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use ark_std::cmp::max;
/// Customized gate is a list of tuples of
/// (coefficient, selector_index, wire_indices)
/// Example:
/// q_L(X) * W_1(X)^5 - W_2(X) = 0
/// is represented as
/// vec![
/// ( 1, Some(id_qL), vec![id_W1, id_W1, id_W1, id_W1, id_W1]),
/// (-1, None, vec![id_W2])
/// ]
/// CustomizedGates {
/// gates: vec![
/// (1, Some(0), vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
/// (-1, None, vec![1])
/// ],
/// };
/// where id_qL = 0 // first selector
/// id_W1 = 0 // first witness
/// id_w2 = 1 // second witness
/// NOTE: here coeff is a signed integer, instead of a field element
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct CustomizedGates {
pub(crate) gates: Vec<(i64, Option<usize>, Vec<usize>)>,
impl CustomizedGates {
/// The degree of the algebraic customized gate
pub fn degree(&self) -> usize {
let mut res = 0;
for x in self.gates.iter() {
res = max(res, x.2.len() + (x.1.is_some() as usize))
/// The number of selectors in a customized gate
pub fn num_selector_columns(&self) -> usize {
let mut res = 0;
for (_coeff, q, _ws) in self.gates.iter() {
// a same selector must not be used for multiple monomials.
if q.is_some() {
res += 1;
/// The number of witnesses in a customized gate
pub fn num_witness_columns(&self) -> usize {
let mut res = 0;
for (_coeff, _q, ws) in self.gates.iter() {
// witness list must be ordered
// so we just need to compare with the last one
if let Some(&p) = ws.last() {
if res < p {
res = p
// add one here because index starts from 0
res + 1
/// Return a vanilla plonk gate:
/// ``` ignore
/// q_L w_1 + q_R w_2 + q_O w_3 + q_M w1w2 + q_C = 0
/// ```
/// which is
/// ``` ignore
/// (1, Some(id_qL), vec![id_W1]),
/// (1, Some(id_qR), vec![id_W2]),
/// (1, Some(id_qO), vec![id_W3]),
/// (1, Some(id_qM), vec![id_W1, id_w2]),
/// (1, Some(id_qC), vec![]),
/// ```
pub fn vanilla_plonk_gate() -> Self {
Self {
gates: vec![
(1, Some(0), vec![0]),
(1, Some(1), vec![1]),
(1, Some(2), vec![2]),
(1, Some(3), vec![0, 1]),
(1, Some(4), vec![]),
/// Return a jellyfish turbo plonk gate:
/// ```ignore
/// q_1 w_1 + q_2 w_2 + q_3 w_3 + q_4 w4
/// + q_M1 w1w2 + q_M2 w3w4
/// + q_H1 w1^5 + q_H2 w2^5 + q_H3 w1^5 + q_H4 w2^5
/// + q_E w1w2w3w4
/// + q_O w5
/// + q_C
/// = 0
/// ```
/// with
/// - w = [w1, w2, w3, w4, w5]
/// - q = [ q_1, q_2, q_3, q_4, q_M1, q_M2, q_H1, q_H2, q_H3, q_H4, q_E,
/// q_O, q_c ]
/// which is
/// ```ignore
/// (1, Some(q[0]), vec![w[0]]),
/// (1, Some(q[1]), vec![w[1]]),
/// (1, Some(q[2]), vec![w[2]]),
/// (1, Some(q[3]), vec![w[3]]),
/// (1, Some(q[4]), vec![w[0], w[1]]),
/// (1, Some(q[5]), vec![w[2], w[3]]),
/// (1, Some(q[6]), vec![w[0], w[0], w[0], w[0], w[0]]),
/// (1, Some(q[7]), vec![w[1], w[1], w[1], w[1], w[1]]),
/// (1, Some(q[8]), vec![w[2], w[2], w[2], w[2], w[2]]),
/// (1, Some(q[9]), vec![w[3], w[3], w[3], w[3], w[3]]),
/// (1, Some(q[10]), vec![w[0], w[1], w[2], w[3]]),
/// (1, Some(q[11]), vec![w[4]]),
/// (1, Some(q[12]), vec![]),
/// ```
pub fn jellyfish_turbo_plonk_gate() -> Self {
CustomizedGates {
gates: vec![
(1, Some(0), vec![0]),
(1, Some(1), vec![1]),
(1, Some(2), vec![2]),
(1, Some(3), vec![3]),
(1, Some(4), vec![0, 1]),
(1, Some(5), vec![2, 3]),
(1, Some(6), vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
(1, Some(7), vec![1, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
(1, Some(8), vec![2, 2, 2, 2, 2]),
(1, Some(9), vec![3, 3, 3, 3, 3]),
(1, Some(10), vec![0, 1, 2, 3]),
(1, Some(11), vec![4]),
(1, Some(12), vec![]),
/// Generate a random gate for `num_witness` with a highest degree =
/// `degree`
pub fn mock_gate(num_witness: usize, degree: usize) -> Self {
let mut gates = vec![];
let mut high_degree_term = vec![0; degree - 1];
gates.push((1, Some(0), high_degree_term));
for i in 0..num_witness {
gates.push((1, Some(i + 1), vec![i]))
gates.push((1, Some(num_witness + 1), vec![]));
CustomizedGates { gates }
/// Return a plonk gate where #selector > #witness * 2
/// ``` ignore
/// q_1 w_1 + q_2 w_2 + q_3 w_3 +
/// q_4 w1w2 + q_5 w1w3 + q_6 w2w3 +
/// q_7 = 0
/// ```
/// which is
/// ``` ignore
/// (1, Some(id_qL), vec![id_W1]),
/// (1, Some(id_qR), vec![id_W2]),
/// (1, Some(id_qO), vec![id_W3]),
/// (1, Some(id_qM), vec![id_W1, id_w2]),
/// (1, Some(id_qC), vec![]),
/// ```
pub fn super_long_selector_gate() -> Self {
Self {
gates: vec![
(1, Some(0), vec![0]),
(1, Some(1), vec![1]),
(1, Some(2), vec![2]),
(1, Some(3), vec![0, 1]),
(1, Some(4), vec![0, 2]),
(1, Some(5), vec![1, 2]),
(1, Some(6), vec![]),