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package apitypes
import (
ethCommon ""
// BigIntStr is used to scan/value *big.Int directly into strings from/to sql DBs.
// It assumes that *big.Int are inserted/fetched to/from the DB using the BigIntMeddler meddler
// defined at Since *big.Int is
// stored as DECIMAL in SQL, there's no need to implement Scan()/Value()
// because DECIMALS are encoded/decoded as strings by the sql driver, and
// BigIntStr is already a string.
type BigIntStr string
// NewBigIntStr creates a *BigIntStr from a *big.Int.
// If the provided bigInt is nil the returned *BigIntStr will also be nil
func NewBigIntStr(bigInt *big.Int) *BigIntStr {
if bigInt == nil {
return nil
bigIntStr := BigIntStr(bigInt.String())
return &bigIntStr
// StrBigInt is used to unmarshal BigIntStr directly into an alias of big.Int
type StrBigInt big.Int
// UnmarshalText unmarshals a StrBigInt
func (s *StrBigInt) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
bi, ok := (*big.Int)(s).SetString(string(text), 10)
if !ok {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal %s into a StrBigInt", text))
*s = StrBigInt(*bi)
return nil
// CollectedFeesAPI is send common.batch.CollectedFee through the API
type CollectedFeesAPI map[common.TokenID]BigIntStr
// NewCollectedFeesAPI creates a new CollectedFeesAPI from a *big.Int map
func NewCollectedFeesAPI(m map[common.TokenID]*big.Int) CollectedFeesAPI {
c := CollectedFeesAPI(make(map[common.TokenID]BigIntStr))
for k, v := range m {
c[k] = *NewBigIntStr(v)
return c
// HezEthAddr is used to scan/value Ethereum Address directly into strings that follow the Ethereum address hez format (^hez:0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$) from/to sql DBs.
// It assumes that Ethereum Address are inserted/fetched to/from the DB using the default Scan/Value interface
type HezEthAddr string
// NewHezEthAddr creates a HezEthAddr from an Ethereum addr
func NewHezEthAddr(addr ethCommon.Address) HezEthAddr {
return HezEthAddr("hez:" + addr.String())
// ToEthAddr returns an Ethereum Address created from HezEthAddr
func (a HezEthAddr) ToEthAddr() (ethCommon.Address, error) {
addrStr := strings.TrimPrefix(string(a), "hez:")
var addr ethCommon.Address
return addr, addr.UnmarshalText([]byte(addrStr))
// Scan implements Scanner for database/sql
func (a *HezEthAddr) Scan(src interface{}) error {
ethAddr := &ethCommon.Address{}
if err := ethAddr.Scan(src); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
if ethAddr == nil {
return nil
*a = NewHezEthAddr(*ethAddr)
return nil
// Value implements valuer for database/sql
func (a HezEthAddr) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
ethAddr, err := a.ToEthAddr()
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
return ethAddr.Value()
// StrHezEthAddr is used to unmarshal HezEthAddr directly into an alias of ethCommon.Address
type StrHezEthAddr ethCommon.Address
// UnmarshalText unmarshals a StrHezEthAddr
func (s *StrHezEthAddr) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
withoutHez := strings.TrimPrefix(string(text), "hez:")
var addr ethCommon.Address
if err := addr.UnmarshalText([]byte(withoutHez)); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
*s = StrHezEthAddr(addr)
return nil
// HezBJJ is used to scan/value *babyjub.PublicKeyComp directly into strings that follow the BJJ public key hez format (^hez:[A-Za-z0-9_-]{44}$) from/to sql DBs.
// It assumes that *babyjub.PublicKeyComp are inserted/fetched to/from the DB using the default Scan/Value interface
type HezBJJ string
// NewHezBJJ creates a HezBJJ from a *babyjub.PublicKeyComp.
// Calling this method with a nil bjj causes panic
func NewHezBJJ(pkComp babyjub.PublicKeyComp) HezBJJ {
sum := pkComp[0]
for i := 1; i < len(pkComp); i++ {
sum += pkComp[i]
bjjSum := append(pkComp[:], sum)
return HezBJJ("hez:" + base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(bjjSum))
func hezStrToBJJ(s string) (babyjub.PublicKeyComp, error) {
const decodedLen = 33
const encodedLen = 44
formatErr := errors.New("invalid BJJ format. Must follow this regex: ^hez:[A-Za-z0-9_-]{44}$")
encoded := strings.TrimPrefix(s, "hez:")
if len(encoded) != encodedLen {
return common.EmptyBJJComp, formatErr
decoded, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(encoded)
if err != nil {
return common.EmptyBJJComp, formatErr
if len(decoded) != decodedLen {
return common.EmptyBJJComp, formatErr
bjjBytes := [decodedLen - 1]byte{}
copy(bjjBytes[:decodedLen-1], decoded[:decodedLen-1])
sum := bjjBytes[0]
for i := 1; i < len(bjjBytes); i++ {
sum += bjjBytes[i]
if decoded[decodedLen-1] != sum {
return common.EmptyBJJComp, tracerr.Wrap(errors.New("checksum verification failed"))
bjjComp := babyjub.PublicKeyComp(bjjBytes)
return bjjComp, nil
// ToBJJ returns a babyjub.PublicKeyComp created from HezBJJ
func (b HezBJJ) ToBJJ() (babyjub.PublicKeyComp, error) {
return hezStrToBJJ(string(b))
// Scan implements Scanner for database/sql
func (b *HezBJJ) Scan(src interface{}) error {
bjj := &babyjub.PublicKeyComp{}
if err := bjj.Scan(src); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
if bjj == nil {
return nil
*b = NewHezBJJ(*bjj)
return nil
// Value implements valuer for database/sql
func (b HezBJJ) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
bjj, err := b.ToBJJ()
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
return bjj.Value()
// StrHezBJJ is used to unmarshal HezBJJ directly into an alias of babyjub.PublicKeyComp
type StrHezBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp
// UnmarshalText unmarshalls a StrHezBJJ
func (s *StrHezBJJ) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
bjj, err := hezStrToBJJ(string(text))
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
*s = StrHezBJJ(bjj)
return nil
// HezIdx is used to value common.Idx directly into strings that follow the Idx key hez format (hez:tokenSymbol:idx) to sql DBs.
// Note that this can only be used to insert to DB since there is no way to automatically read from the DB since it needs the tokenSymbol
type HezIdx string
// StrHezIdx is used to unmarshal HezIdx directly into an alias of common.Idx
type StrHezIdx common.Idx
// UnmarshalText unmarshals a StrHezIdx
func (s *StrHezIdx) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
withoutHez := strings.TrimPrefix(string(text), "hez:")
splitted := strings.Split(withoutHez, ":")
const expectedLen = 2
if len(splitted) != expectedLen {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("can not unmarshal %s into StrHezIdx", text))
idxInt, err := strconv.Atoi(splitted[1])
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
*s = StrHezIdx(common.Idx(idxInt))
return nil
// EthSignature is used to scan/value []byte representing an Ethereum signature directly into strings from/to sql DBs.
type EthSignature string
// NewEthSignature creates a *EthSignature from []byte
// If the provided signature is nil the returned *EthSignature will also be nil
func NewEthSignature(signature []byte) *EthSignature {
if signature == nil {
return nil
ethSignature := EthSignature("0x" + hex.EncodeToString(signature))
return &ethSignature
// Scan implements Scanner for database/sql
func (e *EthSignature) Scan(src interface{}) error {
if srcStr, ok := src.(string); ok {
// src is a string
*e = *(NewEthSignature([]byte(srcStr)))
return nil
} else if srcBytes, ok := src.([]byte); ok {
// src is []byte
*e = *(NewEthSignature(srcBytes))
return nil
} else {
// unexpected src
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("can't scan %T into apitypes.EthSignature", src))
// Value implements valuer for database/sql
func (e EthSignature) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
without0x := strings.TrimPrefix(string(e), "0x")
return hex.DecodeString(without0x)
// UnmarshalText unmarshals a StrEthSignature
func (e *EthSignature) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
without0x := strings.TrimPrefix(string(text), "0x")
signature, err := hex.DecodeString(without0x)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
*e = EthSignature([]byte(signature))
return nil