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package statedb
import (
// ErrStateDBWithoutMT is used when a method that requires a MerkleTree is called in a StateDB that does not have a MerkleTree defined
var ErrStateDBWithoutMT = errors.New("Can not call method to use MerkleTree in a StateDB without MerkleTree")
// ErrAccountAlreadyExists is used when CreateAccount is called and the Account already exists
var ErrAccountAlreadyExists = errors.New("Can not CreateAccount because Account already exists")
// StateDB represents the StateDB object
type StateDB struct {
db db.Storage
mt *merkletree.MerkleTree
// NewStateDB creates a new StateDB, allowing to use an in-memory or in-disk
// storage
func NewStateDB(path string, inDisk bool, withMT bool, nLevels int) (*StateDB, error) {
var sto db.Storage
var err error
if inDisk {
sto, err = leveldb.NewLevelDbStorage(path, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
sto = memory.NewMemoryStorage()
var mt *merkletree.MerkleTree = nil
if withMT {
mt, err = merkletree.NewMerkleTree(sto, nLevels)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &StateDB{
db: sto,
mt: mt,
}, nil
// CheckPointAt does a checkpoint at the given batchNum in the defined path
func (s *StateDB) CheckPointAt(batchNum uint64, path string) error {
return nil
// Reset resets the StateDB to the checkpoint at the given batchNum
func (s *StateDB) Reset(batchNum uint64) error {
return nil
// Checkpoints returns a list of the checkpoints (batchNums)
func (s *StateDB) Checkpoints() ([]uint64, error) {
//batchnums, err
return nil, nil
// GetAccount returns the account for the given Idx
func (s *StateDB) GetAccount(idx common.Idx) (*common.Account, error) {
vBytes, err := s.db.Get(idx.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
accBytes, err := s.db.Get(vBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var b [32 * common.NLEAFELEMS]byte
copy(b[:], accBytes)
return common.AccountFromBytes(b)
// CreateAccount creates a new Account in the StateDB for the given Idx.
// MerkleTree is not affected.
func (s *StateDB) CreateAccount(idx common.Idx, account *common.Account) error {
// store at the DB the key: v, and value: leaf.Bytes()
v, err := account.HashValue()
if err != nil {
return err
accountBytes, err := account.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
// store the Leaf value
tx, err := s.db.NewTx()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = tx.Get(idx.Bytes())
if err != db.ErrNotFound {
return ErrAccountAlreadyExists
tx.Put(v.Bytes(), accountBytes[:])
tx.Put(idx.Bytes(), v.Bytes())
return tx.Commit()
// UpdateAccount updates the Account in the StateDB for the given Idx.
// MerkleTree is not affected.
func (s *StateDB) UpdateAccount(idx common.Idx, account *common.Account) error {
// store at the DB the key: v, and value: leaf.Bytes()
v, err := account.HashValue()
if err != nil {
return err
accountBytes, err := account.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
tx, err := s.db.NewTx()
if err != nil {
return err
tx.Put(v.Bytes(), accountBytes[:])
tx.Put(idx.Bytes(), v.Bytes())
return tx.Commit()
// MTCreateAccount creates a new Account in the StateDB for the given Idx,
// and updates the MerkleTree, returning a CircomProcessorProof
func (s *StateDB) MTCreateAccount(idx common.Idx, account *common.Account) (*merkletree.CircomProcessorProof, error) {
if == nil {
return nil, ErrStateDBWithoutMT
err := s.CreateAccount(idx, account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v, err := account.HashValue() // already computed in s.CreateAccount, next iteration reuse first computation
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add k & v into the MT
return, v)
// MTUpdateAccount updates the Account in the StateDB for the given Idx, and
// updates the MerkleTree, returning a CircomProcessorProof
func (s *StateDB) MTUpdateAccount(idx common.Idx, account *common.Account) (*merkletree.CircomProcessorProof, error) {
if == nil {
return nil, ErrStateDBWithoutMT
err := s.UpdateAccount(idx, account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v, err := account.HashValue() // already computed in s.CreateAccount, next iteration reuse first computation
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add k & v into the MT
return, v)
// MTGetProof returns the CircomVerifierProof for a given Idx
func (s *StateDB) MTGetProof(idx common.Idx) (*merkletree.CircomVerifierProof, error) {
if == nil {
return nil, ErrStateDBWithoutMT
// LocalStateDB represents the local StateDB which allows to make copies from
// the synchronizer StateDB, and is used by the tx-selector and the
// batch-builder. LocalStateDB is an in-memory storage.
type LocalStateDB struct {
synchronizerStateDB *StateDB
// NewLocalStateDB returns a new LocalStateDB connected to the given
// synchronizerDB
func NewLocalStateDB(synchronizerDB *StateDB, withMT bool, nLevels int) (*LocalStateDB, error) {
s, err := NewStateDB("", false, withMT, nLevels)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LocalStateDB{
}, nil
// Reset performs a reset, getting the state from
// LocalStateDB.synchronizerStateDB for the given batchNum
func (l *LocalStateDB) Reset(batchNum uint64, fromSynchronizer bool) error {
// if fromSynchronizer==true:
// make copy from l.synchronizerStateDB at the batchNum to the localStateDB
// if synchronizerStateDB does not have batchNum, return err
// the localStateDB checkpoint is set to batchNum
// else fromSynchronizer==false:
// the localStateDB checkpoint is set to batchNum
// if localStateDB does not have batchNum, return err
return nil