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package main
import (
func calculateKeysFromK(t *testing.T, k *big.Int) (*btcec.PublicKey, *blindsecp256k1.PublicKey) {
curve := btcec.S256()
x, y := curve.ScalarBaseMult(k.Bytes())
skEth := (*btcec.PrivateKey)(&ecdsa.PrivateKey{
PublicKey: ecdsa.PublicKey{
Curve: curve,
X: x,
Y: y,
D: k,
pkEthAux := (*btcec.PublicKey)(&skEth.PublicKey)
pkEth := skEth.PubKey()
assert.Equal(t, pkEth, pkEthAux)
skBlind := blindsecp256k1.PrivateKey(*k)
pkBlind := skBlind.Public()
return pkEth, pkBlind
func TestCompatibleKeys(t *testing.T) {
// using incremental k
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
k := big.NewInt(int64(i))
pkEth, pkBlind := calculateKeysFromK(t, k)
assert.Equal(t, pkEth.X.String(), pkBlind.X.String())
assert.Equal(t, pkEth.Y.String(), pkBlind.Y.String())
// fmt.Println("k", k)
// fmt.Println(pkEth)
// fmt.Println(pkBlind)
// using random k
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
kaux, err := btcec.NewPrivateKey(btcec.S256())
require.NoError(t, err)
k := kaux.D
pkEth, pkBlind := calculateKeysFromK(t, k)
assert.Equal(t, pkEth.X.String(), pkBlind.X.String())
assert.Equal(t, pkEth.Y.String(), pkBlind.Y.String())
// fmt.Println("k", k)
// fmt.Println(pkEth)
// fmt.Println(pkBlind)