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\title{Weil Pairing - study}
\date{August 2022}
Notes taken from \href{}{Matan Prsma} math seminars and also while reading about Bilinear Pairings. Usually while reading papers and books I take handwritten notes, this document contains some of them re-written to $LaTeX$.
The notes are not complete, don't include all the steps neither all the proofs. I use these notes to revisit the concepts after some time of reading the topic.
\section{Divisors and rational functions}
$$D= \sum_{P \in E(\mathbb{K})} n_p \cdot [P]$$
\begin{definition}{Degree \& Sum}
$$deg(D)= \sum_{P \in E(\mathbb{K})} n_p$$
$$sum(D)= \sum_{P \in E(\mathbb{K})} n_p \cdot P$$
\begin{definition}{Principal divisor}
iff $deg(D)=0$ and $sum(D)=0$
$D \sim D'$ iff $D - D'$ is principal.
\begin{definition}{Evaluation of a rational function}
$$r(D)= \prod r(P)^{n_p}$$
\section{Weil reciprocity}
\begin{theorem}{(Weil reciprocity)}
Let $E/ \mathbb{K}$ be an e.c. over an alg. closed field. If $r,~s \in \mathbb{K}\setminus \{0\}$ are rational functions whose divisors have disjoint support, then
$$r(div(s)) = s(div(r))$$
Proof. (todo)
\section{Generic Weil Pairing}
Let $E(\mathbb{K})$, with $\mathbb{K}$ of char $p$, $n$ s.t. $p \nmid n$.
$\mathbb{K}$ large enough: $E(\mathbb{K})[n] = E(\mathbb{\overline{K}}) = \mathbb{Z}_n \oplus \mathbb{Z}_n$ (with $n^2$ elements).
For $P, Q \in E[n]$,
D_P &\sim [P] - [0]\\
D_Q &\sim [Q] - [0]
We need them to have disjoint support:
D_P &\sim [P] - [0]\\
D_Q' &\sim [Q+T] - [T]
$$\Delta D = D_Q - D_Q' = [Q] - [0] - [Q+T] + [T]$$
Note that $n D_P$ and $n D_Q$ are principal. Proof:
n D_P &= n [P] - n [O]\\
deg(n D_P) &= n - n = 0\\
sum(n D_P) &= nP - nO = 0
($nP = 0$ bcs. $P$ is n-torsion)
Since $n D_P,~ n D_Q$ are principal, we know that $f_P,~ f_Q$ exist.
f_P &: div(f_P) = n D_P\\
f_Q &: div(f_Q) = n D_Q
We define
e_n(P, Q) = \frac{f_P(D_Q)}{f_Q(D_P)}
Remind: evaluation of a rational function over a divisor $D$:
D &= \sum n_P [P]\\
r(D) &= \prod r(P)^{n_P}
If $D_P = [P+S] - [S],~~ D_Q=[Q-T]-[T]$ what is $e_n(P, Q)$?
f_P(D_Q) &= f_P(Q+T)^1 \cdot f_P(T)^{-1}\\
f_Q(D_P) &= f_Q(P+S)^1 \cdot f_Q(S)^{-1}
e_n(P, Q) = \frac{f_P(Q+T)}{f_P(T)} / \frac{f_Q(P+S)}{f_Q(S)}
with $S \neq \{O, P, -Q, P-Q \}$.
\emph{An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography, 2nd Edition} - Section 6.8. Bilinear pairings on elliptic curves
$div(R(x) \cdot S(x)) = div( R(x)) + div( S(x))$, where $R(x), S(x)$ are rational functions.
\emph{Norm} of $f$: $N_f = f \cdot \overline{f}$, and we know that $N_{fg} = N_f \cdot N_g~\forall~\mathbb{K}[E]$,\\
then $$deg(f) = deg_x(N_f)$$\\
and $$deg(f \cdot g) = deg(f) + deg(g)$$
$$deg(f \cdot g) = deg_x(N_{fg}) = deg_x(N_f \cdot N_g)$$
$$= deg_x(N_f) + deg_x(N_g) = deg(f) + deg(g)$$
So, $\forall P \in E(\mathbb{K}),~ ord_P(rs) = ord_P(r) + ord_P(s)$.\\
As $div(r) = \sum_{P\in E(\mathbb{K})} ord_P(r)[P]$, $div(s) = \sum ord_P(s)[P]$.
$$div(rs) = \sum ord_P(rs)[P]$$
$$= \sum ord_P(r)[P] + \sum ord_P(s)[P] = div(r) + div(s)$$
$$e_m(P, Q) = e_m(Q, P)^{-1} \forall P, Q \in E[m]$$
We know that $e_m(P, P) = 1$, so:
$$1 = e_m(P+Q, P+Q) = e_m(P, P) \cdot e_m(P, Q) \cdot e_m(Q, P) \cdot e_m(Q, Q)$$
and we know that $e_m(P, P) = 1$, then we have:
$$1 = e_m(P, Q) \cdot e_m(Q, P)$$
$$\Longrightarrow e_m(P, Q) = e_m(Q, P)^{-1}$$