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package config
import (
ethCommon ""
// Duration is a wrapper type that parses time duration from text.
type Duration struct {
// UnmarshalText unmarshalls time duration from text.
func (d *Duration) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
duration, err := time.ParseDuration(string(data))
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
d.Duration = duration
return nil
// ServerProof is the server proof configuration data.
type ServerProof struct {
URL string `validate:"required"`
// Coordinator is the coordinator specific configuration.
type Coordinator struct {
// ForgerAddress is the address under which this coordinator is forging
ForgerAddress ethCommon.Address `validate:"required"`
ForgeLoopInterval Duration `validate:"required"`
// ConfirmBlocks is the number of confirmation blocks to wait for sent
// ethereum transactions before forgetting about them
ConfirmBlocks int64 `validate:"required"`
// L1BatchTimeoutPerc is the portion of the range before the L1Batch
// timeout that will trigger a schedule to forge an L1Batch
L1BatchTimeoutPerc float64 `validate:"required"`
L2DB struct {
SafetyPeriod common.BatchNum `validate:"required"`
MaxTxs uint32 `validate:"required"`
TTL Duration `validate:"required"`
// PurgeBatchDelay is the delay between batches to purge outdated transactions
PurgeBatchDelay int64 `validate:"required"`
// InvalidateBatchDelay is the delay between batches to mark invalid transactions
InvalidateBatchDelay int64 `validate:"required"`
// PurgeBlockDelay is the delay between blocks to purge outdated transactions
PurgeBlockDelay int64 `validate:"required"`
// InvalidateBlockDelay is the delay between blocks to mark invalid transactions
InvalidateBlockDelay int64 `validate:"required"`
} `validate:"required"`
TxSelector struct {
Path string `validate:"required"`
} `validate:"required"`
BatchBuilder struct {
Path string `validate:"required"`
} `validate:"required"`
ServerProofs []ServerProof `validate:"required"`
EthClient struct {
CallGasLimit uint64 `validate:"required"`
DeployGasLimit uint64 `validate:"required"`
GasPriceDiv uint64 `validate:"required"`
ReceiptTimeout Duration `validate:"required"`
IntervalReceiptLoop Duration `validate:"required"`
// IntervalCheckLoop is the waiting interval between receipt
// checks of ethereum transactions in the TxManager
IntervalCheckLoop Duration `validate:"required"`
// Attempts is the number of attempts to do an eth client RPC
// call before giving up
Attempts int `validate:"required"`
// AttemptsDelay is delay between attempts do do an eth client
// RPC call
AttemptsDelay Duration `validate:"required"`
} `validate:"required"`
API struct {
Coordinator bool
} `validate:"required"`
Debug struct {
// BatchPath if set, specifies the path where batchInfo is stored
// in JSON in every step/update of the pipeline
BatchPath string
// Node is the hermez node configuration.
type Node struct {
StateDB struct {
Path string
} `validate:"required"`
PostgreSQL struct {
Port int `validate:"required"`
Host string `validate:"required"`
User string `validate:"required"`
Password string `validate:"required"`
Name string `validate:"required"`
} `validate:"required"`
Web3 struct {
URL string `validate:"required"`
} `validate:"required"`
Synchronizer struct {
SyncLoopInterval Duration `validate:"required"`
StatsRefreshPeriod Duration `validate:"required"`
StartBlockNum synchronizer.ConfigStartBlockNum `validate:"required"`
InitialVariables synchronizer.SCVariables `validate:"required"`
} `validate:"required"`
SmartContracts struct {
Rollup ethCommon.Address `validate:"required"`
Auction ethCommon.Address `validate:"required"`
WDelayer ethCommon.Address `validate:"required"`
TokenHEZ ethCommon.Address `validate:"required"`
TokenHEZName string `validate:"required"`
} `validate:"required"`
API struct {
Address string
Explorer bool
UpdateMetricsInterval Duration
UpdateRecommendedFeeInterval Duration
} `validate:"required"`
Debug struct {
APIAddress string
// Load loads a generic config.
func Load(path string, cfg interface{}) error {
bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) //nolint:gosec
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
cfgToml := string(bs)
if _, err := toml.Decode(cfgToml, cfg); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
validate := validator.New()
if err := validate.Struct(cfg); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("error validating configuration file: %w", err))
return nil
// LoadCoordinator loads the Coordinator configuration from path.
func LoadCoordinator(path string) (*Coordinator, error) {
var cfg Coordinator
if err := Load(path, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("error loading coordinator configuration file: %w", err))
return &cfg, nil
// LoadNode loads the Node configuration from path.
func LoadNode(path string) (*Node, error) {
var cfg Node
if err := Load(path, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("error loading node configuration file: %w", err))
return &cfg, nil