package metric
import (
const (
favicon = "/favicon.ico"
// Prometheus contains the metrics gathered by the instance and its path
type Prometheus struct {
reqCnt *prometheus.CounterVec
reqDur *prometheus.HistogramVec
// NewPrometheus generates a new set of metrics with a certain subsystem name
func NewPrometheus() (*Prometheus, error) {
reqCnt := prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Namespace: namespaceAPI,
Name: "requests_total",
Help: "How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method",
[]string{"code", "method", "path"},
if err := registerCollector(reqCnt); err != nil {
return nil, err
reqDur := prometheus.NewHistogramVec(
Namespace: namespaceAPI,
Name: "request_duration_seconds",
Help: "The HTTP request latencies in seconds",
[]string{"code", "method", "path"},
if err := registerCollector(reqDur); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Prometheus{
reqCnt: reqCnt,
reqDur: reqDur,
}, nil
// PrometheusMiddleware creates the prometheus collector and
// defines status handler function for the middleware
func PrometheusMiddleware() (gin.HandlerFunc, error) {
p, err := NewPrometheus()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p.Middleware(), nil
// Middleware defines status handler function for middleware
func (p *Prometheus) Middleware() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
if c.Request.URL.Path == favicon {
start := time.Now()
status := strconv.Itoa(c.Writer.Status())
elapsed := float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(time.Second)
fullPath := c.FullPath()
p.reqDur.WithLabelValues(status, c.Request.Method, fullPath).Observe(elapsed)
p.reqCnt.WithLabelValues(status, c.Request.Method, fullPath).Inc()