package test
import (
var debug = false
func TestParseBlockchainTxs(t *testing.T) {
s := `
// deposits
Deposit(1) A: 10
Deposit(2) A: 20
Deposit(1) B: 5
CreateAccountDeposit(1) C: 5
CreateAccountDepositTransfer(1) D-A: 15, 10 (3)
// L2 transactions
Transfer(1) A-B: 6 (1)
Transfer(1) B-D: 3 (1)
// set new batch
> batch
DepositTransfer(1) A-B: 15, 10 (1)
Transfer(1) C-A : 3 (1)
Transfer(2) A-B: 15 (1)
Deposit(1) User0: 20
Deposit(3) User1: 20
Transfer(1) User0-User1: 15 (1)
Transfer(3) User1-User0: 15 (1)
> batch
Transfer(1) User1-User0: 1 (1)
> batch
> block
// Exits
Exit(1) A: 5
parser := NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
instructions, err := parser.Parse(false)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 20, len(instructions.Instructions))
assert.Equal(t, 10, len(instructions.Accounts))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(instructions.TokenIDs))
if debug {
for _, instruction := range instructions.Instructions {
assert.Equal(t, TypeNewBatch, instructions.Instructions[7].Type)
assert.Equal(t, "Deposit(1)User0:20", instructions.Instructions[11].Raw())
assert.Equal(t, "Type: DepositTransfer, From: A, To: B, LoadAmount: 15, Amount: 10, Fee: 1, TokenID: 1\n", instructions.Instructions[8].String())
assert.Equal(t, "Type: Transfer, From: User1, To: User0, Amount: 15, Fee: 1, TokenID: 3\n", instructions.Instructions[14].String())
assert.Equal(t, "Transfer(2)A-B:15(1)", instructions.Instructions[10].Raw())
assert.Equal(t, "Type: Transfer, From: A, To: B, Amount: 15, Fee: 1, TokenID: 2\n", instructions.Instructions[10].String())
assert.Equal(t, "Exit(1)A:5", instructions.Instructions[19].Raw())
assert.Equal(t, "Type: Exit, From: A, Amount: 5, TokenID: 1\n", instructions.Instructions[19].String())
func TestParsePoolTxs(t *testing.T) {
s := `
PoolTransfer(1) A-B: 6 (1)
PoolTransfer(2) A-B: 3 (3)
PoolTransfer(1) B-D: 3 (1)
PoolTransfer(1) C-D: 3 (1)
PoolExit(1) A: 5
parser := NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
instructions, err := parser.Parse(true)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(instructions.Instructions))
assert.Equal(t, 6, len(instructions.Accounts))
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(instructions.TokenIDs))
if debug {
for _, instruction := range instructions.Instructions {
assert.Equal(t, "Transfer(1)A-B:6(1)", instructions.Instructions[0].Raw())
assert.Equal(t, "Transfer(2)A-B:3(3)", instructions.Instructions[1].Raw())
assert.Equal(t, "Transfer(1)B-D:3(1)", instructions.Instructions[2].Raw())
assert.Equal(t, "Transfer(1)C-D:3(1)", instructions.Instructions[3].Raw())
assert.Equal(t, "Exit(1)A:5", instructions.Instructions[4].Raw())
func TestParseErrors(t *testing.T) {
s := "Deposit(1) A:: 10"
parser := NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err := parser.Parse(false)
assert.Equal(t, "error parsing line 0: Deposit(1)A:: 10, err: strconv.Atoi: parsing \":\": invalid syntax", err.Error())
s = "Deposit(1) A: 10 20"
parser = NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err = parser.Parse(false)
assert.Equal(t, "error parsing line 1: 20, err: Unexpected tx type: 20", err.Error())
s = "Transfer(1) A: 10"
parser = NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err = parser.Parse(false)
assert.Equal(t, "error parsing line 0: Transfer(1)A:, err: Expected '-', found ':'", err.Error())
s = "Transfer(1) A B: 10"
parser = NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err = parser.Parse(false)
assert.Equal(t, "error parsing line 0: Transfer(1)AB, err: Expected '-', found 'B'", err.Error())
s = "Transfer(1) A-B: 10 (255)"
parser = NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err = parser.Parse(false)
assert.Nil(t, err)
s = "Transfer(1) A-B: 10 (256)"
parser = NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err = parser.Parse(false)
assert.Equal(t, "error parsing line 0: Transfer(1)A-B:10(256), err: Fee 256 can not be bigger than 255", err.Error())
// check that the PoolTransfer & Transfer are only accepted in the
// correct case case (PoolTxs/BlockchainTxs)
s = "Transfer(1) A-B: 10 (1)"
parser = NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err = parser.Parse(true)
assert.Equal(t, "error parsing line 0: Transfer, err: Unexpected 'Transfer' at PoolL2Txs set", err.Error())
s = "PoolTransfer(1) A-B: 10 (1)"
parser = NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err = parser.Parse(false)
assert.Equal(t, "error parsing line 0: PoolTransfer, err: Unexpected 'PoolTransfer' at BlockchainTxs set", err.Error())
s = "> btch"
parser = NewParser(strings.NewReader(s))
_, err = parser.Parse(false)
assert.Equal(t, "error parsing line 0: >, err: Unexpected '> btch', expected '> batch' or '> block'", err.Error())