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package coordinator
import (
ethCommon ""
dbUtils ""
var deleteme = []string{}
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
exitVal := m.Run()
for _, dir := range deleteme {
if err := os.RemoveAll(dir); err != nil {
func newTestModules(t *testing.T) (*txselector.TxSelector, *batchbuilder.BatchBuilder) { // FUTURE once Synchronizer is ready, should return it also
nLevels := 32
syncDBPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpSyncDB")
require.Nil(t, err)
deleteme = append(deleteme, syncDBPath)
syncSdb, err := statedb.NewStateDB(syncDBPath, statedb.TypeSynchronizer, nLevels)
assert.Nil(t, err)
pass := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASS")
db, err := dbUtils.InitSQLDB(5432, "localhost", "hermez", pass, "hermez")
require.Nil(t, err)
l2DB := l2db.NewL2DB(db, 10, 100, 24*time.Hour)
txselDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpTxSelDB")
require.Nil(t, err)
deleteme = append(deleteme, txselDir)
txsel, err := txselector.NewTxSelector(txselDir, syncSdb, l2DB, 10, 10, 10)
assert.Nil(t, err)
bbDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpBatchBuilderDB")
require.Nil(t, err)
deleteme = append(deleteme, bbDir)
bb, err := batchbuilder.NewBatchBuilder(bbDir, syncSdb, nil, 0, uint64(nLevels))
assert.Nil(t, err)
// l1Txs, coordinatorL1Txs, poolL2Txs := test.GenerateTestTxsFromSet(t, test.SetTest0)
return txsel, bb
type timer struct {
time int64
func (t *timer) Time() int64 {
currentTime := t.time
return currentTime
var bidder = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f")
var forger = ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
func newTestCoordinator(t *testing.T, forgerAddr ethCommon.Address, ethClient *test.Client, ethClientSetup *test.ClientSetup) *Coordinator {
txsel, bb := newTestModules(t)
debugBatchPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpDebugBatch")
require.Nil(t, err)
deleteme = append(deleteme, debugBatchPath)
conf := Config{
ForgerAddress: forgerAddr,
ConfirmBlocks: 5,
L1BatchTimeoutPerc: 0.5,
EthClientAttempts: 5,
EthClientAttemptsDelay: 100 * time.Millisecond,
TxManagerCheckInterval: 500 * time.Millisecond,
DebugBatchPath: debugBatchPath,
serverProofs := []ServerProofInterface{&ServerProofMock{}, &ServerProofMock{}}
scConsts := &synchronizer.SCConsts{
Rollup: *ethClientSetup.RollupConstants,
Auction: *ethClientSetup.AuctionConstants,
WDelayer: *ethClientSetup.WDelayerConstants,
initSCVars := &synchronizer.SCVariables{
Rollup: *ethClientSetup.RollupVariables,
Auction: *ethClientSetup.AuctionVariables,
WDelayer: *ethClientSetup.WDelayerVariables,
coord, err := NewCoordinator(conf, nil, txsel, bb, serverProofs, ethClient, scConsts, initSCVars)
require.Nil(t, err)
return coord
func TestCoordinatorFlow(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("TEST_COORD_FLOW") == "" {
ethClientSetup := test.NewClientSetupExample()
var timer timer
ethClient := test.NewClient(true, &timer, &bidder, ethClientSetup)
coord := newTestCoordinator(t, forger, ethClient, ethClientSetup)
// Bid for slot 2 and 4
_, err := ethClient.AuctionSetCoordinator(forger, "")
require.Nil(t, err)
_, err = ethClient.AuctionBidSimple(2, big.NewInt(9999))
require.Nil(t, err)
_, err = ethClient.AuctionBidSimple(4, big.NewInt(9999))
require.Nil(t, err)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
waitForSlot := func(slot int64) {
for {
blockNum, err := ethClient.EthLastBlock()
require.Nil(t, err)
nextBlockSlot, err := ethClient.AuctionGetSlotNumber(blockNum + 1)
require.Nil(t, err)
if nextBlockSlot == slot {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
var stats synchronizer.Stats
stats.Eth.LastBlock = *ethClient.CtlLastBlock()
stats.Sync.LastBlock = *ethClient.CtlLastBlock()
canForge, err := ethClient.AuctionCanForge(forger, blockNum+1)
require.Nil(t, err)
if canForge {
// fmt.Println("DBG canForge")
stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger = forger
Stats: stats,
// NOTE: With the current test, the coordinator will enter in forge
// time before the bidded slot because no one else is forging in the
// other slots before the slot deadline.
// simulate forgeSequence time
log.Info("~~~ simulate entering in forge time")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// simulate going out from forgeSequence
log.Info("~~~ simulate going out from forge time")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// simulate entering forgeSequence time again
log.Info("~~~ simulate entering in forge time again")
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// simulate stopping forgerLoop by channel
log.Info("~~~ simulate stopping forgerLoop by closing coordinator stopch")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
func TestCoordinatorStartStop(t *testing.T) {
ethClientSetup := test.NewClientSetupExample()
var timer timer
ethClient := test.NewClient(true, &timer, &bidder, ethClientSetup)
coord := newTestCoordinator(t, forger, ethClient, ethClientSetup)
func TestCoordCanForge(t *testing.T) {
ethClientSetup := test.NewClientSetupExample()
bootForger := ethClientSetup.AuctionVariables.BootCoordinator
var timer timer
ethClient := test.NewClient(true, &timer, &bidder, ethClientSetup)
coord := newTestCoordinator(t, forger, ethClient, ethClientSetup)
_, err := ethClient.AuctionSetCoordinator(forger, "")
require.Nil(t, err)
_, err = ethClient.AuctionBidSimple(2, big.NewInt(9999))
require.Nil(t, err)
bootCoord := newTestCoordinator(t, bootForger, ethClient, ethClientSetup)
assert.Equal(t, forger, coord.cfg.ForgerAddress)
assert.Equal(t, bootForger, bootCoord.cfg.ForgerAddress)
ethBootCoord, err := ethClient.AuctionGetBootCoordinator()
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, &bootForger, ethBootCoord)
var stats synchronizer.Stats
// Slot 0. No bid, so the winner is the boot coordinator
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = ethClientSetup.AuctionConstants.GenesisBlockNum
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger = bootForger
assert.Equal(t, false, coord.canForge(&stats))
assert.Equal(t, true, bootCoord.canForge(&stats))
// Slot 0. No bid, and we reach the deadline, so anyone can forge
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = ethClientSetup.AuctionConstants.GenesisBlockNum +
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger = bootForger
assert.Equal(t, true, coord.canForge(&stats))
assert.Equal(t, true, bootCoord.canForge(&stats))
// Slot 1. coordinator bid, so the winner is the coordinator
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = ethClientSetup.AuctionConstants.GenesisBlockNum +
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger = forger
assert.Equal(t, true, coord.canForge(&stats))
assert.Equal(t, false, bootCoord.canForge(&stats))
func TestCoordHandleMsgSyncStats(t *testing.T) {
ethClientSetup := test.NewClientSetupExample()
bootForger := ethClientSetup.AuctionVariables.BootCoordinator
var timer timer
ethClient := test.NewClient(true, &timer, &bidder, ethClientSetup)
coord := newTestCoordinator(t, forger, ethClient, ethClientSetup)
_, err := ethClient.AuctionSetCoordinator(forger, "")
require.Nil(t, err)
_, err = ethClient.AuctionBidSimple(2, big.NewInt(9999))
require.Nil(t, err)
var stats synchronizer.Stats
// Slot 0. No bid, so the winner is the boot coordinator
// pipelineStarted: false -> false
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = ethClientSetup.AuctionConstants.GenesisBlockNum
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger = bootForger
assert.Equal(t, false, coord.canForge(&stats))
require.Nil(t, coord.handleMsgSyncStats(&stats))
assert.Nil(t, coord.pipeline)
// Slot 0. No bid, and we reach the deadline, so anyone can forge
// pipelineStarted: false -> true
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = ethClientSetup.AuctionConstants.GenesisBlockNum +
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger = bootForger
assert.Equal(t, true, coord.canForge(&stats))
require.Nil(t, coord.handleMsgSyncStats(&stats))
assert.NotNil(t, coord.pipeline)
// Slot 0. No bid, and we reach the deadline, so anyone can forge
// pipelineStarted: true -> true
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = ethClientSetup.AuctionConstants.GenesisBlockNum +
int64(ethClientSetup.AuctionVariables.SlotDeadline) + 1
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger = bootForger
assert.Equal(t, true, coord.canForge(&stats))
require.Nil(t, coord.handleMsgSyncStats(&stats))
assert.NotNil(t, coord.pipeline)
// Slot 0. No bid, so the winner is the boot coordinator
// pipelineStarted: true -> false
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = ethClientSetup.AuctionConstants.GenesisBlockNum +
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.Forger = bootForger
assert.Equal(t, false, coord.canForge(&stats))
require.Nil(t, coord.handleMsgSyncStats(&stats))
assert.Nil(t, coord.pipeline)
func TestPipelineShouldL1L2Batch(t *testing.T) {
ethClientSetup := test.NewClientSetupExample()
var timer timer
ethClient := test.NewClient(true, &timer, &bidder, ethClientSetup)
coord := newTestCoordinator(t, forger, ethClient, ethClientSetup)
pipeline := coord.newPipeline()
pipeline.vars = coord.vars
// Check that the parameters are the ones we expect and use in this test
require.Equal(t, 0.5, pipeline.cfg.L1BatchTimeoutPerc)
require.Equal(t, int64(9), ethClientSetup.RollupVariables.ForgeL1L2BatchTimeout)
l1BatchTimeoutPerc := pipeline.cfg.L1BatchTimeoutPerc
l1BatchTimeout := ethClientSetup.RollupVariables.ForgeL1L2BatchTimeout
var stats synchronizer.Stats
startBlock := int64(100)
// No scheduled L1Batch
// Last L1Batch was a long time ago
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.LastL1BatchBlock = 0
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, true, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch())
stats.Sync.LastL1BatchBlock = startBlock
// We are are one block before the timeout range * 0.5
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock + int64(float64(l1BatchTimeout)*l1BatchTimeoutPerc) - 1
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, false, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch())
// We are are at timeout range * 0.5
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock + int64(float64(l1BatchTimeout)*l1BatchTimeoutPerc)
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, true, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch())
// Scheduled L1Batch
pipeline.lastScheduledL1BatchBlockNum = startBlock
stats.Sync.LastL1BatchBlock = startBlock - 10
// We are are one block before the timeout range * 0.5
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock + int64(float64(l1BatchTimeout)*l1BatchTimeoutPerc) - 1
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, false, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch())
// We are are at timeout range * 0.5
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock + int64(float64(l1BatchTimeout)*l1BatchTimeoutPerc)
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, true, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch())
// TODO: Test Reorg
// TODO: Test Pipeline
// TODO: Test TxMonitor