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package coordinator
import (
ethCommon ""
var errTODO = fmt.Errorf("TODO")
// ErrDone is returned when the function is stopped asynchronously via a done
// (terminated) context. It doesn't indicate an error.
var ErrDone = fmt.Errorf("done")
// Config contains the Coordinator configuration
type Config struct {
ForgerAddress ethCommon.Address
ConfirmBlocks int64
// Coordinator implements the Coordinator type
type Coordinator struct {
// State
forging bool
batchNum common.BatchNum
serverProofPool *ServerProofPool
consts synchronizer.SCConsts
vars synchronizer.SCVariables
cfg Config
hdb *historydb.HistoryDB
txsel *txselector.TxSelector
batchBuilder *batchbuilder.BatchBuilder
ethClient eth.ClientInterface
msgCh chan interface{}
ctx context.Context
wg sync.WaitGroup
cancel context.CancelFunc
pipelineCtx context.Context
pipelineWg sync.WaitGroup
pipelineCancel context.CancelFunc
txManager *TxManager
// NewCoordinator creates a new Coordinator
func NewCoordinator(cfg Config,
hdb *historydb.HistoryDB,
txsel *txselector.TxSelector,
bb *batchbuilder.BatchBuilder,
serverProofs []ServerProofInterface,
ethClient eth.ClientInterface,
scConsts *synchronizer.SCConsts,
initSCVars *synchronizer.SCVariables,
) *Coordinator { // once synchronizer is ready, synchronizer.Synchronizer will be passed as parameter here
serverProofPool := NewServerProofPool(len(serverProofs))
for _, serverProof := range serverProofs {
txManager := NewTxManager(ethClient, cfg.ConfirmBlocks)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
c := Coordinator{
forging: false,
batchNum: -1,
serverProofPool: serverProofPool,
consts: *scConsts,
vars: *initSCVars,
cfg: cfg,
hdb: hdb,
txsel: txsel,
batchBuilder: bb,
ethClient: ethClient,
msgCh: make(chan interface{}),
ctx: ctx,
// wg
cancel: cancel,
txManager: txManager,
return &c
// MsgSyncStats indicates an update to the Synchronizer stats
type MsgSyncStats struct {
Stats synchronizer.Stats
// MsgSyncSCVars indicates an update to Smart Contract Vars
type MsgSyncSCVars struct {
Rollup *common.RollupVariables
Auction *common.AuctionVariables
WDelayer *common.WDelayerVariables
// MsgSyncReorg indicates a reorg
type MsgSyncReorg struct {
// SendMsg is a thread safe method to pass a message to the Coordinator
func (c *Coordinator) SendMsg(msg interface{}) {
c.msgCh <- msg
func (c *Coordinator) handleMsgSyncSCVars(msg *MsgSyncSCVars) {
if msg.Rollup != nil {
c.vars.Rollup = *msg.Rollup
if msg.Auction != nil {
c.vars.Auction = *msg.Auction
if msg.WDelayer != nil {
c.vars.WDelayer = *msg.WDelayer
func (c *Coordinator) handleMsgSyncStats(stats *synchronizer.Stats) error {
if !stats.Synced() {
return nil
anyoneForge := false
if stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.BatchesLen == 0 &&
c.consts.Auction.RelativeBlock(stats.Eth.LastBlock) > int64(c.vars.Auction.SlotDeadline) {
log.Debug("Coordinator: anyone can forge in the current slot (slotDeadline passed)")
anyoneForge = true
if stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger != c.cfg.ForgerAddress && !anyoneForge {
if c.forging {
log.Info("Coordinator: forging state end")
c.forging = false
// log.Debug("Coordinator: not in forge time") // DBG
return nil
// log.Debug("Coordinator: forge time") // DBG
if !c.forging {
// Start pipeline from a batchNum state taken from synchronizer
log.Info("Coordinator: forging state begin")
c.batchNum = common.BatchNum(stats.Sync.LastBatch)
err := c.txsel.Reset(c.batchNum)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw("Coordinator: TxSelector.Reset", "error", err)
return err
err = c.batchBuilder.Reset(c.batchNum, true)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw("Coordinator: BatchBuilder.Reset", "error", err)
return err
c.forging = true
return nil
// Start the coordinator
func (c *Coordinator) Start() {
go func() {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-c.ctx.Done():
log.Info("Coordinator done")
case msg := <-c.msgCh:
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case MsgSyncStats:
stats := msg.Stats
if err := c.handleMsgSyncStats(&stats); err != nil {
log.Errorw("Coordinator.handleMsgSyncStats error", "err", err)
case MsgSyncReorg:
if err := c.handleReorg(); err != nil {
log.Errorw("Coordinator.handleReorg error", "err", err)
case MsgSyncSCVars:
log.Fatalw("Coordinator Unexpected Coordinator msg of type %T: %+v", msg, msg)
// Stop the coordinator
func (c *Coordinator) Stop() {
log.Infow("Stopping coordinator...")
if c.forging {
c.forging = false
// PipelineStart starts the forging pipeline
func (c *Coordinator) PipelineStart() {
c.pipelineCtx, c.pipelineCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
queueSize := 1
batchChSentServerProof := make(chan *BatchInfo, queueSize)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-c.pipelineCtx.Done():
log.Debug("Pipeline forgeSendServerProof loop done")
c.batchNum = c.batchNum + 1
batchInfo, err := c.forgeSendServerProof(c.pipelineCtx, c.batchNum)
if err == ErrDone {
if err != nil {
log.Errorw("forgeSendServerProof", "err", err)
batchChSentServerProof <- batchInfo
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-c.pipelineCtx.Done():
log.Debug("Pipeline waitServerProofSendEth loop done")
case batchInfo := <-batchChSentServerProof:
err := c.waitServerProof(c.pipelineCtx, batchInfo)
if err == ErrDone {
if err != nil {
log.Errorw("waitServerProof", "err", err)
// PipelineStop stops the forging pipeline
func (c *Coordinator) PipelineStop() {
log.Debug("Stopping pipeline...")
// TxManager handles everything related to ethereum transactions: It makes the
// call to forge, waits for transaction confirmation, and keeps checking them
// until a number of confirmed blocks have passed.
type TxManager struct {
ethClient eth.ClientInterface
batchCh chan *BatchInfo
lastBlockCh chan int64
queue []*BatchInfo
confirmation int64
lastBlock int64
// NewTxManager creates a new TxManager
func NewTxManager(ethClient eth.ClientInterface, confirmation int64) *TxManager {
return &TxManager{
ethClient: ethClient,
// TODO: Find best queue size
batchCh: make(chan *BatchInfo, 16), //nolint:gomnd
// TODO: Find best queue size
lastBlockCh: make(chan int64, 16), //nolint:gomnd
confirmation: confirmation,
lastBlock: -1,
// AddBatch is a thread safe method to pass a new batch TxManager to be sent to
// the smart contract via the forge call
func (t *TxManager) AddBatch(batchInfo *BatchInfo) {
t.batchCh <- batchInfo
// SetLastBlock is a thread safe method to pass the lastBlock to the TxManager
func (t *TxManager) SetLastBlock(lastBlock int64) {
t.lastBlockCh <- lastBlock
const waitTime = 200 * time.Millisecond
const longWaitTime = 999 * time.Hour
// Run the TxManager
func (t *TxManager) Run(ctx context.Context) {
next := 0
d := time.Duration(longWaitTime)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Info("TxManager done")
case lastBlock := <-t.lastBlockCh:
t.lastBlock = lastBlock
case batchInfo := <-t.batchCh:
ethTx, err := t.ethClient.RollupForgeBatch(batchInfo.ForgeBatchArgs)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Figure out different error cases and handle them properly
log.Errorw("TxManager ethClient.RollupForgeBatch", "err", err)
log.Debugf("ethClient ForgeCall sent, batchNum: %d", batchInfo.BatchNum)
batchInfo.EthTx = ethTx
t.queue = append(t.queue, batchInfo)
d = waitTime
case <-time.After(d):
if len(t.queue) == 0 {
batchInfo := t.queue[next]
txID := batchInfo.EthTx.Hash()
receipt, err := t.ethClient.EthTransactionReceipt(ctx, txID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw("TxManager ethClient.EthTransactionReceipt", "err", err)
// TODO: Figure out different error cases and handle them properly
// TODO: Notify the Coordinator to maybe reset the pipeline
if receipt != nil {
if receipt.Status == types.ReceiptStatusFailed {
log.Errorw("TxManager receipt status is failed", "receipt", receipt)
} else if receipt.Status == types.ReceiptStatusSuccessful {
if t.lastBlock-receipt.BlockNumber.Int64() >= t.confirmation {
log.Debugw("TxManager tx for RollupForgeBatch confirmed", "batchNum", batchInfo.BatchNum)
t.queue = t.queue[1:]
if len(t.queue) == 0 {
d = longWaitTime
if len(t.queue) == 0 {
next = 0
} else {
next = (next + 1) % len(t.queue)
// forgeSendServerProof the next batch, wait for a proof server to be available and send the
// circuit inputs to the proof server.
func (c *Coordinator) forgeSendServerProof(ctx context.Context, batchNum common.BatchNum) (*BatchInfo, error) {
// remove transactions from the pool that have been there for too long
err := c.purgeRemoveByTimeout()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
batchInfo := BatchInfo{BatchNum: batchNum} // to accumulate metadata of the batch
var poolL2Txs []common.PoolL2Tx
// var feesInfo
var l1UserTxsExtra, l1OperatorTxs []common.L1Tx
// 1. Decide if we forge L2Tx or L1+L2Tx
if c.shouldL1L2Batch() {
// 2a: L1+L2 txs
// l1UserTxs, toForgeL1TxsNumber := c.hdb.GetNextL1UserTxs() // TODO once HistoryDB is ready, uncomment
var l1UserTxs []common.L1Tx = nil // tmp, depends on HistoryDB
l1UserTxsExtra, l1OperatorTxs, poolL2Txs, err = c.txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection([]common.Idx{}, batchNum, l1UserTxs) // TODO once feesInfo is added to method return, add the var
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// 2b: only L2 txs
_, poolL2Txs, err = c.txsel.GetL2TxSelection([]common.Idx{}, batchNum) // TODO once feesInfo is added to method return, add the var
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l1UserTxsExtra = nil
l1OperatorTxs = nil
// Run purger to invalidate transactions that become invalid beause of
// the poolL2Txs selected. Will mark as invalid the txs that have a
// (fromIdx, nonce) which already appears in the selected txs (includes
// all the nonces smaller than the current one)
err = c.purgeInvalidDueToL2TxsSelection(poolL2Txs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 3. Save metadata from TxSelector output for BatchNum
// batchInfo.SetTxsInfo(l1UserTxsExtra, l1OperatorTxs, poolL2Txs) // TODO feesInfo
batchInfo.L1UserTxsExtra = l1UserTxsExtra
batchInfo.L1OperatorTxs = l1OperatorTxs
batchInfo.L2Txs = poolL2Txs
// 4. Call BatchBuilder with TxSelector output
configBatch := &batchbuilder.ConfigBatch{
ForgerAddress: c.cfg.ForgerAddress,
zkInputs, err := c.batchBuilder.BuildBatch([]common.Idx{}, configBatch, l1UserTxsExtra, l1OperatorTxs, poolL2Txs, nil) // TODO []common.TokenID --> feesInfo
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 5. Save metadata from BatchBuilder output for BatchNum
batchInfo.ZKInputs = zkInputs
// 6. Wait for an available server proof blocking call
serverProof, err := c.serverProofPool.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
batchInfo.ServerProof = serverProof
defer func() {
// If there's an error further on, add the serverProof back to
// the pool
if err != nil {
// 7. Call the selected idle server proof with BatchBuilder output,
// save server proof info for batchNum
err = batchInfo.ServerProof.CalculateProof(zkInputs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &batchInfo, nil
// waitServerProof gets the generated zkProof & sends it to the SmartContract
func (c *Coordinator) waitServerProof(ctx context.Context, batchInfo *BatchInfo) error {
proof, err := batchInfo.ServerProof.GetProof(ctx) // blocking call, until not resolved don't continue. Returns when the proof server has calculated the proof
if err != nil {
return err
batchInfo.ServerProof = nil
batchInfo.Proof = proof
batchInfo.ForgeBatchArgs = c.prepareForgeBatchArgs(batchInfo)
batchInfo.TxStatus = TxStatusPending
// TODO(FUTURE) once tx data type is defined, store ethTx (returned by ForgeCall)
// TBD if use ethTxStore as a disk k-v database, or use a Queue
// tx, err := c.ethTxStore.NewTx()
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// tx.Put(ethTx.Hash(), ethTx.Bytes())
// if err := tx.Commit(); err!=nil {
// return nil
// }
return nil
func (c *Coordinator) handleReorg() error {
return nil // TODO
// isForgeSequence returns true if the node is the Forger in the current ethereum block
// func (c *Coordinator) isForgeSequence() (bool, error) {
// // TODO: Consider checking if we can forge by quering the Synchronizer instead of using ethClient
// blockNum, err := c.ethClient.EthLastBlock()
// if err != nil {
// return false, err
// }
// addr, err := c.ethClient.EthAddress()
// if err != nil {
// return false, err
// }
// return c.ethClient.AuctionCanForge(*addr, blockNum+1)
// }
func (c *Coordinator) purgeRemoveByTimeout() error {
return nil // TODO
func (c *Coordinator) purgeInvalidDueToL2TxsSelection(l2Txs []common.PoolL2Tx) error {
return nil // TODO
func (c *Coordinator) shouldL1L2Batch() bool {
return false // TODO
func (c *Coordinator) prepareForgeBatchArgs(batchInfo *BatchInfo) *eth.RollupForgeBatchArgs {
return &eth.RollupForgeBatchArgs{}