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use super::constants;
use super::utils;
pub struct TreeNode {
pub child_l: [u8; 32],
pub child_r: [u8; 32],
impl TreeNode {
pub fn bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
concatenate_arrays(&self.child_l, &self.child_r)
pub fn ht(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
fn concatenate_arrays<T: Clone>(x: &[T], y: &[T]) -> Vec<T> {
let mut concat = x.to_vec();
pub fn parse_node_bytes(b: Vec<u8>) -> TreeNode {
if b == constants::EMPTYNODEVALUE {
let n = TreeNode {
child_l: constants::EMPTYNODEVALUE,
child_r: constants::EMPTYNODEVALUE,
return n;
let child_l = &b[0..32];
let child_r = &b[32..];
TreeNode {
child_l: *array_ref!(child_l, 0, 32),
child_r: *array_ref!(child_r, 0, 32),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use rustc_hex::ToHex;
fn test_hash_vec() {
let n = TreeNode {
child_l: constants::EMPTYNODEVALUE,
child_r: constants::EMPTYNODEVALUE,