package api
import (
ethCommon ""
func (a *API) postPoolTx(c *gin.Context) {
// Parse body
var receivedTx receivedPoolTx
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&receivedTx); err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
// Transform from received to insert format and validate
writeTx := receivedTx.toPoolL2TxWrite()
if err := a.verifyPoolL2TxWrite(writeTx); err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
// Insert to DB
if err := a.l2.AddTxAPI(writeTx); err != nil {
retSQLErr(err, c)
// Return TxID
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, writeTx.TxID.String())
func (a *API) getPoolTx(c *gin.Context) {
// Get TxID
txID, err := parseParamTxID(c)
if err != nil {
retBadReq(err, c)
// Fetch tx from l2DB
tx, err := a.l2.GetTxAPI(txID)
if err != nil {
retSQLErr(err, c)
// Build succesfull response
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, tx)
type receivedPoolTx struct {
TxID common.TxID `json:"id" binding:"required"`
Type common.TxType `json:"type" binding:"required"`
TokenID common.TokenID `json:"tokenId"`
FromIdx apitypes.StrHezIdx `json:"fromAccountIndex" binding:"required"`
ToIdx *apitypes.StrHezIdx `json:"toAccountIndex"`
ToEthAddr *apitypes.StrHezEthAddr `json:"toHezEthereumAddress"`
ToBJJ *apitypes.StrHezBJJ `json:"toBjj"`
Amount apitypes.StrBigInt `json:"amount" binding:"required"`
Fee common.FeeSelector `json:"fee"`
Nonce common.Nonce `json:"nonce"`
Signature babyjub.SignatureComp `json:"signature" binding:"required"`
RqFromIdx *apitypes.StrHezIdx `json:"requestFromAccountIndex"`
RqToIdx *apitypes.StrHezIdx `json:"requestToAccountIndex"`
RqToEthAddr *apitypes.StrHezEthAddr `json:"requestToHezEthereumAddress"`
RqToBJJ *apitypes.StrHezBJJ `json:"requestToBjj"`
RqTokenID *common.TokenID `json:"requestTokenId"`
RqAmount *apitypes.StrBigInt `json:"requestAmount"`
RqFee *common.FeeSelector `json:"requestFee"`
RqNonce *common.Nonce `json:"requestNonce"`
func (tx *receivedPoolTx) toPoolL2TxWrite() *l2db.PoolL2TxWrite {
f := new(big.Float).SetInt((*big.Int)(&tx.Amount))
amountF, _ := f.Float64()
return &l2db.PoolL2TxWrite{
TxID: tx.TxID,
FromIdx: common.Idx(tx.FromIdx),
ToIdx: (*common.Idx)(tx.ToIdx),
ToEthAddr: (*ethCommon.Address)(tx.ToEthAddr),
ToBJJ: (*babyjub.PublicKeyComp)(tx.ToBJJ),
TokenID: tx.TokenID,
Amount: (*big.Int)(&tx.Amount),
AmountFloat: amountF,
Fee: tx.Fee,
Nonce: tx.Nonce,
State: common.PoolL2TxStatePending,
Signature: tx.Signature,
RqFromIdx: (*common.Idx)(tx.RqFromIdx),
RqToIdx: (*common.Idx)(tx.RqToIdx),
RqToEthAddr: (*ethCommon.Address)(tx.RqToEthAddr),
RqToBJJ: (*babyjub.PublicKeyComp)(tx.RqToBJJ),
RqTokenID: tx.RqTokenID,
RqAmount: (*big.Int)(tx.RqAmount),
RqFee: tx.RqFee,
RqNonce: tx.RqNonce,
Type: tx.Type,
func (a *API) verifyPoolL2TxWrite(txw *l2db.PoolL2TxWrite) error {
poolTx := common.PoolL2Tx{
TxID: txw.TxID,
FromIdx: txw.FromIdx,
TokenID: txw.TokenID,
Amount: txw.Amount,
Fee: txw.Fee,
Nonce: txw.Nonce,
// State: txw.State,
Signature: txw.Signature,
RqAmount: txw.RqAmount,
Type: txw.Type,
// ToIdx
if txw.ToIdx != nil {
poolTx.ToIdx = *txw.ToIdx
// ToEthAddr
if txw.ToEthAddr == nil {
poolTx.ToEthAddr = common.EmptyAddr
} else {
poolTx.ToEthAddr = *txw.ToEthAddr
// ToBJJ
if txw.ToBJJ == nil {
poolTx.ToBJJ = common.EmptyBJJComp
} else {
poolTx.ToBJJ = *txw.ToBJJ
// RqFromIdx
if txw.RqFromIdx != nil {
poolTx.RqFromIdx = *txw.RqFromIdx
// RqToIdx
if txw.RqToIdx != nil {
poolTx.RqToIdx = *txw.RqToIdx
// RqToEthAddr
if txw.RqToEthAddr == nil {
poolTx.RqToEthAddr = common.EmptyAddr
} else {
poolTx.RqToEthAddr = *txw.RqToEthAddr
// RqToBJJ
if txw.RqToBJJ == nil {
poolTx.RqToBJJ = common.EmptyBJJComp
} else {
poolTx.RqToBJJ = *txw.RqToBJJ
// RqTokenID
if txw.RqTokenID != nil {
poolTx.RqTokenID = *txw.RqTokenID
// RqFee
if txw.RqFee != nil {
poolTx.RqFee = *txw.RqFee
// RqNonce
if txw.RqNonce != nil {
poolTx.RqNonce = *txw.RqNonce
// Check type and id
_, err := common.NewPoolL2Tx(&poolTx)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Get public key
account, err := a.s.LastGetAccount(poolTx.FromIdx)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Validate feeAmount
_, err = common.CalcFeeAmount(poolTx.Amount, poolTx.Fee)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Check signature
if !poolTx.VerifySignature(a.chainID, account.BJJ) {
return tracerr.Wrap(errors.New("wrong signature"))
return nil