# recover-geth-funds
Very simple cli to send all the funds from a geth KeyStore to an address.
``` COMMANDS: info get info sendall send all eth to address help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
GLOBAL OPTIONS: --config value --address value --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version ```
# Example
``` > go run main.go --address=0xbbb...bbb sendall
Sending to: 0xbbb...bbb Keystore and account unlocked successfully: 0xaaa...aaa Connection to web3 server opened url https://web3.url Current balance: 0.361380906720109598 ETH Nonce: 183 balance 0.10380807320336598 ETH tosend 0.10380802320336598 ETH (substracting the fees) (y/N): y operation confirmed tx sent: 0xccccc...ccc ```