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package api
import (
ethCrypto ""
// testPoolTxReceive is a struct to be used to assert the response
// of GET /transactions-pool/:id
type testPoolTxReceive struct {
TxID common.TxID `json:"id"`
Type common.TxType `json:"type"`
FromIdx string `json:"fromAccountIndex"`
FromEthAddr *string `json:"fromHezEthereumAddress"`
FromBJJ *string `json:"fromBJJ"`
ToIdx *string `json:"toAccountIndex"`
ToEthAddr *string `json:"toHezEthereumAddress"`
ToBJJ *string `json:"toBjj"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
Fee common.FeeSelector `json:"fee"`
Nonce common.Nonce `json:"nonce"`
State common.PoolL2TxState `json:"state"`
Signature babyjub.SignatureComp `json:"signature"`
RqFromIdx *string `json:"requestFromAccountIndex"`
RqToIdx *string `json:"requestToAccountIndex"`
RqToEthAddr *string `json:"requestToHezEthereumAddress"`
RqToBJJ *string `json:"requestToBJJ"`
RqTokenID *common.TokenID `json:"requestTokenId"`
RqAmount *string `json:"requestAmount"`
RqFee *common.FeeSelector `json:"requestFee"`
RqNonce *common.Nonce `json:"requestNonce"`
BatchNum *common.BatchNum `json:"batchNum"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
Token historydb.TokenWithUSD `json:"token"`
// testPoolTxSend is a struct to be used as a JSON body
// when testing POST /transactions-pool
type testPoolTxSend struct {
TxID common.TxID `json:"id" binding:"required"`
Type common.TxType `json:"type" binding:"required"`
TokenID common.TokenID `json:"tokenId"`
FromIdx string `json:"fromAccountIndex" binding:"required"`
ToIdx *string `json:"toAccountIndex"`
ToEthAddr *string `json:"toHezEthereumAddress"`
ToBJJ *string `json:"toBjj"`
Amount string `json:"amount" binding:"required"`
Fee common.FeeSelector `json:"fee"`
Nonce common.Nonce `json:"nonce"`
Signature babyjub.SignatureComp `json:"signature" binding:"required"`
RqFromIdx *string `json:"requestFromAccountIndex"`
RqToIdx *string `json:"requestToAccountIndex"`
RqToEthAddr *string `json:"requestToHezEthereumAddress"`
RqToBJJ *string `json:"requestToBjj"`
RqTokenID *common.TokenID `json:"requestTokenId"`
RqAmount *string `json:"requestAmount"`
RqFee *common.FeeSelector `json:"requestFee"`
RqNonce *common.Nonce `json:"requestNonce"`
func genTestPoolTxs(
poolTxs []common.PoolL2Tx,
tokens []historydb.TokenWithUSD,
accs []common.Account,
) (poolTxsToSend []testPoolTxSend, poolTxsToReceive []testPoolTxReceive) {
poolTxsToSend = []testPoolTxSend{}
poolTxsToReceive = []testPoolTxReceive{}
for _, poolTx := range poolTxs {
// common.PoolL2Tx ==> testPoolTxSend
token := getTokenByID(poolTx.TokenID, tokens)
genSendTx := testPoolTxSend{
TxID: poolTx.TxID,
Type: poolTx.Type,
TokenID: poolTx.TokenID,
FromIdx: idxToHez(poolTx.FromIdx, token.Symbol),
Amount: poolTx.Amount.String(),
Fee: poolTx.Fee,
Nonce: poolTx.Nonce,
Signature: poolTx.Signature,
RqFee: &poolTx.RqFee,
RqNonce: &poolTx.RqNonce,
// common.PoolL2Tx ==> testPoolTxReceive
genReceiveTx := testPoolTxReceive{
TxID: poolTx.TxID,
Type: poolTx.Type,
FromIdx: idxToHez(poolTx.FromIdx, token.Symbol),
Amount: poolTx.Amount.String(),
Fee: poolTx.Fee,
Nonce: poolTx.Nonce,
State: poolTx.State,
Signature: poolTx.Signature,
Timestamp: poolTx.Timestamp,
// BatchNum: poolTx.BatchNum,
RqFee: &poolTx.RqFee,
RqNonce: &poolTx.RqNonce,
Token: token,
fromAcc := getAccountByIdx(poolTx.FromIdx, accs)
fromAddr := ethAddrToHez(fromAcc.EthAddr)
genReceiveTx.FromEthAddr = &fromAddr
fromBjj := bjjToString(fromAcc.BJJ)
genReceiveTx.FromBJJ = &fromBjj
if poolTx.ToIdx != 0 {
toIdx := idxToHez(poolTx.ToIdx, token.Symbol)
genSendTx.ToIdx = &toIdx
genReceiveTx.ToIdx = &toIdx
if poolTx.ToEthAddr != common.EmptyAddr {
toEth := ethAddrToHez(poolTx.ToEthAddr)
genSendTx.ToEthAddr = &toEth
genReceiveTx.ToEthAddr = &toEth
} else if poolTx.ToIdx > 255 {
acc := getAccountByIdx(poolTx.ToIdx, accs)
addr := ethAddrToHez(acc.EthAddr)
genReceiveTx.ToEthAddr = &addr
if poolTx.ToBJJ != common.EmptyBJJComp {
toBJJ := bjjToString(poolTx.ToBJJ)
genSendTx.ToBJJ = &toBJJ
genReceiveTx.ToBJJ = &toBJJ
} else if poolTx.ToIdx > 255 {
acc := getAccountByIdx(poolTx.ToIdx, accs)
bjj := bjjToString(acc.BJJ)
genReceiveTx.ToBJJ = &bjj
if poolTx.RqFromIdx != 0 {
rqFromIdx := idxToHez(poolTx.RqFromIdx, token.Symbol)
genSendTx.RqFromIdx = &rqFromIdx
genReceiveTx.RqFromIdx = &rqFromIdx
genSendTx.RqTokenID = &token.TokenID
genReceiveTx.RqTokenID = &token.TokenID
rqAmount := poolTx.RqAmount.String()
genSendTx.RqAmount = &rqAmount
genReceiveTx.RqAmount = &rqAmount
if poolTx.RqToIdx != 0 {
rqToIdx := idxToHez(poolTx.RqToIdx, token.Symbol)
genSendTx.RqToIdx = &rqToIdx
genReceiveTx.RqToIdx = &rqToIdx
if poolTx.RqToEthAddr != common.EmptyAddr {
rqToEth := ethAddrToHez(poolTx.RqToEthAddr)
genSendTx.RqToEthAddr = &rqToEth
genReceiveTx.RqToEthAddr = &rqToEth
if poolTx.RqToBJJ != common.EmptyBJJComp {
rqToBJJ := bjjToString(poolTx.RqToBJJ)
genSendTx.RqToBJJ = &rqToBJJ
genReceiveTx.RqToBJJ = &rqToBJJ
poolTxsToSend = append(poolTxsToSend, genSendTx)
poolTxsToReceive = append(poolTxsToReceive, genReceiveTx)
return poolTxsToSend, poolTxsToReceive
func TestPoolTxs(t *testing.T) {
endpoint := apiURL + "transactions-pool"
fetchedTxID := common.TxID{}
for _, tx := range tc.poolTxsToSend {
jsonTxBytes, err := json.Marshal(tx)
require.NoError(t, err)
jsonTxReader := bytes.NewReader(jsonTxBytes)
t, doGoodReq(
jsonTxReader, &fetchedTxID,
assert.Equal(t, tx.TxID, fetchedTxID)
// 400
// Wrong fee
badTx := tc.poolTxsToSend[0]
badTx.Amount = "99950000000000000"
badTx.Fee = 255
jsonTxBytes, err := json.Marshal(badTx)
require.NoError(t, err)
jsonTxReader := bytes.NewReader(jsonTxBytes)
err = doBadReq("POST", endpoint, jsonTxReader, 400)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wrong signature
badTx = tc.poolTxsToSend[0]
badTx.FromIdx = "hez:foo:1000"
jsonTxBytes, err = json.Marshal(badTx)
require.NoError(t, err)
jsonTxReader = bytes.NewReader(jsonTxBytes)
err = doBadReq("POST", endpoint, jsonTxReader, 400)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wrong to
badTx = tc.poolTxsToSend[0]
badTx.ToEthAddr = &ethAddr
badTx.ToIdx = nil
jsonTxBytes, err = json.Marshal(badTx)
require.NoError(t, err)
jsonTxReader = bytes.NewReader(jsonTxBytes)
err = doBadReq("POST", endpoint, jsonTxReader, 400)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wrong rq
badTx = tc.poolTxsToSend[0]
rqFromIdx := "hez:foo:30"
badTx.RqFromIdx = &rqFromIdx
jsonTxBytes, err = json.Marshal(badTx)
require.NoError(t, err)
jsonTxReader = bytes.NewReader(jsonTxBytes)
err = doBadReq("POST", endpoint, jsonTxReader, 400)
require.NoError(t, err)
// GET
endpoint += "/"
for _, tx := range tc.poolTxsToReceive {
fetchedTx := testPoolTxReceive{}
t, doGoodReq(
nil, &fetchedTx,
assertPoolTx(t, tx, fetchedTx)
// 400, due invalid TxID
err = doBadReq("GET", endpoint+"0xG2241b6f2b1dd772dba391f4a1a3407c7c21f598d86e2585a14e616fb4a255f823", nil, 400)
require.NoError(t, err)
// 404, due inexistent TxID in DB
err = doBadReq("GET", endpoint+"0x02241b6f2b1dd772dba391f4a1a3407c7c21f598d86e2585a14e616fb4a255f823", nil, 404)
require.NoError(t, err)
func assertPoolTx(t *testing.T, expected, actual testPoolTxReceive) {
// state should be pending
assert.Equal(t, common.PoolL2TxStatePending, actual.State)
expected.State = actual.State
actual.Token.ItemID = 0
// timestamp should be very close to now
assert.Less(t, time.Now().UTC().Unix()-3, actual.Timestamp.Unix())
expected.Timestamp = actual.Timestamp
// token timestamp
if expected.Token.USDUpdate == nil {
assert.Equal(t, expected.Token.USDUpdate, actual.Token.USDUpdate)
} else {
assert.Equal(t, expected.Token.USDUpdate.Unix(), actual.Token.USDUpdate.Unix())
expected.Token.USDUpdate = actual.Token.USDUpdate
assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)
// TestAllTosNull test that the API doesn't accept txs with all the TOs set to null (to eth, to bjj, to idx)
func TestAllTosNull(t *testing.T) {
// Generate account:
// Ethereum private key
var key ecdsa.PrivateKey
key.D = big.NewInt(int64(4444)) // only for testing
key.PublicKey.X, key.PublicKey.Y = ethCrypto.S256().ScalarBaseMult(key.D.Bytes())
key.Curve = ethCrypto.S256()
addr := ethCrypto.PubkeyToAddress(key.PublicKey)
// BJJ private key
var sk babyjub.PrivateKey
var iBytes [8]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(iBytes[:], 4444)
copy(sk[:], iBytes[:]) // only for testing
account := common.Account{
Idx: 4444,
TokenID: 0,
BatchNum: 1,
BJJ: sk.Public().Compress(),
EthAddr: addr,
Nonce: 0,
Balance: big.NewInt(1000000),
// Add account to history DB (required to verify signature)
err := api.h.AddAccounts([]common.Account{account})
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Genrate tx with all tos set to nil (to eth, to bjj, to idx)
tx := common.PoolL2Tx{
FromIdx: account.Idx,
TokenID: account.TokenID,
Amount: big.NewInt(1000),
Fee: 200,
Nonce: 0,
// Set idx and type manually, and check that the function doesn't allow it
_, err = common.NewPoolL2Tx(&tx)
assert.Error(t, err)
tx.Type = common.TxTypeTransfer
var txID common.TxID
txIDRaw, err := hex.DecodeString("02e66e24f7f25272906647c8fd1d7fe8acf3cf3e9b38ffc9f94bbb5090dc275073")
assert.NoError(t, err)
copy(txID[:], txIDRaw)
tx.TxID = txID
// Sign tx
toSign, err := tx.HashToSign(0)
assert.NoError(t, err)
sig := sk.SignPoseidon(toSign)
tx.Signature = sig.Compress()
// Transform common.PoolL2Tx ==> testPoolTxSend
txToSend := testPoolTxSend{
TxID: tx.TxID,
Type: tx.Type,
TokenID: tx.TokenID,
FromIdx: idxToHez(tx.FromIdx, "ETH"),
Amount: tx.Amount.String(),
Fee: tx.Fee,
Nonce: tx.Nonce,
Signature: tx.Signature,
// Send tx to the API
jsonTxBytes, err := json.Marshal(txToSend)
require.NoError(t, err)
jsonTxReader := bytes.NewReader(jsonTxBytes)
err = doBadReq("POST", apiURL+"transactions-pool", jsonTxReader, 400)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Clean historyDB: the added account shouldn't be there for other tests
_, err = api.h.DB().DB.Exec("delete from account where idx = 4444")
assert.NoError(t, err)