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Add Lagrange Interpolation & Zero polynomial

arnaucube 3 years ago
2 changed files with 119 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +65
  2. +54

+ 65
- 1

@ -69,6 +69,12 @@ func compareBigIntArray(a, b []*big.Int) bool {
return true
func checkArrayOfZeroes(a []*big.Int) bool {
z := arrayOfZeroes(len(a))
return compareBigIntArray(a, z)
func fAdd(a, b *big.Int) *big.Int {
ab := new(big.Int).Add(a, b)
return ab.Mod(ab, R)
@ -89,7 +95,6 @@ func fDiv(a, b *big.Int) *big.Int {
return new(big.Int).Mod(ab, R)
//nolint:unused,deadcode // TODO check
func fNeg(a *big.Int) *big.Int {
return new(big.Int).Mod(new(big.Int).Neg(a), R)
@ -170,6 +175,19 @@ func polynomialDiv(a, b []*big.Int) ([]*big.Int, []*big.Int) {
return r, rem
func polynomialMulByConstant(a []*big.Int, c *big.Int) []*big.Int {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
a[i] = fMul(a[i], c)
return a
func polynomialDivByConstant(a []*big.Int, c *big.Int) []*big.Int {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
a[i] = fDiv(a[i], c)
return a
// polynomialEval evaluates the polinomial over the Finite Field at the given value x
func polynomialEval(p []*big.Int, x *big.Int) *big.Int {
r := big.NewInt(int64(0))
@ -202,6 +220,16 @@ func newPolZeroAt(pointPos, totalPoints int, height *big.Int) []*big.Int {
return r
// zeroPolynomial returns the zero polynomial:
// z(x) = (x - z_0) (x - z_1) ... (x - z_{k-1})
func zeroPolynomial(zs []*big.Int) []*big.Int {
z := []*big.Int{fNeg(zs[0]), big.NewInt(1)}
for i := 1; i < len(zs); i++ {
z = polynomialMul(z, []*big.Int{fNeg(zs[i]), big.NewInt(1)})
return z
var sNums = map[string]string{
"0": "⁰",
"1": "¹",
@ -237,4 +265,40 @@ func PolynomialToString(p []*big.Int) string {
return s
// LagrangeInterpolation implements the Lagrange interpolation:
func LagrangeInterpolation(x, y []*big.Int) ([]*big.Int, error) {
// p(x) will be the interpoled polynomial
// var p []*big.Int
if len(x) != len(y) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("len(x)!=len(y): %d, %d", len(x), len(y))
p := arrayOfZeroes(len(x))
k := len(x)
for j := 0; j < k; j++ {
// jPol is the Lagrange basis polynomial for each point
var jPol []*big.Int
for m := 0; m < k; m++ {
// if x[m] == x[j] {
if m == j {
// numerator & denominator of the current iteration
num := []*big.Int{fNeg(x[m]), big.NewInt(1)} // (x^1 - x_m)
den := fSub(x[j], x[m]) // x_j-x_m
mPol := polynomialDivByConstant(num, den)
if len(jPol) == 0 {
// first j iteration
jPol = mPol
jPol = polynomialMul(jPol, mPol)
p = polynomialAdd(p, polynomialMulByConstant(jPol, y[j]))
return p, nil
// TODO add method to 'clean' the polynomial, to remove right-zeroes

+ 54
- 0

@ -80,6 +80,21 @@ func TestPolynomial(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, polynomialEval(o, big.NewInt(3)), b4)
o = newPolZeroAt(2, 4, b3)
assert.Equal(t, polynomialEval(o, big.NewInt(2)), b3)
// polynomialEval
// p(x) = x^3 + x + 5
p := []*big.Int{
big.NewInt(1), // x^1
big.NewInt(0), // x^2
big.NewInt(1), // x^3
assert.Equal(t, "1x³ + 1x¹ + 5", PolynomialToString(p))
assert.Equal(t, "35", polynomialEval(p, big.NewInt(3)).String())
assert.Equal(t, "1015", polynomialEval(p, big.NewInt(10)).String())
assert.Equal(t, "16777477", polynomialEval(p, big.NewInt(256)).String())
assert.Equal(t, "125055", polynomialEval(p, big.NewInt(50)).String())
assert.Equal(t, "7", polynomialEval(p, big.NewInt(1)).String())
func BenchmarkArithmetic(b *testing.B) {
@ -109,3 +124,42 @@ func BenchmarkArithmetic(b *testing.B) {
func TestLagrangeInterpolation(t *testing.T) {
x0 := big.NewInt(3)
y0 := big.NewInt(35)
x1 := big.NewInt(10)
y1 := big.NewInt(1015)
x2 := big.NewInt(256)
y2 := big.NewInt(16777477)
x3 := big.NewInt(50)
y3 := big.NewInt(125055)
xs := []*big.Int{x0, x1, x2, x3}
ys := []*big.Int{y0, y1, y2, y3}
p, err := LagrangeInterpolation(xs, ys)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "1x³ + 1x¹ + 5", PolynomialToString(p))
assert.Equal(t, y0, polynomialEval(p, x0))
assert.Equal(t, y1, polynomialEval(p, x1))
assert.Equal(t, y2, polynomialEval(p, x2))
func TestZeroPolynomial(t *testing.T) {
x0 := big.NewInt(1)
x1 := big.NewInt(40)
x2 := big.NewInt(512)
xs := []*big.Int{x0, x1, x2}
z := zeroPolynomial(xs)
assert.Equal(t, "1x³ "+
"+ 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495064x² "+
"+ 21032x¹ + 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808475137",
assert.Equal(t, "0", polynomialEval(z, x0).String())
assert.Equal(t, "0", polynomialEval(z, x1).String())
assert.Equal(t, "0", polynomialEval(z, x2).String())
