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// Copyright (c) 2023 Espresso Systems (
// This file is part of the HyperPlonk library.
// You should have received a copy of the MIT License
// along with the HyperPlonk library. If not, see <>.
use crate::{
custom_gate::CustomizedGates, errors::HyperPlonkErrors, structs::HyperPlonkParams,
use arithmetic::{evaluate_opt, VirtualPolynomial};
use ark_ec::pairing::Pairing;
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use ark_poly::DenseMultilinearExtension;
use std::{borrow::Borrow, sync::Arc};
use subroutines::pcs::{prelude::Commitment, PolynomialCommitmentScheme};
use transcript::IOPTranscript;
/// An accumulator structure that holds a polynomial and
/// its opening points
pub(super) struct PcsAccumulator<E: Pairing, PCS: PolynomialCommitmentScheme<E>> {
// sequence:
// - prod(x) at 5 points
// - w_merged at perm check point
// - w_merged at zero check points (#witness points)
// - selector_merged at zero check points (#selector points)
// - w[0] at r_pi
pub(crate) num_var: usize,
pub(crate) polynomials: Vec<PCS::Polynomial>,
pub(crate) commitments: Vec<PCS::Commitment>,
pub(crate) points: Vec<PCS::Point>,
pub(crate) evals: Vec<PCS::Evaluation>,
impl<E, PCS> PcsAccumulator<E, PCS>
E: Pairing,
PCS: PolynomialCommitmentScheme<
Polynomial = Arc<DenseMultilinearExtension<E::ScalarField>>,
Point = Vec<E::ScalarField>,
Evaluation = E::ScalarField,
Commitment = Commitment<E>,
/// Create an empty accumulator.
pub(super) fn new(num_var: usize) -> Self {
Self {
polynomials: vec![],
commitments: vec![],
points: vec![],
evals: vec![],
/// Push a new evaluation point into the accumulator
pub(super) fn insert_poly_and_points(
&mut self,
poly: &PCS::Polynomial,
commit: &PCS::Commitment,
point: &PCS::Point,
) {
assert!(poly.num_vars == point.len());
assert!(poly.num_vars == self.num_var);
let eval = evaluate_opt(poly, point);
/// Batch open all the points over a merged polynomial.
/// A simple wrapper of PCS::multi_open
pub(super) fn multi_open(
prover_param: impl Borrow<PCS::ProverParam>,
transcript: &mut IOPTranscript<E::ScalarField>,
) -> Result<PCS::BatchProof, HyperPlonkErrors> {
/// Build MLE from matrix of witnesses.
/// Given a matrix := [row1, row2, ...] where
/// row1:= (a1, a2, ...)
/// row2:= (b1, b2, ...)
/// row3:= (c1, c2, ...)
/// output mle(a1,b1,c1, ...), mle(a2,b2,c2, ...), ...
macro_rules! build_mle {
($rows:expr) => {{
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity($rows.len());
let num_vars = log2($rows.len()) as usize;
let num_mles = $rows[0].0.len();
for i in 0..num_mles {
let mut cur_coeffs = Vec::new();
for row in $rows.iter() {
num_vars, cur_coeffs,
/// Sanity-check for HyperPlonk SNARK proving
pub(crate) fn prover_sanity_check<F: PrimeField>(
params: &HyperPlonkParams,
pub_input: &[F],
witnesses: &[WitnessColumn<F>],
) -> Result<(), HyperPlonkErrors> {
// public input length must be no greater than num_constraints
if pub_input.len() > params.num_constraints {
return Err(HyperPlonkErrors::InvalidProver(format!(
"Public input length {} is greater than num constraits {}",
// public input length
if pub_input.len() != params.num_pub_input {
return Err(HyperPlonkErrors::InvalidProver(format!(
"Public input length is not correct: got {}, expect {}",
if !pub_input.len().is_power_of_two() {
return Err(HyperPlonkErrors::InvalidProver(format!(
"Public input length is not power of two: got {}",
// witnesses length
for (i, w) in witnesses.iter().enumerate() {
if w.0.len() != params.num_constraints {
return Err(HyperPlonkErrors::InvalidProver(format!(
"{}-th witness length is not correct: got {}, expect {}",
// check public input matches witness[0]'s first 2^ell elements
for (i, (&pi, &w)) in pub_input
if pi != w {
return Err(HyperPlonkErrors::InvalidProver(format!(
"The {:?}-th public input {:?} does not match witness[0] {:?}",
i, pi, w
/// build `f(w_0(x),...w_d(x))` where `f` is the constraint polynomial
/// i.e., `f(a, b, c) = q_l a(x) + q_r b(x) + q_m a(x)b(x) - q_o c(x)` in
/// vanilla plonk
pub(crate) fn build_f<F: PrimeField>(
gates: &CustomizedGates,
num_vars: usize,
selector_mles: &[Arc<DenseMultilinearExtension<F>>],
witness_mles: &[Arc<DenseMultilinearExtension<F>>],
) -> Result<VirtualPolynomial<F>, HyperPlonkErrors> {
// TODO: check that selector and witness lengths match what is in
// the gate definition
for selector_mle in selector_mles.iter() {
if selector_mle.num_vars != num_vars {
return Err(HyperPlonkErrors::InvalidParameters(format!(
"selector has different number of vars: {} vs {}",
selector_mle.num_vars, num_vars
for witness_mle in witness_mles.iter() {
if witness_mle.num_vars != num_vars {
return Err(HyperPlonkErrors::InvalidParameters(format!(
"selector has different number of vars: {} vs {}",
witness_mle.num_vars, num_vars
let mut res = VirtualPolynomial::<F>::new(num_vars);
for (coeff, selector, witnesses) in gates.gates.iter() {
let coeff_fr = if *coeff < 0 {
-F::from(-*coeff as u64)
} else {
F::from(*coeff as u64)
let mut mle_list = vec![];
if let Some(s) = *selector {
for &witness in witnesses.iter() {
res.add_mle_list(mle_list, coeff_fr)?;
pub(crate) fn eval_f<F: PrimeField>(
gates: &CustomizedGates,
selector_evals: &[F],
witness_evals: &[F],
) -> Result<F, HyperPlonkErrors> {
let mut res = F::zero();
for (coeff, selector, witnesses) in gates.gates.iter() {
let mut cur_value = if *coeff < 0 {
-F::from(-*coeff as u64)
} else {
F::from(*coeff as u64)
cur_value *= match selector {
Some(s) => selector_evals[*s],
None => F::one(),
for &witness in witnesses.iter() {
cur_value *= witness_evals[witness]
res += cur_value;
// check perm check subclaim:
// proof.witness_perm_check_eval ?= perm_check_sub_claim.expected_eval
// Q(x) := prod(x) - p1(x) * p2(x)
// + alpha * frac(x) * g1(x) * ... * gk(x)
// - alpha * f1(x) * ... * fk(x)
// where p1(x) = (1-x1) * frac(x2, ..., xn, 0)
// + x1 * prod(x2, ..., xn, 0),
// and p2(x) = (1-x1) * frac(x2, ..., xn, 1)
// + x1 * prod(x2, ..., xn, 1)
// and gi(x) = (wi(x) + beta * perms_i(x) + gamma)
// and fi(x) = (wi(x) + beta * s_id_i(x) + gamma)
pub(crate) fn eval_perm_gate<F: PrimeField>(
prod_evals: &[F],
frac_evals: &[F],
witness_perm_evals: &[F],
id_evals: &[F],
perm_evals: &[F],
alpha: F,
beta: F,
gamma: F,
x1: F,
) -> Result<F, HyperPlonkErrors> {
let p1_eval = frac_evals[1] + x1 * (prod_evals[1] - frac_evals[1]);
let p2_eval = frac_evals[2] + x1 * (prod_evals[2] - frac_evals[2]);
let mut f_prod_eval = F::one();
for (&w_eval, &id_eval) in witness_perm_evals.iter().zip(id_evals.iter()) {
f_prod_eval *= w_eval + beta * id_eval + gamma;
let mut g_prod_eval = F::one();
for (&w_eval, &p_eval) in witness_perm_evals.iter().zip(perm_evals.iter()) {
g_prod_eval *= w_eval + beta * p_eval + gamma;
let res =
prod_evals[0] - p1_eval * p2_eval + alpha * (frac_evals[0] * g_prod_eval - f_prod_eval);
mod test {
use super::*;
use ark_bls12_381::Fr;
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use ark_poly::MultilinearExtension;
fn test_build_gate() -> Result<(), HyperPlonkErrors> {
fn test_build_gate_helper<F: PrimeField>() -> Result<(), HyperPlonkErrors> {
let num_vars = 2;
// ql = 3x1x2 + 2x2 whose evaluations are
// 0, 0 |-> 0
// 0, 1 |-> 2
// 1, 0 |-> 0
// 1, 1 |-> 5
let ql_eval = vec![F::zero(), F::from(2u64), F::zero(), F::from(5u64)];
let ql = Arc::new(DenseMultilinearExtension::from_evaluations_vec(2, ql_eval));
// W1 = x1x2 + x1 whose evaluations are
// 0, 0 |-> 0
// 0, 1 |-> 0
// 1, 0 |-> 1
// 1, 1 |-> 2
let w_eval = vec![F::zero(), F::zero(), F::from(1u64), F::from(2u64)];
let w1 = Arc::new(DenseMultilinearExtension::from_evaluations_vec(2, w_eval));
// W2 = x1 + x2 whose evaluations are
// 0, 0 |-> 0
// 0, 1 |-> 1
// 1, 0 |-> 1
// 1, 1 |-> 2
let w_eval = vec![F::zero(), F::one(), F::from(1u64), F::from(2u64)];
let w2 = Arc::new(DenseMultilinearExtension::from_evaluations_vec(2, w_eval));
// Example:
// q_L(X) * W_1(X)^5 - W_2(X)
// is represented as
// vec![
// ( 1, Some(id_qL), vec![id_W1, id_W1, id_W1, id_W1, id_W1]),
// (-1, None, vec![id_W2])
// ]
let gates = CustomizedGates {
gates: vec![(1, Some(0), vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), (-1, None, vec![1])],
let f = build_f(&gates, num_vars, &[ql.clone()], &[w1.clone(), w2.clone()])?;
// Sanity check on build_f
// f(0, 0) = 0
assert_eq!(f.evaluate(&[F::zero(), F::zero()])?, F::zero());
// f(0, 1) = 2 * 0^5 + (-1) * 1 = -1
assert_eq!(f.evaluate(&[F::zero(), F::one()])?, -F::one());
// f(1, 0) = 0 * 1^5 + (-1) * 1 = -1
assert_eq!(f.evaluate(&[F::one(), F::zero()])?, -F::one());
// f(1, 1) = 5 * 2^5 + (-1) * 2 = 158
assert_eq!(f.evaluate(&[F::one(), F::one()])?, F::from(158u64));
// test eval_f
let point = [F::zero(), F::zero()];
let selector_evals = ql.evaluate(&point).unwrap();
let witness_evals = [w1.evaluate(&point).unwrap(), w2.evaluate(&point).unwrap()];
let eval_f = eval_f(&gates, &[selector_evals], &witness_evals)?;
// f(0, 0) = 0
assert_eq!(eval_f, F::zero());
let point = [F::zero(), F::one()];
let selector_evals = ql.evaluate(&point).unwrap();
let witness_evals = [w1.evaluate(&point).unwrap(), w2.evaluate(&point).unwrap()];
let eval_f = eval_f(&gates, &[selector_evals], &witness_evals)?;
// f(0, 1) = 2 * 0^5 + (-1) * 1 = -1
assert_eq!(eval_f, -F::one());
let point = [F::one(), F::zero()];
let selector_evals = ql.evaluate(&point).unwrap();
let witness_evals = [w1.evaluate(&point).unwrap(), w2.evaluate(&point).unwrap()];
let eval_f = eval_f(&gates, &[selector_evals], &witness_evals)?;
// f(1, 0) = 0 * 1^5 + (-1) * 1 = -1
assert_eq!(eval_f, -F::one());
let point = [F::one(), F::one()];
let selector_evals = ql.evaluate(&point).unwrap();
let witness_evals = [w1.evaluate(&point).unwrap(), w2.evaluate(&point).unwrap()];
let eval_f = eval_f(&gates, &[selector_evals], &witness_evals)?;
// f(1, 1) = 5 * 2^5 + (-1) * 2 = 158
assert_eq!(eval_f, F::from(158u64));