package historydb
import (
ethCommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
//nolint:errcheck // driver for postgres DB
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
const (
// OrderAsc indicates ascending order when using pagination
OrderAsc = "ASC"
// OrderDesc indicates descending order when using pagination
OrderDesc = "DESC"
// TODO(Edu): Document here how HistoryDB is kept consistent
// HistoryDB persist the historic of the rollup
type HistoryDB struct {
dbRead *sqlx.DB
dbWrite *sqlx.DB
apiConnCon *db.APIConnectionController
// NewHistoryDB initialize the DB
func NewHistoryDB(dbRead, dbWrite *sqlx.DB, apiConnCon *db.APIConnectionController) *HistoryDB {
return &HistoryDB{
dbRead: dbRead,
dbWrite: dbWrite,
apiConnCon: apiConnCon,
// DB returns a pointer to the L2DB.db. This method should be used only for
// internal testing purposes.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) DB() *sqlx.DB {
return hdb.dbWrite
// AddBlock insert a block into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBlock(block *common.Block) error { return hdb.addBlock(hdb.dbWrite, block) }
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBlock(d meddler.DB, block *common.Block) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(meddler.Insert(d, "block", block))
// AddBlocks inserts blocks into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBlocks(blocks []common.Block) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addBlocks(hdb.dbWrite, blocks))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBlocks(d meddler.DB, blocks []common.Block) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
`INSERT INTO block (
) VALUES %s;`,
// GetBlock retrieve a block from the DB, given a block number
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetBlock(blockNum int64) (*common.Block, error) {
block := &common.Block{}
err := meddler.QueryRow(
hdb.dbRead, block,
"SELECT * FROM block WHERE eth_block_num = $1;", blockNum,
return block, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetAllBlocks retrieve all blocks from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllBlocks() ([]common.Block, error) {
var blocks []*common.Block
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &blocks,
"SELECT * FROM block ORDER BY eth_block_num;",
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(blocks).([]common.Block), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// getBlocks retrieve blocks from the DB, given a range of block numbers defined by from and to
func (hdb *HistoryDB) getBlocks(from, to int64) ([]common.Block, error) {
var blocks []*common.Block
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &blocks,
"SELECT * FROM block WHERE $1 <= eth_block_num AND eth_block_num < $2 ORDER BY eth_block_num;",
from, to,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(blocks).([]common.Block), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetLastBlock retrieve the block with the highest block number from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastBlock() (*common.Block, error) {
block := &common.Block{}
err := meddler.QueryRow(
hdb.dbRead, block, "SELECT * FROM block ORDER BY eth_block_num DESC LIMIT 1;",
return block, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// AddBatch insert a Batch into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBatch(batch *common.Batch) error { return hdb.addBatch(hdb.dbWrite, batch) }
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBatch(d meddler.DB, batch *common.Batch) error {
// Calculate total collected fees in USD
// Get IDs of collected tokens for fees
tokenIDs := []common.TokenID{}
for id := range batch.CollectedFees {
tokenIDs = append(tokenIDs, id)
// Get USD value of the tokens
type tokenPrice struct {
ID common.TokenID `meddler:"token_id"`
USD *float64 `meddler:"usd"`
Decimals int `meddler:"decimals"`
var tokenPrices []*tokenPrice
if len(tokenIDs) > 0 {
query, args, err := sqlx.In(
"SELECT token_id, usd, decimals FROM token WHERE token_id IN (?);",
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
query = hdb.dbWrite.Rebind(query)
if err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbWrite, &tokenPrices, query, args...,
); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Calculate total collected
var total float64
for _, tokenPrice := range tokenPrices {
if tokenPrice.USD == nil {
f := new(big.Float).SetInt(batch.CollectedFees[tokenPrice.ID])
amount, _ := f.Float64()
total += *tokenPrice.USD * (amount / math.Pow(10, float64(tokenPrice.Decimals))) //nolint decimals have to be ^10
batch.TotalFeesUSD = &total
// Insert to DB
return tracerr.Wrap(meddler.Insert(d, "batch", batch))
// AddBatches insert Bids into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBatches(batches []common.Batch) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addBatches(hdb.dbWrite, batches))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBatches(d meddler.DB, batches []common.Batch) error {
for i := 0; i < len(batches); i++ {
if err := hdb.addBatch(d, &batches[i]); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// GetBatch returns the batch with the given batchNum
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetBatch(batchNum common.BatchNum) (*common.Batch, error) {
var batch common.Batch
err := meddler.QueryRow(
hdb.dbRead, &batch, `SELECT batch.batch_num, batch.eth_block_num, batch.forger_addr,
batch.fees_collected, batch.fee_idxs_coordinator, batch.state_root,
batch.num_accounts, batch.last_idx, batch.exit_root, batch.forge_l1_txs_num,
batch.slot_num, batch.total_fees_usd FROM batch WHERE batch_num = $1;`,
return &batch, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetAllBatches retrieve all batches from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllBatches() ([]common.Batch, error) {
var batches []*common.Batch
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &batches,
`SELECT batch.batch_num, batch.eth_block_num, batch.forger_addr, batch.fees_collected,
batch.fee_idxs_coordinator, batch.state_root, batch.num_accounts, batch.last_idx, batch.exit_root,
batch.forge_l1_txs_num, batch.slot_num, batch.total_fees_usd FROM batch
ORDER BY item_id;`,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(batches).([]common.Batch), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetBatches retrieve batches from the DB, given a range of batch numbers defined by from and to
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetBatches(from, to common.BatchNum) ([]common.Batch, error) {
var batches []*common.Batch
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &batches,
`SELECT batch_num, eth_block_num, forger_addr, fees_collected, fee_idxs_coordinator,
state_root, num_accounts, last_idx, exit_root, forge_l1_txs_num, slot_num, total_fees_usd
FROM batch WHERE $1 <= batch_num AND batch_num < $2 ORDER BY batch_num;`,
from, to,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(batches).([]common.Batch), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetFirstBatchBlockNumBySlot returns the ethereum block number of the first
// batch within a slot
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetFirstBatchBlockNumBySlot(slotNum int64) (int64, error) {
row := hdb.dbRead.QueryRow(
`SELECT eth_block_num FROM batch
WHERE slot_num = $1 ORDER BY batch_num ASC LIMIT 1;`, slotNum,
var blockNum int64
return blockNum, tracerr.Wrap(row.Scan(&blockNum))
// GetLastBatchNum returns the BatchNum of the latest forged batch
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastBatchNum() (common.BatchNum, error) {
row := hdb.dbRead.QueryRow("SELECT batch_num FROM batch ORDER BY batch_num DESC LIMIT 1;")
var batchNum common.BatchNum
return batchNum, tracerr.Wrap(row.Scan(&batchNum))
// GetLastBatch returns the last forged batch
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastBatch() (*common.Batch, error) {
var batch common.Batch
err := meddler.QueryRow(
hdb.dbRead, &batch, `SELECT batch.batch_num, batch.eth_block_num, batch.forger_addr,
batch.fees_collected, batch.fee_idxs_coordinator, batch.state_root,
batch.num_accounts, batch.last_idx, batch.exit_root, batch.forge_l1_txs_num,
batch.slot_num, batch.total_fees_usd FROM batch ORDER BY batch_num DESC LIMIT 1;`,
return &batch, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetLastL1BatchBlockNum returns the blockNum of the latest forged l1Batch
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastL1BatchBlockNum() (int64, error) {
row := hdb.dbRead.QueryRow(`SELECT eth_block_num FROM batch
WHERE forge_l1_txs_num IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY batch_num DESC LIMIT 1;`)
var blockNum int64
return blockNum, tracerr.Wrap(row.Scan(&blockNum))
// GetLastL1TxsNum returns the greatest ForgeL1TxsNum in the DB from forged
// batches. If there's no batch in the DB (nil, nil) is returned.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastL1TxsNum() (*int64, error) {
row := hdb.dbRead.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(forge_l1_txs_num) FROM batch;")
lastL1TxsNum := new(int64)
return lastL1TxsNum, tracerr.Wrap(row.Scan(&lastL1TxsNum))
// Reorg deletes all the information that was added into the DB after the
// lastValidBlock. If lastValidBlock is negative, all block information is
// deleted.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) Reorg(lastValidBlock int64) error {
var err error
if lastValidBlock < 0 {
_, err = hdb.dbWrite.Exec("DELETE FROM block;")
} else {
_, err = hdb.dbWrite.Exec("DELETE FROM block WHERE eth_block_num > $1;", lastValidBlock)
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// AddBids insert Bids into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBids(bids []common.Bid) error { return hdb.addBids(hdb.dbWrite, bids) }
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBids(d meddler.DB, bids []common.Bid) error {
if len(bids) == 0 {
return nil
// TODO: check the coordinator info
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
"INSERT INTO bid (slot_num, bid_value, eth_block_num, bidder_addr) VALUES %s;",
// GetAllBids retrieve all bids from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllBids() ([]common.Bid, error) {
var bids []*common.Bid
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &bids,
`SELECT bid.slot_num, bid.bid_value, bid.eth_block_num, bid.bidder_addr FROM bid
ORDER BY item_id;`,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(bids).([]common.Bid), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetBestBidCoordinator returns the forger address of the highest bidder in a slot by slotNum
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetBestBidCoordinator(slotNum int64) (*common.BidCoordinator, error) {
bidCoord := &common.BidCoordinator{}
err := meddler.QueryRow(
hdb.dbRead, bidCoord,
SELECT default_slot_set_bid
FROM auction_vars
WHERE default_slot_set_bid_slot_num <= $1
ORDER BY eth_block_num DESC LIMIT 1
bid.slot_num, bid.bid_value, bid.bidder_addr,
coordinator.forger_addr, coordinator.url
FROM bid
SELECT bidder_addr, MAX(item_id) AS item_id FROM coordinator
GROUP BY bidder_addr
) c ON bid.bidder_addr = c.bidder_addr
INNER JOIN coordinator ON c.item_id = coordinator.item_id
WHERE bid.slot_num = $1 ORDER BY bid.item_id DESC LIMIT 1;`,
return bidCoord, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// AddCoordinators insert Coordinators into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddCoordinators(coordinators []common.Coordinator) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addCoordinators(hdb.dbWrite, coordinators))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addCoordinators(d meddler.DB, coordinators []common.Coordinator) error {
if len(coordinators) == 0 {
return nil
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
"INSERT INTO coordinator (bidder_addr, forger_addr, eth_block_num, url) VALUES %s;",
// AddExitTree insert Exit tree into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddExitTree(exitTree []common.ExitInfo) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addExitTree(hdb.dbWrite, exitTree))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addExitTree(d meddler.DB, exitTree []common.ExitInfo) error {
if len(exitTree) == 0 {
return nil
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
"INSERT INTO exit_tree (batch_num, account_idx, merkle_proof, balance, "+
"instant_withdrawn, delayed_withdraw_request, delayed_withdrawn) VALUES %s;",
func (hdb *HistoryDB) updateExitTree(d sqlx.Ext, blockNum int64,
rollupWithdrawals []common.WithdrawInfo, wDelayerWithdrawals []common.WDelayerTransfer) error {
if len(rollupWithdrawals) == 0 && len(wDelayerWithdrawals) == 0 {
return nil
type withdrawal struct {
BatchNum int64 `db:"batch_num"`
AccountIdx int64 `db:"account_idx"`
InstantWithdrawn *int64 `db:"instant_withdrawn"`
DelayedWithdrawRequest *int64 `db:"delayed_withdraw_request"`
DelayedWithdrawn *int64 `db:"delayed_withdrawn"`
Owner *ethCommon.Address `db:"owner"`
Token *ethCommon.Address `db:"token"`
withdrawals := make([]withdrawal, len(rollupWithdrawals)+len(wDelayerWithdrawals))
for i := range rollupWithdrawals {
info := &rollupWithdrawals[i]
withdrawals[i] = withdrawal{
BatchNum: int64(info.NumExitRoot),
AccountIdx: int64(info.Idx),
if info.InstantWithdraw {
withdrawals[i].InstantWithdrawn = &blockNum
} else {
withdrawals[i].DelayedWithdrawRequest = &blockNum
withdrawals[i].Owner = &info.Owner
withdrawals[i].Token = &info.Token
for i := range wDelayerWithdrawals {
info := &wDelayerWithdrawals[i]
withdrawals[len(rollupWithdrawals)+i] = withdrawal{
DelayedWithdrawn: &blockNum,
Owner: &info.Owner,
Token: &info.Token,
// In VALUES we set an initial row of NULLs to set the types of each
// variable passed as argument
const query string = `
UPDATE exit_tree e SET
instant_withdrawn = d.instant_withdrawn,
delayed_withdraw_request = CASE
WHEN e.delayed_withdraw_request IS NOT NULL THEN e.delayed_withdraw_request
ELSE d.delayed_withdraw_request
delayed_withdrawn = d.delayed_withdrawn,
owner = d.owner,
token = d.token
) as d (batch_num, account_idx, instant_withdrawn, delayed_withdraw_request, delayed_withdrawn, owner, token)
(d.batch_num IS NOT NULL AND e.batch_num = d.batch_num AND e.account_idx = d.account_idx) OR
(d.delayed_withdrawn IS NOT NULL AND e.delayed_withdrawn IS NULL AND e.owner = d.owner AND e.token = d.token);
if len(withdrawals) > 0 {
if _, err := sqlx.NamedExec(d, query, withdrawals); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// AddToken insert a token into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddToken(token *common.Token) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(meddler.Insert(hdb.dbWrite, "token", token))
// AddTokens insert tokens into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddTokens(tokens []common.Token) error {
return hdb.addTokens(hdb.dbWrite, tokens)
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addTokens(d meddler.DB, tokens []common.Token) error {
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return nil
// Sanitize name and symbol
for i, token := range tokens {
token.Name = strings.ToValidUTF8(token.Name, " ")
token.Symbol = strings.ToValidUTF8(token.Symbol, " ")
tokens[i] = token
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
`INSERT INTO token (
) VALUES %s;`,
// UpdateTokenValue updates the USD value of a token. Value is the price in
// USD of a normalized token (1 token = 10^decimals units)
func (hdb *HistoryDB) UpdateTokenValue(tokenSymbol string, value float64) error {
// Sanitize symbol
tokenSymbol = strings.ToValidUTF8(tokenSymbol, " ")
_, err := hdb.dbWrite.Exec(
"UPDATE token SET usd = $1 WHERE symbol = $2;",
value, tokenSymbol,
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetToken returns a token from the DB given a TokenID
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetToken(tokenID common.TokenID) (*TokenWithUSD, error) {
token := &TokenWithUSD{}
err := meddler.QueryRow(
hdb.dbRead, token, `SELECT * FROM token WHERE token_id = $1;`, tokenID,
return token, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetAllTokens returns all tokens from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllTokens() ([]TokenWithUSD, error) {
var tokens []*TokenWithUSD
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &tokens,
"SELECT * FROM token ORDER BY token_id;",
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(tokens).([]TokenWithUSD), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetTokenSymbols returns all the token symbols from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetTokenSymbols() ([]string, error) {
var tokenSymbols []string
rows, err := hdb.dbRead.Query("SELECT symbol FROM token;")
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
defer db.RowsClose(rows)
sym := new(string)
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(sym)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
tokenSymbols = append(tokenSymbols, *sym)
return tokenSymbols, nil
// AddAccounts insert accounts into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddAccounts(accounts []common.Account) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addAccounts(hdb.dbWrite, accounts))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addAccounts(d meddler.DB, accounts []common.Account) error {
if len(accounts) == 0 {
return nil
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
`INSERT INTO account (
) VALUES %s;`,
// GetAllAccounts returns a list of accounts from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllAccounts() ([]common.Account, error) {
var accs []*common.Account
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &accs,
"SELECT idx, token_id, batch_num, bjj, eth_addr FROM account ORDER BY idx;",
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(accs).([]common.Account), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// AddAccountUpdates inserts accUpdates into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddAccountUpdates(accUpdates []common.AccountUpdate) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addAccountUpdates(hdb.dbWrite, accUpdates))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addAccountUpdates(d meddler.DB, accUpdates []common.AccountUpdate) error {
if len(accUpdates) == 0 {
return nil
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
`INSERT INTO account_update (
) VALUES %s;`,
// GetAllAccountUpdates returns all the AccountUpdate from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllAccountUpdates() ([]common.AccountUpdate, error) {
var accUpdates []*common.AccountUpdate
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &accUpdates,
"SELECT eth_block_num, batch_num, idx, nonce, balance FROM account_update ORDER BY idx;",
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(accUpdates).([]common.AccountUpdate), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// AddL1Txs inserts L1 txs to the DB. USD and DepositAmountUSD will be set automatically before storing the tx.
// If the tx is originated by a coordinator, BatchNum must be provided. If it's originated by a user,
// BatchNum should be null, and the value will be setted by a trigger when a batch forges the tx.
// EffectiveAmount and EffectiveDepositAmount are seted with default values by the DB.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddL1Txs(l1txs []common.L1Tx) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addL1Txs(hdb.dbWrite, l1txs))
// addL1Txs inserts L1 txs to the DB. USD and DepositAmountUSD will be set automatically before storing the tx.
// If the tx is originated by a coordinator, BatchNum must be provided. If it's originated by a user,
// BatchNum should be null, and the value will be setted by a trigger when a batch forges the tx.
// EffectiveAmount and EffectiveDepositAmount are seted with default values by the DB.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addL1Txs(d meddler.DB, l1txs []common.L1Tx) error {
if len(l1txs) == 0 {
return nil
txs := []txWrite{}
for i := 0; i < len(l1txs); i++ {
af := new(big.Float).SetInt(l1txs[i].Amount)
amountFloat, _ := af.Float64()
laf := new(big.Float).SetInt(l1txs[i].DepositAmount)
depositAmountFloat, _ := laf.Float64()
var effectiveFromIdx *common.Idx
if l1txs[i].UserOrigin {
if l1txs[i].Type != common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit &&
l1txs[i].Type != common.TxTypeCreateAccountDepositTransfer {
effectiveFromIdx = &l1txs[i].FromIdx
} else {
effectiveFromIdx = &l1txs[i].EffectiveFromIdx
txs = append(txs, txWrite{
// Generic
IsL1: true,
TxID: l1txs[i].TxID,
Type: l1txs[i].Type,
Position: l1txs[i].Position,
FromIdx: &l1txs[i].FromIdx,
EffectiveFromIdx: effectiveFromIdx,
ToIdx: l1txs[i].ToIdx,
Amount: l1txs[i].Amount,
AmountFloat: amountFloat,
TokenID: l1txs[i].TokenID,
BatchNum: l1txs[i].BatchNum,
EthBlockNum: l1txs[i].EthBlockNum,
// L1
ToForgeL1TxsNum: l1txs[i].ToForgeL1TxsNum,
UserOrigin: &l1txs[i].UserOrigin,
FromEthAddr: &l1txs[i].FromEthAddr,
FromBJJ: &l1txs[i].FromBJJ,
DepositAmount: l1txs[i].DepositAmount,
DepositAmountFloat: &depositAmountFloat,
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addTxs(d, txs))
// AddL2Txs inserts L2 txs to the DB. TokenID, USD and FeeUSD will be set automatically before storing the tx.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddL2Txs(l2txs []common.L2Tx) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addL2Txs(hdb.dbWrite, l2txs))
// addL2Txs inserts L2 txs to the DB. TokenID, USD and FeeUSD will be set automatically before storing the tx.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addL2Txs(d meddler.DB, l2txs []common.L2Tx) error {
txs := []txWrite{}
for i := 0; i < len(l2txs); i++ {
f := new(big.Float).SetInt(l2txs[i].Amount)
amountFloat, _ := f.Float64()
txs = append(txs, txWrite{
// Generic
IsL1: false,
TxID: l2txs[i].TxID,
Type: l2txs[i].Type,
Position: l2txs[i].Position,
FromIdx: &l2txs[i].FromIdx,
EffectiveFromIdx: &l2txs[i].FromIdx,
ToIdx: l2txs[i].ToIdx,
TokenID: l2txs[i].TokenID,
Amount: l2txs[i].Amount,
AmountFloat: amountFloat,
BatchNum: &l2txs[i].BatchNum,
EthBlockNum: l2txs[i].EthBlockNum,
// L2
Fee: &l2txs[i].Fee,
Nonce: &l2txs[i].Nonce,
return tracerr.Wrap(hdb.addTxs(d, txs))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addTxs(d meddler.DB, txs []txWrite) error {
if len(txs) == 0 {
return nil
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
) VALUES %s;`,
// GetAllExits returns all exit from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllExits() ([]common.ExitInfo, error) {
var exits []*common.ExitInfo
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &exits,
`SELECT exit_tree.batch_num, exit_tree.account_idx, exit_tree.merkle_proof,
exit_tree.balance, exit_tree.instant_withdrawn, exit_tree.delayed_withdraw_request,
exit_tree.delayed_withdrawn FROM exit_tree ORDER BY item_id;`,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(exits).([]common.ExitInfo), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetAllL1UserTxs returns all L1UserTxs from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllL1UserTxs() ([]common.L1Tx, error) {
var txs []*common.L1Tx
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &txs, // Note that '\x' gets parsed as a big.Int with value = 0
`SELECT tx.id, tx.to_forge_l1_txs_num, tx.position, tx.user_origin,
tx.from_idx, tx.effective_from_idx, tx.from_eth_addr, tx.from_bjj, tx.to_idx, tx.token_id,
tx.amount, (CASE WHEN tx.batch_num IS NULL THEN NULL WHEN tx.amount_success THEN tx.amount ELSE '\x' END) AS effective_amount,
tx.deposit_amount, (CASE WHEN tx.batch_num IS NULL THEN NULL WHEN tx.deposit_amount_success THEN tx.deposit_amount ELSE '\x' END) AS effective_deposit_amount,
tx.eth_block_num, tx.type, tx.batch_num
FROM tx WHERE is_l1 = TRUE AND user_origin = TRUE ORDER BY item_id;`,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(txs).([]common.L1Tx), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetAllL1CoordinatorTxs returns all L1CoordinatorTxs from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllL1CoordinatorTxs() ([]common.L1Tx, error) {
var txs []*common.L1Tx
// Since the query specifies that only coordinator txs are returned, it's safe to assume
// that returned txs will always have effective amounts
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &txs,
`SELECT tx.id, tx.to_forge_l1_txs_num, tx.position, tx.user_origin,
tx.from_idx, tx.effective_from_idx, tx.from_eth_addr, tx.from_bjj, tx.to_idx, tx.token_id,
tx.amount, tx.amount AS effective_amount,
tx.deposit_amount, tx.deposit_amount AS effective_deposit_amount,
tx.eth_block_num, tx.type, tx.batch_num
FROM tx WHERE is_l1 = TRUE AND user_origin = FALSE ORDER BY item_id;`,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(txs).([]common.L1Tx), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetAllL2Txs returns all L2Txs from the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllL2Txs() ([]common.L2Tx, error) {
var txs []*common.L2Tx
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &txs,
`SELECT tx.id, tx.batch_num, tx.position,
tx.from_idx, tx.to_idx, tx.amount, tx.token_id,
tx.fee, tx.nonce, tx.type, tx.eth_block_num
FROM tx WHERE is_l1 = FALSE ORDER BY item_id;`,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(txs).([]common.L2Tx), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetUnforgedL1UserTxs gets L1 User Txs to be forged in the L1Batch with toForgeL1TxsNum.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetUnforgedL1UserTxs(toForgeL1TxsNum int64) ([]common.L1Tx, error) {
var txs []*common.L1Tx
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &txs, // only L1 user txs can have batch_num set to null
`SELECT tx.id, tx.to_forge_l1_txs_num, tx.position, tx.user_origin,
tx.from_idx, tx.from_eth_addr, tx.from_bjj, tx.to_idx, tx.token_id,
tx.amount, NULL AS effective_amount,
tx.deposit_amount, NULL AS effective_deposit_amount,
tx.eth_block_num, tx.type, tx.batch_num
FROM tx WHERE batch_num IS NULL AND to_forge_l1_txs_num = $1
ORDER BY position;`,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(txs).([]common.L1Tx), tracerr.Wrap(err)
// GetUnforgedL1UserTxsCount returns the count of unforged L1Txs (either in
// open or frozen queues that are not yet forged)
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetUnforgedL1UserTxsCount() (int, error) {
row := hdb.dbRead.QueryRow(
var count int
return count, tracerr.Wrap(row.Scan(&count))
// TODO: Think about chaning all the queries that return a last value, to queries that return the next valid value.
// GetLastTxsPosition for a given to_forge_l1_txs_num
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetLastTxsPosition(toForgeL1TxsNum int64) (int, error) {
row := hdb.dbRead.QueryRow(
"SELECT position FROM tx WHERE to_forge_l1_txs_num = $1 ORDER BY position DESC;",
var lastL1TxsPosition int
return lastL1TxsPosition, tracerr.Wrap(row.Scan(&lastL1TxsPosition))
// GetSCVars returns the rollup, auction and wdelayer smart contracts variables at their last update.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetSCVars() (*common.RollupVariables, *common.AuctionVariables,
*common.WDelayerVariables, error) {
var rollup common.RollupVariables
var auction common.AuctionVariables
var wDelayer common.WDelayerVariables
if err := meddler.QueryRow(hdb.dbRead, &rollup,
"SELECT * FROM rollup_vars ORDER BY eth_block_num DESC LIMIT 1;"); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
if err := meddler.QueryRow(hdb.dbRead, &auction,
"SELECT * FROM auction_vars ORDER BY eth_block_num DESC LIMIT 1;"); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
if err := meddler.QueryRow(hdb.dbRead, &wDelayer,
"SELECT * FROM wdelayer_vars ORDER BY eth_block_num DESC LIMIT 1;"); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
return &rollup, &auction, &wDelayer, nil
func (hdb *HistoryDB) setRollupVars(d meddler.DB, rollup *common.RollupVariables) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(meddler.Insert(d, "rollup_vars", rollup))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) setAuctionVars(d meddler.DB, auction *common.AuctionVariables) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(meddler.Insert(d, "auction_vars", auction))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) setWDelayerVars(d meddler.DB, wDelayer *common.WDelayerVariables) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(meddler.Insert(d, "wdelayer_vars", wDelayer))
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addBucketUpdates(d meddler.DB, bucketUpdates []common.BucketUpdate) error {
if len(bucketUpdates) == 0 {
return nil
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
`INSERT INTO bucket_update (
) VALUES %s;`,
// AddBucketUpdatesTest allows call to unexported method
// only for internal testing purposes
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBucketUpdatesTest(d meddler.DB, bucketUpdates []common.BucketUpdate) error {
return hdb.addBucketUpdates(d, bucketUpdates)
// GetAllBucketUpdates retrieves all the bucket updates
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllBucketUpdates() ([]common.BucketUpdate, error) {
var bucketUpdates []*common.BucketUpdate
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &bucketUpdates,
`SELECT eth_block_num, num_bucket, block_stamp, withdrawals
FROM bucket_update ORDER BY item_id;`,
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(bucketUpdates).([]common.BucketUpdate), tracerr.Wrap(err)
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addTokenExchanges(d meddler.DB, tokenExchanges []common.TokenExchange) error {
if len(tokenExchanges) == 0 {
return nil
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
`INSERT INTO token_exchange (
) VALUES %s;`,
// GetAllTokenExchanges retrieves all the token exchanges
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllTokenExchanges() ([]common.TokenExchange, error) {
var tokenExchanges []*common.TokenExchange
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &tokenExchanges,
"SELECT eth_block_num, eth_addr, value_usd FROM token_exchange ORDER BY item_id;",
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(tokenExchanges).([]common.TokenExchange), tracerr.Wrap(err)
func (hdb *HistoryDB) addEscapeHatchWithdrawals(d meddler.DB,
escapeHatchWithdrawals []common.WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal) error {
if len(escapeHatchWithdrawals) == 0 {
return nil
return tracerr.Wrap(db.BulkInsert(
`INSERT INTO escape_hatch_withdrawal (
) VALUES %s;`,
// GetAllEscapeHatchWithdrawals retrieves all the escape hatch withdrawals
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetAllEscapeHatchWithdrawals() ([]common.WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal, error) {
var escapeHatchWithdrawals []*common.WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal
err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &escapeHatchWithdrawals,
"SELECT eth_block_num, who_addr, to_addr, token_addr, amount FROM escape_hatch_withdrawal ORDER BY item_id;",
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(escapeHatchWithdrawals).([]common.WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal),
// SetInitialSCVars sets the initial state of rollup, auction, wdelayer smart
// contract variables. This initial state is stored linked to block 0, which
// always exist in the DB and is used to store initialization data that always
// exist in the smart contracts.
func (hdb *HistoryDB) SetInitialSCVars(rollup *common.RollupVariables,
auction *common.AuctionVariables, wDelayer *common.WDelayerVariables) error {
txn, err := hdb.dbWrite.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// Force EthBlockNum to be 0 because it's the block used to link data
// that belongs to the creation of the smart contracts
rollup.EthBlockNum = 0
auction.EthBlockNum = 0
wDelayer.EthBlockNum = 0
auction.DefaultSlotSetBidSlotNum = 0
if err := hdb.setRollupVars(txn, rollup); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
if err := hdb.setAuctionVars(txn, auction); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
if err := hdb.setWDelayerVars(txn, wDelayer); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
return tracerr.Wrap(txn.Commit())
// setExtraInfoForgedL1UserTxs sets the EffectiveAmount, EffectiveDepositAmount
// and EffectiveFromIdx of the given l1UserTxs (with an UPDATE)
func (hdb *HistoryDB) setExtraInfoForgedL1UserTxs(d sqlx.Ext, txs []common.L1Tx) error {
if len(txs) == 0 {
return nil
// Effective amounts are stored as success flags in the DB, with true value by default
// to reduce the amount of updates. Therefore, only amounts that became uneffective should be
// updated to become false. At the same time, all the txs that contain
// accounts (FromIdx == 0) are updated to set the EffectiveFromIdx.
type txUpdate struct {
ID common.TxID `db:"id"`
AmountSuccess bool `db:"amount_success"`
DepositAmountSuccess bool `db:"deposit_amount_success"`
EffectiveFromIdx common.Idx `db:"effective_from_idx"`
txUpdates := []txUpdate{}
equal := func(a *big.Int, b *big.Int) bool {
return a.Cmp(b) == 0
for i := range txs {
amountSuccess := equal(txs[i].Amount, txs[i].EffectiveAmount)
depositAmountSuccess := equal(txs[i].DepositAmount, txs[i].EffectiveDepositAmount)
if !amountSuccess || !depositAmountSuccess || txs[i].FromIdx == 0 {
txUpdates = append(txUpdates, txUpdate{
ID: txs[i].TxID,
AmountSuccess: amountSuccess,
DepositAmountSuccess: depositAmountSuccess,
EffectiveFromIdx: txs[i].EffectiveFromIdx,
const query string = `
amount_success = tx_update.amount_success,
deposit_amount_success = tx_update.deposit_amount_success,
effective_from_idx = tx_update.effective_from_idx
(:id, :amount_success, :deposit_amount_success, :effective_from_idx)
) as tx_update (id, amount_success, deposit_amount_success, effective_from_idx)
WHERE tx.id = tx_update.id;
if len(txUpdates) > 0 {
if _, err := sqlx.NamedExec(d, query, txUpdates); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// AddBlockSCData stores all the information of a block retrieved by the
// Synchronizer. Blocks should be inserted in order, leaving no gaps because
// the pagination system of the API/DB depends on this. Within blocks, all
// items should also be in the correct order (Accounts, Tokens, Txs, etc.)
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddBlockSCData(blockData *common.BlockData) (err error) {
txn, err := hdb.dbWrite.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// Add block
if err := hdb.addBlock(txn, &blockData.Block); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add Coordinators
if err := hdb.addCoordinators(txn, blockData.Auction.Coordinators); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add Bids
if err := hdb.addBids(txn, blockData.Auction.Bids); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add Tokens
if err := hdb.addTokens(txn, blockData.Rollup.AddedTokens); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Prepare user L1 txs to be added.
// They must be added before the batch that will forge them (which can be in the same block)
// and after the account that will be sent to (also can be in the same block).
// Note: insert order is not relevant since item_id will be updated by a DB trigger when
// the batch that forges those txs is inserted
userL1s := make(map[common.BatchNum][]common.L1Tx)
for i := range blockData.Rollup.L1UserTxs {
batchThatForgesIsInTheBlock := false
for _, batch := range blockData.Rollup.Batches {
if batch.Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum != nil &&
*batch.Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum == *blockData.Rollup.L1UserTxs[i].ToForgeL1TxsNum {
// Tx is forged in this block. It's guaranteed that:
// * the first batch of the block won't forge user L1 txs that have been added in this block
// * batch nums are sequential therefore it's safe to add the tx at batch.BatchNum -1
batchThatForgesIsInTheBlock = true
addAtBatchNum := batch.Batch.BatchNum - 1
userL1s[addAtBatchNum] = append(userL1s[addAtBatchNum], blockData.Rollup.L1UserTxs[i])
if !batchThatForgesIsInTheBlock {
// User artificial batchNum 0 to add txs that are not forge in this block
// after all the accounts of the block have been added
userL1s[0] = append(userL1s[0], blockData.Rollup.L1UserTxs[i])
// Add Batches
for i := range blockData.Rollup.Batches {
batch := &blockData.Rollup.Batches[i]
// Add Batch: this will trigger an update on the DB
// that will set the batch num of forged L1 txs in this batch
if err = hdb.addBatch(txn, &batch.Batch); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add accounts
if err := hdb.addAccounts(txn, batch.CreatedAccounts); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add accountBalances if it exists
if err := hdb.addAccountUpdates(txn, batch.UpdatedAccounts); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Set the EffectiveAmount and EffectiveDepositAmount of all the
// L1UserTxs that have been forged in this batch
if err = hdb.setExtraInfoForgedL1UserTxs(txn, batch.L1UserTxs); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add forged l1 coordinator Txs
if err := hdb.addL1Txs(txn, batch.L1CoordinatorTxs); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add l2 Txs
if err := hdb.addL2Txs(txn, batch.L2Txs); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add user L1 txs that will be forged in next batch
if userlL1s, ok := userL1s[batch.Batch.BatchNum]; ok {
if err := hdb.addL1Txs(txn, userlL1s); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add exit tree
if err := hdb.addExitTree(txn, batch.ExitTree); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add user L1 txs that won't be forged in this block
if userL1sNotForgedInThisBlock, ok := userL1s[0]; ok {
if err := hdb.addL1Txs(txn, userL1sNotForgedInThisBlock); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Set SC Vars if there was an update
if blockData.Rollup.Vars != nil {
if err := hdb.setRollupVars(txn, blockData.Rollup.Vars); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
if blockData.Auction.Vars != nil {
if err := hdb.setAuctionVars(txn, blockData.Auction.Vars); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
if blockData.WDelayer.Vars != nil {
if err := hdb.setWDelayerVars(txn, blockData.WDelayer.Vars); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Update withdrawals in exit tree table
if err := hdb.updateExitTree(txn, blockData.Block.Num,
blockData.Rollup.Withdrawals, blockData.WDelayer.Withdrawals); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add Escape Hatch Withdrawals
if err := hdb.addEscapeHatchWithdrawals(txn,
blockData.WDelayer.EscapeHatchWithdrawals); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add Buckets withdrawals updates
if err := hdb.addBucketUpdates(txn, blockData.Rollup.UpdateBucketWithdraw); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Add Token exchange updates
if err := hdb.addTokenExchanges(txn, blockData.Rollup.TokenExchanges); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
return tracerr.Wrap(txn.Commit())
// GetCoordinatorAPI returns a coordinator by its bidderAddr
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetCoordinatorAPI(bidderAddr ethCommon.Address) (*CoordinatorAPI, error) {
coordinator := &CoordinatorAPI{}
err := meddler.QueryRow(
hdb.dbRead, coordinator,
"SELECT * FROM coordinator WHERE bidder_addr = $1 ORDER BY item_id DESC LIMIT 1;",
return coordinator, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// AddAuctionVars insert auction vars into the DB
func (hdb *HistoryDB) AddAuctionVars(auctionVars *common.AuctionVariables) error {
return tracerr.Wrap(meddler.Insert(hdb.dbWrite, "auction_vars", auctionVars))
// GetTokensTest used to get tokens in a testing context
func (hdb *HistoryDB) GetTokensTest() ([]TokenWithUSD, error) {
tokens := []*TokenWithUSD{}
if err := meddler.QueryAll(
hdb.dbRead, &tokens,
); err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return []TokenWithUSD{}, nil
return db.SlicePtrsToSlice(tokens).([]TokenWithUSD), nil