8].DepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL1Txs[9].DepositAmount)
// Check saved txID's batch_num is not nil
assert.Equal(t, txID, dbL1Txs[len(dbL1Txs)-2].TxID)
assert.NotEqual(t, null, dbL1Txs[len(dbL1Txs)-2].BatchNum)
// Check Coordinator TXs
coordTxs, err := historyDB.GetAllL1CoordinatorTxs()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(coordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit, coordTxs[0].Type)
assert.Equal(t, false, coordTxs[0].UserOrigin)
// Check L2 TXs
dbL2Txs, err := historyDB.GetAllL2Txs()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(dbL2Txs))
// Tx Type
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeTransfer, dbL2Txs[0].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeTransfer, dbL2Txs[1].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeTransfer, dbL2Txs[2].Type)
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeExit, dbL2Txs[3].Type)
// Tx ID
assert.Equal(t, "0x024e555248100b69a8aabf6d31719b9fe8a60dcc6c3407904a93c8d2d9ade18ee5", dbL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x021ae87ca34d50ff35d98dfc0d7c95f2bf2e4ffeebb82ea71f43a8b0dfa5d36d89", dbL2Txs[1].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x024abce7f3f2382dc520ed557593f11dea1ee197e55b60402e664facc27aa19774", dbL2Txs[2].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, "0x02f921ad9e7a6e59606570fe12a7dde0e36014197de0363b9b45e5097d6f2b1dd0", dbL2Txs[3].TxID.String())
// Tx From and To IDx
assert.Equal(t, dbL2Txs[0].ToIdx, dbL2Txs[2].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, dbL2Txs[1].ToIdx, dbL2Txs[0].FromIdx)
assert.Equal(t, dbL2Txs[2].ToIdx, dbL2Txs[1].FromIdx)
// Batch Number
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(5), dbL2Txs[0].BatchNum)
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(5), dbL2Txs[1].BatchNum)
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(5), dbL2Txs[2].BatchNum)
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(5), dbL2Txs[3].BatchNum)
// eth_block_num
assert.Equal(t, int64(4), dbL2Txs[0].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(4), dbL2Txs[1].EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, int64(4), dbL2Txs[2].EthBlockNum)
// Amount
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL2Txs[0].Amount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL2Txs[1].Amount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL2Txs[2].Amount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(10), dbL2Txs[3].Amount)
func TestExitTree(t *testing.T) {
nBatches := 17
blocks := setTestBlocks(1, 10)
batches := test.GenBatches(nBatches, blocks)
err := historyDB.AddBatches(batches)
assert.NoError(t, err)
const nTokens = 50
tokens, ethToken := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks)
err = historyDB.AddTokens(tokens)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tokens = append([]common.Token{ethToken}, tokens...)
const nAccounts = 3
accs := test.GenAccounts(nAccounts, 0, tokens, nil, nil, batches)
assert.NoError(t, historyDB.AddAccounts(accs))
exitTree := test.GenExitTree(nBatches, batches, accs, blocks)
err = historyDB.AddExitTree(exitTree)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestGetUnforgedL1UserTxs(t *testing.T) {
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(1) A: 20
CreateAccountDeposit(2) A: 20
CreateAccountDeposit(1) B: 5
CreateAccountDeposit(1) C: 5
CreateAccountDeposit(1) D: 5
> block
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), 128)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Sanity check
require.Equal(t, 1, len(blocks))
require.Equal(t, 5, len(blocks[0].Rollup.L1UserTxs))
toForgeL1TxsNum := int64(1)
for i := range blocks {
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[i])
require.NoError(t, err)
l1UserTxs, err := historyDB.GetUnforgedL1UserTxs(toForgeL1TxsNum)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(l1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, blocks[0].Rollup.L1UserTxs, l1UserTxs)
// No l1UserTxs for this toForgeL1TxsNum
l1UserTxs, err = historyDB.GetUnforgedL1UserTxs(2)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(l1UserTxs))
func exampleInitSCVars() (*common.RollupVariables, *common.AuctionVariables, *common.WDelayerVariables) {
rollup := &common.RollupVariables{
auction := &common.AuctionVariables{
big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(3),
big.NewInt(4), big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(6),
[3]uint16{10, 11, 12},
wDelayer := &common.WDelayerVariables{
return rollup, auction, wDelayer
func TestSetInitialSCVars(t *testing.T) {
_, _, _, err := historyDB.GetSCVars()
assert.Equal(t, sql.ErrNoRows, tracerr.Unwrap(err))
rollup, auction, wDelayer := exampleInitSCVars()
err = historyDB.SetInitialSCVars(rollup, auction, wDelayer)
require.NoError(t, err)
dbRollup, dbAuction, dbWDelayer, err := historyDB.GetSCVars()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, rollup, dbRollup)
require.Equal(t, auction, dbAuction)
require.Equal(t, wDelayer, dbWDelayer)
func TestSetExtraInfoForgedL1UserTxs(t *testing.T) {
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(1) A: 2000
CreateAccountDeposit(1) B: 500
CreateAccountDeposit(1) C: 500
> batchL1 // forge L1UserTxs{nil}, freeze defined L1UserTxs{*}
> block // blockNum=2
> batchL1 // forge defined L1UserTxs{*}
> block // blockNum=3
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
BootCoordAddr: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xE39fEc6224708f0772D2A74fd3f9055A90E0A9f2"),
CoordUser: "A",
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = tc.FillBlocksExtra(blocks, &tilCfgExtra)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = tc.FillBlocksForgedL1UserTxs(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Add only first block so that the L1UserTxs are not marked as forged
for i := range blocks[:1] {
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[i])
require.NoError(t, err)
// Add second batch to trigger the update of the batch_num,
// while avoiding the implicit call of setExtraInfoForgedL1UserTxs
err = historyDB.addBlock(historyDB.dbWrite, &blocks[1].Block)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = historyDB.addBatch(historyDB.dbWrite, &blocks[1].Rollup.Batches[0].Batch)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = historyDB.addAccounts(historyDB.dbWrite, blocks[1].Rollup.Batches[0].CreatedAccounts)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Set the Effective{Amount,DepositAmount} of the L1UserTxs that are forged in the second block
l1Txs := blocks[1].Rollup.Batches[0].L1UserTxs
require.Equal(t, 3, len(l1Txs))
// Change some values to test all cases
l1Txs[1].EffectiveAmount = big.NewInt(0)
l1Txs[2].EffectiveDepositAmount = big.NewInt(0)
l1Txs[2].EffectiveAmount = big.NewInt(0)
err = historyDB.setExtraInfoForgedL1UserTxs(historyDB.dbWrite, l1Txs)
require.NoError(t, err)
dbL1Txs, err := historyDB.GetAllL1UserTxs()
require.NoError(t, err)
for i, tx := range dbL1Txs {
log.Infof("%d %v %v", i, tx.EffectiveAmount, tx.EffectiveDepositAmount)
assert.NotNil(t, tx.EffectiveAmount)
assert.NotNil(t, tx.EffectiveDepositAmount)
switch tx.TxID {
case l1Txs[0].TxID:
assert.Equal(t, l1Txs[0].DepositAmount, tx.EffectiveDepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, l1Txs[0].Amount, tx.EffectiveAmount)
case l1Txs[1].TxID:
assert.Equal(t, l1Txs[1].DepositAmount, tx.EffectiveDepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(0), tx.EffectiveAmount)
case l1Txs[2].TxID:
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(0), tx.EffectiveDepositAmount)
assert.Equal(t, big.NewInt(0), tx.EffectiveAmount)
func TestUpdateExitTree(t *testing.T) {
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(1) C: 2000 // Idx=256+2=258
CreateAccountDeposit(1) D: 500 // Idx=256+3=259
CreateAccountCoordinator(1) A // Idx=256+0=256
CreateAccountCoordinator(1) B // Idx=256+1=257
> batchL1 // forge L1UserTxs{nil}, freeze defined L1UserTxs{5}
> batchL1 // forge defined L1UserTxs{5}, freeze L1UserTxs{nil}
> block // blockNum=2
ForceExit(1) A: 100
ForceExit(1) B: 80
Exit(1) C: 50 (172)
Exit(1) D: 30 (172)
> batchL1 // forge L1UserTxs{nil}, freeze defined L1UserTxs{3}
> batchL1 // forge L1UserTxs{3}, freeze defined L1UserTxs{nil}
> block // blockNum=3
> block // blockNum=4 (empty block)
> block // blockNum=5 (empty block)
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
BootCoordAddr: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xE39fEc6224708f0772D2A74fd3f9055A90E0A9f2"),
CoordUser: "A",
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = tc.FillBlocksExtra(blocks, &tilCfgExtra)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Add all blocks except for the last two
for i := range blocks[:len(blocks)-2] {
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[i])
require.NoError(t, err)
// Add withdraws to the second-to-last block, and insert block into the DB
block := &blocks[len(blocks)-2]
require.Equal(t, int64(4), block.Block.Num)
tokenAddr := blocks[0].Rollup.AddedTokens[0].EthAddr
// block.WDelayer.Deposits = append(block.WDelayer.Deposits,
// common.WDelayerTransfer{Owner: tc.UsersByIdx[257].Addr, Token: tokenAddr, Amount: big.NewInt(80)}, // 257
// common.WDelayerTransfer{Owner: tc.UsersByIdx[259].Addr, Token: tokenAddr, Amount: big.NewInt(15)}, // 259
// )
block.Rollup.Withdrawals = append(block.Rollup.Withdrawals,
common.WithdrawInfo{Idx: 256, NumExitRoot: 4, InstantWithdraw: true},
common.WithdrawInfo{Idx: 257, NumExitRoot: 4, InstantWithdraw: false,
Owner: tc.UsersByIdx[257].Addr, Token: tokenAddr},
common.WithdrawInfo{Idx: 258, NumExitRoot: 3, InstantWithdraw: true},
common.WithdrawInfo{Idx: 259, NumExitRoot: 3, InstantWithdraw: false,
Owner: tc.UsersByIdx[259].Addr, Token: tokenAddr},
err = historyDB.addBlock(historyDB.dbWrite, &block.Block)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = historyDB.updateExitTree(historyDB.dbWrite, block.Block.Num,
block.Rollup.Withdrawals, block.WDelayer.Withdrawals)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check that exits in DB match with the expected values
dbExits, err := historyDB.GetAllExits()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(dbExits))
dbExitsByIdx := make(map[common.Idx]common.ExitInfo)
for _, dbExit := range dbExits {
dbExitsByIdx[dbExit.AccountIdx] = dbExit
for _, withdraw := range block.Rollup.Withdrawals {
assert.Equal(t, withdraw.NumExitRoot, dbExitsByIdx[withdraw.Idx].BatchNum)
if withdraw.InstantWithdraw {
assert.Equal(t, &block.Block.Num, dbExitsByIdx[withdraw.Idx].InstantWithdrawn)
} else {
assert.Equal(t, &block.Block.Num, dbExitsByIdx[withdraw.Idx].DelayedWithdrawRequest)
// Add delayed withdraw to the last block, and insert block into the DB
block = &blocks[len(blocks)-1]
require.Equal(t, int64(5), block.Block.Num)
block.WDelayer.Withdrawals = append(block.WDelayer.Withdrawals,
Owner: tc.UsersByIdx[257].Addr,
Token: tokenAddr,
Amount: big.NewInt(80),
err = historyDB.addBlock(historyDB.dbWrite, &block.Block)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = historyDB.updateExitTree(historyDB.dbWrite, block.Block.Num,
block.Rollup.Withdrawals, block.WDelayer.Withdrawals)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check that delayed withdrawn has been set
dbExits, err = historyDB.GetAllExits()
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, dbExit := range dbExits {
dbExitsByIdx[dbExit.AccountIdx] = dbExit
require.Equal(t, &block.Block.Num, dbExitsByIdx[257].DelayedWithdrawn)
func TestGetBestBidCoordinator(t *testing.T) {
rollup, auction, wDelayer := exampleInitSCVars()
err := historyDB.SetInitialSCVars(rollup, auction, wDelayer)
require.NoError(t, err)
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(`
Type: Blockchain
> block // blockNum=2
require.NoError(t, err)
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[0])
require.NoError(t, err)
coords := []common.Coordinator{
Bidder: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(1)),
Forger: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(2)),
EthBlockNum: 2,
URL: "foo",
Bidder: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(3)),
Forger: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(4)),
EthBlockNum: 2,
URL: "bar",
err = historyDB.addCoordinators(historyDB.dbWrite, coords)
require.NoError(t, err)
bids := []common.Bid{
SlotNum: 10,
BidValue: big.NewInt(10),
EthBlockNum: 2,
Bidder: coords[0].Bidder,
SlotNum: 10,
BidValue: big.NewInt(20),
EthBlockNum: 2,
Bidder: coords[1].Bidder,
err = historyDB.addBids(historyDB.dbWrite, bids)
require.NoError(t, err)
forger10, err := historyDB.GetBestBidCoordinator(10)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, coords[1].Forger, forger10.Forger)
require.Equal(t, coords[1].Bidder, forger10.Bidder)
require.Equal(t, coords[1].URL, forger10.URL)
require.Equal(t, bids[1].SlotNum, forger10.SlotNum)
require.Equal(t, bids[1].BidValue, forger10.BidValue)
for i := range forger10.DefaultSlotSetBid {
require.Equal(t, auction.DefaultSlotSetBid[i], forger10.DefaultSlotSetBid[i])
_, err = historyDB.GetBestBidCoordinator(11)
require.Equal(t, sql.ErrNoRows, tracerr.Unwrap(err))
func TestAddBucketUpdates(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5 + 1
setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
bucketUpdates := []common.BucketUpdate{
EthBlockNum: 4,
NumBucket: 0,
BlockStamp: 4,
Withdrawals: big.NewInt(123),
EthBlockNum: 5,
NumBucket: 2,
BlockStamp: 5,
Withdrawals: big.NewInt(42),
err := historyDB.addBucketUpdates(historyDB.dbWrite, bucketUpdates)
require.NoError(t, err)
dbBucketUpdates, err := historyDB.GetAllBucketUpdates()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, bucketUpdates, dbBucketUpdates)
func TestAddTokenExchanges(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5 + 1
setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
tokenExchanges := []common.TokenExchange{
EthBlockNum: 4,
Address: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(111)),
ValueUSD: 12345,
EthBlockNum: 5,
Address: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(222)),
ValueUSD: 67890,
err := historyDB.addTokenExchanges(historyDB.dbWrite, tokenExchanges)
require.NoError(t, err)
dbTokenExchanges, err := historyDB.GetAllTokenExchanges()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tokenExchanges, dbTokenExchanges)
func TestAddEscapeHatchWithdrawals(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5 + 1
setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
escapeHatchWithdrawals := []common.WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal{
EthBlockNum: 4,
Who: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(111)),
To: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(222)),
TokenAddr: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(333)),
Amount: big.NewInt(10002),
EthBlockNum: 5,
Who: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(444)),
To: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(555)),
TokenAddr: ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(666)),
Amount: big.NewInt(20003),
err := historyDB.addEscapeHatchWithdrawals(historyDB.dbWrite, escapeHatchWithdrawals)
require.NoError(t, err)
dbEscapeHatchWithdrawals, err := historyDB.GetAllEscapeHatchWithdrawals()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, escapeHatchWithdrawals, dbEscapeHatchWithdrawals)
func TestGetMetricsAPI(t *testing.T) {
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(1) A: 1000 // numTx=1
CreateAccountDeposit(1) B: 2000 // numTx=2
CreateAccountDeposit(1) C: 3000 //numTx=3
// block 0 is stored as default in the DB
// block 1 does not exist
> batchL1 // numBatches=1
> batchL1 // numBatches=2
> block // blockNum=2
Transfer(1) C-A : 10 (1) // numTx=4
> batch // numBatches=3
> block // blockNum=3
Transfer(1) B-C : 10 (1) // numTx=5
> batch // numBatches=5
> block // blockNum=4
Transfer(1) A-B : 10 (1) // numTx=6
> batch // numBatches=5
> block // blockNum=5
Transfer(1) A-B : 10 (1) // numTx=7
> batch // numBatches=6
> block // blockNum=6
const numBatches int = 6
const numTx int = 7
const blockNum = 6 - 1
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
BootCoordAddr: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xE39fEc6224708f0772D2A74fd3f9055A90E0A9f2"),
CoordUser: "A",
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = tc.FillBlocksExtra(blocks, &tilCfgExtra)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Sanity check
require.Equal(t, blockNum, len(blocks))
// Adding one batch per block
// batch frequency can be chosen
const frequency int = 15
for i := range blocks {
blocks[i].Block.Timestamp = time.Now().Add(-time.Second * time.Duration(frequency*(len(blocks)-i)))
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[i])
assert.NoError(t, err)
res, err := historyDB.GetMetricsInternalAPI(common.BatchNum(numBatches))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, float64(numTx)/float64(numBatches), res.TransactionsPerBatch)
// Frequency is not exactly the desired one, some decimals may appear
// There is a -2 as time for first and last batch is not taken into account
assert.InEpsilon(t, float64(frequency)*float64(numBatches-2)/float64(numBatches), res.BatchFrequency, 0.01)
assert.InEpsilon(t, float64(numTx)/float64(frequency*blockNum-frequency), res.TransactionsPerSecond, 0.01)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), res.TotalAccounts)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), res.TotalBJJs)
// Til does not set fees
assert.Equal(t, float64(0), res.AvgTransactionFee)
func TestGetMetricsAPIMoreThan24Hours(t *testing.T) {
testUsersLen := 3
var set []til.Instruction
for user := 0; user < testUsersLen; user++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit,
TokenID: common.TokenID(0),
DepositAmount: big.NewInt(1000000),
Amount: big.NewInt(0),
From: fmt.Sprintf("User%02d", user),
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
// Transfers
const numBlocks int = 30
for x := 0; x < numBlocks; x++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: common.TxTypeTransfer,
TokenID: common.TokenID(0),
DepositAmount: big.NewInt(1),
Amount: big.NewInt(0),
From: "User00",
To: "User01",
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatch})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
var chainID uint16 = 0
tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocksFromInstructions(set)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
CoordUser: "A",
err = tc.FillBlocksExtra(blocks, &tilCfgExtra)
require.NoError(t, err)
const numBatches int = 2 + numBlocks
const blockNum = 4 + numBlocks
// Sanity check
require.Equal(t, blockNum, len(blocks))
// Adding one batch per block
// batch frequency can be chosen
const blockTime time.Duration = 3600 * time.Second
now := time.Now()
require.NoError(t, err)
for i := range blocks {
blocks[i].Block.Timestamp = now.Add(-time.Duration(len(blocks)-1-i) * blockTime)
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[i])
assert.NoError(t, err)
res, err := historyDBWithACC.GetMetricsInternalAPI(common.BatchNum(numBatches))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.InEpsilon(t, 1.0, res.TransactionsPerBatch, 0.1)
assert.InEpsilon(t, res.BatchFrequency, float64(blockTime/time.Second), 0.1)
assert.InEpsilon(t, 1.0/float64(blockTime/time.Second), res.TransactionsPerSecond, 0.1)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), res.TotalAccounts)
assert.Equal(t, int64(3), res.TotalBJJs)
// Til does not set fees
assert.Equal(t, float64(0), res.AvgTransactionFee)
func TestGetMetricsAPIEmpty(t *testing.T) {
_, err := historyDBWithACC.GetMetricsInternalAPI(0)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestGetLastL1TxsNum(t *testing.T) {
_, err := historyDB.GetLastL1TxsNum()
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestGetLastTxsPosition(t *testing.T) {
_, err := historyDB.GetLastTxsPosition(0)
assert.Equal(t, sql.ErrNoRows.Error(), err.Error())
func TestGetFirstBatchBlockNumBySlot(t *testing.T) {
set := `
Type: Blockchain
// Slot = 0
> block // 2
> block // 3
> block // 4
> block // 5
// Slot = 1
> block // 6
> block // 7
> batch
> block // 8
> block // 9
// Slot = 2
> batch
> block // 10
> block // 11
> block // 12
> block // 13
tc := til.NewContext(uint16(0), common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
CoordUser: "A",
err = tc.FillBlocksExtra(blocks, &tilCfgExtra)
require.NoError(t, err)
for i := range blocks {
for j := range blocks[i].Rollup.Batches {
blocks[i].Rollup.Batches[j].Batch.SlotNum = int64(i) / 4
// Add all blocks
for i := range blocks {
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[i])
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = historyDB.GetFirstBatchBlockNumBySlot(0)
require.Equal(t, sql.ErrNoRows, tracerr.Unwrap(err))
bn1, err := historyDB.GetFirstBatchBlockNumBySlot(1)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(8), bn1)
bn2, err := historyDB.GetFirstBatchBlockNumBySlot(2)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(10), bn2)
func TestTxItemID(t *testing.T) {
testUsersLen := 10
var set []til.Instruction
for user := 0; user < testUsersLen; user++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit,
TokenID: common.TokenID(0),
DepositAmount: big.NewInt(1000000),
Amount: big.NewInt(0),
From: fmt.Sprintf("User%02d", user),
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
for user := 0; user < testUsersLen; user++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: common.TxTypeDeposit,
TokenID: common.TokenID(0),
DepositAmount: big.NewInt(100000),
Amount: big.NewInt(0),
From: fmt.Sprintf("User%02d", user),
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
for user := 0; user < testUsersLen; user++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: common.TxTypeDepositTransfer,
TokenID: common.TokenID(0),
DepositAmount: big.NewInt(10000 * int64(user+1)),
Amount: big.NewInt(1000 * int64(user+1)),
From: fmt.Sprintf("User%02d", user),
To: fmt.Sprintf("User%02d", (user+1)%testUsersLen),
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
for user := 0; user < testUsersLen; user++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: common.TxTypeForceTransfer,
TokenID: common.TokenID(0),
Amount: big.NewInt(100 * int64(user+1)),
DepositAmount: big.NewInt(0),
From: fmt.Sprintf("User%02d", user),
To: fmt.Sprintf("User%02d", (user+1)%testUsersLen),
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
for user := 0; user < testUsersLen; user++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: common.TxTypeForceExit,
TokenID: common.TokenID(0),
Amount: big.NewInt(10 * int64(user+1)),
DepositAmount: big.NewInt(0),
From: fmt.Sprintf("User%02d", user),
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
var chainID uint16 = 0
tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocksFromInstructions(set)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tilCfgExtra := til.ConfigExtra{
CoordUser: "A",
err = tc.FillBlocksExtra(blocks, &tilCfgExtra)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Add all blocks
for i := range blocks {
err = historyDB.AddBlockSCData(&blocks[i])
require.NoError(t, err)
txs, err := historyDB.GetAllL1UserTxs()
require.NoError(t, err)
position := 0
for _, tx := range txs {
if tx.Position == 0 {
position = 0
assert.Equal(t, position, tx.Position)
// setTestBlocks WARNING: this will delete the blocks and recreate them
func setTestBlocks(from, to int64) []common.Block {
blocks := test.GenBlocks(from, to)
if err := historyDB.AddBlocks(blocks); err != nil {
return blocks
func TestNodeInfo(t *testing.T) {
err := historyDB.SetStateInternalAPI(&StateAPI{})
require.NoError(t, err)
clientSetup := test.NewClientSetupExample()
constants := &Constants{
SCConsts: common.SCConsts{
Rollup: *clientSetup.RollupConstants,
Auction: *clientSetup.AuctionConstants,
WDelayer: *clientSetup.WDelayerConstants,
ChainID: 42,
HermezAddress: clientSetup.AuctionConstants.HermezRollup,
err = historyDB.SetConstants(constants)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Test parameters
stateAPI := &StateAPI{
NodePublicConfig: NodePublicConfig{
ForgeDelay: 3.1,
Network: NetworkAPI{
LastEthBlock: 12,
LastSyncBlock: 34,
Metrics: MetricsAPI{
TransactionsPerBatch: 1.1,
TotalAccounts: 42,
Rollup: *NewRollupVariablesAPI(clientSetup.RollupVariables),
Auction: *NewAuctionVariablesAPI(clientSetup.AuctionVariables),
WithdrawalDelayer: *clientSetup.WDelayerVariables,
RecommendedFee: common.RecommendedFee{
ExistingAccount: 0.15,
err = historyDB.SetStateInternalAPI(stateAPI)
require.NoError(t, err)
nodeConfig := &NodeConfig{
MaxPoolTxs: 123,
MinFeeUSD: 0.5,
err = historyDB.SetNodeConfig(nodeConfig)
require.NoError(t, err)
dbConstants, err := historyDB.GetConstants()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, constants, dbConstants)
dbNodeConfig, err := historyDB.GetNodeConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, nodeConfig, dbNodeConfig)
dbStateAPI, err := historyDB.getStateAPI(historyDB.dbRead)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, stateAPI, dbStateAPI)