#!/bin/bash # m4_ignore( echo "This is just a script template, not the script (yet) - pass it to 'argbash' to fix this." >&2 exit 11 #)Created by argbash-init v2.10.0 # ARG_OPTIONAL_BOOLEAN([asm]) # ARG_OPTIONAL_BOOLEAN([multi_threads]) # ARG_HELP([]) # ARGBASH_GO # [ <-- needed because of Argbash if [ "$_arg_multi_threads" = on ] then echo "Multi-threads: ON" # Do nothing else echo "Multi-threads: OFF" export RAYON_NUM_THREADS=1 fi if [ "$_arg_asm" = on ] then echo "Asm feature: ON" export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+bmi2,+adx" else echo "Asm feature: OFF" # Do nothing fi # Run the benchmark binary cargo +nightly bench # ^^^ TERMINATE YOUR CODE BEFORE THE BOTTOM ARGBASH MARKER ^^^ # ] <-- needed because of Argbash