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31 lines
646 B

set terminal postscript eps enhanced color font "18"
filename = '64threads_growing_degree.txt'
set output "grow_degree.eps"
# set font "32"
set key left top
set grid
# set logscale y
# set logscale x
set title font ",64"
set key font ",18"
set xtics font ",20"
set ytics font ",20"
set xlabel font ",20"
set ylabel font ",20"
# set key title "IOP proving time"
set key title font ", 20"
# set key title "2^{15} constraints"
set xlabel "degree d"
set ylabel 'time (us)'
# set yrange []
# set xrange [500000:1100000]
# set xtics (0, 1,2,4,8,16,32)
plot filename using 1:2 w lp t "q_Lw_1 + q_Rw_2 + q_Mw_1^{d-1}w_2 + q_C = 0",