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package synchronizer
import (
const (
blocksToSync = 20 // TODO: This will be deleted once we can get the firstSavedBlock from the ethClient
var (
// ErrNotAbleToSync is used when there is not possible to find a valid block to sync
ErrNotAbleToSync = errors.New("it has not been possible to synchronize any block")
// rollupData contains information returned by the Rollup SC
type rollupData struct {
l1Txs []*common.L1Tx
batches []*BatchData
// withdrawals []*common.ExitInfo
registeredTokens []*common.Token
rollupVars *common.RollupVars
// NewRollupData creates an empty rollupData with the slices initialized.
func newRollupData() rollupData {
return rollupData{
l1Txs: make([]*common.L1Tx, 0),
batches: make([]*BatchData, 0),
// withdrawals: make([]*common.ExitInfo, 0),
registeredTokens: make([]*common.Token, 0),
// auctionData contains information returned by the Action SC
type auctionData struct {
bids []*common.Bid
coordinators []*common.Coordinator
auctionVars *common.AuctionVars
// newAuctionData creates an empty auctionData with the slices initialized.
func newAuctionData() *auctionData {
return &auctionData{
bids: make([]*common.Bid, 0),
coordinators: make([]*common.Coordinator, 0),
// BatchData contains information about Batches from the contracts
type BatchData struct {
l1UserTxs []*common.L1Tx
l1CoordinatorTxs []*common.L1Tx
l2Txs []*common.L2Tx
registeredAccounts []*common.Account
exitTree []*common.ExitInfo
batch *common.Batch
// NewBatchData creates an empty BatchData with the slices initialized.
func NewBatchData() *BatchData {
return &BatchData{
l1UserTxs: make([]*common.L1Tx, 0),
l1CoordinatorTxs: make([]*common.L1Tx, 0),
l2Txs: make([]*common.L2Tx, 0),
registeredAccounts: make([]*common.Account, 0),
exitTree: make([]*common.ExitInfo, 0),
// BlockData contains information about Blocks from the contracts
type BlockData struct {
block *common.Block
// Rollup
l1Txs []*common.L1Tx
batches []*BatchData
// withdrawals []*common.ExitInfo
registeredTokens []*common.Token
rollupVars *common.RollupVars
// Auction
bids []*common.Bid
coordinators []*common.Coordinator
auctionVars *common.AuctionVars
// WithdrawalDelayer
withdrawalDelayerVars *common.WithdrawalDelayerVars
// Synchronizer implements the Synchronizer type
type Synchronizer struct {
ethClient *eth.Client
historyDB *historydb.HistoryDB
stateDB *statedb.StateDB
firstSavedBlock *common.Block
mux sync.Mutex
// NewSynchronizer creates a new Synchronizer
func NewSynchronizer(ethClient *eth.Client, historyDB *historydb.HistoryDB, stateDB *statedb.StateDB) *Synchronizer {
s := &Synchronizer{
ethClient: ethClient,
historyDB: historyDB,
stateDB: stateDB,
return s
// Sync updates History and State DB with information from the blockchain
func (s *Synchronizer) Sync() error {
// Avoid new sync while performing one
defer s.mux.Unlock()
// TODO: Get this information from ethClient once it's implemented
// for the moment we will get the latestblock - 20 as firstSavedBlock
latestBlock, err := s.ethClient.EthBlockByNumber(context.Background(), 0)
if err != nil {
return err
s.firstSavedBlock, err = s.ethClient.EthBlockByNumber(context.Background(), latestBlock.EthBlockNum-blocksToSync)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get lastSavedBlock from History DB
lastSavedBlock, err := s.historyDB.GetLastBlock()
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return err
// Check if we got a block or nil
// In case of nil we must do a full sync
if lastSavedBlock == nil || lastSavedBlock.EthBlockNum == 0 {
lastSavedBlock = s.firstSavedBlock
} else {
// Get the latest block we have in History DB from blockchain to detect a reorg
ethBlock, err := s.ethClient.EthBlockByNumber(context.Background(), lastSavedBlock.EthBlockNum)
if err != nil {
return err
if ethBlock.Hash != lastSavedBlock.Hash {
// Reorg detected
log.Debugf("Reorg Detected...")
err := s.reorg(lastSavedBlock)
if err != nil {
return err
lastSavedBlock, err = s.historyDB.GetLastBlock()
if err != nil {
return err
// Get latest blockNum in blockchain
latestBlockNum, err := s.ethClient.EthCurrentBlock()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("Blocks to sync: %v (lastSavedBlock: %v, latestBlock: %v)", latestBlockNum-lastSavedBlock.EthBlockNum, lastSavedBlock.EthBlockNum, latestBlockNum)
for lastSavedBlock.EthBlockNum < latestBlockNum {
ethBlock, err := s.ethClient.EthBlockByNumber(context.Background(), lastSavedBlock.EthBlockNum+1)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get data from the rollup contract
rollupData, err := s.rollupSync(ethBlock)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get data from the auction contract
auctionData, err := s.auctionSync(ethBlock)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get data from the WithdrawalDelayer contract
wdelayerData, err := s.wdelayerSync(ethBlock)
if err != nil {
return err
// Group all the block data into the structs to save into HistoryDB
var blockData BlockData
blockData.block = ethBlock
if rollupData != nil {
blockData.l1Txs = rollupData.l1Txs
blockData.batches = rollupData.batches
// blockData.withdrawals = rollupData.withdrawals
blockData.registeredTokens = rollupData.registeredTokens
blockData.rollupVars = rollupData.rollupVars
if auctionData != nil {
blockData.bids = auctionData.bids
blockData.coordinators = auctionData.coordinators
blockData.auctionVars = auctionData.auctionVars
if wdelayerData != nil {
blockData.withdrawalDelayerVars = wdelayerData
// Add rollupData and auctionData once the method is updated
// TODO: Save Whole Struct -> AddBlockSCData(blockData)
err = s.historyDB.AddBlock(blockData.block)
if err != nil {
return err
// We get the block on every iteration
lastSavedBlock, err = s.historyDB.GetLastBlock()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// reorg manages a reorg, updating History and State DB as needed
func (s *Synchronizer) reorg(uncleBlock *common.Block) error {
var block *common.Block
blockNum := uncleBlock.EthBlockNum
found := false
log.Debugf("Reorg first uncle block: %v", blockNum)
// Iterate History DB and the blokchain looking for the latest valid block
for !found && blockNum > s.firstSavedBlock.EthBlockNum {
ethBlock, err := s.ethClient.EthBlockByNumber(context.Background(), blockNum)
if err != nil {
return err
block, err = s.historyDB.GetBlock(blockNum)
if err != nil {
return err
if block.Hash == ethBlock.Hash {
found = true
log.Debugf("Found valid block: %v", blockNum)
} else {
log.Debugf("Discarding block: %v", blockNum)
if found {
// Set History DB and State DB to the correct state
err := s.historyDB.Reorg(block.EthBlockNum)
if err != nil {
return err
batchNum, err := s.historyDB.GetLastBatchNum()
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return err
if batchNum != 0 {
err = s.stateDB.Reset(batchNum)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return ErrNotAbleToSync
// Status returns current status values from the Synchronizer
func (s *Synchronizer) Status() (*common.SyncStatus, error) {
// Avoid possible inconsistencies
defer s.mux.Unlock()
var status *common.SyncStatus
// Get latest block in History DB
lastSavedBlock, err := s.historyDB.GetLastBlock()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status.CurrentBlock = lastSavedBlock.EthBlockNum
// Get latest batch in History DB
lastSavedBatch, err := s.historyDB.GetLastBatchNum()
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, err
status.CurrentBatch = lastSavedBatch
// Get latest blockNum in blockchain
latestBlockNum, err := s.ethClient.EthCurrentBlock()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: Get CurrentForgerAddr & NextForgerAddr from the Auction SC
// Check if Synchronizer is synchronized
status.Synchronized = status.CurrentBlock == latestBlockNum
return status, nil
// rollupSync gets information from the Rollup Contract
func (s *Synchronizer) rollupSync(block *common.Block) (*rollupData, error) {
var rollupData = newRollupData()
var forgeL1TxsNum uint32
var numAccounts int
// using GetLastL1TxsNum as GetNextL1TxsNum
lastStoredForgeL1TxsNum := uint32(0)
lastStoredForgeL1TxsNumPtr, err := s.historyDB.GetLastL1TxsNum()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if lastStoredForgeL1TxsNumPtr != nil {
lastStoredForgeL1TxsNum = *lastStoredForgeL1TxsNumPtr + 1
// }
// Get rollup events in the block
rollupEvents, _, err := s.ethClient.RollupEventsByBlock(block.EthBlockNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get newLastIdx that will be used to complete the accounts
idx, err := s.getIdx(rollupEvents)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get L1UserTX
rollupData.l1Txs = s.getL1UserTx(rollupEvents.L1UserTx, block)
// Get ForgeBatch events to get the L1CoordinatorTxs
for _, fbEvent := range rollupEvents.ForgeBatch {
batchData := NewBatchData()
// TODO: Get position from HistoryDB filtering by
// to_forge_l1_txs_num and batch_num and latest position, then add 1
position := 1
// Get the input for each Tx
forgeBatchArgs, err := s.ethClient.RollupForgeBatchArgs(fbEvent.EthTxHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check if this is a L1Bath to get L1 Tx from it
if forgeBatchArgs.L1Batch {
// Get L1 User Txs from History DB
// TODO: Get L1TX from HistoryDB filtered by toforgeL1txNum & fromidx = 0 and
// update batch number and add accounts to registeredAccounts updating idx
// l1UserTxs, err := s.historyDB.GetL1UserTxs(lastStoredForgeL1TxsNum)
// Get L1 Coordinator Txs
for _, l1CoordinatorTx := range forgeBatchArgs.L1CoordinatorTxs {
l1CoordinatorTx.Position = position
l1CoordinatorTx.ToForgeL1TxsNum = uint32(lastStoredForgeL1TxsNum)
l1CoordinatorTx.TxID = common.TxID(common.Hash([]byte("0x01" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(lastStoredForgeL1TxsNum), 10) + strconv.FormatInt(int64(l1CoordinatorTx.Position), 10) + "00")))
l1CoordinatorTx.UserOrigin = false
l1CoordinatorTx.EthBlockNum = block.EthBlockNum
l1CoordinatorTx.BatchNum = common.BatchNum(fbEvent.BatchNum)
batchData.l1CoordinatorTxs = append(batchData.l1CoordinatorTxs, l1CoordinatorTx)
// Check if we have to register an account
if l1CoordinatorTx.FromIdx == 0 {
account := common.Account{
// TODO: Uncommnent when common.account has IDx
// IDx: common.Idx(idx),
TokenID: l1CoordinatorTx.TokenID,
Nonce: 0,
Balance: l1CoordinatorTx.LoadAmount,
PublicKey: l1CoordinatorTx.FromBJJ,
EthAddr: l1CoordinatorTx.FromEthAddr,
batchData.registeredAccounts = append(batchData.registeredAccounts, &account)
// Get L2Txs
poolL2Txs := common.L2TxsToPoolL2Txs(forgeBatchArgs.L2Txs) // TODO: This is a big uggly, find a better way
// Get exitTree
_, exitInfo, err := s.stateDB.ProcessTxs(true, false, batchData.l1UserTxs, batchData.l1CoordinatorTxs, poolL2Txs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l2Txs := common.PoolL2TxsToL2Txs(poolL2Txs) // TODO: This is a big uggly, find a better way
batchData.l2Txs = append(batchData.l2Txs, l2Txs...)
batchData.exitTree = exitInfo
// Get Batch information
batch := &common.Batch{
BatchNum: common.BatchNum(fbEvent.BatchNum),
EthBlockNum: block.EthBlockNum,
// ForgerAddr: , TODO: Get it from ethClient
// CollectedFees: , TODO: Clarify where to get them if they are still needed
StateRoot: common.Hash(forgeBatchArgs.NewStRoot.Bytes()),
NumAccounts: numAccounts,
ExitRoot: common.Hash(forgeBatchArgs.NewExitRoot.Bytes()),
ForgeL1TxsNum: forgeL1TxsNum,
// SlotNum: TODO: Calculate once ethClient provides the info
batchData.batch = batch
rollupData.batches = append(rollupData.batches, batchData)
// Get Registered Tokens
for _, eAddToken := range rollupEvents.AddToken {
var token *common.Token
token.TokenID = common.TokenID(eAddToken.TokenID)
token.EthAddr = eAddToken.Address
token.EthBlockNum = block.EthBlockNum
// TODO: Add external information consulting SC about it using Address
rollupData.registeredTokens = append(rollupData.registeredTokens, token)
// TODO: Emergency Mechanism
// TODO: Variables
// TODO: Constants
return &rollupData, nil
// auctionSync gets information from the Auction Contract
func (s *Synchronizer) auctionSync(block *common.Block) (*auctionData, error) {
var auctionData = newAuctionData()
// Get auction events in the block
auctionEvents, _, err := s.ethClient.AuctionEventsByBlock(block.EthBlockNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get bids
for _, eNewBid := range auctionEvents.NewBid {
bid := &common.Bid{
SlotNum: common.SlotNum(eNewBid.Slot),
BidValue: eNewBid.BidAmount,
ForgerAddr: eNewBid.CoordinatorForger,
EthBlockNum: block.EthBlockNum,
auctionData.bids = append(auctionData.bids, bid)
// Get Coordinators
for _, eNewCoordinator := range auctionEvents.NewCoordinator {
coordinator := &common.Coordinator{
Forger: eNewCoordinator.ForgerAddress,
Withdraw: eNewCoordinator.WithdrawalAddress,
URL: eNewCoordinator.URL,
auctionData.coordinators = append(auctionData.coordinators, coordinator)
// Get Coordinators from updates
for _, eCoordinatorUpdated := range auctionEvents.CoordinatorUpdated {
coordinator := &common.Coordinator{
Forger: eCoordinatorUpdated.ForgerAddress,
Withdraw: eCoordinatorUpdated.WithdrawalAddress,
URL: eCoordinatorUpdated.URL,
auctionData.coordinators = append(auctionData.coordinators, coordinator)
return auctionData, nil
// wdelayerSync gets information from the Withdrawal Delayer Contract
func (s *Synchronizer) wdelayerSync(block *common.Block) (*common.WithdrawalDelayerVars, error) {
return nil, nil
func (s *Synchronizer) getIdx(rollupEvents *eth.RollupEvents) (int64, error) {
lastForgeBatch := rollupEvents.ForgeBatch[len(rollupEvents.ForgeBatch)-1]
// Get the input for forgeBatch
forgeBatchArgs, err := s.ethClient.RollupForgeBatchArgs(lastForgeBatch.EthTxHash)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return forgeBatchArgs.NewLastIdx + 1, nil
func (s *Synchronizer) getL1UserTx(l1UserTxEvents []eth.RollupEventL1UserTx, block *common.Block) []*common.L1Tx {
l1Txs := make([]*common.L1Tx, 0)
for _, eL1UserTx := range l1UserTxEvents {
// Fill aditional Tx fields
eL1UserTx.L1Tx.TxID = common.TxID(common.Hash([]byte("0x00" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(eL1UserTx.ToForgeL1TxsNum), 10) + strconv.FormatInt(int64(eL1UserTx.Position), 10) + "00")))
eL1UserTx.L1Tx.ToForgeL1TxsNum = uint32(eL1UserTx.ToForgeL1TxsNum)
eL1UserTx.L1Tx.Position = eL1UserTx.Position
eL1UserTx.L1Tx.UserOrigin = true
eL1UserTx.L1Tx.EthBlockNum = block.EthBlockNum
eL1UserTx.L1Tx.BatchNum = 0
l1Txs = append(l1Txs, &eL1UserTx.L1Tx)
return l1Txs