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// Copyright (c) 2022 Espresso Systems (
// This file is part of the Jellyfish library.
// You should have received a copy of the MIT License
// along with the Jellyfish library. If not, see <>.
use crate::{
srs::{MultilinearProverParam, MultilinearVerifierParam},
verify_internal, MultilinearKzgBatchProof,
prelude::{Commitment, UnivariateProverParam, UnivariateVerifierParam},
PCSError, PolynomialCommitmentScheme,
use arithmetic::{build_l, get_uni_domain};
use ark_ec::PairingEngine;
use ark_poly::{DenseMultilinearExtension, EvaluationDomain, MultilinearExtension, Polynomial};
use ark_std::{end_timer, format, rc::Rc, start_timer, string::ToString, vec, vec::Vec};
use rayon::prelude::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
use transcript::IOPTranscript;
/// Input
/// - the prover parameters for univariate KZG,
/// - the prover parameters for multilinear KZG,
/// - a single MLE,
/// - a commitment to the MLE
/// - and a list of points,
/// compute a multi-opening for this polynomial.
/// For simplicity, this API requires each MLE to have only one point. If
/// the caller wish to use more than one points per MLE, it should be
/// handled at the caller layer.
/// Returns the proof, consists of
/// - the multilinear KZG opening
/// - the univariate KZG commitment to q(x)
/// - the openings and evaluations of q(x) at omega^i and r
/// Steps:
/// 1. build `l(points)` which is a list of univariate polynomials that goes
/// through the points
/// 3. build `q(x)` which is a univariate polynomial `W circ l`
/// 4. commit to q(x) and sample r from transcript
/// transcript contains: w commitment, points, q(x)'s commitment
/// 5. build q(omega^i) and their openings
/// 6. build q(r) and its opening
/// 7. get a point `p := l(r)`
/// 8. output an opening of `w` over point `p`
/// 9. output `w(p)`
pub(crate) fn multi_open_same_poly_internal<E: PairingEngine>(
uni_prover_param: &UnivariateProverParam<E::G1Affine>,
ml_prover_param: &MultilinearProverParam<E>,
polynomial: &Rc<DenseMultilinearExtension<E::Fr>>,
commitment: &Commitment<E>,
points: &[Vec<E::Fr>],
) -> Result<(MultilinearKzgBatchProof<E>, Vec<E::Fr>), PCSError> {
let open_timer = start_timer!(|| "multi open");
// ===================================
// Sanity checks on inputs
// ===================================
let points_len = points.len();
if points_len == 0 {
return Err(PCSError::InvalidParameters("points is empty".to_string()));
let num_var = polynomial.num_vars();
for point in points.iter() {
if point.len() != num_var {
return Err(PCSError::InvalidParameters(
"points do not have same num_vars".to_string(),
let domain = get_uni_domain::<E::Fr>(points_len)?;
// 1. build `l(points)` which is a list of univariate polynomials that goes
// through the points
let uni_polys = build_l(points, &domain, false)?;
// 3. build `q(x)` which is a univariate polynomial `W circ l`
let q_x = compute_w_circ_l(polynomial, &uni_polys, points.len(), false)?;
// 4. commit to q(x) and sample r from transcript
// transcript contains: w commitment, points, q(x)'s commitment
let mut transcript = IOPTranscript::new(b"ml kzg");
transcript.append_serializable_element(b"w", commitment)?;
for point in points {
transcript.append_serializable_element(b"w", point)?;
let q_x_commit = UnivariateKzgPCS::<E>::commit(uni_prover_param, &q_x)?;
transcript.append_serializable_element(b"q(x)", &q_x_commit)?;
let r = transcript.get_and_append_challenge(b"r")?;
// 5. build q(omega^i) and their openings
let mut q_x_opens = vec![];
let mut q_x_evals = vec![];
for i in 0..points_len {
let (q_x_open, q_x_eval) =
UnivariateKzgPCS::<E>::open(uni_prover_param, &q_x, &domain.element(i))?;
#[cfg(feature = "extensive_sanity_checks")]
// sanity check
let point: Vec<E::Fr> = uni_polys
.map(|poly| poly.evaluate(&domain.element(i)))
let mle_eval = polynomial.evaluate(&point).unwrap();
if mle_eval != q_x_eval {
return Err(PCSError::InvalidProver(
"Q(omega) does not match W(l(omega))".to_string(),
// 6. build q(r) and its opening
let (q_x_open, q_r_value) = UnivariateKzgPCS::<E>::open(uni_prover_param, &q_x, &r)?;
// 7. get a point `p := l(r)`
let point: Vec<E::Fr> = uni_polys
.map(|poly| poly.evaluate(&r))
// 8. output an opening of `w` over point `p`
let (mle_opening, mle_eval) = open_internal(ml_prover_param, polynomial, &point)?;
// 9. output value that is `w` evaluated at `p` (which should match `q(r)`)
if mle_eval != q_r_value {
return Err(PCSError::InvalidProver(
"Q(r) does not match W(l(r))".to_string(),
MultilinearKzgBatchProof {
proof: mle_opening,
/// Verifies that the `multi_commitment` is a valid commitment
/// to a list of MLEs for the given openings and evaluations in
/// the batch_proof.
/// steps:
/// 1. push w, points and q_com into transcript
/// 2. sample `r` from transcript
/// 3. check `q(r) == batch_proof.q_x_value.last` and
/// `q(omega^i) == batch_proof.q_x_value[i]`
/// 4. build `l(points)` which is a list of univariate
/// polynomials that goes through the points
/// 5. get a point `p := l(r)`
/// 6. verifies `p` is valid against multilinear KZG proof
pub(crate) fn batch_verify_same_poly_internal<E: PairingEngine>(
uni_verifier_param: &UnivariateVerifierParam<E>,
ml_verifier_param: &MultilinearVerifierParam<E>,
multi_commitment: &Commitment<E>,
points: &[Vec<E::Fr>],
values: &[E::Fr],
batch_proof: &MultilinearKzgBatchProof<E>,
) -> Result<bool, PCSError> {
let verify_timer = start_timer!(|| "batch verify");
// ===================================
// Sanity checks on inputs
// ===================================
let points_len = points.len();
if points_len == 0 {
return Err(PCSError::InvalidParameters("points is empty".to_string()));
// add one here because we also have q(r) and its opening
if points_len + 1 != batch_proof.q_x_opens.len() {
return Err(PCSError::InvalidParameters(format!(
"openings length {} does not match point length {}",
points_len + 1,
if points_len + 1 != values.len() {
return Err(PCSError::InvalidParameters(format!(
"values length {} does not match point length {}",
points_len + 1,
let num_var = points[0].len();
for point in points.iter().skip(1) {
if point.len() != num_var {
return Err(PCSError::InvalidParameters(format!(
"points do not have same num_vars ({} vs {})",
let domain = get_uni_domain::<E::Fr>(points_len)?;
// 1. push w, points and q_com into transcript
let mut transcript = IOPTranscript::new(b"ml kzg");
transcript.append_serializable_element(b"w", multi_commitment)?;
for point in points {
transcript.append_serializable_element(b"w", point)?;
transcript.append_serializable_element(b"q(x)", &batch_proof.q_x_commit)?;
// 2. sample `r` from transcript
let r = transcript.get_and_append_challenge(b"r")?;
// 3. check `q(r) == batch_proof.q_x_value.last` and `q(omega^i) =
// batch_proof.q_x_value[i]`
for (i, value) in values.iter().enumerate().take(points_len) {
if !UnivariateKzgPCS::verify(
)? {
println!("q(omega^{}) verification failed", i);
return Ok(false);
if !UnivariateKzgPCS::verify(
)? {
println!("q(r) verification failed");
return Ok(false);
// 4. build `l(points)` which is a list of univariate polynomials that goes
// through the points
let uni_polys = build_l(points, &domain, false)?;
// 5. get a point `p := l(r)`
let point: Vec<E::Fr> = uni_polys.iter().map(|x| x.evaluate(&r)).collect();
// 6. verifies `p` is valid against multilinear KZG proof
let res = verify_internal(
if !res {
println!("multilinear KZG verification failed");
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{
util::{compute_qx_degree, generate_evaluations_single_poly},
use ark_bls12_381::Bls12_381 as E;
use ark_ec::PairingEngine;
use ark_poly::{DenseMultilinearExtension, MultilinearExtension};
use ark_std::{
rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore},
type Fr = <E as PairingEngine>::Fr;
fn test_same_poly_multi_open_internal_helper<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
uni_params: &UnivariateUniversalParams<E>,
ml_params: &MultilinearUniversalParams<E>,
poly: &Rc<DenseMultilinearExtension<Fr>>,
point_len: usize,
rng: &mut R,
) -> Result<(), PCSError> {
let nv = poly.num_vars;
let qx_degree = compute_qx_degree(nv, point_len);
let padded_qx_degree = 1usize << log2(qx_degree);
let (uni_ck, uni_vk) = uni_params.trim(padded_qx_degree)?;
let (ml_ck, ml_vk) = ml_params.trim(nv)?;
let mut points = Vec::new();
let mut eval = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..point_len {
let point = (0..nv).map(|_| Fr::rand(rng)).collect::<Vec<Fr>>();
let evals = generate_evaluations_single_poly(poly, &points)?;
let com = MultilinearKzgPCS::commit(&(ml_ck.clone(), uni_ck.clone()), poly)?;
let (batch_proof, evaluations) =
multi_open_same_poly_internal(&uni_ck, &ml_ck, poly, &com, &points)?;
for (a, b) in evals.iter().zip(evaluations.iter()) {
assert_eq!(a, b)
// good path
fn test_same_poly_multi_open_internal() -> Result<(), PCSError> {
let mut rng = test_rng();
let uni_params =
UnivariateUniversalParams::<E>::gen_srs_for_testing(&mut rng, 1usize << 15)?;
let ml_params = MultilinearUniversalParams::<E>::gen_srs_for_testing(&mut rng, 15)?;
for nv in 1..10 {
for point_len in 1..10 {
// normal polynomials
let polys1 = Rc::new(DenseMultilinearExtension::rand(nv, &mut rng));
&mut rng,