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package common
import (
ethCommon ""
// SwapEndianness swaps the order of the bytes in the slice.
func SwapEndianness(b []byte) []byte {
o := make([]byte, len(b))
for i := range b {
o[len(b)-1-i] = b[i]
return o
// EthAddrToBigInt returns a *big.Int from a given ethereum common.Address.
func EthAddrToBigInt(a ethCommon.Address) *big.Int {
return new(big.Int).SetBytes(a.Bytes())
// BJJFromStringWithChecksum parses a hex string in Hermez format (which has
// the Hermez checksum at the last byte, and is encoded in BigEndian) and
// returns the corresponding *babyjub.PublicKey. This method is not part of the
// spec, is used for importing javascript test vectors data.
func BJJFromStringWithChecksum(s string) (babyjub.PublicKeyComp, error) {
b, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
return EmptyBJJComp, tracerr.Wrap(err)
pkBytes := SwapEndianness(b)
var pkComp babyjub.PublicKeyComp
copy(pkComp[:], pkBytes[:])
return pkComp, nil
// CopyBigInt returns a copy of the big int
func CopyBigInt(a *big.Int) *big.Int {
return new(big.Int).SetBytes(a.Bytes())
// RmEndingZeroes is used to convert the Siblings from a CircomProof into
// Siblings of a merkletree Proof compatible with the js version. This method
// should be used only if it exist an already generated CircomProof compatible
// with circom circuits and a CircomProof compatible with SmartContracts is
// needed. If the proof is not generated yet, this method should not be needed
// and should be used mt.GenerateSCVerifierProof to directly generate the
// CircomProof for the SmartContracts.
func RmEndingZeroes(siblings []*merkletree.Hash) []*merkletree.Hash {
pos := 0
for i := len(siblings) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !bytes.Equal(siblings[i].Bytes(), merkletree.HashZero.Bytes()) {
pos = i + 1
return siblings[:pos]
// TokensToUSD is a helper function to calculate the USD value of a certain
// amount of tokens considering the normalized token price (which is the price
// commonly reported by exhanges)
func TokensToUSD(amount *big.Int, decimals uint64, valueUSD float64) float64 {
amountF := new(big.Float).SetInt(amount)
// Divide by 10^decimals to normalize the amount
baseF := new(big.Float).SetInt(new(big.Int).Exp(
big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(int64(decimals)), nil)) //nolint:gomnd
amountF.Mul(amountF, big.NewFloat(valueUSD))
amountF.Quo(amountF, baseF)
amountUSD, _ := amountF.Float64()
return amountUSD