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package common
import (
// L2Tx is a struct that represents an already forged L2 tx
type L2Tx struct {
// Stored in DB: mandatory fileds
BatchNum BatchNum // batchNum in which this tx was forged.
Position int
FromIdx Idx
ToIdx Idx
Amount *big.Int
USD *float64
Fee FeeSelector
FeeUSD *float64
Nonce Nonce
Type TxType
EthBlockNum int64 // Ethereum Block Number in which this L2Tx was added to the queue
// Tx returns a *Tx from the L2Tx
func (tx *L2Tx) Tx() *Tx {
f := new(big.Float).SetInt(tx.Amount)
amountFloat, _ := f.Float64()
batchNum := new(BatchNum)
*batchNum = tx.BatchNum
fee := new(FeeSelector)
*fee = tx.Fee
nonce := new(Nonce)
*nonce = tx.Nonce
return &Tx{
IsL1: false,
TxID: tx.TxID,
Type: tx.Type,
Position: tx.Position,
FromIdx: tx.FromIdx,
ToIdx: tx.ToIdx,
Amount: tx.Amount,
USD: tx.USD,
AmountFloat: amountFloat,
BatchNum: batchNum,
EthBlockNum: tx.EthBlockNum,
Fee: fee,
FeeUSD: tx.FeeUSD,
Nonce: nonce,
// PoolL2Tx returns the data structure of PoolL2Tx with the parameters of a
// L2Tx filled
func (tx *L2Tx) PoolL2Tx() *PoolL2Tx {
return &PoolL2Tx{
TxID: tx.TxID,
BatchNum: tx.BatchNum,
FromIdx: tx.FromIdx,
ToIdx: tx.ToIdx,
Amount: tx.Amount,
Fee: tx.Fee,
Nonce: tx.Nonce,
Type: tx.Type,
// L2TxsToPoolL2Txs returns an array of []*PoolL2Tx from an array of []*L2Tx,
// where the PoolL2Tx only have the parameters of a L2Tx filled.
func L2TxsToPoolL2Txs(txs []*L2Tx) []*PoolL2Tx {
var r []*PoolL2Tx
for _, tx := range txs {
r = append(r, tx.PoolL2Tx())
return r