# md-live-server
Server that renders markdown files and live updates the page each time that the file is updated.
![screenshot00](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnaucube/md-live-server/master/screenshot00.png 'screenshot00')
## Usage
Put the binary file `md-live-server` in your `$PATH`, and then go to the directory where are the markdown files that want to live render, and just use: ``` > md-live-server
``` And then go to the browser at ``
**Warning for vim / nvim users**: vim by default selects the writting strategy, and sometimes writes directly to the files and other times renames the old file and writes a new one. This is solved by adding this line to the `.vimrc` / `init.vim` file:
``` set backupcopy=yes ```
## Features
- [x] server rendering .md files - [x] live reload when .md file changes - [x] directory files list on `/` endpoint - [ ] graphviz - [ ] colour `<code>` with syntax highlighting