# kzg-commitments-study [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/arnaucube/kzg-commitments-study?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/arnaucube/kzg-commitments-study) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/arnaucube/kzg-commitments-study)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/arnaucube/kzg-commitments-study) [![Test](https://github.com/arnaucube/kzg-commitments-study/workflows/Test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/arnaucube/kzg-commitments-study/actions?query=workflow%3ATest) Doing this to study and learn [KZG commitments](http://cacr.uwaterloo.ca/techreports/2010/cacr2010-10.pdf), do not use in production. More details at https://arnaucube.com/blog/kzg-commitments.html . Thanks to [Dankrad Feist](https://dankradfeist.de/ethereum/2020/06/16/kate-polynomial-commitments.html), [Alin Tomescu](https://alinush.github.io/2020/05/06/kzg-polynomial-commitments.html), [Tom Walton-Pocock](https://hackmd.io/@tompocock/Hk2A7BD6U) for their articles, which helped me understand a bit the KZG Commitments. It uses the [ethereum bn256](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/tree/master/crypto/bn256/cloudflare). ### Usage ```go // p(x) = x^3 + x + 5 p := []*big.Int{ big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(1), // x^1 big.NewInt(0), // x^2 big.NewInt(1), // x^3 } assert.Equal(t, "1x³ + 1x¹ + 5", PolynomialToString(p)) // TrustedSetup ts, err := NewTrustedSetup(p) assert.Nil(t, err) // Commit c := Commit(ts, p) // p(z)=y --> p(3)=35 z := big.NewInt(3) y := big.NewInt(35) // z & y: to prove an evaluation p(z)=y proof, err := EvaluationProof(ts, p, z, y) assert.Nil(t, err) // verification v := Verify(ts, c, proof, z, y) assert.True(t, v) ``` Batch Proofs: ```go // zs & ys contain the f(z_i)=y_i values that will be proved inside a batch proof zs := []*big.Int{z0, z1, z2} ys := []*big.Int{y0, y1, y2} // prove an evaluation of the multiple z_i & y_i proof, err := EvaluationBatchProof(ts, p, zs, ys) assert.Nil(t, err) // batch proof verification v := VerifyBatchProof(ts, c, proof, zs, ys) assert.True(t, v) ```