package historydb
import (
ethCommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
var historyDB *HistoryDB
// In order to run the test you need to run a Posgres DB with
// a database named "history" that is accessible by
// user: "hermez"
// pass: set it using the env var POSTGRES_PASS
// This can be achieved by running: POSTGRES_PASS=your_strong_pass && sudo docker run --rm --name hermez-db-test -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=history -e POSTGRES_USER=hermez -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASS -d postgres && sleep 2s && sudo docker exec -it hermez-db-test psql -a history -U hermez -c "CREATE DATABASE l2;"
// After running the test you can stop the container by running: sudo docker kill hermez-db-test
// If you already did that for the L2DB you don't have to do it again
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// init DB
var err error
pass := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASS")
historyDB, err = NewHistoryDB(5432, "localhost", "hermez", pass, "history")
if err != nil {
// Run tests
result := m.Run()
// Close DB
if err := historyDB.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error closing the history DB:", err)
func TestBlocks(t *testing.T) {
var fromBlock, toBlock int64
fromBlock = 1
toBlock = 5
// Delete peviously created rows (clean previous test execs)
assert.NoError(t, historyDB.Reorg(fromBlock-1))
// Generate fake blocks
blocks := test.GenBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Insert blocks into DB
for i := 0; i < len(blocks); i++ {
err := historyDB.AddBlock(&blocks[i])
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Get all blocks from DB
fetchedBlocks, err := historyDB.GetBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
assert.Equal(t, len(blocks), len(fetchedBlocks))
// Compare generated vs getted blocks
assert.NoError(t, err)
for i, fetchedBlock := range fetchedBlocks {
assertEqualBlock(t, &blocks[i], fetchedBlock)
// Get blocks from the DB one by one
for i := fromBlock; i < toBlock; i++ {
fetchedBlock, err := historyDB.GetBlock(i)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertEqualBlock(t, &blocks[i-1], fetchedBlock)
// Get last block
lastBlock, err := historyDB.GetLastBlock()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertEqualBlock(t, &blocks[len(blocks)-1], lastBlock)
func assertEqualBlock(t *testing.T, expected *common.Block, actual *common.Block) {
assert.Equal(t, expected.EthBlockNum, actual.EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Hash, actual.Hash)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Timestamp.Unix(), actual.Timestamp.Unix())
func TestBatches(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 3
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake batches
const nBatches = 9
batches := test.GenBatches(nBatches, blocks)
// Test GetLastL1TxsNum with no batches
fetchedLastL1TxsNum, err := historyDB.GetLastL1TxsNum()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Nil(t, fetchedLastL1TxsNum)
// Add batches to the DB
err = historyDB.AddBatches(batches)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Get batches from the DB
fetchedBatches, err := historyDB.GetBatches(0, common.BatchNum(nBatches))
assert.NoError(t, err)
for i, fetchedBatch := range fetchedBatches {
assert.Equal(t, batches[i], *fetchedBatch)
// Test GetLastBatchNum
fetchedLastBatchNum, err := historyDB.GetLastBatchNum()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, batches[len(batches)-1].BatchNum, fetchedLastBatchNum)
// Test GetLastL1TxsNum
fetchedLastL1TxsNum, err = historyDB.GetLastL1TxsNum()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, batches[nBatches-1].ForgeL1TxsNum, *fetchedLastL1TxsNum)
func TestBids(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake coordinators
const nCoords = 5
coords := test.GenCoordinators(nCoords, blocks)
// Generate fake bids
const nBids = 20
bids := test.GenBids(nBids, blocks, coords)
err := historyDB.addBids(bids)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Fetch bids
fetchedBids, err := historyDB.GetBids()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched bids vs generated bids
for i, bid := range fetchedBids {
assert.Equal(t, bids[i], *bid)
func TestTokens(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake tokens
const nTokens = 5
tokens := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks)
err := historyDB.AddTokens(tokens)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Update price of generated tokens without price
for i := 0; i < len(tokens); i++ {
if tokens[i].USD == 0 {
value := 3.33 + float64(i)
tokens[i].USD = value
err := historyDB.UpdateTokenValue(tokens[i].TokenID, value)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Fetch tokens
fetchedTokens, err := historyDB.GetTokens()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched tokens vs generated tokens
// All the tokens should have USDUpdate setted by the DB trigger
for i, token := range fetchedTokens {
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].TokenID, token.TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].EthBlockNum, token.EthBlockNum)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].EthAddr, token.EthAddr)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].Name, token.Name)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].Symbol, token.Symbol)
assert.Equal(t, tokens[i].USD, token.USD)
assert.Greater(t, int64(1*time.Second), int64(time.Since(token.USDUpdate)))
func TestAccounts(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake tokens
const nTokens = 5
tokens := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks)
err := historyDB.AddTokens(tokens)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Generate fake batches
const nBatches = 10
batches := test.GenBatches(nBatches, blocks)
err = historyDB.AddBatches(batches)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Generate fake accounts
const nAccounts = 3
accs := test.GenAccounts(nAccounts, 0, tokens, nil, batches)
err = historyDB.AddAccounts(accs)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Fetch accounts
fetchedAccs, err := historyDB.GetAccounts()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched accounts vs generated accounts
for i, acc := range fetchedAccs {
assert.Equal(t, accs[i], *acc)
func TestTxs(t *testing.T) {
const fromBlock int64 = 1
const toBlock int64 = 5
// Prepare blocks in the DB
blocks := setTestBlocks(fromBlock, toBlock)
// Generate fake tokens
const nTokens = 5
const tokenValue = 1.23456
tokens := test.GenTokens(nTokens, blocks)
for i := 0; i < len(tokens); i++ {
tokens[i].USD = tokenValue
err := historyDB.AddTokens(tokens)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Generate fake batches
const nBatches = 10
batches := test.GenBatches(nBatches, blocks)
err = historyDB.AddBatches(batches)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Generate fake accounts
const nAccounts = 3
accs := test.GenAccounts(nAccounts, 0, tokens, nil, batches)
err = historyDB.AddAccounts(accs)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Generate fake L1 txs
const nL1s = 30
_, l1txs := test.GenL1Txs(0, nL1s, 0, nil, accs, tokens, blocks, batches)
err = historyDB.AddL1Txs(l1txs)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Generate fake L2 txs
const nL2s = 20
_, l2txs := test.GenL2Txs(0, nL2s, 0, nil, accs, tokens, blocks, batches)
err = historyDB.AddL2Txs(l2txs)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare fetched txs vs generated txs.
for i := 0; i < len(l1txs); i++ {
tx := l1txs[i].Tx()
fetchedTx, err := historyDB.GetTx(tx.TxID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tx.USD = tokenValue * tx.AmountFloat
if fetchedTx.USD > tx.USD {
assert.Less(t, 0.999, tx.USD/fetchedTx.USD)
} else {
assert.Less(t, 0.999, fetchedTx.USD/tx.USD)
tx.LoadAmountUSD = tokenValue * tx.LoadAmountFloat
if fetchedTx.LoadAmountUSD > tx.LoadAmountUSD {
assert.Less(t, 0.999, tx.LoadAmountUSD/fetchedTx.LoadAmountUSD)
} else {
assert.Less(t, 0.999, fetchedTx.LoadAmountUSD/tx.LoadAmountUSD)
tx.LoadAmountUSD = 0
tx.USD = 0
fetchedTx.LoadAmountUSD = 0
fetchedTx.USD = 0
assert.Equal(t, tx, fetchedTx)
for i := 0; i < len(l2txs); i++ {
tx := l2txs[i].Tx()
fetchedTx, err := historyDB.GetTx(tx.TxID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tx.USD = tokenValue * tx.AmountFloat
if fetchedTx.USD > tx.USD {
assert.Less(t, 0.999, tx.USD/fetchedTx.USD)
} else {
assert.Less(t, 0.999, fetchedTx.USD/tx.USD)
if tx.Fee == 0 {
tx.FeeUSD = 0
} else if tx.Fee <= 32 {
tx.FeeUSD = tx.USD * math.Pow(10, -24+(float64(tx.Fee)/2))
} else if tx.Fee <= 223 {
tx.FeeUSD = tx.USD * math.Pow(10, -8+(0.041666666666667*(float64(tx.Fee)-32)))
} else {
tx.FeeUSD = tx.USD * math.Pow(10, float64(tx.Fee)-224)
if fetchedTx.FeeUSD > tx.FeeUSD {
assert.Less(t, 0.999, tx.FeeUSD/fetchedTx.FeeUSD)
} else if fetchedTx.FeeUSD < tx.FeeUSD {
assert.Less(t, 0.999, fetchedTx.FeeUSD/tx.FeeUSD)
tx.FeeUSD = 0
tx.USD = 0
fetchedTx.FeeUSD = 0
fetchedTx.USD = 0
assert.Equal(t, tx, fetchedTx)
// Test trigger: L1 integrity
// from_eth_addr can't be null
l1txs[0].FromEthAddr = ethCommon.Address{}
err = historyDB.AddL1Txs(l1txs)
assert.Error(t, err)
l1txs[0].FromEthAddr = ethCommon.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(int64(5)))
// from_bjj can't be null
l1txs[0].FromBJJ = nil
err = historyDB.AddL1Txs(l1txs)
assert.Error(t, err)
privK := babyjub.NewRandPrivKey()
l1txs[0].FromBJJ = privK.Public()
// load_amount can't be null
l1txs[0].LoadAmount = nil
err = historyDB.AddL1Txs(l1txs)
assert.Error(t, err)
// Test trigger: L2 integrity
// batch_num can't be null
l2txs[0].BatchNum = 0
err = historyDB.AddL2Txs(l2txs)
assert.Error(t, err)
l2txs[0].BatchNum = 1
// nonce can't be null
l2txs[0].Nonce = 0
err = historyDB.AddL2Txs(l2txs)
assert.Error(t, err)
// setTestBlocks WARNING: this will delete the blocks and recreate them
func setTestBlocks(from, to int64) []common.Block {
if err := cleanHistoryDB(); err != nil {
blocks := test.GenBlocks(from, to)
if err := historyDB.AddBlocks(blocks); err != nil {
return blocks
func cleanHistoryDB() error {
return historyDB.Reorg(0)