Address = "localhost:8086"
Explorer = true
UpdateMetricsInterval = "10s"
UpdateRecommendedFeeInterval = "10s"
MaxSQLConnections = 100
SQLConnectionTimeout = "2s"
Interval = "10s"
URLBitfinexV2 = "https://api-pub.bitfinex.com/v2/"
URLCoinGeckoV3 = "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/"
# Available update methods:
# - coingeckoV3 (recommended): get price by SC addr using coingecko API
# - bitfinexV2: get price by token symbol using bitfinex API
# - static (recommended for blacklisting tokens): use the given StaticValue to set the price (if not provided 0 will be used)
# - ignore: don't update the price leave it as it is on the DB
DefaultUpdateMethod = "coingeckoV3" # Update method used for all the tokens registered on the network, and not listed in [[PriceUpdater.TokensConfig]]
UpdateMethod = "bitfinexV2"
Symbol = "USDT"
Addr = "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7"
UpdateMethod = "coingeckoV3"
Symbol = "ETH"
Addr = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
UpdateMethod = "static"
Symbol = "UNI"
Addr = "0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984"
StaticValue = 30.12
UpdateMethod = "ignore"
Symbol = "SUSHI"
Addr = "0x6b3595068778dd592e39a122f4f5a5cf09c90fe2"
APIAddress = "localhost:12345"
MeddlerLogs = true
GinDebugMode = true
Path = "/tmp/iden3-test/hermez/statedb"
Keep = 256
PortWrite = 5432
HostWrite = "localhost"
UserWrite = "hermez"
PasswordWrite = "yourpasswordhere"
NameWrite = "hermez"
# PortRead = 5432
# HostRead = "localhost"
# UserRead = "hermez"
# PasswordRead = "yourpasswordhere"
# NameRead = "hermez"
URL = "http://localhost:8545"
SyncLoopInterval = "1s"
StatsRefreshPeriod = "1s"
Rollup = "0x8EEaea23686c319133a7cC110b840d1591d9AeE0"
Auction = "0x317113D2593e3efF1FfAE0ba2fF7A61861Df7ae5"
WDelayer = "0x5E0816F0f8bC560cB2B9e9C87187BeCac8c2021F"
TokenHEZ = "0x5D94e3e7aeC542aB0F9129B9a7BAdeb5B3Ca0f77"
TokenHEZName = "Hermez Network Token"
ForgerAddress = "0x05c23b938a85ab26A36E6314a0D02080E9ca6BeD" # Non-Boot Coordinator
# ForgerAddressPrivateKey = "0x30f5fddb34cd4166adb2c6003fa6b18f380fd2341376be42cf1c7937004ac7a3"
# ForgerAddress = "0xb4124ceb3451635dacedd11767f004d8a28c6ee7" # Boot Coordinator
# ForgerAddressPrivateKey = "0xa8a54b2d8197bc0b19bb8a084031be71835580a01e70a45a13babd16c9bc1563"
MinimumForgeAddressBalance = "0"
ConfirmBlocks = 10
L1BatchTimeoutPerc = 0.6
StartSlotBlocksDelay = 2
ScheduleBatchBlocksAheadCheck = 3
SendBatchBlocksMarginCheck = 1
ProofServerPollInterval = "1s"
ForgeRetryInterval = "500ms"
SyncRetryInterval = "1s"
ForgeDelay = "10s"
ForgeNoTxsDelay = "0s"
PurgeByExtDelInterval = "1m"
MustForgeAtSlotDeadline = true
IgnoreSlotCommitment = false
Address = "0x56232B1c5B10038125Bc7345664B4AFD745bcF8E"
# PrivateKey = "0x3a9270c020e169097808da4b02e8d9100be0f8a38cfad3dcfc0b398076381fdd"
BJJ = "0x1b176232f78ba0d388ecc5f4896eca2d3b3d4f272092469f559247297f5c0c13"
# BJJPrivateKey = "0xb556862fb60e7cf4c0a8a7f44baf2ab06a4c90ac39decc4eef363b6142d07a34"
SafetyPeriod = 10
MaxTxs = 512
MinFeeUSD = 0.0
MaxFeeUSD = 50.0
TTL = "24h"
PurgeBatchDelay = 10
InvalidateBatchDelay = 20
PurgeBlockDelay = 10
InvalidateBlockDelay = 20
Path = "/tmp/iden3-test/hermez/txselector"
Path = "/tmp/iden3-test/hermez/batchbuilder"
URL = "http://localhost:3000/api"
MaxTx = 512
NLevels = 32
CheckLoopInterval = "500ms"
Attempts = 4
AttemptsDelay = "500ms"
TxResendTimeout = "2m"
NoReuseNonce = false
MaxGasPrice = "5000000000"
GasPriceIncPerc = 10
Path = "/tmp/iden3-test/hermez/ethkeystore"
Password = "yourpasswordhere"
Fixed = 600000
L1UserTx = 15000
L1CoordTx = 8000
L2Tx = 250
Coordinator = true
BatchPath = "/tmp/iden3-test/hermez/batchesdebug"
LightScrypt = true
# RollupVerifierIndex = 0
# Strategy used to calculate the recommended fee that the API will expose.
# Available options:
# - Static: always return the same value (StaticValue) in USD
# - AvgLastHour: calculate using the average fee of the forged transactions during the last hour
PolicyType = "Static"
StaticValue = 0.99