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package coordinator
import (
ethKeystore ""
ethCommon ""
func TestPipelineShouldL1L2Batch(t *testing.T) {
ethClientSetup := test.NewClientSetupExample()
ethClientSetup.ChainID = big.NewInt(int64(chainID))
var timer timer
ctx := context.Background()
ethClient := test.NewClient(true, &timer, &bidder, ethClientSetup)
modules := newTestModules(t)
var stats synchronizer.Stats
coord := newTestCoordinator(t, forger, ethClient, ethClientSetup, modules)
pipeline, err := coord.newPipeline(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
pipeline.vars = coord.vars
// Check that the parameters are the ones we expect and use in this test
require.Equal(t, 0.5, pipeline.cfg.L1BatchTimeoutPerc)
require.Equal(t, int64(10), ethClientSetup.RollupVariables.ForgeL1L2BatchTimeout)
l1BatchTimeoutPerc := pipeline.cfg.L1BatchTimeoutPerc
l1BatchTimeout := ethClientSetup.RollupVariables.ForgeL1L2BatchTimeout
startBlock := int64(100)
// Empty batchInfo to pass to shouldL1L2Batch() which sets debug information
batchInfo := BatchInfo{}
// No scheduled L1Batch
// Last L1Batch was a long time ago
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
stats.Sync.LastL1BatchBlock = 0
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, true, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch(&batchInfo))
stats.Sync.LastL1BatchBlock = startBlock
// We are are one block before the timeout range * 0.5
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock - 1 + int64(float64(l1BatchTimeout-1)*l1BatchTimeoutPerc) - 1
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, false, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch(&batchInfo))
// We are are at timeout range * 0.5
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock - 1 + int64(float64(l1BatchTimeout-1)*l1BatchTimeoutPerc)
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, true, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch(&batchInfo))
// Scheduled L1Batch
pipeline.lastScheduledL1BatchBlockNum = startBlock
stats.Sync.LastL1BatchBlock = startBlock - 10
// We are are one block before the timeout range * 0.5
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock - 1 + int64(float64(l1BatchTimeout-1)*l1BatchTimeoutPerc) - 1
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, false, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch(&batchInfo))
// We are are at timeout range * 0.5
stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num = startBlock - 1 + int64(float64(l1BatchTimeout-1)*l1BatchTimeoutPerc)
stats.Sync.LastBlock = stats.Eth.LastBlock
pipeline.stats = stats
assert.Equal(t, true, pipeline.shouldL1L2Batch(&batchInfo))
const testTokensLen = 3
const testUsersLen = 4
func preloadSync(t *testing.T, ethClient *test.Client, sync *synchronizer.Synchronizer,
historyDB *historydb.HistoryDB, stateDB *statedb.StateDB) *til.Context {
// Create a set with `testTokensLen` tokens and for each token
// `testUsersLen` accounts.
var set []til.Instruction
// set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: "Blockchain"})
for tokenID := 1; tokenID < testTokensLen; tokenID++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: til.TypeAddToken,
TokenID: common.TokenID(tokenID),
depositAmount, ok := new(big.Int).SetString("10225000000000000000000000000000000", 10)
require.True(t, ok)
for tokenID := 0; tokenID < testTokensLen; tokenID++ {
for user := 0; user < testUsersLen; user++ {
set = append(set, til.Instruction{
Typ: common.TxTypeCreateAccountDeposit,
TokenID: common.TokenID(tokenID),
DepositAmount: depositAmount,
From: fmt.Sprintf("User%d", user),
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBatchL1})
set = append(set, til.Instruction{Typ: til.TypeNewBlock})
tc := til.NewContext(chainID, common.RollupConstMaxL1UserTx)
blocks, err := tc.GenerateBlocksFromInstructions(set)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, blocks)
ethAddTokens(blocks, ethClient)
err = ethClient.CtlAddBlocks(blocks)
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
for {
syncBlock, discards, err := sync.Sync2(ctx, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, discards)
if syncBlock == nil {
dbTokens, err := historyDB.GetAllTokens()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, testTokensLen, len(dbTokens))
dbAccounts, err := historyDB.GetAllAccounts()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, testTokensLen*testUsersLen, len(dbAccounts))
sdbAccounts, err := stateDB.TestGetAccounts()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, testTokensLen*testUsersLen, len(sdbAccounts))
return tc
func TestPipelineForgeBatchWithTxs(t *testing.T) {
ethClientSetup := test.NewClientSetupExample()
ethClientSetup.ChainID = big.NewInt(int64(chainID))
var timer timer
ctx := context.Background()
ethClient := test.NewClient(true, &timer, &bidder, ethClientSetup)
modules := newTestModules(t)
coord := newTestCoordinator(t, forger, ethClient, ethClientSetup, modules)
sync := newTestSynchronizer(t, ethClient, ethClientSetup, modules)
// preload the synchronier (via the test ethClient) some tokens and
// users with positive balances
tilCtx := preloadSync(t, ethClient, sync, modules.historyDB, modules.stateDB)
syncStats := sync.Stats()
batchNum := common.BatchNum(syncStats.Sync.LastBatch)
syncSCVars := sync.SCVars()
pipeline, err := coord.newPipeline(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Insert some l2txs in the Pool
setPool := `
Type: PoolL2
PoolTransfer(0) User0-User1: 100 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) User1-User2: 200 (126)
PoolTransfer(0) User2-User3: 300 (126)
l2txs, err := tilCtx.GeneratePoolL2Txs(setPool)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, tx := range l2txs {
err := modules.l2DB.AddTxTest(&tx) //nolint:gosec
require.NoError(t, err)
err = pipeline.reset(batchNum, syncStats, &synchronizer.SCVariables{
Rollup: *syncSCVars.Rollup,
Auction: *syncSCVars.Auction,
WDelayer: *syncSCVars.WDelayer,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Sanity check
sdbAccounts, err := pipeline.txSelector.LocalAccountsDB().TestGetAccounts()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, testTokensLen*testUsersLen, len(sdbAccounts))
// Sanity check
sdbAccounts, err = pipeline.batchBuilder.LocalStateDB().TestGetAccounts()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, testTokensLen*testUsersLen, len(sdbAccounts))
// Sanity check
require.Equal(t, modules.stateDB.MT.Root(),
batchInfo, err := pipeline.forgeBatch(batchNum)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(batchInfo.L2Txs))
batchInfo, err = pipeline.forgeBatch(batchNum)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(batchInfo.L2Txs))
func TestEthRollupForgeBatch(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("TEST_ROLLUP_FORGE_BATCH") == "" {
const web3URL = "http://localhost:8545"
const password = "test"
addr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0xb4124ceb3451635dacedd11767f004d8a28c6ee7")
sk, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(
require.NoError(t, err)
rollupAddr := ethCommon.HexToAddress("0x8EEaea23686c319133a7cC110b840d1591d9AeE0")
pathKeystore, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmpKeystore")
require.NoError(t, err)
deleteme = append(deleteme, pathKeystore)
ctx := context.Background()
batchInfo := &BatchInfo{}
proofClient := &prover.MockClient{}
chainID := uint16(0)
ethClient, err := ethclient.Dial(web3URL)
require.NoError(t, err)
ethCfg := eth.EthereumConfig{
CallGasLimit: 300000,
GasPriceDiv: 100,
scryptN := ethKeystore.LightScryptN
scryptP := ethKeystore.LightScryptP
keyStore := ethKeystore.NewKeyStore(pathKeystore,
scryptN, scryptP)
account, err := keyStore.ImportECDSA(sk, password)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, account.Address, addr)
err = keyStore.Unlock(account, password)
require.NoError(t, err)
client, err := eth.NewClient(ethClient, &account, keyStore, &eth.ClientConfig{
Ethereum: ethCfg,
Rollup: eth.RollupConfig{
Address: rollupAddr,
Auction: eth.AuctionConfig{
Address: ethCommon.Address{},
TokenHEZ: eth.TokenConfig{
Address: ethCommon.Address{},
Name: "HEZ",
WDelayer: eth.WDelayerConfig{
Address: ethCommon.Address{},
require.NoError(t, err)
zkInputs := common.NewZKInputs(chainID, 100, 24, 512, 32, big.NewInt(1))
zkInputs.Metadata.NewStateRootRaw = &merkletree.Hash{1}
zkInputs.Metadata.NewExitRootRaw = &merkletree.Hash{2}
batchInfo.ZKInputs = zkInputs
err = proofClient.CalculateProof(ctx, batchInfo.ZKInputs)
require.NoError(t, err)
proof, pubInputs, err := proofClient.GetProof(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
batchInfo.Proof = proof
batchInfo.PublicInputs = pubInputs
batchInfo.ForgeBatchArgs = prepareForgeBatchArgs(batchInfo)
auth, err := client.NewAuth()
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = client.RollupForgeBatch(batchInfo.ForgeBatchArgs, auth)
require.NoError(t, err)
batchInfo.Proof = proof