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package eth
import (
ethKeystore ""
ethCommon ""
HEZ ""
// ERC20Consts are the constants defined in a particular ERC20 Token instance
type ERC20Consts struct {
Name string
Symbol string
Decimals uint64
// EthereumInterface is the interface to Ethereum
type EthereumInterface interface {
EthCurrentBlock() (int64, error)
// EthHeaderByNumber(context.Context, *big.Int) (*types.Header, error)
EthBlockByNumber(context.Context, int64) (*common.Block, error)
EthAddress() (*ethCommon.Address, error)
EthTransactionReceipt(context.Context, ethCommon.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error)
EthERC20Consts(ethCommon.Address) (*ERC20Consts, error)
var (
// ErrAccountNil is used when the calls can not be made because the account is nil
ErrAccountNil = fmt.Errorf("Authorized calls can't be made when the account is nil")
// ErrReceiptStatusFailed is used when receiving a failed transaction
ErrReceiptStatusFailed = fmt.Errorf("receipt status is failed")
// ErrReceiptNotReceived is used when unable to retrieve a transaction
ErrReceiptNotReceived = fmt.Errorf("receipt not available")
// ErrBlockHashMismatchEvent is used when there's a block hash mismatch
// beetween different events of the same block
ErrBlockHashMismatchEvent = fmt.Errorf("block hash mismatch in event log")
const (
errStrDeploy = "deployment of %s failed: %w"
errStrWaitReceipt = "wait receipt of %s deploy failed: %w"
// default values
defaultCallGasLimit = 300000
defaultDeployGasLimit = 1000000
defaultGasPriceDiv = 100
defaultReceiptTimeout = 60
defaultIntervalReceiptLoop = 200
// EthereumConfig defines the configuration parameters of the EthereumClient
type EthereumConfig struct {
CallGasLimit uint64
DeployGasLimit uint64
GasPriceDiv uint64
ReceiptTimeout time.Duration // in seconds
IntervalReceiptLoop time.Duration // in milliseconds
// EthereumClient is an ethereum client to call Smart Contract methods and check blockchain information.
type EthereumClient struct {
client *ethclient.Client
account *accounts.Account
ks *ethKeystore.KeyStore
ReceiptTimeout time.Duration
config *EthereumConfig
// NewEthereumClient creates a EthereumClient instance. The account is not mandatory (it can
// be nil). If the account is nil, CallAuth will fail with ErrAccountNil.
func NewEthereumClient(client *ethclient.Client, account *accounts.Account, ks *ethKeystore.KeyStore, config *EthereumConfig) *EthereumClient {
if config == nil {
config = &EthereumConfig{
CallGasLimit: defaultCallGasLimit,
DeployGasLimit: defaultDeployGasLimit,
GasPriceDiv: defaultGasPriceDiv,
ReceiptTimeout: defaultReceiptTimeout,
IntervalReceiptLoop: defaultIntervalReceiptLoop,
return &EthereumClient{client: client, account: account, ks: ks, ReceiptTimeout: config.ReceiptTimeout * time.Second, config: config}
// BalanceAt retieves information about the default account
func (c *EthereumClient) BalanceAt(addr ethCommon.Address) (*big.Int, error) {
return c.client.BalanceAt(context.TODO(), addr, nil)
// Account returns the underlying ethereum account
func (c *EthereumClient) Account() *accounts.Account {
return c.account
// EthAddress returns the ethereum address of the account loaded into the EthereumClient
func (c *EthereumClient) EthAddress() (*ethCommon.Address, error) {
if c.account == nil {
return nil, ErrAccountNil
return &c.account.Address, nil
// CallAuth performs a Smart Contract method call that requires authorization.
// This call requires a valid account with Ether that can be spend during the
// call.
func (c *EthereumClient) CallAuth(gasLimit uint64,
fn func(*ethclient.Client, *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)) (*types.Transaction, error) {
if c.account == nil {
return nil, ErrAccountNil
gasPrice, err := c.client.SuggestGasPrice(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inc := new(big.Int).Set(gasPrice)
inc.Div(inc, new(big.Int).SetUint64(c.config.GasPriceDiv))
gasPrice.Add(gasPrice, inc)
log.Debugw("Transaction metadata", "gasPrice", gasPrice)
auth, err := bind.NewKeyStoreTransactor(c.ks, *c.account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
auth.Value = big.NewInt(0) // in wei
if gasLimit == 0 {
auth.GasLimit = c.config.CallGasLimit // in units
} else {
auth.GasLimit = gasLimit // in units
auth.GasPrice = gasPrice
tx, err := fn(c.client, auth)
if tx != nil {
log.Debugw("Transaction", "tx", tx.Hash().Hex(), "nonce", tx.Nonce())
return tx, err
// ContractData contains the contract data
type ContractData struct {
Address ethCommon.Address
Tx *types.Transaction
Receipt *types.Receipt
// Deploy a smart contract. `name` is used to log deployment information. fn
// is a wrapper to the deploy function generated by abigen. In case of error,
// the returned `ContractData` may have some parameters filled depending on the
// kind of error that occurred.
func (c *EthereumClient) Deploy(name string,
fn func(c *ethclient.Client, auth *bind.TransactOpts) (ethCommon.Address, *types.Transaction, interface{}, error)) (ContractData, error) {
var contractData ContractData
log.Infow("Deploying", "contract", name)
tx, err := c.CallAuth(
func(client *ethclient.Client, auth *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) {
addr, tx, _, err := fn(client, auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contractData.Address = addr
return tx, nil
if err != nil {
return contractData, fmt.Errorf(errStrDeploy, name, err)
log.Infow("Waiting receipt", "tx", tx.Hash().Hex(), "contract", name)
contractData.Tx = tx
receipt, err := c.WaitReceipt(tx)
if err != nil {
return contractData, fmt.Errorf(errStrWaitReceipt, name, err)
contractData.Receipt = receipt
return contractData, nil
// Call performs a read only Smart Contract method call.
func (c *EthereumClient) Call(fn func(*ethclient.Client) error) error {
return fn(c.client)
// WaitReceipt will block until a transaction is confirmed. Internally it
// polls the state every 200 milliseconds.
func (c *EthereumClient) WaitReceipt(tx *types.Transaction) (*types.Receipt, error) {
return c.waitReceipt(context.TODO(), tx, c.ReceiptTimeout)
// GetReceipt will check if a transaction is confirmed and return
// immediately, waiting at most 1 second and returning error if the transaction
// is still pending.
func (c *EthereumClient) GetReceipt(tx *types.Transaction) (*types.Receipt, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
return c.waitReceipt(ctx, tx, 0)
// EthTransactionReceipt returns the transaction receipt of the given txHash
func (c *EthereumClient) EthTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash ethCommon.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error) {
return c.client.TransactionReceipt(ctx, txHash)
func (c *EthereumClient) waitReceipt(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction, timeout time.Duration) (*types.Receipt, error) {
var err error
var receipt *types.Receipt
txHash := tx.Hash()
log.Debugw("Waiting for receipt", "tx", txHash.Hex())
start := time.Now()
for {
receipt, err = c.client.TransactionReceipt(ctx, txHash)
if receipt != nil || time.Since(start) >= timeout {
time.Sleep(c.config.IntervalReceiptLoop * time.Millisecond)
if receipt != nil && receipt.Status == types.ReceiptStatusFailed {
log.Errorw("Failed transaction", "tx", txHash.Hex())
return receipt, ErrReceiptStatusFailed
if receipt == nil {
log.Debugw("Pendingtransaction / Wait receipt timeout", "tx", txHash.Hex(), "lasterr", err)
return receipt, ErrReceiptNotReceived
log.Debugw("Successful transaction", "tx", txHash.Hex())
return receipt, err
// EthCurrentBlock returns the current block number in the blockchain
func (c *EthereumClient) EthCurrentBlock() (int64, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
header, err := c.client.HeaderByNumber(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return header.Number.Int64(), nil
// EthHeaderByNumber internally calls ethclient.Client HeaderByNumber
// func (c *EthereumClient) EthHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, number *big.Int) (*types.Header, error) {
// return c.client.HeaderByNumber(ctx, number)
// }
// EthBlockByNumber internally calls ethclient.Client BlockByNumber and returns *common.Block
func (c *EthereumClient) EthBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number int64) (*common.Block, error) {
blockNum := big.NewInt(number)
if number == 0 {
blockNum = nil
block, err := c.client.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b := &common.Block{
EthBlockNum: block.Number().Int64(),
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(block.Time()), 0),
Hash: block.Hash(),
return b, nil
// EthERC20Consts returns the constants defined for a particular ERC20 Token instance.
func (c *EthereumClient) EthERC20Consts(tokenAddress ethCommon.Address) (*ERC20Consts, error) {
// We use the HEZ token smart contract interfacehere because it's an
// ERC20, which allows us to access the standard ERC20 constants.
instance, err := HEZ.NewHEZ(tokenAddress, c.client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
name, err := instance.Name(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
symbol, err := instance.Symbol(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
decimals, err := instance.Decimals(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ERC20Consts{
Name: name,
Symbol: symbol,
Decimals: uint64(decimals),
}, nil
// Client returns the internal ethclient.Client
func (c *EthereumClient) Client() *ethclient.Client {
return c.client