@ -193,6 +193,47 @@ where $\sigma_j$ is the fixed polynomial permutation, and $\phi_{j, i} \in \math |
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\section{BLS signatures} |
Notes taken while reading about BLS signatures \cite{bls-sig-eth2}. |
\paragraph{Key generation} |
$sk \in \mathbb{Z}_q$, $pk = [sk] \cdot g_1$, where $g_1 \in G_1$, and is the generator. |
\paragraph{Signature} |
$$\sigma = [sk] \cdot H(m)$$ |
where $H$ is a function that maps to a point in $G_2$. So $H(m), \sigma \in G_2$. |
\paragraph{Verification} |
$$e(g_1, \sigma) == e(pk, H(m))$$ |
Unfold: |
$$e(pk, H(m)) = e([sk] \cdot g_1, H(m) = e(g_1, H(m))^{sk} = e(g_1, [sk] \cdot H(m)) = e(g_1, \sigma))$$ |
\paragraph{Aggregation} |
Signatures aggregation: |
$$\sigma_{aggr} = \sigma_1 + \sigma_2 + \ldots + \sigma_n$$ |
where $\sigma_{aggr} \in G_2$, and an aggregated signatures is indistinguishible from a non-aggregated signature. |
\paragraph{Public keys aggregation} |
$$pk_{aggr} = pk_1 + pk_2 + \ldots + pk_n$$ |
where $pk_{aggr} \in G_1$, and an aggregated public keys is indistinguishible from a non-aggregated public key. |
\paragraph{Verification of aggregated signatures} |
Identical to verification of a normal signature as long as we use the same corresponding aggregated public key: |
$$e(g_1, \sigma_{aggr})==e(pk_{aggr}, H(m))$$ |
Unfold: |
$$e(pk_{aggr}, H(m))=e(pk_1 + pk_2 + \ldots + pk_n, H(m))=$$ |
$$=e([sk_1] \cdot g_1 + [sk_2] \cdot g_1 + \ldots + [sk_n] \cdot g_1, H(m))=$$ |
$$=e([sk_1 + sk_2 + \ldots + sk_n] \cdot g_1, H(m))=$$ |
$$=e(g_1, H(m))^{(sk_1 + sk_2 + \ldots + sk_n)}=$$ |
$$=e(g_1, [sk_1 + sk_2 + \ldots + sk_n] \cdot H(m))=$$ |
$$=e(g_1, [sk_1] \cdot H(m) + [sk_2] \cdot H(m) + \ldots + [sk_n] \cdot H(m))=$$ |
$$=e(g_1, \sigma_1 + \sigma_2 + \ldots + \sigma_n)=e(g_1, \sigma_{aggr})$$ |
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