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use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use ark_std::log2;
/// Decompose an integer into a binary vector in little endian.
pub fn bit_decompose(input: u64, num_var: usize) -> Vec<bool> {
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(num_var);
let mut i = input;
for _ in 0..num_var {
res.push(i & 1 == 1);
i >>= 1;
/// given the evaluation input `point` of the `index`-th polynomial,
/// obtain the evaluation point in the merged polynomial
pub fn gen_eval_point<F: PrimeField>(index: usize, index_len: usize, point: &[F]) -> Vec<F> {
let index_vec: Vec<F> = bit_decompose(index as u64, index_len)
.map(|x| F::from(x))
[point, &index_vec].concat()
/// Return the number of variables that one need for an MLE to
/// batch the list of MLEs
pub fn get_batched_nv(num_var: usize, polynomials_len: usize) -> usize {
num_var + log2(polynomials_len) as usize
// Input index
// - `i := (i_0, ...i_{n-1})`,
// - `num_vars := n`
// return three elements:
// - `x0 := (i_1, ..., i_{n-1}, 0)`
// - `x1 := (i_1, ..., i_{n-1}, 1)`
// - `sign := i_0`
pub fn get_index(i: usize, num_vars: usize) -> (usize, usize, bool) {
let bit_sequence = bit_decompose(i as u64, num_vars);
// the last bit comes first here because of LE encoding
let x0 = project(&[[false].as_ref(), bit_sequence[..num_vars - 1].as_ref()].concat()) as usize;
let x1 = project(&[[true].as_ref(), bit_sequence[..num_vars - 1].as_ref()].concat()) as usize;
(x0, x1, bit_sequence[num_vars - 1])
/// Project a little endian binary vector into an integer.
pub(crate) fn project(input: &[bool]) -> u64 {
let mut res = 0;
for &e in input.iter().rev() {
res <<= 1;
res += e as u64;
mod test {
use super::{bit_decompose, get_index, project};
use ark_std::{rand::RngCore, test_rng};
fn test_decomposition() {
let mut rng = test_rng();
for _ in 0..100 {
let t = rng.next_u64();
let b = bit_decompose(t, 64);
let r = project(&b);
assert_eq!(t, r)
fn test_get_index() {
let a = 0b1010;
let (x0, x1, sign) = get_index(a, 4);
assert_eq!(x0, 0b0100);
assert_eq!(x1, 0b0101);
let (x0, x1, sign) = get_index(a, 5);
assert_eq!(x0, 0b10100);
assert_eq!(x1, 0b10101);
let a = 0b1111;
let (x0, x1, sign) = get_index(a, 4);
assert_eq!(x0, 0b1110);
assert_eq!(x1, 0b1111);