@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ |
/// This example does the hash chain but in the naive approach: instead of using folding, it does a
/// big circuit containing n instantiations of the sha256 constraints.
mod tests {
use ark_bn254::{Bn254, Fr};
use ark_groth16::Groth16;
use ark_snark::SNARK;
use ark_ff::PrimeField;
use std::time::Instant;
use ark_crypto_primitives::crh::sha256::{constraints::Sha256Gadget, digest::Digest, Sha256};
use ark_r1cs_std::fields::fp::FpVar;
use ark_r1cs_std::{alloc::AllocVar, eq::EqGadget};
use ark_r1cs_std::{bits::uint8::UInt8, boolean::Boolean, ToBitsGadget, ToBytesGadget};
use ark_relations::r1cs::{
ConstraintSynthesizer, ConstraintSystem, ConstraintSystemRef, SynthesisError,
use crate::utils::tests::*;
/// Test circuit to be folded
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SHA256ChainCircuit<F: PrimeField, const N: usize, const HASHES_PER_STEP: usize> {
z_0: Option<Vec<F>>,
z_n: Option<Vec<F>>,
impl<F: PrimeField, const N: usize, const HASHES_PER_STEP: usize> ConstraintSynthesizer<F>
for SHA256ChainCircuit<F, N, HASHES_PER_STEP>
fn generate_constraints(self, cs: ConstraintSystemRef<F>) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
let z_0 = Vec::<FpVar<F>>::new_witness(cs.clone(), || {
let z_n =
Vec::<FpVar<F>>::new_input(cs.clone(), || Ok(self.z_n.unwrap_or(vec![F::zero()])))?;
let mut z_i: Vec<FpVar<F>> = z_0.clone();
for _ in 0..N {
let mut b: Vec<UInt8<F>> = z_i
.map(|f| UInt8::<F>::from_bits_le(&f.to_bits_le().unwrap()[..8]))
for _ in 0..HASHES_PER_STEP {
let mut sha256_var = Sha256Gadget::default();
b = sha256_var.finalize()?.to_bytes()?;
// update z_i = z_{i+1}
z_i = b
.map(|e| {
let bits = e.to_bits_le().unwrap();
// compute natively in rust the expected result
fn rust_native_result(z_0: Vec<Fr>, n_steps: usize, hashes_per_step: usize) -> Vec<Fr> {
let mut z_i: Vec<Fr> = z_0.clone();
for _ in 0..n_steps {
let mut b = f_vec_to_bytes(z_i.to_vec());
for _ in 0..hashes_per_step {
let mut sha256 = Sha256::default();
b = sha256.finalize().to_vec();
z_i = bytes_to_f_vec(b.to_vec()).unwrap();
fn full_flow() {
// set how many iterations of the SHA256ChainCircuit circuit internal loop we want to
// compute
const N_STEPS: usize = 50;
const HASHES_PER_STEP: usize = 10;
println!("running the 'naive' SHA256ChainCircuit, with N_STEPS={}, HASHES_PER_STEP={}. Total hashes = {}", N_STEPS, HASHES_PER_STEP, N_STEPS* HASHES_PER_STEP);
// set the initial state
// let z_0_aux: Vec<u32> = vec![0_u32; 32 * 8];
let z_0_aux: Vec<u8> = vec![0_u8; 32];
let z_0: Vec<Fr> = z_0_aux.iter().map(|v| Fr::from(*v)).collect::<Vec<Fr>>();
// run the N iterations 'natively' in rust to compute the expected `z_n`
let z_n = rust_native_result(z_0.clone(), N_STEPS, HASHES_PER_STEP);
let circuit = SHA256ChainCircuit::<Fr, N_STEPS, HASHES_PER_STEP> {
z_0: Some(z_0),
z_n: Some(z_n.clone()),
let cs = ConstraintSystem::<Fr>::new_ref();
"number of constraints of the (naive) SHA256ChainCircuit with N={} hash iterations: {}",
// now let's generate an actual Groth16 proof
let mut rng = rand::rngs::OsRng;
let (g16_pk, g16_vk) =
Groth16::<Bn254>::circuit_specific_setup(circuit.clone(), &mut rng).unwrap();
let start = Instant::now();
let proof = Groth16::<Bn254>::prove(&g16_pk, circuit.clone(), &mut rng).unwrap();
"Groth16 proof generation (for the naive SHA256ChainCircuit): {:?}",
let public_inputs = z_n;
let valid_proof = Groth16::<Bn254>::verify(&g16_vk, &public_inputs, &proof).unwrap();
println!("finished running the 'naive' SHA256ChainCircuit, with N_STEPS={}, HASHES_PER_STEP={}. Total hashes = {}", N_STEPS, HASHES_PER_STEP, N_STEPS* HASHES_PER_STEP);