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package common
import (
// Idx represents the account Index in the MerkleTree
type Idx uint32
// Bytes returns a byte array representing the Idx
func (idx Idx) Bytes() []byte {
var b [4]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b[:], uint32(idx))
return b[:]
// BigInt returns a *big.Int representing the Idx
func (idx Idx) BigInt() *big.Int {
return big.NewInt(int64(idx))
// IdxFromBigInt converts a *big.Int to Idx type
func IdxFromBigInt(b *big.Int) (Idx, error) {
if b.Int64() > 0xffffffff { // 2**32-1
return 0, ErrNumOverflow
return Idx(uint32(b.Int64())), nil
// Tx is a struct that represents a Hermez network transaction
type Tx struct {
FromIdx Idx // FromIdx is used by L1Tx/Deposit to indicate the Idx receiver of the L1Tx.LoadAmount (deposit)
ToIdx Idx // ToIdx is ignored in L1Tx/Deposit, but used in the L1Tx/DepositAndTransfer
TokenID TokenID
Amount *big.Int
Nonce uint64 // effective 48 bits used
Fee FeeSelector
Type TxType // optional, descrives which kind of tx it's
BatchNum BatchNum // batchNum in which this tx was forged. Presence indicates "forged" state.
// TxID is the identifier of a Hermez network transaction
type TxID Hash // Hash is a guess
// TxType is a string that represents the type of a Hermez network transaction
type TxType string
const (
// TxTypeExit represents L2->L1 token transfer. A leaf for this account appears in the exit tree of the block
TxTypeExit TxType = "Exit"
// TxTypeWithdrawn represents the balance that was moved from L2->L1 has been widthrawn from the smart contract
TxTypeWithdrawn TxType = "Withdrawn"
// TxTypeTransfer represents L2->L2 token transfer
TxTypeTransfer TxType = "Transfer"
// TxTypeDeposit represents L1->L2 transfer
TxTypeDeposit TxType = "Deposit"
// TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit represents creation of a new leaf in the state tree (newAcconut) + L1->L2 transfer
TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit TxType = "CreateAccountDeposit"
// TxTypeCreateAccountDepositAndTransfer represents L1->L2 transfer + L2->L2 transfer
TxTypeCreateAccountDepositAndTransfer TxType = "CreateAccountDepositAndTransfer"
// TxTypeDepositAndTransfer TBD
TxTypeDepositAndTransfer TxType = "TxTypeDepositAndTransfer"
// TxTypeForceTransfer TBD
TxTypeForceTransfer TxType = "TxTypeForceTransfer"
// TxTypeForceExit TBD
TxTypeForceExit TxType = "TxTypeForceExit"
// TxTypeTransferToEthAddr TBD
TxTypeTransferToEthAddr TxType = "TxTypeTransferToEthAddr"
// TxTypeTransferToBJJ TBD
TxTypeTransferToBJJ TxType = "TxTypeTransferToBJJ"