You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package api
import (
ethCommon ""
// Query parsers
type querier interface {
Query(string) string
func parsePagination(c querier) (fromItem *uint, order string, limit *uint, err error) {
// FromItem
fromItem, err = parseQueryUint("fromItem", nil, 0, maxUint32, c)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", nil, err
// Order
order = dfltOrder
const orderName = "order"
orderStr := c.Query(orderName)
if orderStr != "" && !(orderStr == historydb.OrderAsc || historydb.OrderDesc == orderStr) {
return nil, "", nil, errors.New(
"order must have the value " + historydb.OrderAsc + " or " + historydb.OrderDesc,
if orderStr == historydb.OrderAsc {
order = historydb.OrderAsc
} else if orderStr == historydb.OrderDesc {
order = historydb.OrderDesc
// Limit
limit = new(uint)
*limit = dfltLimit
limit, err = parseQueryUint("limit", limit, 1, maxLimit, c)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", nil, err
return fromItem, order, limit, nil
func parseQueryUint(name string, dflt *uint, min, max uint, c querier) (*uint, error) { //nolint:SA4009 res may be not overwriten
str := c.Query(name)
return stringToUint(str, name, dflt, min, max)
func parseQueryBool(name string, dflt *bool, c querier) (*bool, error) { //nolint:SA4009 res may be not overwriten
str := c.Query(name)
if str == "" {
return dflt, nil
if str == "true" {
res := new(bool)
*res = true
return res, nil
if str == "false" {
res := new(bool)
*res = false
return res, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Inavlid %s. Must be eithe true or false", name)
func parseQueryHezEthAddr(c querier) (*ethCommon.Address, error) {
const name = "hermezEthereumAddress"
addrStr := c.Query(name)
if addrStr == "" {
return nil, nil
splitted := strings.Split(addrStr, "hez:")
if len(splitted) != 2 || len(splitted[1]) != 42 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"Invalid %s, must follow this regex: ^hez:0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", name)
var addr ethCommon.Address
err := addr.UnmarshalText([]byte(splitted[1]))
return &addr, err
func parseQueryBJJ(c querier) (*babyjub.PublicKey, error) {
const name = "BJJ"
const decodedLen = 33
bjjStr := c.Query(name)
if bjjStr == "" {
return nil, nil
splitted := strings.Split(bjjStr, "hez:")
if len(splitted) != 2 || len(splitted[1]) != 44 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"Invalid %s, must follow this regex: ^hez:[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{44}$",
decoded, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(splitted[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"Invalid %s, error decoding base64 string: %s",
name, err.Error())
if len(decoded) != decodedLen {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"invalid %s, error decoding base64 string: unexpected byte array length",
bjjBytes := [decodedLen - 1]byte{}
copy(bjjBytes[:decodedLen-1], decoded[:decodedLen-1])
sum := bjjBytes[0]
for i := 1; i < len(bjjBytes); i++ {
sum += bjjBytes[i]
if decoded[decodedLen-1] != sum {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid %s, checksum failed",
bjjComp := babyjub.PublicKeyComp(bjjBytes)
bjj, err := bjjComp.Decompress()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"invalid %s, error decompressing public key: %s",
name, err.Error())
return bjj, nil
func parseQueryTxType(c querier) (*common.TxType, error) {
const name = "type"
typeStr := c.Query(name)
if typeStr == "" {
return nil, nil
switch common.TxType(typeStr) {
case common.TxTypeExit:
ret := common.TxTypeExit
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeTransfer:
ret := common.TxTypeTransfer
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeDeposit:
ret := common.TxTypeDeposit
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit:
ret := common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeCreateAccountDepositTransfer:
ret := common.TxTypeCreateAccountDepositTransfer
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeDepositTransfer:
ret := common.TxTypeDepositTransfer
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeForceTransfer:
ret := common.TxTypeForceTransfer
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeForceExit:
ret := common.TxTypeForceExit
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeTransferToEthAddr:
ret := common.TxTypeTransferToEthAddr
return &ret, nil
case common.TxTypeTransferToBJJ:
ret := common.TxTypeTransferToBJJ
return &ret, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"invalid %s, %s is not a valid option. Check the valid options in the docmentation",
name, typeStr,
func parseIdx(c querier) (*common.Idx, error) {
const name = "accountIndex"
idxStr := c.Query(name)
return stringToIdx(idxStr, name)
func parseAccountFilters(c querier) (*common.TokenID, *ethCommon.Address, *babyjub.PublicKey, *common.Idx, error) {
// TokenID
tid, err := parseQueryUint("tokenId", nil, 0, maxUint32, c)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
var tokenID *common.TokenID
if tid != nil {
tokenID = new(common.TokenID)
*tokenID = common.TokenID(*tid)
// Hez Eth addr
addr, err := parseQueryHezEthAddr(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// BJJ
bjj, err := parseQueryBJJ(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if addr != nil && bjj != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil,
errors.New("bjj and hermezEthereumAddress params are incompatible")
// Idx
idx, err := parseIdx(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if idx != nil && (addr != nil || bjj != nil || tokenID != nil) {
return nil, nil, nil, nil,
errors.New("accountIndex is incompatible with BJJ, hermezEthereumAddress and tokenId")
return tokenID, addr, bjj, idx, nil
// Param parsers
type paramer interface {
Param(string) string
func parseParamTxID(c paramer) (common.TxID, error) {
const name = "id"
txIDStr := c.Param(name)
if txIDStr == "" {
return common.TxID{}, fmt.Errorf("%s is required", name)
txID, err := common.NewTxIDFromString(txIDStr)
if err != nil {
return common.TxID{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid %s", name)
return txID, nil
func parseParamIdx(c paramer) (*common.Idx, error) {
const name = "accountIndex"
idxStr := c.Param(name)
return stringToIdx(idxStr, name)
func parseParamUint(name string, dflt *uint, min, max uint, c paramer) (*uint, error) { //nolint:SA4009 res may be not overwriten
str := c.Param(name)
return stringToUint(str, name, dflt, min, max)
func stringToIdx(idxStr, name string) (*common.Idx, error) {
if idxStr == "" {
return nil, nil
splitted := strings.Split(idxStr, ":")
const expectedLen = 3
if len(splitted) != expectedLen || splitted[0] != "hez" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"invalid %s, must follow this: hez:<tokenSymbol>:index", name)
// TODO: check that the tokenSymbol match the token related to the account index
idxInt, err := strconv.Atoi(splitted[2])
idx := common.Idx(idxInt)
return &idx, err
func stringToUint(uintStr, name string, dflt *uint, min, max uint) (*uint, error) {
if uintStr != "" {
resInt, err := strconv.Atoi(uintStr)
if err != nil || resInt < 0 || resInt < int(min) || resInt > int(max) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"Inavlid %s. Must be an integer within the range [%d, %d]",
name, min, max)
res := uint(resInt)
return &res, nil
return dflt, nil