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package api
import (
ethCommon ""
// Network define status of the network
type Network struct {
LastEthBlock int64 `json:"lastEthereumBlock"`
LastSyncBlock int64 `json:"lastSynchedBlock"`
LastBatch *historydb.BatchAPI `json:"lastBatch"`
CurrentSlot int64 `json:"currentSlot"`
NextForgers []NextForger `json:"nextForgers"`
// NextForger is a representation of the information of a coordinator and the period will forge
type NextForger struct {
Coordinator historydb.CoordinatorAPI `json:"coordinator"`
Period Period `json:"period"`
// Period is a representation of a period
type Period struct {
SlotNum int64 `json:"slotNum"`
FromBlock int64 `json:"fromBlock"`
ToBlock int64 `json:"toBlock"`
FromTimestamp time.Time `json:"fromTimestamp"`
ToTimestamp time.Time `json:"toTimestamp"`
var bootCoordinator historydb.CoordinatorAPI = historydb.CoordinatorAPI{
ItemID: 0,
Bidder: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0x111111111111111111111111111111111111111"),
Forger: ethCommon.HexToAddress("0x111111111111111111111111111111111111111"),
URL: "https://bootCoordinator",
func (a *API) getState(c *gin.Context) {
// TODO: There are no events for the buckets information, so now this information will be 0
status := a.status //nolint
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, status) //nolint
// SC Vars
// SetRollupVariables set Status.Rollup variables
func (a *API) SetRollupVariables(rollupVariables common.RollupVariables) {
a.status.Rollup = rollupVariables
// SetWDelayerVariables set Status.WithdrawalDelayer variables
func (a *API) SetWDelayerVariables(wDelayerVariables common.WDelayerVariables) {
a.status.WithdrawalDelayer = wDelayerVariables
// SetAuctionVariables set Status.Auction variables
func (a *API) SetAuctionVariables(auctionVariables common.AuctionVariables) {
a.status.Auction = auctionVariables
// Network
// UpdateNetworkInfoBlock update Status.Network block related information
func (a *API) UpdateNetworkInfoBlock(
lastEthBlock, lastSyncBlock common.Block,
) {
a.status.Network.LastSyncBlock = lastSyncBlock.Num
a.status.Network.LastEthBlock = lastEthBlock.Num
// UpdateNetworkInfo update Status.Network information
func (a *API) UpdateNetworkInfo(
lastEthBlock, lastSyncBlock common.Block,
lastBatchNum common.BatchNum, currentSlot int64,
) error {
lastBatch, err := a.h.GetBatchAPI(lastBatchNum)
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
lastBatch = nil
} else if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
lastClosedSlot := currentSlot + int64(a.status.Auction.ClosedAuctionSlots)
nextForgers, err := a.getNextForgers(lastSyncBlock, currentSlot, lastClosedSlot)
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
nextForgers = nil
} else if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
a.status.Network.LastSyncBlock = lastSyncBlock.Num
a.status.Network.LastEthBlock = lastEthBlock.Num
a.status.Network.LastBatch = lastBatch
a.status.Network.CurrentSlot = currentSlot
a.status.Network.NextForgers = nextForgers
return nil
// getNextForgers returns next forgers
func (a *API) getNextForgers(lastBlock common.Block, currentSlot, lastClosedSlot int64) ([]NextForger, error) {
secondsPerBlock := int64(15) //nolint:gomnd
// currentSlot and lastClosedSlot included
limit := uint(lastClosedSlot - currentSlot + 1)
bids, _, err := a.h.GetBestBidsAPI(&currentSlot, &lastClosedSlot, nil, &limit, "ASC")
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
nextForgers := []NextForger{}
// Get min bid info
var minBidInfo []historydb.MinBidInfo
if currentSlot >= a.status.Auction.DefaultSlotSetBidSlotNum {
// All min bids can be calculated with the last update of AuctionVariables
minBidInfo = []historydb.MinBidInfo{{
DefaultSlotSetBid: a.status.Auction.DefaultSlotSetBid,
DefaultSlotSetBidSlotNum: a.status.Auction.DefaultSlotSetBidSlotNum,
} else {
// Get all the relevant updates from the DB
minBidInfo, err = a.h.GetAuctionVarsUntilSetSlotNum(lastClosedSlot, int(lastClosedSlot-currentSlot)+1)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Create nextForger for each slot
for i := currentSlot; i <= lastClosedSlot; i++ {
fromBlock := i*int64( +
toBlock := (i+1)*int64( + - 1
nextForger := NextForger{
Period: Period{
SlotNum: i,
FromBlock: fromBlock,
ToBlock: toBlock,
FromTimestamp: lastBlock.Timestamp.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(secondsPerBlock*(fromBlock-lastBlock.Num))),
ToTimestamp: lastBlock.Timestamp.Add(time.Second * time.Duration(secondsPerBlock*(toBlock-lastBlock.Num))),
foundForger := false
// If there is a bid for a slot, get forger (coordinator)
for j := range bids {
slotNum := bids[j].SlotNum
if slotNum == i {
// There's a bid for the slot
// Check if the bid is greater than the minimum required
for i := 0; i < len(minBidInfo); i++ {
// Find the most recent update
if slotNum >= minBidInfo[i].DefaultSlotSetBidSlotNum {
// Get min bid
minBidSelector := slotNum % int64(len(a.status.Auction.DefaultSlotSetBid))
minBid := minBidInfo[i].DefaultSlotSetBid[minBidSelector]
// Check if the bid has beaten the minimum
bid, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(string(bids[j].BidValue), 10)
if !ok {
return nil, tracerr.New("Wrong bid value, error parsing it as big.Int")
if minBid.Cmp(bid) == 1 {
// Min bid is greater than bid, the slot will be forged by boot coordinator
foundForger = true
if !foundForger { // There is no bid or it's smaller than the minimum
coordinator, err := a.h.GetCoordinatorAPI(bids[j].Bidder)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
nextForger.Coordinator = *coordinator
// If there is no bid, the coordinator that will forge is boot coordinator
if !foundForger {
nextForger.Coordinator = bootCoordinator
nextForgers = append(nextForgers, nextForger)
return nextForgers, nil
// Metrics
// UpdateMetrics update Status.Metrics information
func (a *API) UpdateMetrics() error {
if a.status.Network.LastBatch == nil {
return nil
batchNum := a.status.Network.LastBatch.BatchNum
metrics, err := a.h.GetMetrics(batchNum)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
a.status.Metrics = *metrics
return nil
// Recommended fee
// UpdateRecommendedFee update Status.RecommendedFee information
func (a *API) UpdateRecommendedFee() error {
feeExistingAccount, err := a.h.GetAvgTxFee()
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
a.status.RecommendedFee.ExistingAccount = feeExistingAccount
a.status.RecommendedFee.CreatesAccount = createAccountExtraFeePercentage * feeExistingAccount
a.status.RecommendedFee.CreatesAccountAndRegister = createAccountInternalExtraFeePercentage * feeExistingAccount
return nil