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package common
import (
ethCommon ""
ethCrypto ""
// AccountCreationAuthMsg is the message that is signed to authorize an account
// creation
const AccountCreationAuthMsg = "I authorize this babyjubjub key for hermez rollup account creation"
// AccountCreationAuth authorizations sent by users to the L2DB, to be used for
// account creations when necessary
type AccountCreationAuth struct {
EthAddr ethCommon.Address `meddler:"eth_addr"`
BJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp `meddler:"bjj"`
Signature []byte `meddler:"signature"`
Timestamp time.Time `meddler:"timestamp,utctime"`
// HashToSign builds the hash to be signed using BJJ pub key and the constant message
func (a *AccountCreationAuth) HashToSign(chainID uint16,
hermezContractAddr ethCommon.Address) ([]byte, error) {
// Calculate message to be signed
var chainIDBytes [2]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(chainIDBytes[:], chainID)
// to hash: [AccountCreationAuthMsg | compressedBJJ | chainID | hermezContractAddr]
return ethCrypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte(AccountCreationAuthMsg), a.BJJ[:], chainIDBytes[:],
hermezContractAddr[:]).Bytes(), nil
// VerifySignature ensures that the Signature is done with the specified EthAddr
func (a *AccountCreationAuth) VerifySignature(chainID uint16,
hermezContractAddr ethCommon.Address) bool {
// Calculate hash to be signed
msg, err := a.HashToSign(chainID, hermezContractAddr)
if err != nil {
return false
// Get public key from Signature
pubKBytes, err := ethCrypto.Ecrecover(msg, a.Signature)
if err != nil {
return false
pubK, err := ethCrypto.UnmarshalPubkey(pubKBytes)
if err != nil {
return false
// Get addr from pubK
addr := ethCrypto.PubkeyToAddress(*pubK)
return addr == a.EthAddr