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59 lines
1.3 KiB

set terminal postscript eps enhanced color font "18"
sumcheck = 'iop/sum_check.txt'
zerocheck = 'iop/zero_check.txt'
permcheck = 'iop/perm_check.txt'
prodcheck = 'iop/prod_check.txt'
set output "iop_prover.eps"
set font "64"
set key left
set grid
set logscale y
set title font ",64"
set key font ",18"
set xtics font ",20"
set ytics font ",20"
set xlabel font ",20"
set ylabel font ",20"
set key title "IOP proving time"
set key title font ", 20"
set xlabel "\#variables"
set ylabel 'time (ms)'
# set xtics (4,8,16,32,64)
plot sumcheck using 1:2 w lp t "Sum Check",\
zerocheck using 1:2 w lp t "Zero Check",\
prodcheck using 1:2 w lp t "Prod Check",\
permcheck using 1:2 w lp t "Perm Check",
# set terminal postscript eps enhanced color
# sumcheck = 'iop/sum_check.txt'
# zerocheck = 'iop/zero_check.txt'
# permcheck = 'iop/perm_check.txt'
# prodcheck = 'iop/prod_check.txt'
# set output "iop_verifier.eps"
# set font "32"
# set key left
# set grid
# set logscale y
# set title font ",10"
# set key title "IOP verifier time"
# set xlabel "\#variables"
# set ylabel 'log time (us)'
# # set xtics (4,8,16,32,64)
# plot sumcheck using 1:3 w lp t "Sum Check",\
# zerocheck using 1:3 w lp t "Zero Check",\
# prodcheck using 1:3 w lp t "Prod Check",\
# permcheck using 1:3 w lp t "Perm Check",
# reset