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Package synchronizer synchronizes the hermez network state by querying events
emitted by the three smart contracts: `Hermez.sol` (referred as Rollup here),
`HermezAuctionProtocol.sol` (referred as Auction here) and
`WithdrawalDelayer.sol` (referred as WDelayer here).
The main entry point for synchronization is the `Sync` function, which at most
will synchronize one ethereum block, and all the hermez events that happened in
that block. During a `Sync` call, a reorg can be detected; in such case, uncle
blocks will be discarded, and only in a future `Sync` call correct blocks will
be synced.
The synchronization of the events in each smart contracts are done
in the methods `rollupSync`, `auctionSync` and `wdelayerSync`, which in turn
use the interface code to read each smart contract state and events found in
"". After these three methods are
called, an object of type `common.BlockData` is built containing all the
updates and events that happened in that block, and it is inserted in the
HistoryDB in a single SQL transaction.
`rollupSync` is the method that synchronizes batches sent via the `forgeBatch`
transaction in `Hermez.sol`. In `rollupSync`, for every batch, the accounts
state is updated in the StateDB by processing all transactions that have been
forged in that batch.
The consistency of the stored data is guaranteed by the HistoryDB: All the
block information is inserted in a single SQL transaction at the end of the
`Sync` method, once the StateDB has been updated. And every time the
Synchronizer starts, it continues from the last block in the HistoryDB. The
StateDB stores updates organized by checkpoints for every batch, and each batch
is only accessed if it appears in the HistoryDB.
package synchronizer
import (
const (
// errStrUnknownBlock is the string returned by geth when querying an
// unknown block
errStrUnknownBlock = "unknown block"
var (
// ErrUnknownBlock is the error returned by the Synchronizer when a
// block is queried by hash but the ethereum node doesn't find it due
// to it being discarded from a reorg.
ErrUnknownBlock = fmt.Errorf("unknown block")
// Stats of the synchronizer
type Stats struct {
Eth struct {
RefreshPeriod time.Duration
Updated time.Time
FirstBlockNum int64
LastBlock common.Block
LastBatchNum int64
Sync struct {
Updated time.Time
LastBlock common.Block
LastBatch common.Batch
// LastL1BatchBlock is the last ethereum block in which an
// l1Batch was forged
LastL1BatchBlock int64
LastForgeL1TxsNum int64
Auction struct {
CurrentSlot common.Slot
NextSlot common.Slot
// Synced returns true if the Synchronizer is up to date with the last ethereum block
func (s *Stats) Synced() bool {
return s.Eth.LastBlock.Num == s.Sync.LastBlock.Num
// TODO(Edu): Consider removing all the mutexes from StatsHolder, make
// Synchronizer.Stats not thread-safe, don't pass the synchronizer to the
// debugAPI, and have a copy of the Stats in the DebugAPI that the node passes
// when the Sync updates.
// StatsHolder stores stats and that allows reading and writing them
// concurrently
type StatsHolder struct {
rw sync.RWMutex
// NewStatsHolder creates a new StatsHolder
func NewStatsHolder(firstBlockNum int64, refreshPeriod time.Duration) *StatsHolder {
stats := Stats{}
stats.Eth.RefreshPeriod = refreshPeriod
stats.Eth.FirstBlockNum = firstBlockNum
stats.Sync.LastForgeL1TxsNum = -1
return &StatsHolder{Stats: stats}
// UpdateCurrentNextSlot updates the auction stats
func (s *StatsHolder) UpdateCurrentNextSlot(current *common.Slot, next *common.Slot) {
s.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot = *current
s.Sync.Auction.NextSlot = *next
// UpdateSync updates the synchronizer stats
func (s *StatsHolder) UpdateSync(lastBlock *common.Block, lastBatch *common.Batch,
lastL1BatchBlock *int64, lastForgeL1TxsNum *int64) {
now := time.Now()
s.Sync.LastBlock = *lastBlock
if lastBatch != nil {
s.Sync.LastBatch = *lastBatch
if lastL1BatchBlock != nil {
s.Sync.LastL1BatchBlock = *lastL1BatchBlock
s.Sync.LastForgeL1TxsNum = *lastForgeL1TxsNum
s.Sync.Updated = now
// UpdateEth updates the ethereum stats, only if the previous stats expired
func (s *StatsHolder) UpdateEth(ethClient eth.ClientInterface) error {
now := time.Now()
elapsed := now.Sub(s.Eth.Updated)
if elapsed < s.Eth.RefreshPeriod {
return nil
lastBlock, err := ethClient.EthBlockByNumber(context.TODO(), -1)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("EthBlockByNumber: %w", err))
lastBatchNum, err := ethClient.RollupLastForgedBatch()
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("RollupLastForgedBatch: %w", err))
s.Eth.Updated = now
s.Eth.LastBlock = *lastBlock
s.Eth.LastBatchNum = lastBatchNum
return nil
// CopyStats returns a copy of the inner Stats
func (s *StatsHolder) CopyStats() *Stats {
sCopy := s.Stats
if s.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.BidValue != nil {
sCopy.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.BidValue =
if s.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.DefaultSlotBid != nil {
sCopy.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot.DefaultSlotBid =
if s.Sync.Auction.NextSlot.BidValue != nil {
sCopy.Sync.Auction.NextSlot.BidValue =
if s.Sync.Auction.NextSlot.DefaultSlotBid != nil {
sCopy.Sync.Auction.NextSlot.DefaultSlotBid =
if s.Sync.LastBatch.StateRoot != nil {
sCopy.Sync.LastBatch.StateRoot =
return &sCopy
func (s *StatsHolder) blocksPerc() float64 {
syncLastBlockNum := s.Sync.LastBlock.Num
if s.Sync.LastBlock.Num == 0 {
syncLastBlockNum = s.Eth.FirstBlockNum - 1
return float64(syncLastBlockNum-(s.Eth.FirstBlockNum-1)) * 100.0 /
func (s *StatsHolder) batchesPerc(batchNum common.BatchNum) float64 {
return float64(batchNum) * 100.0 /
// StartBlockNums sets the first block used to start tracking the smart
// contracts
type StartBlockNums struct {
Rollup int64
Auction int64
WDelayer int64
// Config is the Synchronizer configuration
type Config struct {
StatsRefreshPeriod time.Duration
ChainID uint16
// Synchronizer implements the Synchronizer type
type Synchronizer struct {
ethClient eth.ClientInterface
consts common.SCConsts
historyDB *historydb.HistoryDB
l2DB *l2db.L2DB
stateDB *statedb.StateDB
cfg Config
initVars common.SCVariables
startBlockNum int64
vars common.SCVariables
stats *StatsHolder
resetStateFailed bool
// NewSynchronizer creates a new Synchronizer
func NewSynchronizer(ethClient eth.ClientInterface, historyDB *historydb.HistoryDB,
l2DB *l2db.L2DB, stateDB *statedb.StateDB, cfg Config) (*Synchronizer, error) {
auctionConstants, err := ethClient.AuctionConstants()
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("NewSynchronizer ethClient.AuctionConstants(): %w",
rollupConstants, err := ethClient.RollupConstants()
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("NewSynchronizer ethClient.RollupConstants(): %w",
wDelayerConstants, err := ethClient.WDelayerConstants()
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("NewSynchronizer ethClient.WDelayerConstants(): %w",
consts := common.SCConsts{
Rollup: *rollupConstants,
Auction: *auctionConstants,
WDelayer: *wDelayerConstants,
initVars, startBlockNums, err := getInitialVariables(ethClient, &consts)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
log.Infow("Synchronizer syncing from smart contract blocks",
"rollup", startBlockNums.Rollup,
"auction", startBlockNums.Auction,
"wdelayer", startBlockNums.WDelayer,
// Set startBlockNum to the minimum between Auction, Rollup and
// WDelayer StartBlockNum
startBlockNum := startBlockNums.Auction
if startBlockNums.Rollup < startBlockNum {
startBlockNum = startBlockNums.Rollup
if startBlockNums.WDelayer < startBlockNum {
startBlockNum = startBlockNums.WDelayer
stats := NewStatsHolder(startBlockNum, cfg.StatsRefreshPeriod)
s := &Synchronizer{
ethClient: ethClient,
consts: consts,
historyDB: historyDB,
l2DB: l2DB,
stateDB: stateDB,
cfg: cfg,
initVars: *initVars,
startBlockNum: startBlockNum,
stats: stats,
return s, s.init()
// StateDB returns the inner StateDB
func (s *Synchronizer) StateDB() *statedb.StateDB {
return s.stateDB
// Stats returns a copy of the Synchronizer Stats. It is safe to call Stats()
// during a Sync call
func (s *Synchronizer) Stats() *Stats {
return s.stats.CopyStats()
// AuctionConstants returns the AuctionConstants read from the smart contract
func (s *Synchronizer) AuctionConstants() *common.AuctionConstants {
return &s.consts.Auction
// RollupConstants returns the RollupConstants read from the smart contract
func (s *Synchronizer) RollupConstants() *common.RollupConstants {
return &s.consts.Rollup
// WDelayerConstants returns the WDelayerConstants read from the smart contract
func (s *Synchronizer) WDelayerConstants() *common.WDelayerConstants {
return &s.consts.WDelayer
// SCVars returns a copy of the Smart Contract Variables
func (s *Synchronizer) SCVars() *common.SCVariables {
return &common.SCVariables{
Rollup: *s.vars.Rollup.Copy(),
Auction: *s.vars.Auction.Copy(),
WDelayer: *s.vars.WDelayer.Copy(),
// setSlotCoordinator queries the highest bidder of a slot in the HistoryDB to
// determine the coordinator that can bid in a slot
func (s *Synchronizer) setSlotCoordinator(slot *common.Slot) error {
bidCoord, err := s.historyDB.GetBestBidCoordinator(slot.SlotNum)
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
slot.BootCoord = true
slot.Forger = s.vars.Auction.BootCoordinator
slot.URL = s.vars.Auction.BootCoordinatorURL
} else if err == nil {
slot.BidValue = bidCoord.BidValue
slot.DefaultSlotBid = bidCoord.DefaultSlotSetBid[slot.SlotNum%6]
// Only if the highest bid value is greater/equal than
// the default slot bid, the bidder is the winner of
// the slot. Otherwise the boot coordinator is the
// winner.
if slot.BidValue.Cmp(slot.DefaultSlotBid) >= 0 {
slot.Bidder = bidCoord.Bidder
slot.Forger = bidCoord.Forger
slot.URL = bidCoord.URL
} else {
slot.BootCoord = true
slot.Forger = s.vars.Auction.BootCoordinator
slot.URL = s.vars.Auction.BootCoordinatorURL
return nil
// updateCurrentSlot updates the slot with information of the current slot.
// The information about which coordinator is allowed to forge is only updated
// when we are Synced.
// hasBatch is true when the last synced block contained at least one batch.
func (s *Synchronizer) updateCurrentSlot(slot *common.Slot, reset bool, hasBatch bool) error {
// We want the next block because the current one is already mined
blockNum := s.stats.Sync.LastBlock.Num + 1
slotNum := s.consts.Auction.SlotNum(blockNum)
syncLastBlockNum := s.stats.Sync.LastBlock.Num
if reset {
// Using this query only to know if there
dbFirstBatchBlockNum, err := s.historyDB.GetFirstBatchBlockNumBySlot(slotNum)
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("historyDB.GetFirstBatchBySlot: %w", err))
} else if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
hasBatch = false
} else {
hasBatch = true
syncLastBlockNum = dbFirstBatchBlockNum
slot.ForgerCommitment = false
} else if slotNum > slot.SlotNum {
// We are in a new slotNum, start from default values
slot.ForgerCommitment = false
slot.SlotNum = slotNum
slot.StartBlock, slot.EndBlock = s.consts.Auction.SlotBlocks(slot.SlotNum)
if hasBatch && s.consts.Auction.RelativeBlock(syncLastBlockNum) < int64(s.vars.Auction.SlotDeadline) {
slot.ForgerCommitment = true
// If Synced, update the current coordinator
if s.stats.Synced() && blockNum >= s.consts.Auction.GenesisBlockNum {
if err := s.setSlotCoordinator(slot); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// TODO: Remove this SANITY CHECK once this code is tested enough
canForge, err := s.ethClient.AuctionCanForge(slot.Forger, blockNum)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("AuctionCanForge: %w", err))
if !canForge {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("Synchronized value of forger address for closed slot "+
"differs from smart contract: %+v", slot))
return nil
// updateNextSlot updates the slot with information of the next slot.
// The information about which coordinator is allowed to forge is only updated
// when we are Synced.
func (s *Synchronizer) updateNextSlot(slot *common.Slot) error {
// We want the next block because the current one is already mined
blockNum := s.stats.Sync.LastBlock.Num + 1
slotNum := s.consts.Auction.SlotNum(blockNum) + 1
slot.SlotNum = slotNum
slot.ForgerCommitment = false
slot.StartBlock, slot.EndBlock = s.consts.Auction.SlotBlocks(slot.SlotNum)
// If Synced, update the current coordinator
if s.stats.Synced() && blockNum >= s.consts.Auction.GenesisBlockNum {
if err := s.setSlotCoordinator(slot); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// TODO: Remove this SANITY CHECK once this code is tested enough
canForge, err := s.ethClient.AuctionCanForge(slot.Forger, slot.StartBlock)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("AuctionCanForge: %w", err))
if !canForge {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("Synchronized value of forger address for closed slot "+
"differs from smart contract: %+v", slot))
return nil
// updateCurrentNextSlotIfSync updates the current and next slot. Information
// about forger address that is allowed to forge is only updated if we are
// Synced.
func (s *Synchronizer) updateCurrentNextSlotIfSync(reset bool, hasBatch bool) error {
current := s.stats.Sync.Auction.CurrentSlot
next := s.stats.Sync.Auction.NextSlot
if err := s.updateCurrentSlot(&current, reset, hasBatch); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
if err := s.updateNextSlot(&next); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
s.stats.UpdateCurrentNextSlot(&current, &next)
return nil
func (s *Synchronizer) init() error {
// Update stats parameters so that they have valid values before the
// first Sync call
if err := s.stats.UpdateEth(s.ethClient); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
lastBlock := &common.Block{}
lastSavedBlock, err := s.historyDB.GetLastBlock()
// `s.historyDB.GetLastBlock()` will never return `sql.ErrNoRows`
// because we always have the default block 0 in the DB
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
// If we only have the default block 0,
// make sure that the stateDB is clean
if lastSavedBlock.Num == 0 {
if err := s.stateDB.Reset(0); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
} else {
lastBlock = lastSavedBlock
if err := s.resetState(lastBlock); err != nil {
s.resetStateFailed = true
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
s.resetStateFailed = false
log.Infow("Sync init block",
"syncLastBlock", s.stats.Sync.LastBlock,
"syncBlocksPerc", s.stats.blocksPerc(),
"ethFirstBlockNum", s.stats.Eth.FirstBlockNum,
"ethLastBlock", s.stats.Eth.LastBlock,
log.Infow("Sync init batch",
"syncLastBatch", s.stats.Sync.LastBatch.BatchNum,
"syncBatchesPerc", s.stats.batchesPerc(s.stats.Sync.LastBatch.BatchNum),
"ethLastBatch", s.stats.Eth.LastBatchNum,
return nil
func (s *Synchronizer) resetIntermediateState() error {
lastBlock, err := s.historyDB.GetLastBlock()
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
lastBlock = &common.Block{}
} else if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("historyDB.GetLastBlock: %w", err))
if err := s.resetState(lastBlock); err != nil {
s.resetStateFailed = true
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("resetState at block %v: %w", lastBlock.Num, err))
s.resetStateFailed = false
return nil
// Sync attempts to synchronize an ethereum block starting from lastSavedBlock.
// If lastSavedBlock is nil, the lastSavedBlock value is obtained from de DB.
// If a block is synced, it will be returned and also stored in the DB. If a
// reorg is detected, the number of discarded blocks will be returned and no
// synchronization will be made.
// TODO: Be smart about locking: only lock during the read/write operations
func (s *Synchronizer) Sync(ctx context.Context,
lastSavedBlock *common.Block) (blockData *common.BlockData, discarded *int64, err error) {
if s.resetStateFailed {
if err := s.resetIntermediateState(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
var nextBlockNum int64 // next block number to sync
if lastSavedBlock == nil {
// Get lastSavedBlock from History DB
lastSavedBlock, err = s.historyDB.GetLastBlock()
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// If we don't have any stored block, we must do a full sync
// starting from the startBlockNum
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows || lastSavedBlock.Num == 0 {
nextBlockNum = s.startBlockNum
lastSavedBlock = nil
if lastSavedBlock != nil {
nextBlockNum = lastSavedBlock.Num + 1
if lastSavedBlock.Num < s.startBlockNum {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(
fmt.Errorf("lastSavedBlock (%v) < startBlockNum (%v)",
lastSavedBlock.Num, s.startBlockNum))
ethBlock, err := s.ethClient.EthBlockByNumber(ctx, nextBlockNum)
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == ethereum.NotFound {
return nil, nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("EthBlockByNumber: %w", err))
log.Debugf("ethBlock: num: %v, parent: %v, hash: %v",
ethBlock.Num, ethBlock.ParentHash.String(), ethBlock.Hash.String())
if err := s.stats.UpdateEth(s.ethClient); err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
"block", nextBlockNum,
"ethLastBlock", s.stats.Eth.LastBlock,
// Check that the obtained ethBlock.ParentHash == prevEthBlock.Hash; if not, reorg!
if lastSavedBlock != nil {
if lastSavedBlock.Hash != ethBlock.ParentHash {
// Reorg detected
log.Debugw("Reorg Detected",
"blockNum", ethBlock.Num,
"block.parent(got)", ethBlock.ParentHash, "parent.hash(exp)", lastSavedBlock.Hash)
lastDBBlockNum, err := s.reorg(lastSavedBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
discarded := lastSavedBlock.Num - lastDBBlockNum
return nil, &discarded, nil
defer func() {
// If there was an error during sync, reset to the last block
// in the historyDB because the historyDB is written last in
// the Sync method and is the source of consistency. This
// allows resetting the stateDB in the case a batch was
// processed but the historyDB block was not committed due to an
// error.
if err != nil {
if err2 := s.resetIntermediateState(); err2 != nil {
log.Errorw("sync revert", "err", err2)
// Get data from the rollup contract
rollupData, err := s.rollupSync(ethBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Get data from the auction contract
auctionData, err := s.auctionSync(ethBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Get data from the WithdrawalDelayer contract
wDelayerData, err := s.wdelayerSync(ethBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
for i := range rollupData.Withdrawals {
withdrawal := &rollupData.Withdrawals[i]
if !withdrawal.InstantWithdraw {
wDelayerTransfers := wDelayerData.DepositsByTxHash[withdrawal.TxHash]
if len(wDelayerTransfers) == 0 {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("WDelayer deposit corresponding to " +
"non-instant rollup withdrawal not found"))
// Pop the first wDelayerTransfer to consume them in chronological order
wDelayerTransfer := wDelayerTransfers[0]
wDelayerData.DepositsByTxHash[withdrawal.TxHash] =
withdrawal.Owner = wDelayerTransfer.Owner
withdrawal.Token = wDelayerTransfer.Token
// Group all the block data into the structs to save into HistoryDB
blockData = &common.BlockData{
Block: *ethBlock,
Rollup: *rollupData,
Auction: *auctionData,
WDelayer: *wDelayerData,
err = s.historyDB.AddBlockSCData(blockData)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
batchesLen := len(rollupData.Batches)
if batchesLen == 0 {
s.stats.UpdateSync(ethBlock, nil, nil, nil)
} else {
var lastL1BatchBlock *int64
var lastForgeL1TxsNum *int64
for _, batchData := range rollupData.Batches {
if batchData.L1Batch {
lastL1BatchBlock = &batchData.Batch.EthBlockNum
lastForgeL1TxsNum = batchData.Batch.ForgeL1TxsNum
lastL1BatchBlock, lastForgeL1TxsNum)
hasBatch := false
if len(rollupData.Batches) > 0 {
hasBatch = true
if err = s.updateCurrentNextSlotIfSync(false, hasBatch); err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
for _, batchData := range rollupData.Batches {
log.Debugw("Synced batch",
"syncLastBatch", batchData.Batch.BatchNum,
"syncBatchesPerc", s.stats.batchesPerc(batchData.Batch.BatchNum),
"ethLastBatch", s.stats.Eth.LastBatchNum,
log.Debugw("Synced block",
"syncLastBlockNum", s.stats.Sync.LastBlock.Num,
"syncBlocksPerc", s.stats.blocksPerc(),
"ethLastBlockNum", s.stats.Eth.LastBlock.Num,
return blockData, nil, nil
// reorg manages a reorg, updating History and State DB as needed. Keeps
// checking previous blocks from the HistoryDB against the blockchain until a
// block hash match is found. All future blocks in the HistoryDB and
// corresponding batches in StateBD are discarded. Returns the last valid
// blockNum from the HistoryDB.
func (s *Synchronizer) reorg(uncleBlock *common.Block) (int64, error) {
blockNum := uncleBlock.Num
var block *common.Block
for blockNum >= s.startBlockNum {
ethBlock, err := s.ethClient.EthBlockByNumber(context.Background(), blockNum)
if err != nil {
return 0, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("ethClient.EthBlockByNumber: %w", err))
block, err = s.historyDB.GetBlock(blockNum)
if err != nil {
return 0, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("historyDB.GetBlock: %w", err))
if block.Hash == ethBlock.Hash {
log.Debugf("Found valid block: %v", blockNum)
total := uncleBlock.Num - block.Num
log.Debugw("Discarding blocks", "total", total, "from", uncleBlock.Num, "to", block.Num+1)
// Set History DB and State DB to the correct state
if err := s.historyDB.Reorg(block.Num); err != nil {
return 0, tracerr.Wrap(err)
if err := s.resetState(block); err != nil {
s.resetStateFailed = true
return 0, tracerr.Wrap(err)
s.resetStateFailed = false
return block.Num, nil
func getInitialVariables(ethClient eth.ClientInterface,
consts *common.SCConsts) (*common.SCVariables, *StartBlockNums, error) {
rollupInit, rollupInitBlock, err := ethClient.RollupEventInit()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("RollupEventInit: %w", err))
auctionInit, auctionInitBlock, err := ethClient.AuctionEventInit()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("AuctionEventInit: %w", err))
wDelayerInit, wDelayerInitBlock, err := ethClient.WDelayerEventInit()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("WDelayerEventInit: %w", err))
rollupVars := rollupInit.RollupVariables()
auctionVars := auctionInit.AuctionVariables(consts.Auction.InitialMinimalBidding)
wDelayerVars := wDelayerInit.WDelayerVariables()
return &common.SCVariables{
Rollup: *rollupVars,
Auction: *auctionVars,
WDelayer: *wDelayerVars,
}, &StartBlockNums{
Rollup: rollupInitBlock,
Auction: auctionInitBlock,
WDelayer: wDelayerInitBlock,
}, nil
func (s *Synchronizer) resetState(block *common.Block) error {
rollup, auction, wDelayer, err := s.historyDB.GetSCVars()
// If SCVars are not in the HistoryDB, this is probably the first run
// of the Synchronizer: store the initial vars taken from config
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
vars := s.initVars
log.Info("Setting initial SCVars in HistoryDB")
if err = s.historyDB.SetInitialSCVars(&vars.Rollup, &vars.Auction, &vars.WDelayer); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("historyDB.SetInitialSCVars: %w", err))
s.vars.Rollup = *vars.Rollup.Copy()
s.vars.Auction = *vars.Auction.Copy()
s.vars.WDelayer = *vars.WDelayer.Copy()
// Add initial boot coordinator to HistoryDB
if err := s.historyDB.AddCoordinators([]common.Coordinator{{
Forger: s.initVars.Auction.BootCoordinator,
URL: s.initVars.Auction.BootCoordinatorURL,
EthBlockNum: s.initVars.Auction.EthBlockNum,
}}); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
} else if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
} else {
s.vars.Rollup = *rollup
s.vars.Auction = *auction
s.vars.WDelayer = *wDelayer
batch, err := s.historyDB.GetLastBatch()
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("historyDB.GetLastBatchNum: %w", err))
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
batch = &common.Batch{}
err = s.stateDB.Reset(batch.BatchNum)
if err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("stateDB.Reset: %w", err))
lastL1BatchBlockNum, err := s.historyDB.GetLastL1BatchBlockNum()
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("historyDB.GetLastL1BatchBlockNum: %w", err))
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows {
lastL1BatchBlockNum = 0
lastForgeL1TxsNum, err := s.historyDB.GetLastL1TxsNum()
if err != nil && tracerr.Unwrap(err) != sql.ErrNoRows {
return tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("historyDB.GetLastL1BatchBlockNum: %w", err))
if tracerr.Unwrap(err) == sql.ErrNoRows || lastForgeL1TxsNum == nil {
n := int64(-1)
lastForgeL1TxsNum = &n
s.stats.UpdateSync(block, batch, &lastL1BatchBlockNum, lastForgeL1TxsNum)
if err := s.updateCurrentNextSlotIfSync(true, false); err != nil {
return tracerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
// rollupSync retrieves all the Rollup Smart Contract Data that happened at
// ethBlock.blockNum with ethBlock.Hash.
func (s *Synchronizer) rollupSync(ethBlock *common.Block) (*common.RollupData, error) {
blockNum := ethBlock.Num
var rollupData = common.NewRollupData()
// var forgeL1TxsNum int64
// Get rollup events in the block, and make sure the block hash matches
// the expected one.
rollupEvents, err := s.ethClient.RollupEventsByBlock(blockNum, &ethBlock.Hash)
if err != nil && err.Error() == errStrUnknownBlock {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(ErrUnknownBlock)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("RollupEventsByBlock: %w", err))
// No events in this block
if rollupEvents == nil {
return &rollupData, nil
var nextForgeL1TxsNum int64 // forgeL1TxsNum for the next L1Batch
nextForgeL1TxsNumPtr, err := s.historyDB.GetLastL1TxsNum()
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
if nextForgeL1TxsNumPtr != nil {
nextForgeL1TxsNum = *nextForgeL1TxsNumPtr + 1
} else {
nextForgeL1TxsNum = 0
// Get L1UserTX
rollupData.L1UserTxs, err = getL1UserTx(rollupEvents.L1UserTx, blockNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Get ForgeBatch events to get the L1CoordinatorTxs
for _, evtForgeBatch := range rollupEvents.ForgeBatch {
batchData := common.NewBatchData()
position := 0
// Get the input for each Tx
forgeBatchArgs, sender, err := s.ethClient.RollupForgeBatchArgs(evtForgeBatch.EthTxHash,
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("RollupForgeBatchArgs: %w", err))
batchNum := common.BatchNum(evtForgeBatch.BatchNum)
var l1UserTxs []common.L1Tx
// Check if this is a L1Batch to get L1 Tx from it
if forgeBatchArgs.L1Batch {
// Get L1UserTxs with toForgeL1TxsNum, which correspond
// to the L1UserTxs that are forged in this batch, so
// that stateDB can process them.
// First try to find them in HistoryDB.
l1UserTxs, err = s.historyDB.GetUnforgedL1UserTxs(nextForgeL1TxsNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Apart from the DB, try to find them in this block.
// This could happen because in a block there could be
// multiple batches with L1Batch = true (although it's
// a very rare case). If not found in the DB and the
// block doesn't contain the l1UserTxs, it means that
// the L1UserTxs queue with toForgeL1TxsNum was closed
// empty, so we leave `l1UserTxs` as an empty slice.
for _, l1UserTx := range rollupData.L1UserTxs {
if *l1UserTx.ToForgeL1TxsNum == nextForgeL1TxsNum {
l1UserTxs = append(l1UserTxs, l1UserTx)
position = len(l1UserTxs)
l1TxsAuth := make([]common.AccountCreationAuth,
0, len(forgeBatchArgs.L1CoordinatorTxsAuths))
// Get L1 Coordinator Txs
for i := range forgeBatchArgs.L1CoordinatorTxs {
l1CoordinatorTx := forgeBatchArgs.L1CoordinatorTxs[i]
l1CoordinatorTx.Position = position
// l1CoordinatorTx.ToForgeL1TxsNum = &forgeL1TxsNum
l1CoordinatorTx.UserOrigin = false
l1CoordinatorTx.EthBlockNum = blockNum
l1CoordinatorTx.BatchNum = &batchNum
l1Tx, err := common.NewL1Tx(&l1CoordinatorTx)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
batchData.L1CoordinatorTxs = append(batchData.L1CoordinatorTxs, *l1Tx)
// Create a slice of account creation auth to be
// inserted later if not exists
if l1CoordinatorTx.FromEthAddr != common.RollupConstEthAddressInternalOnly {
l1CoordinatorTxAuth := forgeBatchArgs.L1CoordinatorTxsAuths[i]
l1TxsAuth = append(l1TxsAuth, common.AccountCreationAuth{
EthAddr: l1CoordinatorTx.FromEthAddr,
BJJ: l1CoordinatorTx.FromBJJ,
Signature: l1CoordinatorTxAuth,
// fmt.Println("DGB l1coordtx")
// Insert the slice of account creation auth
// only if the node run as a coordinator
if s.l2DB != nil && len(l1TxsAuth) > 0 {
err = s.l2DB.AddManyAccountCreationAuth(l1TxsAuth)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Insert all the txs forged in this batch (l1UserTxs,
// L1CoordinatorTxs, PoolL2Txs) into stateDB so that they are
// processed.
// Set TxType to the forged L2Txs
for i := range forgeBatchArgs.L2TxsData {
if err := forgeBatchArgs.L2TxsData[i].SetType(); err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Transform L2 txs to PoolL2Txs
// NOTE: This is a big ugly, find a better way
poolL2Txs := common.L2TxsToPoolL2Txs(forgeBatchArgs.L2TxsData)
if int(forgeBatchArgs.VerifierIdx) >= len(s.consts.Rollup.Verifiers) {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("forgeBatchArgs.VerifierIdx (%v) >= "+
" len(s.consts.Rollup.Verifiers) (%v)",
forgeBatchArgs.VerifierIdx, len(s.consts.Rollup.Verifiers)))
tpc := txprocessor.Config{
NLevels: uint32(s.consts.Rollup.Verifiers[forgeBatchArgs.VerifierIdx].NLevels),
MaxTx: uint32(s.consts.Rollup.Verifiers[forgeBatchArgs.VerifierIdx].MaxTx),
ChainID: s.cfg.ChainID,
MaxFeeTx: common.RollupConstMaxFeeIdxCoordinator,
MaxL1Tx: common.RollupConstMaxL1Tx,
tp := txprocessor.NewTxProcessor(s.stateDB, tpc)
// ProcessTxs updates poolL2Txs adding: Nonce (and also TokenID, but we don't use it).
processTxsOut, err := tp.ProcessTxs(forgeBatchArgs.FeeIdxCoordinator,
l1UserTxs, batchData.L1CoordinatorTxs, poolL2Txs)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
if s.stateDB.CurrentBatch() != batchNum {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("stateDB.BatchNum (%v) != "+
"evtForgeBatch.BatchNum = (%v)",
s.stateDB.CurrentBatch(), batchNum))
if s.stateDB.MT.Root().BigInt().Cmp(forgeBatchArgs.NewStRoot) != 0 {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("stateDB.MTRoot (%v) != "+
"forgeBatchArgs.NewStRoot (%v)",
s.stateDB.MT.Root().BigInt(), forgeBatchArgs.NewStRoot))
// Transform processed PoolL2 txs to L2 and store in BatchData
l2Txs, err := common.PoolL2TxsToL2Txs(poolL2Txs) // NOTE: This is a big uggly, find a better way
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
// Set TxID, BlockNum, BatchNum and Position to the forged L2Txs
for i := range l2Txs {
if err := l2Txs[i].SetID(); err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
l2Txs[i].EthBlockNum = blockNum
l2Txs[i].BatchNum = batchNum
l2Txs[i].Position = position
batchData.L2Txs = l2Txs
// Set the BatchNum in the forged L1UserTxs
for i := range l1UserTxs {
l1UserTxs[i].BatchNum = &batchNum
batchData.L1UserTxs = l1UserTxs
// Set batchNum in exits
for i := range processTxsOut.ExitInfos {
exit := &processTxsOut.ExitInfos[i]
exit.BatchNum = batchNum
batchData.ExitTree = processTxsOut.ExitInfos
for i := range processTxsOut.CreatedAccounts {
createdAccount := &processTxsOut.CreatedAccounts[i]
createdAccount.Nonce = 0
createdAccount.Balance = big.NewInt(0)
createdAccount.BatchNum = batchNum
batchData.CreatedAccounts = processTxsOut.CreatedAccounts
batchData.UpdatedAccounts = make([]common.AccountUpdate, 0,
for _, acc := range processTxsOut.UpdatedAccounts {
batchData.UpdatedAccounts = append(batchData.UpdatedAccounts,
EthBlockNum: blockNum,
BatchNum: batchNum,
Idx: acc.Idx,
Nonce: acc.Nonce,
Balance: acc.Balance,
slotNum := int64(0)
if ethBlock.Num >= s.consts.Auction.GenesisBlockNum {
slotNum = (ethBlock.Num - s.consts.Auction.GenesisBlockNum) /
// Get Batch information
batch := common.Batch{
BatchNum: batchNum,
EthBlockNum: blockNum,
ForgerAddr: *sender,
CollectedFees: processTxsOut.CollectedFees,
FeeIdxsCoordinator: forgeBatchArgs.FeeIdxCoordinator,
StateRoot: forgeBatchArgs.NewStRoot,
NumAccounts: len(batchData.CreatedAccounts),
LastIdx: forgeBatchArgs.NewLastIdx,
ExitRoot: forgeBatchArgs.NewExitRoot,
SlotNum: slotNum,
nextForgeL1TxsNumCpy := nextForgeL1TxsNum
if forgeBatchArgs.L1Batch {
batch.ForgeL1TxsNum = &nextForgeL1TxsNumCpy
batchData.L1Batch = true
batchData.Batch = batch
rollupData.Batches = append(rollupData.Batches, *batchData)
// Get Registered Tokens
for _, evtAddToken := range rollupEvents.AddToken {
var token common.Token
token.TokenID = common.TokenID(evtAddToken.TokenID)
token.EthAddr = evtAddToken.TokenAddress
token.EthBlockNum = blockNum
if consts, err := s.ethClient.EthERC20Consts(evtAddToken.TokenAddress); err != nil {
log.Warnw("Error retreiving ERC20 token constants", "addr", evtAddToken.TokenAddress)
token.Name = "ERC20_ETH_ERROR"
token.Symbol = "ERROR"
token.Decimals = 1
} else {
token.Name = cutStringMax(consts.Name, 20)
token.Symbol = cutStringMax(consts.Symbol, 10)
token.Decimals = consts.Decimals
rollupData.AddedTokens = append(rollupData.AddedTokens, token)
for _, evt := range rollupEvents.UpdateBucketWithdraw {
rollupData.UpdateBucketWithdraw = append(rollupData.UpdateBucketWithdraw,
EthBlockNum: blockNum,
NumBucket: evt.NumBucket,
BlockStamp: evt.BlockStamp,
Withdrawals: evt.Withdrawals,
for _, evt := range rollupEvents.Withdraw {
rollupData.Withdrawals = append(rollupData.Withdrawals, common.WithdrawInfo{
Idx: common.Idx(evt.Idx),
NumExitRoot: common.BatchNum(evt.NumExitRoot),
InstantWithdraw: evt.InstantWithdraw,
TxHash: evt.TxHash,
for _, evt := range rollupEvents.UpdateTokenExchange {
if len(evt.AddressArray) != len(evt.ValueArray) {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("in RollupEventUpdateTokenExchange "+
"len(AddressArray) != len(ValueArray) (%v != %v)",
len(evt.AddressArray), len(evt.ValueArray)))
for i := range evt.AddressArray {
rollupData.TokenExchanges = append(rollupData.TokenExchanges,
EthBlockNum: blockNum,
Address: evt.AddressArray[i],
ValueUSD: int64(evt.ValueArray[i]),
varsUpdate := false
for _, evt := range rollupEvents.UpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout {
s.vars.Rollup.ForgeL1L2BatchTimeout = evt.NewForgeL1L2BatchTimeout
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range rollupEvents.UpdateFeeAddToken {
s.vars.Rollup.FeeAddToken = evt.NewFeeAddToken
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range rollupEvents.UpdateWithdrawalDelay {
s.vars.Rollup.WithdrawalDelay = evt.NewWithdrawalDelay
varsUpdate = true
// NOTE: We skip the event rollupEvents.SafeMode because the
// implementation RollupEventsByBlock already inserts a non-existing
// RollupEventUpdateBucketsParameters into UpdateBucketsParameters with
// all the bucket values at 0 and SafeMode = true
for _, evt := range rollupEvents.UpdateBucketsParameters {
for i, bucket := range evt.ArrayBuckets {
s.vars.Rollup.Buckets[i] = common.BucketParams{
CeilUSD: bucket.CeilUSD,
Withdrawals: bucket.Withdrawals,
BlockWithdrawalRate: bucket.BlockWithdrawalRate,
MaxWithdrawals: bucket.MaxWithdrawals,
s.vars.Rollup.SafeMode = evt.SafeMode
varsUpdate = true
if varsUpdate {
s.vars.Rollup.EthBlockNum = blockNum
rollupData.Vars = s.vars.Rollup.Copy()
return &rollupData, nil
func cutStringMax(s string, max int) string {
if len(s) > max {
return s[:max]
return s
// auctionSync gets information from the Auction Contract
func (s *Synchronizer) auctionSync(ethBlock *common.Block) (*common.AuctionData, error) {
blockNum := ethBlock.Num
var auctionData = common.NewAuctionData()
// Get auction events in the block
auctionEvents, err := s.ethClient.AuctionEventsByBlock(blockNum, &ethBlock.Hash)
if err != nil && err.Error() == errStrUnknownBlock {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(ErrUnknownBlock)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("AuctionEventsByBlock: %w", err))
// No events in this block
if auctionEvents == nil {
return &auctionData, nil
// Get bids
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewBid {
bid := common.Bid{
SlotNum: evt.Slot,
BidValue: evt.BidAmount,
Bidder: evt.Bidder,
EthBlockNum: blockNum,
auctionData.Bids = append(auctionData.Bids, bid)
// Get Coordinators
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.SetCoordinator {
coordinator := common.Coordinator{
Bidder: evt.BidderAddress,
Forger: evt.ForgerAddress,
URL: evt.CoordinatorURL,
EthBlockNum: blockNum,
auctionData.Coordinators = append(auctionData.Coordinators, coordinator)
varsUpdate := false
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewSlotDeadline {
s.vars.Auction.SlotDeadline = evt.NewSlotDeadline
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewClosedAuctionSlots {
s.vars.Auction.ClosedAuctionSlots = evt.NewClosedAuctionSlots
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewOutbidding {
s.vars.Auction.Outbidding = evt.NewOutbidding
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewDonationAddress {
s.vars.Auction.DonationAddress = evt.NewDonationAddress
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewBootCoordinator {
s.vars.Auction.BootCoordinator = evt.NewBootCoordinator
s.vars.Auction.BootCoordinatorURL = evt.NewBootCoordinatorURL
varsUpdate = true
// Add new boot coordinator
auctionData.Coordinators = append(auctionData.Coordinators, common.Coordinator{
Forger: evt.NewBootCoordinator,
URL: evt.NewBootCoordinatorURL,
EthBlockNum: blockNum,
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewOpenAuctionSlots {
s.vars.Auction.OpenAuctionSlots = evt.NewOpenAuctionSlots
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewAllocationRatio {
s.vars.Auction.AllocationRatio = evt.NewAllocationRatio
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range auctionEvents.NewDefaultSlotSetBid {
if evt.SlotSet > 6 { //nolint:gomnd
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("unexpected SlotSet in "+
"auctionEvents.NewDefaultSlotSetBid: %v", evt.SlotSet))
s.vars.Auction.DefaultSlotSetBid[evt.SlotSet] = evt.NewInitialMinBid
s.vars.Auction.DefaultSlotSetBidSlotNum = s.consts.Auction.SlotNum(blockNum) +
varsUpdate = true
// NOTE: We ignore NewForgeAllocated
// NOTE: We ignore NewForge because we're already tracking ForgeBatch event from Rollup
// NOTE: We ignore HEZClaimed
if varsUpdate {
s.vars.Auction.EthBlockNum = blockNum
auctionData.Vars = s.vars.Auction.Copy()
return &auctionData, nil
// wdelayerSync gets information from the Withdrawal Delayer Contract
func (s *Synchronizer) wdelayerSync(ethBlock *common.Block) (*common.WDelayerData, error) {
blockNum := ethBlock.Num
wDelayerData := common.NewWDelayerData()
// Get wDelayer events in the block
wDelayerEvents, err := s.ethClient.WDelayerEventsByBlock(blockNum, &ethBlock.Hash)
if err != nil && err.Error() == errStrUnknownBlock {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(ErrUnknownBlock)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("WDelayerEventsByBlock: %w", err))
// No events in this block
if wDelayerEvents == nil {
return &wDelayerData, nil
for _, evt := range wDelayerEvents.Deposit {
wDelayerData.Deposits = append(wDelayerData.Deposits, common.WDelayerTransfer{
Owner: evt.Owner,
Token: evt.Token,
Amount: evt.Amount,
wDelayerData.DepositsByTxHash[evt.TxHash] =
for _, evt := range wDelayerEvents.Withdraw {
wDelayerData.Withdrawals = append(wDelayerData.Withdrawals, common.WDelayerTransfer{
Owner: evt.Owner,
Token: evt.Token,
Amount: evt.Amount,
for _, evt := range wDelayerEvents.EscapeHatchWithdrawal {
wDelayerData.EscapeHatchWithdrawals = append(wDelayerData.EscapeHatchWithdrawals,
EthBlockNum: blockNum,
Who: evt.Who,
To: evt.To,
TokenAddr: evt.Token,
Amount: evt.Amount,
varsUpdate := false
for range wDelayerEvents.EmergencyModeEnabled {
s.vars.WDelayer.EmergencyMode = true
s.vars.WDelayer.EmergencyModeStartingBlock = blockNum
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range wDelayerEvents.NewWithdrawalDelay {
s.vars.WDelayer.WithdrawalDelay = evt.WithdrawalDelay
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range wDelayerEvents.NewEmergencyCouncil {
s.vars.WDelayer.EmergencyCouncilAddress = evt.NewEmergencyCouncil
varsUpdate = true
for _, evt := range wDelayerEvents.NewHermezGovernanceAddress {
s.vars.WDelayer.HermezGovernanceAddress = evt.NewHermezGovernanceAddress
varsUpdate = true
if varsUpdate {
s.vars.WDelayer.EthBlockNum = blockNum
wDelayerData.Vars = s.vars.WDelayer.Copy()
return &wDelayerData, nil
func getL1UserTx(eventsL1UserTx []eth.RollupEventL1UserTx, blockNum int64) ([]common.L1Tx, error) {
l1Txs := make([]common.L1Tx, len(eventsL1UserTx))
for i := range eventsL1UserTx {
eventsL1UserTx[i].L1UserTx.EthBlockNum = blockNum
// Check validity of L1UserTx
l1Tx, err := common.NewL1Tx(&eventsL1UserTx[i].L1UserTx)
if err != nil {
return nil, tracerr.Wrap(err)
l1Txs[i] = *l1Tx
return l1Txs, nil