# poseidon-lengths test
Test to check the output of the Poseidon Hash implementations in Go and Rust for the cases when the BigInt outputed is of 31 bytes.
- Go ``` > go test
bigint 166341157454475665850184286625226909090143669024322546717713937140175961129 length 31 bytes [94 37 80 113 132 94 199 232 119 124 206 119 0 59 128 138 249 85 43 37 236 41 18 110 214 23 182 6 121 124 41] hex 5e255071845ec7e8777cce77003b808af9552b25ec29126ed617b606797c29 ```
- Rust ``` > cargo test -- --nocapture
bigint "166341157454475665850184286625226909090143669024322546717713937140175961129" length 31 bytes [94, 37, 80, 113, 132, 94, 199, 232, 119, 124, 206, 119, 0, 59, 128, 138, 249, 85, 43 , 37, 236, 41, 18, 110, 214, 23, 182, 6, 121, 124, 41] hex "5e255071845ec7e8777cce77003b808af9552b25ec29126ed617b606797c29" ```