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package txselector
import (
ethCommon ""
ethCrypto ""
dbUtils ""
func initTest(t *testing.T, chainID uint16, hermezContractAddr ethCommon.Address,
coordUser *til.User) *TxSelector {
pass := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASS")
db, err := dbUtils.InitSQLDB(5432, "localhost", "hermez", pass, "hermez")
require.NoError(t, err)
l2DB := l2db.NewL2DB(db, db, 10, 100, 0.0, 24*time.Hour, nil)
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpdb")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(dir))
syncStateDB, err := statedb.NewStateDB(statedb.Config{Path: dir, Keep: 128,
Type: statedb.TypeTxSelector, NLevels: 0})
require.NoError(t, err)
txselDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpTxSelDB")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(dir))
// use Til Coord keys for tests compatibility
coordAccount := &CoordAccount{
Addr: coordUser.Addr,
BJJ: coordUser.BJJ.Public().Compress(),
AccountCreationAuth: nil,
// fmt.Printf("%v\n", coordAccount)
auth := common.AccountCreationAuth{
EthAddr: coordUser.Addr,
BJJ: coordUser.BJJ.Public().Compress(),
err = auth.Sign(func(hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return ethCrypto.Sign(hash, coordUser.EthSk)
}, chainID, hermezContractAddr)
assert.NoError(t, err)
coordAccount.AccountCreationAuth = auth.Signature
txsel, err := NewTxSelector(coordAccount, txselDir, syncStateDB, l2DB)
require.NoError(t, err)
return txsel
func addAccCreationAuth(t *testing.T, tc *til.Context, txsel *TxSelector, chainID uint16,
hermezContractAddr ethCommon.Address, username string) []byte {
user := tc.Users[username]
auth := &common.AccountCreationAuth{
EthAddr: user.Addr,
BJJ: user.BJJ.Public().Compress(),
err := auth.Sign(func(hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return ethCrypto.Sign(hash, user.EthSk)
}, chainID, hermezContractAddr)
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = txsel.l2db.AddAccountCreationAuth(auth)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return auth.Signature
func addL2Txs(t *testing.T, txsel *TxSelector, poolL2Txs []common.PoolL2Tx) {
for i := 0; i < len(poolL2Txs); i++ {
err := txsel.l2db.AddTxTest(&poolL2Txs[i])
if err != nil {
require.NoError(t, err)
func addTokens(t *testing.T, tc *til.Context, db *sqlx.DB) {
var tokens []common.Token
for i := 0; i < int(tc.LastRegisteredTokenID); i++ {
tokens = append(tokens, common.Token{
TokenID: common.TokenID(i + 1),
EthBlockNum: 1,
EthAddr: ethCommon.BytesToAddress([]byte{byte(i + 1)}),
Name: strconv.Itoa(i),
Symbol: strconv.Itoa(i),
Decimals: 18,
hdb := historydb.NewHistoryDB(db, db, nil)
assert.NoError(t, hdb.AddBlock(&common.Block{
Num: 1,
assert.NoError(t, hdb.AddTokens(tokens))
func checkBalance(t *testing.T, tc *til.Context, txsel *TxSelector, username string,
tokenid int, expected string) {
// Accounts.Idx does not match with the TxSelector tests as we are not
// using the Til L1CoordinatorTxs (as are generated by the TxSelector
// itself when processing the txs, so the Idxs does not match the Til
// idxs). But the Idx is obtained through StateDB.GetIdxByEthAddrBJJ
user := tc.Users[username]
idx, err := txsel.localAccountsDB.GetIdxByEthAddrBJJ(user.Addr, user.BJJ.Public().Compress(),
require.NoError(t, err)
checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, idx, expected)
func checkBalanceByIdx(t *testing.T, txsel *TxSelector, idx common.Idx, expected string) {
acc, err := txsel.localAccountsDB.GetAccount(idx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected, acc.Balance.String())
// checkSortedByNonce takes as input testAccNonces map, and the array of
// common.PoolL2Txs, and checks if the nonces correspond to the accumulated
// values of the map. Also increases the Nonces computed on the map.
func checkSortedByNonce(t *testing.T, testAccNonces map[common.Idx]common.Nonce,
txs []common.PoolL2Tx) {
for _, tx := range txs {
assert.True(t, testAccNonces[tx.FromIdx] == tx.Nonce,
fmt.Sprintf("Idx: %d, expected: %d, tx.Nonce: %d",
tx.FromIdx, testAccNonces[tx.FromIdx], tx.Nonce))
testAccNonces[tx.FromIdx] = testAccNonces[tx.FromIdx] + 1
func TestGetL2TxSelectionMinimumFlow0(t *testing.T) {
chainID := uint16(0)
tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
// generate test transactions, the L1CoordinatorTxs generated by Til
// will be ignored at this test, as will be the TxSelector who
// generates them when needed
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(txsets.SetBlockchainMinimumFlow0)
assert.NoError(t, err)
hermezContractAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
txsel := initTest(t, chainID, hermezContractAddr, tc.Users["Coord"])
// restart nonces of TilContext, as will be set by generating directly
// the PoolL2Txs for each specific batch with tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs
testAccNonces := make(map[common.Idx]common.Nonce)
// add tokens to HistoryDB to avoid breaking FK constrains
addTokens(t, tc, txsel.l2db.DB())
tpc := txprocessor.Config{
NLevels: 16,
MaxFeeTx: 10,
MaxTx: 20,
MaxL1Tx: 10,
ChainID: chainID,
// coordIdxs, accAuths, l1UserTxs, l1CoordTxs, l2Txs, err
log.Debug("block:0 batch:1")
l1UserTxs := []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err :=
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(1), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(255), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
log.Debug("block:0 batch:2")
l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(2), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(255), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
log.Debug("block:0 batch:3")
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[2].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(3), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(257), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "500")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "0")
log.Debug("block:0 batch:4")
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[3].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(4), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(258), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "500")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "500")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "0")
log.Debug("block:0 batch:5")
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[4].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(5), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(258), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "500")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "500")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "0")
log.Debug("block:0 batch:6")
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[5].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(6), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(259), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "600")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "500")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 0, "400")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "0")
log.Debug("block:0 batch:7")
// simulate the PoolL2Txs of the batch7
batchPoolL2 := `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransferToEthAddr(1) A-B: 200 (126)
PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) B-C: 100 (126)`
poolL2Txs, err := tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// add AccountCreationAuths that will be used at the next batch
accAuthSig0 := addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "B")
accAuthSig1 := addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "C")
// add the PoolL2Txs to the l2DB
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
// check signatures of L2Txs from the L2DB (to check that the
// parameters of the PoolL2Tx match the original parameters signed
// before inserting it to the L2DB)
l2TxsFromDB, err := txsel.l2db.GetPendingTxs()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[0].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["A"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[1].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["B"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[6].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
coordIdxs, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err :=
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []common.Idx{261, 262}, coordIdxs)
assert.Equal(t, txsel.coordAccount.AccountCreationAuth, accAuths[0])
assert.Equal(t, txsel.coordAccount.AccountCreationAuth, accAuths[1])
assert.Equal(t, accAuthSig0, accAuths[2])
assert.Equal(t, accAuthSig1, accAuths[3])
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, len(oL1CoordTxs), len(accAuths))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(7), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(264), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 261, "20") // CoordIdx for TokenID=1
checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 262, "10") // CoordIdx for TokenID=0
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "600")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "280")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 0, "290")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 1, "200")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 0, "100")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "D", 0, "800")
checkSortedByNonce(t, testAccNonces, oL2Txs)
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(poolL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
log.Debug("block:0 batch:8")
// simulate the PoolL2Txs of the batch8
batchPoolL2 = `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 100 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) C-A: 50 (126)
PoolTransfer(1) B-C: 100 (126)
PoolExit(0) A: 100 (126)`
poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
// check signatures of L2Txs from the L2DB (to check that the
// parameters of the PoolL2Tx match the original parameters signed
// before inserting it to the L2DB)
l2TxsFromDB, err = txsel.l2db.GetPendingTxs()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[0].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["A"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[1].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["C"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[2].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["B"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[3].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["A"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[7].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
coordIdxs, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []common.Idx{261, 262}, coordIdxs)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(accAuths))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, len(oL1CoordTxs), len(accAuths))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(8), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(264), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 261, "30")
checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 262, "35")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "430")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "280")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 0, "390")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 1, "90")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 0, "45")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "100")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "D", 0, "800")
checkSortedByNonce(t, testAccNonces, oL2Txs)
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(poolL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
log.Debug("(batch9)block:1 batch:1")
// simulate the PoolL2Txs of the batch9
batchPoolL2 = `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransfer(0) D-A: 300 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) B-D: 100 (126)
poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
// check signatures of L2Txs from the L2DB (to check that the
// parameters of the PoolL2Tx match the original parameters signed
// before inserting it to the L2DB)
l2TxsFromDB, err = txsel.l2db.GetPendingTxs()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[0].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["D"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
assert.True(t, l2TxsFromDB[1].VerifySignature(chainID, tc.Users["B"].BJJ.Public().Compress()))
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[1].Rollup.Batches[0].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
coordIdxs, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, _, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []common.Idx{262}, coordIdxs)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(accAuths))
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, len(oL1CoordTxs), len(accAuths))
assert.Equal(t, common.BatchNum(9), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentBatch())
assert.Equal(t, common.Idx(264), txsel.localAccountsDB.CurrentIdx())
checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 261, "30")
checkBalanceByIdx(t, txsel, 262, "75")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 0, "730")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "A", 1, "280")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 0, "380")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "B", 1, "90")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 0, "845")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "C", 1, "100")
checkBalance(t, tc, txsel, "D", 0, "470")
checkSortedByNonce(t, testAccNonces, oL2Txs)
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(poolL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestPoolL2TxsWithoutEnoughBalance(t *testing.T) {
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(0) Coord: 0
CreateAccountDeposit(0) A: 100
CreateAccountDeposit(0) B: 100
> batchL1 // freeze L1User{3}
> batchL1 // forge L1User{3}
> block
chainID := uint16(0)
tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
// generate test transactions, the L1CoordinatorTxs generated by Til
// will be ignored at this test, as will be the TxSelector who
// generates them when needed
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
assert.NoError(t, err)
hermezContractAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
txsel := initTest(t, chainID, hermezContractAddr, tc.Users["Coord"])
// restart nonces of TilContext, as will be set by generating directly
// the PoolL2Txs for each specific batch with tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs
tpc := txprocessor.Config{
NLevels: 16,
MaxFeeTx: 10,
MaxTx: 20,
MaxL1Tx: 10,
ChainID: chainID,
// batch1
l1UserTxs := []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, _, _, _, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
// 1st TransferToEthAddr
expectedTxID0 := "0x028847b86613c0b70be18c8622119ed045b42e4e47d7938fa90bb3d1dc14928965"
// 1st Exit
expectedTxID1 := "0x0200b18773dcf56f770d65870fb02041cb59a088fd35b7c3f3df69f8a250b99a42"
// 2nd TransferToEthAddr
expectedTxID2 := "0x029720ff506153f970f120ac638cd7ee759eeff2c2012e7634a78e4fdc05c04a90"
// batch2
// prepare the PoolL2Txs
batchPoolL2 := `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) A-B: 100 (126)
PoolExit(0) B: 100 (126)`
poolL2Txs, err := tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// add the PoolL2Txs to the l2DB
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[1].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err :=
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL2Txs)) // should be 0 as the 2 PoolL2Txs does not have enough funds
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(discardedL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID0, discardedL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID1, discardedL2Txs[1].TxID.String())
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
// as the PoolL2Txs have not been really processed, restart nonces
// batch3
// NOTE: this batch will result with 1 L2Tx, as the PoolExit tx is not
// possible, as the PoolTransferToEthAddr is not processed yet when
// checking availability of PoolExit. This, in a near-future iteration
// of the TxSelector will return the 2 transactions as valid and
// selected, as the TxSelector will handle this kind of combinations.
batchPoolL2 = `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) A-B: 50 (126)`
poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs)) // see 'NOTE' at the beginning of 'batch3' of this test
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(discardedL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID2, oL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID0, discardedL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID1, discardedL2Txs[1].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeTransferToEthAddr, oL2Txs[0].Type)
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
// batch4
// make the selection of another batch, which should include the
// initial PoolExit, which now is valid as B has enough Balance
l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(discardedL2Txs))
// the Exit that was not accepted at the batch2
assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID1, oL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, expectedTxID0, discardedL2Txs[0].TxID.String())
assert.Equal(t, common.TxTypeExit, oL2Txs[0].Type)
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestTransferToBjj(t *testing.T) {
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(0) Coord: 0
CreateAccountDeposit(0) A: 1000
CreateAccountDeposit(0) B: 1000
CreateAccountDeposit(1) B: 1000
> batchL1 // freeze L1User{4}
> batchL1 // forge L1User{4}
> block
chainID := uint16(0)
tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
assert.NoError(t, err)
hermezContractAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
txsel := initTest(t, chainID, hermezContractAddr, tc.Users["Coord"])
// restart nonces of TilContext, as will be set by generating directly
// the PoolL2Txs for each specific batch with tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs
addTokens(t, tc, txsel.l2db.DB())
tpc := txprocessor.Config{
NLevels: 16,
MaxFeeTx: 10,
MaxTx: 20,
MaxL1Tx: 10,
ChainID: chainID,
// batch1 to freeze L1UserTxs that will create some accounts with
// positive balance
l1UserTxs := []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, _, _, _, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Transfer is ToBJJ to a BJJ-only account that doesn't exist
// and the coordinator will create it via L1CoordTx.
batchPoolL2 := `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransferToBJJ(0) A-B: 50 (126)
poolL2Txs, err := tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// add the PoolL2Txs to the l2DB
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[1].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err :=
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(oL1UserTxs))
// We expect the coordinator to add an L1CoordTx to create an account for the recipient of the l2tx
require.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, poolL2Txs[0].ToEthAddr, oL1CoordTxs[0].FromEthAddr)
assert.Equal(t, poolL2Txs[0].ToBJJ, oL1CoordTxs[0].FromBJJ)
// fmt.Printf("DBG l1CoordTx[0]: %+v\n", oL1CoordTxs[0])
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(discardedL2Txs))
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
// Now the BJJ-only account for B is already created, so the transfer
// happens without an L1CoordTx that creates the user account.
batchPoolL2 = `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransferToBJJ(0) A-B: 50 (126)
poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
// Since the BJJ-only account B already exists, the coordinator doesn't add any L1CoordTxs
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(discardedL2Txs))
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
// The transfer now is ToBJJ to a BJJ-only account that doesn't exist
// and the coordinator will create it via L1CoordTx. Since it's a
// transfer of a token for which the coordinator doesn't have a fee
// account, another L1CoordTx will be created for the coordinator to
// receive the fees.
batchPoolL2 = `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransferToBJJ(1) B-A: 50 (126)
poolL2Txs, err = tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
// We expect the coordinator to add an L1CoordTx to create an account
// to receive the fees by the coordinator and another one for the
// recipient of the l2tx
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(oL1CoordTxs))
// [0] Coordinator account cration for token 1
assert.Equal(t, tc.Users["Coord"].Addr, oL1CoordTxs[0].FromEthAddr)
// [1] User A BJJ-only account creation for token 1
assert.Equal(t, poolL2Txs[0].ToEthAddr, oL1CoordTxs[1].FromEthAddr)
assert.Equal(t, poolL2Txs[0].ToBJJ, oL1CoordTxs[1].FromBJJ)
assert.Equal(t, common.TokenID(1), oL1CoordTxs[1].TokenID)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(discardedL2Txs))
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestTransferManyFromSameAccount(t *testing.T) {
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(0) Coord: 0
CreateAccountDeposit(0) A: 1000
CreateAccountDeposit(0) B: 1000
> batchL1 // freeze L1User{3}
> batchL1 // forge L1User{3}
> block
chainID := uint16(0)
tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
assert.NoError(t, err)
hermezContractAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
txsel := initTest(t, chainID, hermezContractAddr, tc.Users["Coord"])
// restart nonces of TilContext, as will be set by generating directly
// the PoolL2Txs for each specific batch with tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs
tpc := txprocessor.Config{
NLevels: 16,
MaxFeeTx: 10,
MaxTx: 10,
MaxL1Tx: 10,
ChainID: chainID,
// batch1 to freeze L1UserTxs
l1UserTxs := []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, _, _, _, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
// 8 transfers from the same account
batchPoolL2 := `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 1
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 2
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 3
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 4
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 5
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 6
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 7
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 8
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 9
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 10
PoolTransfer(0) A-B: 10 (126) // 11
poolL2Txs, err := tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 11, len(poolL2Txs))
// reorder poolL2Txs so that nonces are not sorted
poolL2Txs[0], poolL2Txs[7] = poolL2Txs[7], poolL2Txs[0]
poolL2Txs[1], poolL2Txs[10] = poolL2Txs[10], poolL2Txs[1]
// add the PoolL2Txs to the l2DB
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
// batch 2 to crate some accounts with positive balance, and do 8 L2Tx transfers from account A
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[1].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
_, _, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err :=
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(oL1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
assert.Equal(t, 7, len(oL2Txs))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(discardedL2Txs))
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestPoolL2TxInvalidNonces(t *testing.T) {
// This test recreates the case where L2Txs of type TransferToEthAddr
// for non existing accounts are not selected due not enough space for
// the needed L1CoordinatorTxs (of account creation).
set := `
Type: Blockchain
CreateAccountDeposit(0) Coord: 0
CreateAccountDeposit(0) A: 100000
CreateAccountDeposit(0) B: 10000
> batchL1 // Batch1: freeze L1User{3}
> batchL1 // Batch2: forge L1User{3}
> block
chainID := uint16(0)
tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocks(set)
assert.NoError(t, err)
hermezContractAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xc344E203a046Da13b0B4467EB7B3629D0C99F6E6")
txsel := initTest(t, chainID, hermezContractAddr, tc.Users["Coord"])
// restart nonces of TilContext, as will be set by generating directly
// the PoolL2Txs for each specific batch with tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs
tpc := txprocessor.Config{
NLevels: 16,
MaxFeeTx: 10,
MaxTx: 20,
MaxL1Tx: 3,
ChainID: chainID,
// batch1 to freeze L1UserTxs
l1UserTxs := []common.L1Tx{}
_, _, _, _, _, _, err = txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
batchPoolL2 := `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) B-C: 10 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) B-A: 10 (126)
PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) B-D: 10 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) B-A: 10 (126)
PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) B-E: 10 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) B-A: 10 (126)
PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) B-F: 10 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) B-A: 10 (126)
PoolTransferToEthAddr(0) B-G: 10 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) B-A: 10 (126)
poolL2Txs, err := tc.GeneratePoolL2Txs(batchPoolL2)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 10, len(poolL2Txs))
// add AccountCreationAuths that will be used at the next batch
_ = addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "C")
_ = addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "D")
_ = addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "E")
_ = addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "F")
_ = addAccCreationAuth(t, tc, txsel, chainID, hermezContractAddr, "G")
// add the PoolL2Txs to the l2DB
addL2Txs(t, txsel, poolL2Txs)
// batch 2 to crate the accounts (from L1UserTxs)
l1UserTxs = til.L1TxsToCommonL1Txs(tc.Queues[*blocks[0].Rollup.Batches[1].Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum])
// select L1 & L2 txs
_, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err :=
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 3, len(oL1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1CoordTxs))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(oL2Txs))
require.Equal(t, 8, len(discardedL2Txs))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(accAuths))
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
// batch 3
l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
_, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 3, len(oL1CoordTxs))
require.Equal(t, 6, len(oL2Txs))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(discardedL2Txs))
require.Equal(t, 3, len(accAuths))
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)
// batch 4
l1UserTxs = []common.L1Tx{}
_, accAuths, oL1UserTxs, oL1CoordTxs, oL2Txs, discardedL2Txs, err =
txsel.GetL1L2TxSelection(tpc, l1UserTxs)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(oL1UserTxs))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(oL1CoordTxs))
require.Equal(t, 2, len(oL2Txs))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(discardedL2Txs))
require.Equal(t, 1, len(accAuths))
err = txsel.l2db.StartForging(common.TxIDsFromPoolL2Txs(oL2Txs),
require.NoError(t, err)