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// Copyright (c) 2023 Espresso Systems (
// This file is part of the HyperPlonk library.
// You should have received a copy of the MIT License
// along with the HyperPlonk library. If not, see <>.
//! Prover subroutines for a SumCheck protocol.
use super::SumCheckProver;
use crate::poly_iop::{
structs::{IOPProverMessage, IOPProverState},
use arithmetic::{fix_variables, VirtualPolynomial};
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use ark_poly::DenseMultilinearExtension;
use ark_std::{end_timer, start_timer, vec::Vec};
use rayon::prelude::{IntoParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator};
use std::sync::Arc;
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator};
impl<F: PrimeField> SumCheckProver<F> for IOPProverState<F> {
type VirtualPolynomial = VirtualPolynomial<F>;
type ProverMessage = IOPProverMessage<F>;
/// Initialize the prover state to argue for the sum of the input polynomial
/// over {0,1}^`num_vars`.
fn prover_init(polynomial: &Self::VirtualPolynomial) -> Result<Self, PolyIOPErrors> {
let start = start_timer!(|| "sum check prover init");
if polynomial.aux_info.num_variables == 0 {
return Err(PolyIOPErrors::InvalidParameters(
"Attempt to prove a constant.".to_string(),
Ok(Self {
challenges: Vec::with_capacity(polynomial.aux_info.num_variables),
round: 0,
poly: polynomial.clone(),
/// Receive message from verifier, generate prover message, and proceed to
/// next round.
/// Main algorithm used is from section 3.2 of [XZZPS19](
fn prove_round_and_update_state(
&mut self,
challenge: &Option<F>,
) -> Result<Self::ProverMessage, PolyIOPErrors> {
// let start =
// start_timer!(|| format!("sum check prove {}-th round and update state",
// self.round));
if self.round >= self.poly.aux_info.num_variables {
return Err(PolyIOPErrors::InvalidProver(
"Prover is not active".to_string(),
// let fix_argument = start_timer!(|| "fix argument");
// Step 1:
// fix argument and evaluate f(x) over x_m = r; where r is the challenge
// for the current round, and m is the round number, indexed from 1
// i.e.:
// at round m <= n, for each mle g(x_1, ... x_n) within the flattened_mle
// which has already been evaluated to
// g(r_1, ..., r_{m-1}, x_m ... x_n)
// eval g over r_m, and mutate g to g(r_1, ... r_m,, x_{m+1}... x_n)
let mut flattened_ml_extensions: Vec<DenseMultilinearExtension<F>> = self
.map(|x| x.as_ref().clone())
if let Some(chal) = challenge {
if self.round == 0 {
return Err(PolyIOPErrors::InvalidProver(
"first round should be prover first.".to_string(),
let r = self.challenges[self.round - 1];
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
.for_each(|mle| *mle = fix_variables(mle, &[r]));
#[cfg(not(feature = "parallel"))]
.for_each(|mle| *mle = fix_variables(mle, &[r]));
} else if self.round > 0 {
return Err(PolyIOPErrors::InvalidProver(
"verifier message is empty".to_string(),
// end_timer!(fix_argument);
self.round += 1;
let products_list = self.poly.products.clone();
let mut products_sum = vec![F::zero(); self.poly.aux_info.max_degree + 1];
// let compute_sum = start_timer!(|| "compute sum");
// Step 2: generate sum for the partial evaluated polynomial:
// f(r_1, ... r_m,, x_{m+1}... x_n)
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
let flag = (self.poly.aux_info.max_degree == 2)
&& (products_list.len() == 1)
&& (products_list[0].0 == F::one());
if flag {
for (t, e) in products_sum.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let evals = (0..1 << (self.poly.aux_info.num_variables - self.round))
.map(|b| {
// evaluate P_round(t)
let table0 = &flattened_ml_extensions[products_list[0].1[0]];
let table1 = &flattened_ml_extensions[products_list[0].1[1]];
if t == 0 {
table0[b << 1] * table1[b << 1]
} else if t == 1 {
table0[(b << 1) + 1] * table1[(b << 1) + 1]
} else {
(table0[(b << 1) + 1] + table0[(b << 1) + 1] - table0[b << 1])
* (table1[(b << 1) + 1] + table1[(b << 1) + 1] - table1[b << 1])
*e += evals.par_iter().sum::<F>();
} else {
for (t, e) in products_sum.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let t = F::from(t as u128);
let products = (0..1 << (self.poly.aux_info.num_variables - self.round))
.map(|b| {
// evaluate P_round(t)
let mut tmp = F::zero();
products_list.iter().for_each(|(coefficient, products)| {
let num_mles = products.len();
let mut product = *coefficient;
for &f in products.iter().take(num_mles) {
let table = &flattened_ml_extensions[f]; // f's range is checked in init
// TODO: Could be done faster by cashing the results from the
// previous t and adding the diff
// Also possible to use Karatsuba multiplication
product *=
table[b << 1] + (table[(b << 1) + 1] - table[b << 1]) * t;
tmp += product;
*e += products.par_iter().sum::<F>();
#[cfg(not(feature = "parallel"))]
products_sum.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(t, e)| {
let t = F::from(t as u64);
let one_minus_t = F::one() - t;
for b in 0..1 << (self.poly.aux_info.num_variables - self.round) {
// evaluate P_round(t)
for (coefficient, products) in products_list.iter() {
let num_mles = products.len();
let mut product = *coefficient;
for &f in products.iter().take(num_mles) {
let table = &flattened_ml_extensions[f]; // f's range is checked in init
product *= table[b << 1] + (table[(b << 1) + 1] - table[b << 1]) * t;
*e += product;
// update prover's state to the partial evaluated polynomial
self.poly.flattened_ml_extensions = flattened_ml_extensions
.map(|x| Arc::new(x.clone()))
// end_timer!(compute_sum);
// end_timer!(start);
Ok(IOPProverMessage {
evaluations: products_sum,