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package api
import (
// SlotAPI is a repesentation of a slot information
type SlotAPI struct {
ItemID uint64 `json:"itemId"`
SlotNum int64 `json:"slotNum"`
FirstBlock int64 `json:"firstBlock"`
LastBlock int64 `json:"lastBlock"`
OpenAuction bool `json:"openAuction"`
WinnerBid *historydb.BidAPI `json:"bestBid"`
func (a *API) getFirstLastBlock(slotNum int64) (int64, int64) {
genesisBlock :=
blocksPerSlot := int64(
firstBlock := slotNum*blocksPerSlot + genesisBlock
lastBlock := (slotNum+1)*blocksPerSlot + genesisBlock - 1
return firstBlock, lastBlock
func (a *API) getCurrentSlot(currentBlock int64) int64 {
genesisBlock :=
blocksPerSlot := int64(
currentSlot := (currentBlock - genesisBlock) / blocksPerSlot
return currentSlot
func (a *API) isOpenAuction(currentBlock, slotNum int64, auctionVars common.AuctionVariables) bool {
currentSlot := a.getCurrentSlot(currentBlock)
closedAuctionSlots := currentSlot + int64(auctionVars.ClosedAuctionSlots)
openAuctionSlots := int64(auctionVars.OpenAuctionSlots)
if slotNum > closedAuctionSlots && slotNum <= (closedAuctionSlots+openAuctionSlots) {
return true
return false
func (a *API) newSlotAPI(slotNum, currentBlockNum int64, bid *historydb.BidAPI, auctionVars *common.AuctionVariables) SlotAPI {
firstBlock, lastBlock := a.getFirstLastBlock(slotNum)
openAuction := a.isOpenAuction(currentBlockNum, slotNum, *auctionVars)
slot := SlotAPI{
ItemID: uint64(slotNum),
SlotNum: slotNum,
FirstBlock: firstBlock,
LastBlock: lastBlock,
OpenAuction: openAuction,
WinnerBid: bid,
return slot
func (a *API) newSlotsAPIFromWinnerBids(fromItem *uint, order string, bids []historydb.BidAPI, currentBlockNum int64, auctionVars *common.AuctionVariables) (slots []SlotAPI) {
for i := range bids {
slotNum := bids[i].SlotNum
slot := a.newSlotAPI(slotNum, currentBlockNum, &bids[i], auctionVars)
if order == historydb.OrderAsc {
if slot.ItemID >= uint64(*fromItem) {
slots = append(slots, slot)
} else {
if slot.ItemID <= uint64(*fromItem) {
slots = append(slots, slot)
return slots
func (a *API) addEmptySlot(slots []SlotAPI, slotNum int64, currentBlockNum int64, auctionVars *common.AuctionVariables, fromItem *uint, order string) ([]SlotAPI, error) {
emptySlot := a.newSlotAPI(slotNum, currentBlockNum, nil, auctionVars)
if order == historydb.OrderAsc {
if emptySlot.ItemID >= uint64(*fromItem) {
slots = append(slots, emptySlot)
} else {
if emptySlot.ItemID <= uint64(*fromItem) {
slots = append([]SlotAPI{emptySlot}, slots...)
return slots, nil
func (a *API) getSlot(c *gin.Context) {
slotNumUint, err := parseParamUint("slotNum", nil, 0, maxUint32, c)
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
currentBlock, err := a.h.GetLastBlock()
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
auctionVars, err := a.h.GetAuctionVars()
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
slotNum := int64(*slotNumUint)
bid, err := a.h.GetBestBidAPI(&slotNum)
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
retSQLErr(err, c)
var slot SlotAPI
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
slot = a.newSlotAPI(slotNum, currentBlock.Num, nil, auctionVars)
} else {
slot = a.newSlotAPI(bid.SlotNum, currentBlock.Num, &bid, auctionVars)
// JSON response
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, slot)
func getLimits(
minSlotNum, maxSlotNum int64, fromItem, limit *uint, order string,
) (minLimit, maxLimit int64, pendingItems uint64) {
if order == historydb.OrderAsc {
if fromItem != nil && int64(*fromItem) > minSlotNum {
minLimit = int64(*fromItem)
} else {
minLimit = minSlotNum
if limit != nil && (minLimit+int64(*limit-1)) < maxSlotNum {
maxLimit = minLimit + int64(*limit-1)
} else {
maxLimit = maxSlotNum
pendingItems = uint64(maxSlotNum - maxLimit)
} else {
if fromItem != nil && int64(*fromItem) < maxSlotNum {
maxLimit = int64(*fromItem)
} else {
maxLimit = maxSlotNum
if limit != nil && (maxLimit-int64(*limit-1)) < minSlotNum {
minLimit = minSlotNum
} else {
minLimit = maxLimit - int64(*limit-1)
pendingItems = uint64(-(minSlotNum - minLimit))
return minLimit, maxLimit, pendingItems
func getLimitsWithAddr(minSlotNum, maxSlotNum *int64, fromItem, limit *uint, order string) (int64, int64) {
var minLim, maxLim int64
if fromItem != nil {
if order == historydb.OrderAsc {
maxLim = *maxSlotNum
if int64(*fromItem) > *minSlotNum {
minLim = int64(*fromItem)
} else {
minLim = *minSlotNum
} else {
minLim = *minSlotNum
if int64(*fromItem) < *maxSlotNum {
maxLim = int64(*fromItem)
} else {
maxLim = *maxSlotNum
return minLim, maxLim
func (a *API) getSlots(c *gin.Context) {
var slots []SlotAPI
minSlotNumDflt := int64(0)
// Get filters
minSlotNum, maxSlotNum, wonByEthereumAddress, finishedAuction, err := parseSlotFilters(c)
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
// Pagination
fromItem, order, limit, err := parsePagination(c)
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
currentBlock, err := a.h.GetLastBlock()
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
auctionVars, err := a.h.GetAuctionVars()
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
// Check filters
if maxSlotNum == nil && finishedAuction == nil {
retBadReq(errors.New("It is necessary to add maxSlotNum filter"), c)
} else if finishedAuction != nil {
if maxSlotNum == nil && !*finishedAuction {
retBadReq(errors.New("It is necessary to add maxSlotNum filter"), c)
} else if *finishedAuction {
currentBlock, err := a.h.GetLastBlock()
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
currentSlot := a.getCurrentSlot(currentBlock.Num)
auctionVars, err := a.h.GetAuctionVars()
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
closedAuctionSlots := currentSlot + int64(auctionVars.ClosedAuctionSlots)
if maxSlotNum == nil {
maxSlotNum = &closedAuctionSlots
} else if closedAuctionSlots < *maxSlotNum {
maxSlotNum = &closedAuctionSlots
} else if maxSlotNum != nil && minSlotNum != nil {
if *minSlotNum > *maxSlotNum {
retBadReq(errors.New("It is necessary to add valid filter (minSlotNum <= maxSlotNum)"), c)
if minSlotNum == nil {
minSlotNum = &minSlotNumDflt
// Get bids and pagination according to filters
var slotMinLim, slotMaxLim int64
var bids []historydb.BidAPI
var pendingItems uint64
if wonByEthereumAddress == nil {
slotMinLim, slotMaxLim, pendingItems = getLimits(*minSlotNum, *maxSlotNum, fromItem, limit, order)
// Get best bids in range maxSlotNum - minSlotNum
bids, _, err = a.h.GetBestBidsAPI(&slotMinLim, &slotMaxLim, wonByEthereumAddress, nil, order)
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
retSQLErr(err, c)
} else {
slotMinLim, slotMaxLim = getLimitsWithAddr(minSlotNum, maxSlotNum, fromItem, limit, order)
bids, pendingItems, err = a.h.GetBestBidsAPI(&slotMinLim, &slotMaxLim, wonByEthereumAddress, limit, order)
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
retSQLErr(err, c)
// Build the slot information with previous bids
var slotsBids []SlotAPI
if len(bids) > 0 {
slotsBids = a.newSlotsAPIFromWinnerBids(fromItem, order, bids, currentBlock.Num, auctionVars)
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
// Build the other slots
if wonByEthereumAddress == nil {
// Build hte information of the slots with bids or not
for i := slotMinLim; i <= slotMaxLim; i++ {
found := false
for j := range slotsBids {
if slotsBids[j].SlotNum == i {
found = true
if order == historydb.OrderAsc {
if slotsBids[j].ItemID >= uint64(*fromItem) {
slots = append(slots, slotsBids[j])
} else {
if slotsBids[j].ItemID <= uint64(*fromItem) {
slots = append([]SlotAPI{slotsBids[j]}, slots...)
if !found {
slots, err = a.addEmptySlot(slots, i, currentBlock.Num, auctionVars, fromItem, order)
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
} else if len(slotsBids) > 0 {
slots = slotsBids
if len(slots) == 0 {
retSQLErr(sql.ErrNoRows, c)
// Build succesfull response
type slotsResponse struct {
Slots []SlotAPI `json:"slots"`
PendingItems uint64 `json:"pendingItems"`
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, &slotsResponse{
Slots: slots,
PendingItems: pendingItems,