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package coordinator
import (
// Status is used to mark the status of the batch
type Status string
const (
// StatusPending marks the Tx as Pending
StatusPending Status = "pending"
// StatusForged marks the batch as forged internally
StatusForged Status = "forged"
// StatusProof marks the batch as proof calculated
StatusProof Status = "proof"
// StatusSent marks the EthTx as Sent
StatusSent Status = "sent"
// StatusMined marks the EthTx as Mined
StatusMined Status = "mined"
// StatusFailed marks the EthTx as Failed
StatusFailed Status = "failed"
// Debug information related to the Batch
type Debug struct {
// StartTimestamp of is the time of batch start
StartTimestamp time.Time
// SendTimestamp the time of batch sent to ethereum
SendTimestamp time.Time
// Status of the Batch
Status Status
// StartBlockNum is the blockNum when the Batch was started
StartBlockNum int64
// MineBlockNum is the blockNum in which the batch was mined
MineBlockNum int64
// SendBlockNum is the blockNum when the batch was sent to ethereum
SendBlockNum int64
// LastScheduledL1BatchBlockNum is the blockNum when the last L1Batch
// was scheduled
LastScheduledL1BatchBlockNum int64
// LastL1BatchBlock is the blockNum in which the last L1Batch was
// synced
LastL1BatchBlock int64
// LastL1BatchBlockDelta is the number of blocks after the last L1Batch
LastL1BatchBlockDelta int64
// L1BatchBlockScheduleDeadline is the number of blocks after the last
// L1Batch after which an L1Batch will be scheduled
L1BatchBlockScheduleDeadline int64
// StartToMineBlocksDelay is the number of blocks that happen between
// scheduling a batch and having it mined
StartToMineBlocksDelay int64
// StartToSendDelay is the delay between starting a batch and sending
// it to ethereum, in seconds
StartToSendDelay float64
// BatchInfo contans the Batch information
type BatchInfo struct {
BatchNum common.BatchNum
ServerProof prover.Client
ZKInputs *common.ZKInputs
Proof *prover.Proof
PublicInputs []*big.Int
L1Batch bool
VerifierIdx uint8
L1UserTxsExtra []common.L1Tx
L1CoordTxs []common.L1Tx
L1CoordinatorTxsAuths [][]byte
L2Txs []common.L2Tx
CoordIdxs []common.Idx
ForgeBatchArgs *eth.RollupForgeBatchArgs
// FeesInfo
EthTx *types.Transaction
Receipt *types.Receipt
Debug Debug
// DebugStore is a debug function to store the BatchInfo as a json text file in
// storePath. The filename contains the batchNumber followed by a timestamp of
// batch start.
func (b *BatchInfo) DebugStore(storePath string) error {
batchJSON, err := json.MarshalIndent(b, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// nolint reason: hardcoded 1_000_000 is the number of nanoseconds in a
// millisecond
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%08d-%v.%v.json", b.BatchNum,
b.Debug.StartTimestamp.Unix(), b.Debug.StartTimestamp.Nanosecond()/1_000_000)
// nolint reason: 0640 allows rw to owner and r to group
return ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(storePath, filename), batchJSON, 0640)